Trump can't be stopped unless...

Sad that America has gotten so bad that it needs a Trump to put it back on course.

America should be thankful that somebody like Trump came along!

He is the only one who can stop Hussein Obama's mess.


Anyway, why would you want to stop Trump ? why?

If the American people want Trump as President ... why some ignorants would want to stop the will of the American people?

What has America become? North Korea?????????


Skye, what you are seeing is everyone trying to pick your candidate for you, again. Make no mistake, every lefty who posts on here is for Kasich, not because they really want him to win, they want the GOP to have a brokered convention. How many people on here think the left would ever help you defeat them, lol.

As soon as Trump or Cruz win the nomination, it will be attack Hillary all of the time. The left wants to make that window as short as possible, so wants us to stay at each other's throats instead of theirs. My advice is just to laugh at them.

There is no enthusiasm for Hilly. The left is in more trouble then they admit, and if you think Trump or Cruz are going to handle her like Bernie has, then I have some swampland in Florida for sale also.

This election is going to be all about the governance of the left. They want to make it about whomever the GOP nominee is. Don't let them!
1. The GOP denies him the nomination and rejects the voice of the American people
2. Newly formed 'legal measures' taken against him to disallow him from conducting his campaign
3. Assassination
4. Violent crackdown by establishment on the American people


Any more ideas? We all know Trump will be the next president if the promise of democracy is held. We know that the establishment and left understand Trump is the only formidable candidate against Hillary. All the measures they can possibly take either break the law or disregard the voice of the majority. So what do you believe they may resort to?

I believe they will begin mass rioting(BLM, Commie's, liberals,Jews) if Trump is nominated. And try their best to spark violence by attacking police and Trump supporters. But, we must not allow that to break our resolve.
If he doesn't get the required amount of delegates which is becoming increasingly more likely, a brokered convention will take place and he could lose the nomination.

Ah, I love watching the Republican Party crumble. It's been declining for awhile but it's long over due to collapse completely.

Funny. I feel the same way about the Democratic Party which could only come up with 2 seventy year old people who have no fresh ideas and whose push to the Left will cripple the Party for the next 10 years.
Ah, I love watching the Republican Party crumble. It's been declining for awhile but it's long over due to collapse completely.
yep....and one can only hope your party is right behind them.....
Hate to disappoint you, but the Democrats are having a love-in compared to the Republicans.
Yeah, all the Bernie supporters are smoking dope and screwing all day
Let the kids have their fun. The adults are going to elect Hillary.

And, by the "adults", you mean the Party leaders who use "Super Delegates" to get the candidate they want. Without them, Bernie would be leading the race.
1. The GOP denies him the nomination and rejects the voice of the American people
2. Newly formed 'legal measures' taken against him to disallow him from conducting his campaign
3. Assassination
4. Violent crackdown by establishment on the American people


Any more ideas? We all know Trump will be the next president if the promise of democracy is held. We know that the establishment and left understand Trump is the only formidable candidate against Hillary. All the measures they can possibly take either break the law or disregard the voice of the majority. So what do you believe they may resort to?

I believe they will begin mass rioting(BLM, Commie's, liberals,Jews) if Trump is nominated. And try their best to spark violence by attacking police and Trump supporters. But, we must not allow that to break our resolve.
If he doesn't get the required amount of delegates which is becoming increasingly more likely, a brokered convention will take place and he could lose the nomination.

Ah, I love watching the Republican Party crumble. It's been declining for awhile but it's long over due to collapse completely.
yep, the more it sides with that piece of shit obama, the more it crumbles.
pretty soon it will just be an extension of the democratic socialist party.
1. The GOP denies him the nomination and rejects the voice of the American people
2. Newly formed 'legal measures' taken against him to disallow him from conducting his campaign
3. Assassination
4. Violent crackdown by establishment on the American people


Any more ideas? We all know Trump will be the next president if the promise of democracy is held. We know that the establishment and left understand Trump is the only formidable candidate against Hillary. All the measures they can possibly take either break the law or disregard the voice of the majority. So what do you believe they may resort to?

