Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
not in my church.

and again - you totally ignore my questions. seems to be a habit for you so i'm pretty much done trying to talk to you.
ICE does this help??
after President Obama's moving speech to families of soldiers killed fighting for their country during his final Memorial Day as Commander-in-Chief
  • War widow Ashley Wheeler was moved to tears by President Obama's tribute to her husband MSgt Joshua Wheeler
  • Obama was speaking to families and friends of fallen soldiers at the Arlington National Cemetery, in Virginia
  • Also paid tribute to Marines Staff Sgt. Louis Cardin and Charles Keating IV both killed fighting for their country
  • President laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier while he urged everyone to do 'acts of remembrance'
  • Hillary Clinton also joined in Memorial Day events by participating in a parade Monday, in Chappaqua, New York
  • More than 500 Gulf War veterans also preparing to march in National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C.
  • Families also paid tributes to their loved ones including Christian Jacobs, 5, pictured wearing a replica Marines uniform next to grave of his father - Srgt. Christian James Jacobs who was killed in a training accident in 2011
  • See more of the latest Barack Obama news as the U.S President makes a moving Memorial Day speech

Read more: Barack Obama's moving Memorial Day speech leaves war widow in tears | Daily Mail Online
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does it show AT ALL what obama actually said?


again you keep sidestepping the very point of what i'm trying to make. if you can't answer the question, then don't. but stop throwing crap on the wall and thinking it answers the simple base question of "what exactly were his words to the grieving families"? i want to compare phone call to phone call AND THAT IS IT. i NEVER said obama never paid his respects and that seems to be what you got out of this and try to keep answering.

until you have that, phone call for phone call comparison, just stop.

lord knows i'm done.
sometimes ice actions speak louder than words But you know that ?
so - trumps actions of reaching out are bullshit cause we choose to look at the unproven words of a known trump detractor who refused to be a part of him being sworn in.

you just HUGELY contradicted yourself, eddie. but you likely know that and i'm done. no need to talk with you if this is how it's going to continue to end.
ok to get back into your good graces Trump is a fine man with a great sense of humor Always seems to say the right thing at the right time ,,people look up to him he makes no enemies , brings relations with our foreign allies even closer
Does this help??
lol...20 minutes away from the boob tube and fake news and reality sets in.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?

1) Those guys weren't soldiers.
2) They did get calls to their families, some of whom have asked the GOP to stop politicizing their deaths.
3) we actually managed to catch the guy who killed those people. (Psst. He said it really was about a video!)

Trump, on the other hand, tried to claim that his own cheif of staff's son was killed and Obama said nothing, even though General Kelly and his wife were at an event for Gold Star families and sat at Mrs. Obama's table.

Trump suggests reporters ask Kelly whether Obama called after his son was killed in action - CNNPolitics

Kelly and his wife, Karen Hernest Kelly, were invited to attend a 2011 Memorial Day breakfast for Gold Star families, those men and women whose children were killed in action, according to an aide, speaking on background.
White House visitor logs from that day show that Kelly and his wife were cleared to attend the event. A person familiar with the breakfast says that General and Mrs. Kelly were scheduled to sit at Michelle Obama's table, but CNN could not determine if they were present.

We caught the "guy" who killed the four Americans in Benghazi? Really, Joey? First of all it wasn't a guy it was a large group of guys...none of which to the best of my knowledge have ever been brought to justice over what happened that day!

Don't embarrass yourself trying to justify the "You Tube video" narrative that the Obama Administration used to mislead the American people! This was never about an obscure video...this was a well planned attack carried out by heavily armed terrorists on an American facility on the anniversary of 9/11!
and did trump say ""Watch this drive?""

Actually, Barry gave a brief speech about the beheading of an American journalist and then rushed off to play golf minutes later! Which do you think is worse?
I;m a dem and find it most difficult comparing a man like Obama is with the likes of trump We can go round and round old but one thing is for sure when it comes to trump ,,,my ears DO NOT deceive me He is a rotten bully and the other side of that coin is he's a coward too
ok to get back into your good graces Trump is a fine man with a great sense of humor Always seems to say the right thing at the right time ,,people look up to him he makes no enemies , brings relations with our foreign allies even closer
Does this help??
what do you think?

the running theme here is i ask for something specific to compare things equally and you never provide it. you provide many things that are *not* what i'm trying to point out and pretend you're being honest about answering questions.

i know when you ask me for something specific, i try to return that to you. nothing something close and not abundant sarcasm.

i'm not a fan of trump. you and many others it would seem continue to take my "i need real proof not drummed up hate" as a defense of trump.

but in some massive effort to NOT show the words obama used in comforting a fallen soldiers family, this is now gone way past stupid and you've been driving.

