Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.

All trends in process when Agent Orange took office.

Well there was a trend for monthly job gains.

OK, answer this one.

El Cheeto brags about how well the stock market is doing. It is doing well in part because of corporate earnings being high.

If corporations are doing so well, why the the orange fucktard think we need to cut their taxes?
You know .... you got to love the simplicity of the liberal mind.
So now its Obama's fault thast Trump is President.

Ever since Trump was elected I blamed Obama. Trump being in the white house is 100% on Obama's back.

Had he been a half decent president Hillary could have walked into the White House. But because he shoved racism and Obamacare down our throats and caused our country to be more racist than it's been in decades, people were tired of it. He also divided our country like never before.

Hillary not being elected was a HUGE rejection of the Obama legacy She ran saying she would continue Obama's agenda and she lost because of it.
Oh no you don't.

You elected that asswipe Truimp, Don't you are blame your stupid vote on Obama.

Who did you vote for on 2008? I guaran-fucking -tee you voted Republican. After George W Bush took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession ion 80 years.

And BTW, you are a racist fuck if you think it is Obama's fault for making your ilk crawl out from whatever hole you were hiding.
Well, hell ----- there's the race card!!!

That didn't take long, did it?
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
PA's previous governor was a Republican & Republicans control the State legislature. It also has a Republican Senator. Two thirds of PA's Representatives are Republican.

Trump won because he fired up the Alt Right base & Bernie people pouted & stayed home.

Trump knows nothing about the economy as proven in his tax plan, his lack of a jobs bill, and his stupid trade ideas.
No he won because people were sick and tired of Obama and the Democratic party's policies.

I'd say someone who has run a multi billion dollar business employing tens of thousands, knows far more than a "community organizing" radical leftist who never ran a business, had a fucking job or employed a single person.
No one, least of all regressive lib clown, has proven any lie. Now go back to your pacifier.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
These are just two of the Trump trackers. They list the lie and then show the fact that verifies that Trump lied. And, instead of attacking the messenger, disprove the lies.
God, what a easily manipulated tool!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. :2up:
I kept my doctor
So did 90 percent of Americans

Nobody saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ on 9-11
Obama did not tap Trumps wires
Millions lost their health insurances, the costs went sky rocketing, and some areas don't offer more than one choice. Even the Democrat governor said "the affordable care act is no longer affordable". The system is dying, Obama kept delaying all it's bad effects until after the election thinking Hillary would get in and it would be too late.

As it turned out the Obama justice dept did indeed wiretap the Trump campaign. So he was right about that as well.

Just one of the many reasons the American people rejected the disaster called the Obama presidency and his handpicked crooked incumbent Hillary:

Another 25 million ObamaCare victims
By Betsy McCaughey

It now looks like ObamaCare will hurt twice as many people as it helps — because the law isn’t nearly done with canceling people’s insurance.

The 5 million-plus Americans who’ve seen their health plans canceled thanks to ObamaCare will be joined by millions more this year — because the Affordable Care Act makes their employer-provided policies illegal, as well.

Thirty million losing insurance; 16 million gaining it. It’ll be hard for Democrats running for election this fall to defend a law that hurts twice as many people as it helps.

Millions of people have always had their policies cancelled at yeart's end & offered new ones., A policy is good for one year. After that, the insurance company might reoffer or or replace it,.
You are a lying piece of shit for saying millions lost their insurance when this is all it was. You assholes can't tell the truth- EVER.

Are you stupid enough to claim replacing policies is losing coverage?
Yeah right, "millions have had their policies cancelled at years end" that's pure Leftie lunacy at it's finest. What won't you guys say to justify Obama's disastrous presidency.
they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
Virginia mom on radio stated she got a rubber stamped letter from Omama 7 months after her sons death in Afghanistan
Local, county and state officials all visited or sent condolences in two weeks
they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
no, you're wrong, if the lefties do not see it on TV they will never realize it.
they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
With all the proof they've come up with on FB and Twitter you call russian collusion a diversion ? With all the contacts trumps people have had with russian higher ups you call that a diversion ?? Really?? I' apologize Didn't mean to bother you today
they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
With all the proof they've come up with on FB and Twitter you call russian collusion a diversion ? With all the contacts trumps people have had with russian higher ups you call that a diversion ?? Really?? I' apologize Didn't mean to bother you today
your post reeks of desperation
So the wife of the fallen hero was hurt by Trump's choice of words. Does anyone truly believe the president would call up a widow and purposely upset her ?
Sounds to me like the woman and the Congresswoman were already Trump haters, and likely would have been unsatisfied regardless of how he worded his call to her.

