trump can't get anyone to post his bond

It's what you don't want to hear. You have a hard time it truth
Its not an argument. Sorry. You aren't getting around that.

His valuation of Mar a Lago does not prove to anyone that he is politically motivated. Nor was it germane to the trial's outcome.

You will just have to do better.
No, fuck you! :fu:

For commie shitbirds trying to do America in, yes.
Hey Duke you sound triggered snowflake.
Maybe you just found out that Vlad Putin is a REAL Communist and since Trump loves Vlad....and you worship Trump....
that actually makes YOU more of a Commie than any of the people you try to call Commie.
Funny how that works huh?
Hey Duke you sound triggered snowflake.
Maybe you just found out that Vlad Putin is a REAL Communist and since Trump loves Vlad....and you worship Trump....
that actually makes YOU more of a Commie than any of the people you try to call Commie.
Funny how that works huh?
Very funny, considering that it's bullshit.
I have argued why, the judge was politically motivated. He used the tax assessment not the actual resale value
Do you have a link to some official document that lists this fictional "resale value" as something different than the official assessment?
Cuz otherwise you are just full of shit.
Their defense is it all kinda smelled so the judge did “for” the banks what the banks did not do for themselves, It’s philosophy and not really law
It's political and the law isn't supposed to be political. Sad days in America.
Like I told the other nut-bar: It's OK Son. We didn't expect you to get this joke.
It works that way now. What youre doing to Trump will be turned back on democrats.
Probably not.
Only if they commit as many crimes as Trump has, which very few people actually do.
Tit-for-tat and whataboutism are not valid legal arguments that hold up in court.
Either is "WHAAAAH!"
It's political and the law isn't supposed to be political. Sad days in America.
Maybe Trump shouldn't even be a political candidate with all these felony charges on his plate.
But of course HE is insisting on pretending to be a real political candidate so naturally all the charges against him are going to seem "political."
All he's got to do is drop out if the race if he doesn't want his felony charges to feel "political."
It's his choice.
Maybe Trump shouldn't even be a political candidate with all these felony charges on his plate.
But of course HE is insisting on pretending to be a real political candidate so naturally all the charges against him are going to seem "political."
All he's got to do is drop out if the race if he doesn't want his felony charges to feel "political."
It's his choice.
You just agreed with Trump supporters what this is all about. At least you're honest.
And you can't see it for what it is politically motivated

trump defrauded the banks. Why is this so difficult to accept? Trump is a criminal, this is what he does. He stole money from cancer kids charity, he creates fake univerisites to rob ppl of tuition money, etc. Hes a con man And he’s been doing this his entire life.
No serious person can. Because you can't make a compelling argument as to why that is.

Nobody can.
She campaigned on getting Trump. Of course it's political. Everyone who dealt with Trump knew who Trump was. No one was "defrauded".


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