1 simple request. compare words to words and you can't do that.

maybe you need to ask yourself why. i've given up.
where will I find his exact words, him actually speaking to a widow ?? Methinks you ask too much
you found trumps when you needed them.

then again, we still don't know if they are exact, you just want them to be so they are.

and part of that has been my point. these "words of comfort" have never been an issue UNTIL NOW. your bias is astounding, eddie. and i'm done trying to get through it.
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
what do you think?

the running theme here is i ask for something specific to compare things equally and you never provide it. you provide many things that are *not* what i'm trying to point out and pretend you're being honest about answering questions.

i know when you ask me for something specific, i try to return that to you. nothing something close and not abundant sarcasm.

i'm not a fan of trump. you and many others it would seem continue to take my "i need real proof not drummed up hate" as a defense of trump.

but in some massive effort to NOT show the words obama used in comforting a fallen soldiers family, this is now gone way past stupid and you've been driving.

1 simple request. compare words to words and you can't do that.

maybe you need to ask yourself why. i've given up.
where will I find his exact words, him actually speaking to a widow ?? Methinks you ask too much
you found trumps when you needed them.

then again, we still don't know if they are exact, you just want them to be so they are.

and part of that has been my point. these "words of comfort" have never been an issue UNTIL NOW. your bias is astounding, eddie. and i'm done trying to get through it.
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?

1) Those guys weren't soldiers.
2) They did get calls to their families, some of whom have asked the GOP to stop politicizing their deaths.
3) we actually managed to catch the guy who killed those people. (Psst. He said it really was about a video!)

Trump, on the other hand, tried to claim that his own cheif of staff's son was killed and Obama said nothing, even though General Kelly and his wife were at an event for Gold Star families and sat at Mrs. Obama's table.

Trump suggests reporters ask Kelly whether Obama called after his son was killed in action - CNNPolitics

Kelly and his wife, Karen Hernest Kelly, were invited to attend a 2011 Memorial Day breakfast for Gold Star families, those men and women whose children were killed in action, according to an aide, speaking on background.
White House visitor logs from that day show that Kelly and his wife were cleared to attend the event. A person familiar with the breakfast says that General and Mrs. Kelly were scheduled to sit at Michelle Obama's table, but CNN could not determine if they were present.

We caught the "guy" who killed the four Americans in Benghazi? Really, Joey? First of all it wasn't a guy it was a large group of guys...none of which to the best of my knowledge have ever been brought to justice over what happened that day!

Don't embarrass yourself trying to justify the "You Tube video" narrative that the Obama Administration used to mislead the American people! This was never about an obscure video...this was a well planned attack carried out by heavily armed terrorists on an American facility on the anniversary of 9/11!
and did trump say ""Watch this drive?""

Actually, Barry gave a brief speech about the beheading of an American journalist and then rushed off to play golf minutes later! Which do you think is worse?
I;m a dem and find it most difficult comparing a man like Obama is with the likes of trump We can go round and round old but one thing is for sure when it comes to trump ,,,my ears DO NOT deceive me He is a rotten bully and the other side of that coin is he's a coward too
I'm a democrat as well, and Obama is one of my 3 most favorite presidents of all time [you will not find one negative word from me about him] Kennedy and Reagan the other 2...comparing trump to obama is clearly advantage Obama, as is comparing trump to hillary is clearly advantage trump, she has earned nothing in her entire life, was the least deserving candidate ever, if you cannot bring yourself to admit that then do not ask others to do the same when it comes their far as I am concerned trump saved us from hillary and gave her supporters all the pain they deserve
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Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?

1) Those guys weren't soldiers.
2) They did get calls to their families, some of whom have asked the GOP to stop politicizing their deaths.
3) we actually managed to catch the guy who killed those people. (Psst. He said it really was about a video!)

Trump, on the other hand, tried to claim that his own cheif of staff's son was killed and Obama said nothing, even though General Kelly and his wife were at an event for Gold Star families and sat at Mrs. Obama's table.

Trump suggests reporters ask Kelly whether Obama called after his son was killed in action - CNNPolitics

Kelly and his wife, Karen Hernest Kelly, were invited to attend a 2011 Memorial Day breakfast for Gold Star families, those men and women whose children were killed in action, according to an aide, speaking on background.
White House visitor logs from that day show that Kelly and his wife were cleared to attend the event. A person familiar with the breakfast says that General and Mrs. Kelly were scheduled to sit at Michelle Obama's table, but CNN could not determine if they were present.