Here's likely what happened:

The mother heard this: "But you know he must have known what he signed up for". (So too bad that he's now dead)

Trump meant it like this: "But you know he must have known what he signed up for" (And he answered the call of his country anyway)

You ever serve in the military Drifter? I did, for over 20 years, and yeah, all military people know that the job we signed up for has a chance of killing us. Not only is there battle, but training, and in the Navy, ending up falling over the side of the ship, or getting snapped in half by a broken cable.

We all know that the job we signed up for is dangerous.

However..................that is not something we talk about when consoling family members of the fallen. We talk about how much of an asset they were to the command, how much they were respected and liked, as well as that they are going to be sorely missed. We don't say that they knew what they were signing up for when they die, because it's just insensitive.

Did Trump intend to piss off the widow and mother? Probably not, but that doesn't change the fact that when it comes to things like this, Trump is clueless and not very empathetic.

Yes I did serve, but not nearly as long as you.

Anyway, Trump is terrible at speaking, PERIOD, but I doubt he said anything outrageous that these two women claim. He probably didn't choose his words carefully, and didn't say what they wanted to hear, and he likely didn't communicate it with empathy.
they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
no, you're wrong, if the lefties do not see it on TV they will never realize it.
We did see trump on TV and we got a belly full A disgusting man an even worse president
they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
no, you're wrong, if the lefties do not see it on TV they will never realize it.
We did see trump on TV and we got a belly full A disgusting man an even worse president
the silver lining is we didn't get hillary

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!

I concur. I think Trump is a piece of shit, but this is just a beat up. The media are quoting the first part of what he said without the second and thus it loses its context. What it does do is dilute the real criticism of Trump because when he really needs his arse kicked (which is most of the time), his supporters can point to these instances where the left is being pedantic.
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I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!

I concur. I think Trump is a piece of shit, but this is just a beat up. The media are quoting the first part of what he said without the second and thus it looses its context. What it does do is dilute the real criticism of Trump because when he really needs his arse kicked (which is most of the time), his supporters can point to these instances where the left is being pedantic.

Hey, you guys are right, in the military we DO understand that it's a job that can kill us. We even make grim jokes about it on occasion.

But, it's not something we say to a departed member's loved ones during their time of grief. We tell them how much they were appreciated in the command, how much they were respected and that we will miss them.

Not that they knew they could die when they signed up.
yeah, they fell for their own hype
Yeah we misjudged that less than 50% of the voting public would believe Russian fake stories and other bs made up by trump and his people and her not to visit wisconsin was stupid

Sigh...oh, Eddie! At some point you're going to realize that the whole "Russian Collusion" thing was nothing more than a diversion put out there by the leaders of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to keep people like you from focusing on how badly THEY ran the Clinton campaign! Hillary didn't lose because of the Russians...Hillary lost because she's Hillary!
no, you're wrong, if the lefties do not see it on TV they will never realize it.
We did see trump on TV and we got a belly full A disgusting man an even worse president
the silver lining is we didn't get hillary

Thank god.
Quick question for all you people who are defending Trump's comments.

Police officers sign up for a dangerous job, and we all know that they can die at any time because of random police shootings.

But, would it be appropriate to tell the widows of the officers who have been murdered that they knew what they were signing up for?

I'm curious, Eddie...what exactly is "so insensitive" about that comment? Anyone who's in the Special Forces would tell you the same exact thing...that they know they've signed up for extremely dangerous duty...and anyone who's loved one was in the Special Forces and was killed will tell you that it hurts to have the person they love taken away from them! So what is "so insensitive" about saying what Trump said?

Should he have said..."He didn't have a clue what he was signing up for...but when it happens, you shouldn't let it bother you!"

You snowflakes get more absurd with each passing day!

I concur. I think Trump is a piece of shit, but this is just a beat up. The media are quoting the first part of what he said without the second and thus it looses its context. What it does do is dilute the real criticism of Trump because when he really needs his arse kicked (which is most of the time), his supporters can point to these instances where the left is being pedantic.

Today's msm is no better than tabloid journalism, all driven by ratings and too much competition.

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