"Trump cant do this and that"

Yeah I'm not following this at all either. :dunno:
If Trump went around congress it would go to the Courts. He would HAVE to go around Congress on a lot of this.
It would be unconstitutional but it would be ruled that way?

Are you saying -- stuff like registering and/or deporting Muslims, being unContstitutional, would find a workaround by stacking the SCOTUS? Is that the idea here?
I am saying it is something to think about.

OK, we weren't even getting the connection from the title.

Leaving aside the fact that in order to even get into that position Rump would have to actually get elected, which is an absurd concept, you know that SCOTUS justices have to get through a Congressional hazing, right?

Are there hundreds of mini-Rumps running to get into Congress at the same time? Because without that it ain't happening. Rump's (alleged) ideas will end up on the same scrap heap as his casinos and his airline.
Like Congress cares who they vote in?
Yes, this thread is a hypothetical. Just like everyone that is saying the stuff like "trump cant do that"

Congress doesn't vote Congress in -- the voters do. Rump is sui generis -- he's not part of any kind of a movement, except that of the bowel. If he represented an entire party that thought like he does, then it might be a concern, but he doesn't -- he's alone. It's the price of being an attention whore. Anyway, without those Rump clones available to grease the skids to SCOTUS, he just doesn't have a way to circumvent the Constitution.

And that would play right into his hands anyway -- he'd just call them all "losers" and "rapists" and probably mock their physical disabilities. It would be, as always, entertainment on the boob tube but that would be the extent of it.
If Trump went around congress it would go to the Courts. He would HAVE to go around Congress on a lot of this.
It would be unconstitutional but it would be ruled that way?

Are you saying -- stuff like registering and/or deporting Muslims, being unContstitutional, would find a workaround by stacking the SCOTUS? Is that the idea here?
I am saying it is something to think about.

OK, we weren't even getting the connection from the title.

Leaving aside the fact that in order to even get into that position Rump would have to actually get elected, which is an absurd concept, you know that SCOTUS justices have to get through a Congressional hazing, right?

Are there hundreds of mini-Rumps running to get into Congress at the same time? Because without that it ain't happening. Rump's (alleged) ideas will end up on the same scrap heap as his casinos and his airline.
Like Congress cares who they vote in?
Yes, this thread is a hypothetical. Just like everyone that is saying the stuff like "trump cant do that"

Congress doesn't vote Congress in -- the voters do. Rump is sui generis -- he's not part of any kind of a movement, except that of the bowel. If he represented an entire party that thought like he does, then it might be a concern, but he doesn't -- he's alone. It's the price of being an attention whore. Anyway, without those Rump clones available to grease the skids to SCOTUS, he just doesn't have a way to circumvent the Constitution.

And that would play right into his hands anyway -- he'd just call them all "losers" and "rapists" and probably mock their physical disabilities. It would be, as always, entertainment on the boob tube but that would be the extent of it.
I was talking abut congress voting in the SC appointees.
Are you saying -- stuff like registering and/or deporting Muslims, being unContstitutional, would find a workaround by stacking the SCOTUS? Is that the idea here?
I am saying it is something to think about.

OK, we weren't even getting the connection from the title.

Leaving aside the fact that in order to even get into that position Rump would have to actually get elected, which is an absurd concept, you know that SCOTUS justices have to get through a Congressional hazing, right?

Are there hundreds of mini-Rumps running to get into Congress at the same time? Because without that it ain't happening. Rump's (alleged) ideas will end up on the same scrap heap as his casinos and his airline.
Like Congress cares who they vote in?
Yes, this thread is a hypothetical. Just like everyone that is saying the stuff like "trump cant do that"

Congress doesn't vote Congress in -- the voters do. Rump is sui generis -- he's not part of any kind of a movement, except that of the bowel. If he represented an entire party that thought like he does, then it might be a concern, but he doesn't -- he's alone. It's the price of being an attention whore. Anyway, without those Rump clones available to grease the skids to SCOTUS, he just doesn't have a way to circumvent the Constitution.

And that would play right into his hands anyway -- he'd just call them all "losers" and "rapists" and probably mock their physical disabilities. It would be, as always, entertainment on the boob tube but that would be the extent of it.
I was talking abut congress voting in the SC appointees.

So was I. Where is Rump going to get the Congresscritters that would go along with plainly unconstitutional and unAmerican wacko ideas? They'd have to be elected there first. And there's not a whole lot of time for that, especially for a guy who by nature represents nothing but himself, literally.
I am saying it is something to think about.

OK, we weren't even getting the connection from the title.

Leaving aside the fact that in order to even get into that position Rump would have to actually get elected, which is an absurd concept, you know that SCOTUS justices have to get through a Congressional hazing, right?

