Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Well Eddie, the reason I "get it" is because I actually listen to what Trump says, and then I watch what he does. His words rarely match his actions, and sometimes he contradicts himself in the same speech like his recent one on the ACA.
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
you're right. a lot of people will hate on trump regardless of what he does.
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?

Well, it depends on who you listen to..................if you listen to Trump, the congress woman is lying, but if you listen to the widow and the congress woman, Trump is the one who was wrong.

Ya know....................I'm gonna wait until this wife shows up on news interviews and hear what she actually has to say.

Yes, chances are, Trump did say something stupid like that. And, yeah, telling someone who lost a family member that they knew what they were getting into when they signed up is callous at best. Instead of downplaying his death, Trump should have told his wife how he served with distinction, that his squadmates all liked and respected him and that he will be sorely missed.

But trouble is, Trump doesn't have the empathy to do that.
ONE more poster that gets it Thank you
yep. and this poster you use to validate how you feel for no other reason than he agrees with you has a track record of FUCK TRUMP.

how odd this poster sees it that way also.
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.

Why is it that nobody you quote can remember what it was that Trump said...yet they're all certain that it was disrespectful? Why is everyone paraphrasing what Trump said? "Something to the effect"? Why doesn't Wilson simply repeat what Trump said word for word? Supposedly she was in the car during the call and it was on speaker why doesn't she know EXACTLY what Trump said?
that's my question also and it won't get answered. we're about to derail to something else BAD TRUMP.
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
you're right. a lot of people will hate on trump regardless of what he does.
I don't hate on the President because of what he is doing. My stock portfolio is going through the roof and illegals are self deporting to Canada or back across the southern border in droves. Make America Great Again, long live President Trump...
Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?

Well, it depends on who you listen to..................if you listen to Trump, the congress woman is lying, but if you listen to the widow and the congress woman, Trump is the one who was wrong.

Ya know....................I'm gonna wait until this wife shows up on news interviews and hear what she actually has to say.

Yes, chances are, Trump did say something stupid like that. And, yeah, telling someone who lost a family member that they knew what they were getting into when they signed up is callous at best. Instead of downplaying his death, Trump should have told his wife how he served with distinction, that his squadmates all liked and respected him and that he will be sorely missed.

But trouble is, Trump doesn't have the empathy to do that.
ONE more poster that gets it Thank you
yep. and this poster you use to validate how you feel for no other reason than he agrees with you has a track record of FUCK TRUMP.

how odd this poster sees it that way also.

Actually, I'm listening to what people are saying, and there are two people (the widow and the congress woman) who are saying that Trump said the dead servicemember knew what he was getting into when he signed up.

Yeah, as military people, we already understand that we can die. I served over 20 years and understood that there was no guarantee for tomorrow. Lots of things could happen, you could get hurt by a snapped line, you could get blown overboard, a wave could smack you into the side of the ship, etc. etc. etc. There are lots of ways to get killed serving in the military, not just dying in battle.

But, when someone dies, the LAST thing you would hear a military member tell a family member "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up". Why? Because it's insensitive and kinda diminishes their service and death. I know that if I had lost a son and someone said that to me, I'd probably end up punching them in the nose.

Instead of saying what he did, Trump should have focused on the accomplishments that person did while serving, as well as told his widow that he was respected and well liked in his squad and that he will be sorely missed.

Not that he knew he was signing up to die.
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.

Why is it that nobody you quote can remember what it was that Trump said...yet they're all certain that it was disrespectful? Why is everyone paraphrasing what Trump said? "Something to the effect"? Why doesn't Wilson simply repeat what Trump said word for word? Supposedly she was in the car during the call and it was on speaker why doesn't she know EXACTLY what Trump said?
Did you hear what the widow had to say ?? Get back to me when you call her a liar
Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?

Well, it depends on who you listen to..................if you listen to Trump, the congress woman is lying, but if you listen to the widow and the congress woman, Trump is the one who was wrong.

Ya know....................I'm gonna wait until this wife shows up on news interviews and hear what she actually has to say.

Yes, chances are, Trump did say something stupid like that. And, yeah, telling someone who lost a family member that they knew what they were getting into when they signed up is callous at best. Instead of downplaying his death, Trump should have told his wife how he served with distinction, that his squadmates all liked and respected him and that he will be sorely missed.

But trouble is, Trump doesn't have the empathy to do that.
ONE more poster that gets it Thank you
yep. and this poster you use to validate how you feel for no other reason than he agrees with you has a track record of FUCK TRUMP.

how odd this poster sees it that way also.

Actually, I'm listening to what people are saying, and there are two people (the widow and the congress woman) who are saying that Trump said the dead servicemember knew what he was getting into when he signed up.

Yeah, as military people, we already understand that we can die. I served over 20 years and understood that there was no guarantee for tomorrow. Lots of things could happen, you could get hurt by a snapped line, you could get blown overboard, a wave could smack you into the side of the ship, etc. etc. etc. There are lots of ways to get killed serving in the military, not just dying in battle.

But, when someone dies, the LAST thing you would hear a military member tell a family member "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up". Why? Because it's insensitive and kinda diminishes their service and death. I know that if I had lost a son and someone said that to me, I'd probably end up punching them in the nose.

Instead of saying what he did, Trump should have focused on the accomplishments that person did while serving, as well as told his widow that he was respected and well liked in his squad and that he will be sorely missed.