I believe they will begin mass rioting(BLM, Commie's, liberals,Jews) if Trump is nominated. And try their best to spark violence by attacking police and Trump supporters. But, we must not allow that to break our resolve.
Cruz will win more delegates from now on. Rubio and Cruz got 55% between them for most of the contests, Trump got 35%. Trump will continue to get 35% for the remainder of the contests, Cruz will get 55% Cruz will Cruz
Or they could simply elect ted cruz
He's not a native born citizen.
Thanks for proving you are stupid and totally ignorant of the law...Bet you wish all those dirty spics would know their place right?
He's not a natural born citizen.
Ted Cruz: Is He or Isn't He a Natural Born Citizen?
Oh God again so sad how fucking stupid you are and you double down on it by using the Huffington post.....Shocked if you can tie your shoes
Funny. I feel the same way about the Democratic Party which could only come up with 2 seventy year old people who have no fresh ideas and whose push to the Left will cripple the Party for the next 10 years.
Trump has cloned himself?
Yeah, all the Bernie supporters are smoking dope and screwing all day
Let the kids have their fun. The adults are going to elect Hillary.
And, by the "adults", you mean the Party leaders who use "Super Delegates" to get the candidate they want. Without them, Bernie would be leading the race.
Check the totals. Even without superdelegates Hillary leads substantially.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count
Yeah, all the Bernie supporters are smoking dope and screwing all day
Let the kids have their fun. The adults are going to elect Hillary.
And, by the "adults", you mean the Party leaders who use "Super Delegates" to get the candidate they want. Without them, Bernie would be leading the race.
Check the totals. Even without superdelegates Hillary leads substantially.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

Only because on Tuesday, her totals before superTuesday made her look inevitable. Bernie was winning states that she'd counted on until then. If it'd been a more truthful count, Bernie would have done better.
Only because on Tuesday, her totals before superTuesday made her look inevitable. Bernie was winning states that she'd counted on until then. If it'd been a more truthful count, Bernie would have done better.
That's right, everybody's cheating Bernie. You're starting to sound like a Republican.
Yeah, all the Bernie supporters are smoking dope and screwing all day
Let the kids have their fun. The adults are going to elect Hillary.
And, by the "adults", you mean the Party leaders who use "Super Delegates" to get the candidate they want. Without them, Bernie would be leading the race.
Check the totals. Even without superdelegates Hillary leads substantially.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

Only because on Tuesday, her totals before superTuesday made her look inevitable. Bernie was winning states that she'd counted on until then. If it'd been a more truthful count, Bernie would have done better.
For chist's sake hunarcy, she killed him in the south on Super Tues. Bernie's a regional candidate with a limited constituency of elitist whites.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, all the Bernie supporters are smoking dope and screwing all day
Let the kids have their fun. The adults are going to elect Hillary.
And, by the "adults", you mean the Party leaders who use "Super Delegates" to get the candidate they want. Without them, Bernie would be leading the race.
Check the totals. Even without superdelegates Hillary leads substantially.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

Only because on Tuesday, her totals before superTuesday made her look inevitable. Bernie was winning states that she'd counted on until then. If it'd been a more truthful count, Bernie would have done better.
For chist's sake hunarcy, she killed him in the south on Super Tues. Bernie's a regional candidate with a limited constituency of elitist whites.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bern's popularity extends to the populist crowd on the left. Yes, however, he does not have national appeal as does HRC.
Let the kids have their fun. The adults are going to elect Hillary.
And, by the "adults", you mean the Party leaders who use "Super Delegates" to get the candidate they want. Without them, Bernie would be leading the race.
Check the totals. Even without superdelegates Hillary leads substantially.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

Only because on Tuesday, her totals before superTuesday made her look inevitable. Bernie was winning states that she'd counted on until then. If it'd been a more truthful count, Bernie would have done better.
For chist's sake hunarcy, she killed him in the south on Super Tues. Bernie's a regional candidate with a limited constituency of elitist whites.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bern's popularity extends to the populist crowd on the left. Yes, however, he does not have national appeal as does HRC.
Yeah, but even with populism on the left, he cannot win in a place like CA without minority support. And, I don't think populism is really the right term. Because if Bernie was pitted against Donald in the rust belt talking about who was going to bring back textiles and small appliance mftr jobs (which are not coming back and sane people know that) Donald would crush him.
Only because on Tuesday, her totals before superTuesday made her look inevitable. Bernie was winning states that she'd counted on until then. If it'd been a more truthful count, Bernie would have done better.
That's right, everybody's cheating Bernie. You're starting to sound like a Republican.
actually, the super delegate count gives the impression to the average Joe that Bernie is so far behind in the popular vote, he doesn't have a shot....and we all know that when people vote, they take into consideration as to whether or not here vote will many don't show up when they believe their candidate of choice is losing bad.

With all of the issues the GOP has...and believe me, they are one screwed up group of losers that no longer represent me.....the Democratic party is only fooling its constituents with the way they handle the super delegate situation.

They should revert back to the way it used to be.

Don't forget, they implemented the current use of super delegates out of fear that the public would elect the wrong candidate.....

Think about it.

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