We caught the "guy" who killed the four Americans in Benghazi? Really, Joey? First of all it wasn't a guy it was a large group of guys...none of which to the best of my knowledge have ever been brought to justice over what happened that day!

Don't embarrass yourself trying to justify the "You Tube video" narrative that the Obama Administration used to mislead the American people! This was never about an obscure video...this was a well planned attack carried out by heavily armed terrorists on an American facility on the anniversary of 9/11!
and did trump say ""Watch this drive?""

Actually, Barry gave a brief speech about the beheading of an American journalist and then rushed off to play golf minutes later! Which do you think is worse?
I;m a dem and find it most difficult comparing a man like Obama is with the likes of trump We can go round and round old but one thing is for sure when it comes to trump ,,,my ears DO NOT deceive me He is a rotten bully and the other side of that coin is he's a coward too

How is Trump any more of a "coward" than Barack Obama or Bill Clinton? Because you don't like him?

You're wearing blinders, Eddie! What you call going "round and round" is simply me pointing out how you hold Trump to a standard that you never held Barack Obama to!
where will I find his exact words, him actually speaking to a widow ?? Methinks you ask too much
you found trumps when you needed them.

then again, we still don't know if they are exact, you just want them to be so they are.

and part of that has been my point. these "words of comfort" have never been an issue UNTIL NOW. your bias is astounding, eddie. and i'm done trying to get through it.
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
you found trumps when you needed them.

then again, we still don't know if they are exact, you just want them to be so they are.

and part of that has been my point. these "words of comfort" have never been an issue UNTIL NOW. your bias is astounding, eddie. and i'm done trying to get through it.
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
so all you are doing is bashing trump at any opportunity. got it. you hate him. got it.

from what i've seen that hate blinds you and makes you pick up anything at all to throw at him and then you look stunned when not everyone is joining in.

i have no idea what trump said this am. but given how much ALL PEOPLE seem to lie or forward on a lie, i refuse to believe someone who is publically ANTI TRUMP in how the conversation went down. i understand you are going to gravitate to negative news on trump. look for it and then make it as bad as you can because you hate the dude.


trouble is, you don't seem to understand that also.

you kept saying "i'm sure obama said wonderful words" but had no proof, just felt he would cause you like the dude. the same man who can't speak without a teleprompter is suddenly mr emotions and understanding on a call neither of us can find he ever even made.

as close as i can get is i hate hillary with the white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. but i want the reasons i hate her to be real, not just another empty emotional validation. you just hate.

that makes it very difficult to have conversations of similar circumstances with you because you will refuse to give credit to the other side and refuse to let go of the bullets you do collect like halloween candy. and then you get mad and start pushing what i say to the counter extreme and trying to pass me off as saying things i never in fact said.

have a day but i'm out.
you found trumps when you needed them.

then again, we still don't know if they are exact, you just want them to be so they are.

and part of that has been my point. these "words of comfort" have never been an issue UNTIL NOW. your bias is astounding, eddie. and i'm done trying to get through it.
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.
well then they might not ever have been an issue UNTIL MR SMART MOUTH brought it up
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
so all you are doing is bashing trump at any opportunity. got it. you hate him. got it.

from what i've seen that hate blinds you and makes you pick up anything at all to throw at him and then you look stunned when not everyone is joining in.

i have no idea what trump said this am. but given how much ALL PEOPLE seem to lie or forward on a lie, i refuse to believe someone who is publically ANTI TRUMP in how the conversation went down. i understand you are going to gravitate to negative news on trump. look for it and then make it as bad as you can because you hate the dude.


trouble is, you don't seem to understand that also.

you kept saying "i'm sure obama said wonderful words" but had no proof, just felt he would cause you like the dude. the same man who can't speak without a teleprompter is suddenly mr emotions and understanding on a call neither of us can find he ever even made.

as close as i can get is i hate hillary with the white hot passion of a thousand dying suns. but i want the reasons i hate her to be real, not just another empty emotional validation. you just hate.

that makes it very difficult to have conversations of similar circumstances with you because you will refuse to give credit to the other side and refuse to let go of the bullets you do collect like halloween candy. and then you get mad and start pushing what i say to the counter extreme and trying to pass me off as saying things i never in fact said.

have a day but i'm out.
NO not not wonderful words by obama with no proof He has a history of good words and kindness Trump who you seem to place highly has a history too Look it up full of sleeze corruption
i'll never be able to understand how someone can use "golfing" as a slam on trump and not see the total and complete irony.
How many days ,how many rounds of golf did it take for him to recognize 4 of our guys killed in Niger?? Think 12 days ?
so we shift now from bad words to how many days. you expect me to try and talk with you when i know when i ask for proof you're gonna try to flip it?