Are there hundreds of mini-Rumps running to get into Congress at the same time? Because without that it ain't happening. Rump's (alleged) ideas will end up on the same scrap heap as his casinos and his airline.
Like Congress cares who they vote in?
Yes, this thread is a hypothetical. Just like everyone that is saying the stuff like "trump cant do that"

Congress doesn't vote Congress in -- the voters do. Rump is sui generis -- he's not part of any kind of a movement, except that of the bowel. If he represented an entire party that thought like he does, then it might be a concern, but he doesn't -- he's alone. It's the price of being an attention whore. Anyway, without those Rump clones available to grease the skids to SCOTUS, he just doesn't have a way to circumvent the Constitution.

And that would play right into his hands anyway -- he'd just call them all "losers" and "rapists" and probably mock their physical disabilities. It would be, as always, entertainment on the boob tube but that would be the extent of it.
I was talking abut congress voting in the SC appointees.

So was I. Where is Rump going to get the Congresscritters that would go along with plainly unconstitutional and unAmerican wacko ideas? They'd have to be elected there first. And there's not a whole lot of time for that, especially for a guy who by nature represents nothing but himself, literally.
IDK apparently he represents a lot fo people..
Could Trump make himself a Dictator?

Possible and stacking the USSC might be the way to go, but in reality I doubt that is his agenda...
OK, we weren't even getting the connection from the title.

Leaving aside the fact that in order to even get into that position Rump would have to actually get elected, which is an absurd concept, you know that SCOTUS justices have to get through a Congressional hazing, right?

Are there hundreds of mini-Rumps running to get into Congress at the same time? Because without that it ain't happening. Rump's (alleged) ideas will end up on the same scrap heap as his casinos and his airline.
Like Congress cares who they vote in?
Yes, this thread is a hypothetical. Just like everyone that is saying the stuff like "trump cant do that"

Congress doesn't vote Congress in -- the voters do. Rump is sui generis -- he's not part of any kind of a movement, except that of the bowel. If he represented an entire party that thought like he does, then it might be a concern, but he doesn't -- he's alone. It's the price of being an attention whore. Anyway, without those Rump clones available to grease the skids to SCOTUS, he just doesn't have a way to circumvent the Constitution.

And that would play right into his hands anyway -- he'd just call them all "losers" and "rapists" and probably mock their physical disabilities. It would be, as always, entertainment on the boob tube but that would be the extent of it.
I was talking abut congress voting in the SC appointees.

So was I. Where is Rump going to get the Congresscritters that would go along with plainly unconstitutional and unAmerican wacko ideas? They'd have to be elected there first. And there's not a whole lot of time for that, especially for a guy who by nature represents nothing but himself, literally.
IDK apparently he represents a lot fo people..

No I don't think polls in a non-election year before the primaries even begin represent anything except collective boredom. They represent the Herman Cains and the Rudy Giulianis and the Gary Harts and Paul Tsongases. This phase is to reality as television is to reality.

Besides, and I keep making this point -- Rump couldn't do it alone anyway. He has literally nobody running along with him that thinks like he alleges to. And I say "alleges to" because I don't believe he has any intention of executing this absurd shit, or even of running in the election.

This phase is all a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Nothing but an attention whore playing his marks to feed his ego. There's nothing more to him than that.

All that hype aside, the vast majority of actual voters haven't settled on Rump -- or anybody else -- and they won't until well into next year. Polling at this point in time is completely illusory, a gimmick used to sell papers.
We need to protect our freedom of speech and religion, and the separation of Church and State.
That's why I want Ted Cruz in the WH, he will appoint judges who can read what the COTUS says, not what some libturd puke wants it to say.

I think we have progressed since the COTUS was wrote , more land and more people, its a totally different world.

More land and people is not progress.

Yes I realize many of you still think God wrote the Bible.
We need to protect our freedom of speech and religion, and the separation of Church and State.
That's why I want Ted Cruz in the WH, he will appoint judges who can read what the COTUS says, not what some libturd puke wants it to say.

I think we have progressed since the COTUS was wrote , more land and more people, its a totally different world.

More land and people is not progress.

Yes I realize many of you still think God wrote the Bible.

Wow, that was a great non sequitur.

DO you think that Freedom Of Speech is an anachronism?
I think we have progressed since the COTUS was wrote , more land and more people, its a totally different world.

Regressive policies that undo the COTUS are not something to crow about. The population and size of the nation is irrelevant. The restraints the COTUS placed on the federal government should have prevented it from creating many of the problems it has, and the "solutions" the government creates are usually as bad or worse than the original problem they created. The reason we have such massive crony capitalist corruption is because the feds have assumed powers to regulate things they never should have had. We became an industrial juggernaut because government stayed out of the way. Now our industries are leaving because they can exist more profitably elsewhere.


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