Not that he knew he was signing up to die.
of that i don't doubt. apologies if i pulled you into something by my mistake.

i don't see anyone defending trump for saying this. i see everyone NOT attacking trump asking for a direct quote that no one can provide. it's all "something like" and to me if you're going to condemn a man for something he said, quote him correctly.

if/when the real quote comes out i'll worry about it then. til that time, to me this is just another opportunity the left is using to attack trump. it's done far too many times a day and i just can't take them seriously anymore. any of them.

i do 100% agree most things around *something like that* would be harsh and hurtful to the family. but that's also why i will wait for a quote, not people already on record has hating trump, to tell me what he said.
Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
look at the bright side then, those "fake BS news" stories are now being used against them.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.

Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.

Why is it that nobody you quote can remember what it was that Trump said...yet they're all certain that it was disrespectful? Why is everyone paraphrasing what Trump said? "Something to the effect"? Why doesn't Wilson simply repeat what Trump said word for word? Supposedly she was in the car during the call and it was on speaker why doesn't she know EXACTLY what Trump said?
Did you hear what the widow had to say ?? Get back to me when you call her a liar
link me. i've not found where she has said anything at all.

part of me hopes she doesn't say anything. not because if he said it it's wrong, but because the entire attack using her situation as ammo is wrong.

she's got to be hurting badly with 2 kids and a 3rd on the way and how do you think all this infighting is helping her? it may make you feel better but other than feeling better about your hate, how does this help her?

it doesn't.
Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
coming from someone swallowing any negative stories they can about trump, i'm surprised you don't see a strong similarity.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
Where she was the most qualified candidate in the history of America
You know, there are lots of people who are blaming Obama for Trump's election, but that's not really how it went...................

The day that Obama was elected and sworn in, the GOP swore to make him a one term president and did everything they could to stop him from doing anything. Along the way, there were a lot of demagogue statements made about him (emotional appeals with not much substance about how bad Obama was, even though the stockmarket recovered and hit record highs, and unemployment went down to 5 percent). Trump saw how things were going, and because he's such a good demagogue, he was able to seize the narrative and lead people with emotional appeals and not much substance.

Now that he's in office? He's continuing to do the same thing. Screaming about stuff that doesn't really matter, while avoiding getting anything done that he had promised (ACA repeal, the wall, and tax reform), and being able to play golf every weekend.
Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
you're right. a lot of people will hate on trump regardless of what he does.
I don't hate on the President because of what he is doing. My stock portfolio is going through the roof and illegals are self deporting to Canada or back across the southern border in droves. Make America Great Again, long live President Trump...
That's about the only thing I could thank him for The markets as good as they've been without his help, would never have gone up like this with hillary The promise of tax relief is huge
You know, there are lots of people who are blaming Obama for Trump's election, but that's not really how it went...................

The day that Obama was elected and sworn in, the GOP swore to make him a one term president and did everything they could to stop him from doing anything. Along the way, there were a lot of demagogue statements made about him (emotional appeals with not much substance about how bad Obama was, even though the stockmarket recovered and hit record highs, and unemployment went down to 5 percent). Trump saw how things were going, and because he's such a good demagogue, he was able to seize the narrative and lead people with emotional appeals and not much substance.

Now that he's in office? He's continuing to do the same thing. Screaming about stuff that doesn't really matter, while avoiding getting anything done that he had promised (ACA repeal, the wall, and tax reform), and being able to play golf every weekend.
so let me get this straight.

obama was the victim and the right were the bad guys.

now that the right is in power, or at least *not* the left, trump is still being stupid over things that don't matter (would agree to a large degree) and he plays too much golf.

so you reach to insult him with something that obama himself was hugely "guilty" of in his term.

circular logic is where i get lost and lose interest.
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
Where she was the most qualified candidate in the history of America
Are you saying that it is BS that she is the most qualified candidate in the history?
Or are you saying that it is BS that she isn't the most qualified candidate in the history?

Hillary Clinton smartest woman in the world
Back in the 1990’s when she served as first lady (co-president, some say) Hillary Clinton was widely known as “The Smartest Woman in the World.” Her husband supposedly coined the term, but Rush Limbaugh ran with it, snarking and laughing. Soon it was household.
‘The Smartest Woman in the World’ Flunks Her Foreign ...
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
you're right. a lot of people will hate on trump regardless of what he does.
I don't hate on the President because of what he is doing. My stock portfolio is going through the roof and illegals are self deporting to Canada or back across the southern border in droves. Make America Great Again, long live President Trump...
That's about the only thing I could thank him for The markets as good as they've been without his help, would never have gone up like this with hillary The promise of tax relief is huge
first time i've ever seen you say something good about trump w/o a caveat.

wait "as good as they've been w/o his help" implies the president wouldn't need to do anything at all so how would hillary have tanked them?

nevermind. there was that disclaimer in there anyway.
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
Where she was the most qualified candidate in the history of America
Are you saying that it is BS that she is the most qualified candidate in the history?
Or are you saying that it is BS that she isn't the most qualified candidate in the history?

Hillary Clinton smartest woman in the world
Back in the 1990’s when she served as first lady (co-president, some say) Hillary Clinton was widely known as “The Smartest Woman in the World.” Her husband supposedly coined the term, but Rush Limbaugh ran with it, snarking and laughing. Soon it was household.
‘The Smartest Woman in the World’ Flunks Her Foreign ...

I believe it was you who asked "what BS fake news"? I was giving the example that calling her the most qualified candidate ever was the BS fake news...she is one of the least qualified ever and calling her the most qualified is proof of "fake news"

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