not following, son. take your hate and go.
what do you want??? Blood?? I can't find what you ask for, Is that plain enough ? Trump is still a liar and a oh forget it I'm out of words to describe him
"blood" that what it feels like when asked for honesty instead of fake news
i tried. several times. all i wanted was an example of what obama did in these situations and that could never be found. however, that sure didn't deter the river of hate flowing by.
Ice did you ever read up on the trump past ??? You can't tell he was a scumbag just listening to him lie his ass off when running against 17 candidates??? ,,,Yeah and Obama isn't a citizen?? Talk of hate? Look at trump
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
PA's previous governor was a Republican & Republicans control the State legislature. It also has a Republican Senator. Two thirds of PA's Representatives are Republican.

Trump won because he fired up the Alt Right base & Bernie people pouted & stayed home.

Trump knows nothing about the economy as proven in his tax plan, his lack of a jobs bill, and his stupid trade ideas.
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.

All trends in process when Agent Orange took office.

Well there was a trend for monthly job gains.

OK, answer this one.

El Cheeto brags about how well the stock market is doing. It is doing well in part because of corporate earnings being high.

If corporations are doing so well, why the the orange fucktard think we need to cut their taxes?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?
Listen, Obama's not out here throwing up the fuckin military every time he needs to attack people of color, its Trump. Every fuckin time this lying bastard hears or see something he don't like, he brings up the fuckin military.....a military service this cowardly bastards refuse to serve. So miss me with this Obama shit, your white racist good for nothing president constantly brings up the military and in fact could give a rats fuck about these soldiers who are dying needlessly on behalf of this sorry as fuckin country!!
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?
President Obama was at Dover AFB when the fallen from Benghazi were returned. So was Sec. of State Clinton.
For the last and final time, Trump supporters do not like facts, do not like truths.....they're use to lies, thus we have Trump!!
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
Its been a week since those soldiers have died and I am convinced that this supposid letter was all they were gonna get from grandpa had the subject not been addressed. Obama not only made personal phone calls, he visited some of these families with invites to the white house. The only use Trump has for our soldiers is to exploit them when ever it helps his rhetoric. Those navy soldiers that died on the ship with that collision....never heard one word about them from this guy, not a word and I challenge anyone here to prove me wrong...actually, I'll personally leave this site if anyone can prove me wrong on your pro military president making any mention of these dead sailors, that's how fuck up that bitch is.
Come to Colorado Springs - I know three Gold Star families personally, and none of them received anything other than a form letter (the same letter to each family with just the names changed) from the Obama administration. I'll be happy to introduce you.

I know logic escapes the Trumpette mind but Trump said Obama did not make calls. Obama did make calls. No one said he called every one.
We caught the "guy" who killed the four Americans in Benghazi? Really, Joey? First of all it wasn't a guy it was a large group of guys...none of which to the best of my knowledge have ever been brought to justice over what happened that day!

Don't embarrass yourself trying to justify the "You Tube video" narrative that the Obama Administration used to mislead the American people! This was never about an obscure video...this was a well planned attack carried out by heavily armed terrorists on an American facility on the anniversary of 9/11!

Um, yeah, guy, I posted the article where the instigator specifically said it was about the video. Just like it was bout the video in the other 20 countries where they had riots.

The attack was hardly "well planned" a Well Planned accident doesn't kill only four people, two of them by accident.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?
Listen, Obama's not out here throwing up the fuckin military every time he needs to attack people of color, its Trump. Every fuckin time this lying bastard hears or see something he don't like, he brings up the fuckin military.....a military service this cowardly bastards refuse to serve. So miss me with this Obama shit, your white racist good for nothing president constantly brings up the military and in fact could give a rats fuck about these soldiers who are dying needlessly on behalf of this sorry as fuckin country!!
Same soldiers that needlessly got shot down Seal Team 6 for what they did to Osama Bin Bamma over in Pakistan? Yeah, more people needlessly died in Afghanistan during Obama's watch than Bush, but where was the lamestream's body count on that? You know that war that Obama was supposed to pull out of, that he promised in 2008? Forgot about that, didn't you.

The 12-Year War: 73% of U.S. Casualties in Afghanistan on Obama's Watch
In fact, according to the database of U.S. casualties in Afghanistan, 73 percent of all U.S. Afghan War casualties have occurred since Jan. 20, 2009 when Obama was inaugurated.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
I mean, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

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