Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

you heard the one about be careful what you wish for ,,,it might come true?? You got what you wished for How's he doing?? very very greatly?? lol
You heard the one about "there is no path to victory"?
no But I believe there are paths to everything you do in life Trump has no path no plan just a blabbermouth who has already bitten off more than he can chew
He bit off and chewed the presidency when he beat 17 establishment republican candidates plus a crooked handpicked criminal Democratic incumbent who also had the entire media, the presidency, and the intelligence agencies and deep state.

Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
actually it was liberals who did all the spitting on our troops...literally
you heard the one about be careful what you wish for ,,,it might come true?? You got what you wished for How's he doing?? very very greatly?? lol
You heard the one about "there is no path to victory"?
no But I believe there are paths to everything you do in life Trump has no path no plan just a blabbermouth who has already bitten off more than he can chew
He bit off and chewed the presidency when he beat 17 establishment republican candidates plus a crooked handpicked criminal Democratic incumbent who also had the entire media, the presidency, and the intelligence agencies and deep state.

Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
actually it was liberals who did all the spitting on our troops...literally
Their short term memory is failing them, they forget why overwhelming majority of the military voted for Trump, and still support him fully.
no But I believe there are paths to everything you do in life Trump has no path no plan just a blabbermouth who has already bitten off more than he can chew
He bit off and chewed the presidency when he beat 17 establishment republican candidates plus a crooked handpicked criminal Democratic incumbent who also had the entire media, the presidency, and the intelligence agencies and deep state.

Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
Liberals are so emotionally addled that they really do believe that Trumps verbal guy talk comments about grabbing pussy from 15 years ago is Worse than Bill and Harvey actually sticking their member in pu**y despite the woman's objections

Can you emotionally addled, fact deficient liberals even agree that there is a vast difference between Saying something and Doing something???
He bit off and chewed the presidency when he beat 17 establishment republican candidates plus a crooked handpicked criminal Democratic incumbent who also had the entire media, the presidency, and the intelligence agencies and deep state.

Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
So I guess the stained dress, his lies, Hillary's attacks on the women, and his impeachment proceedings for lying under oath wasn't proof enough for you.
He bit off and chewed the presidency when he beat 17 establishment republican candidates plus a crooked handpicked criminal Democratic incumbent who also had the entire media, the presidency, and the intelligence agencies and deep state.

Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
I miss slick...anyone who can do to hillary what he did and get the backing of NOW is a real man
Liberals are so emotionally addled that they really do believe that Trumps verbal guy talk comments about grabbing pussy from 15 years ago is Worse than Bill and Harvey actually sticking their member in pu**y despite the woman's objections

Can you emotionally addled, fact deficient liberals even agree that there is a vast difference between Saying something and Doing something???
They have disconnected themselves from reality. Have you realized anytime you discuss these issues with a liberal they start getting very emotional and irrational and lose total control of themselves. They are literally going crazy. LOL
Liberals are so emotionally addled that they really do believe that Trumps verbal guy talk comments about grabbing pussy from 15 years ago is Worse than Bill and Harvey actually sticking their member in pu**y despite the woman's objections

Can you emotionally addled, fact deficient liberals even agree that there is a vast difference between Saying something and Doing something???
They have disconnected themselves from reality. Have you realized anytime you discuss these issues with a liberal they start getting very emotional and irrational and lose total control of themselves. They are literally going crazy. LOL
they are, just pop into a thread and right in the middle of the convo say "GUN"...Then watch the
We have partly created this feelings driven mess by institutionally catering to people's perceptions rather than the actuality of many given situations
That door of "tolerance" is being held less wide open and the fact deficient, emotionally dependent are in a dither
Liberals are so emotionally addled that they really do believe that Trumps verbal guy talk comments about grabbing pussy from 15 years ago is Worse than Bill and Harvey actually sticking their member in pu**y despite the woman's objections

Can you emotionally addled, fact deficient liberals even agree that there is a vast difference between Saying something and Doing something???
Ask those 12 women who stood up against trump And Bill did what over a womens objections??? Really You have proof of that?
Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
So I guess the stained dress, his lies, Hillary's attacks on the women, and his impeachment proceedings for lying under oath wasn't proof enough for you.
He lied about a BJ ??? You wouldn't with your wife, kids the world listening to you ?
Today's msm is no better than tabloid journalism, all driven by ratings and too much competition.

To a large degree you are right. It's all about click bait. But with publishes losing vast amounts of revenue due to print no longer being viable, and with digital being hard to make a dollar from, it has become inevitable. Then you have bloggers who just write shit without any indepth research, it's no wonder there is the rise of Trump.
He lied about a BJ ??? You wouldn't with your wife, kids the world listening to you ?
no one said he did not have a reason, just that he lied, and now you have given us proof of why he led...and if what you say is true, then wouldn't he lie about the entire incident for the same reason, the real problem here is where was the media and women activists demanding his ouster?
He lied about a BJ ??? You wouldn't with your wife, kids the world listening to you ?
no one said he did not have a reason, just that he lied, and now you have given us proof of why he led...and if what you say is true, then wouldn't he lie about the entire incident for the same reason, the real problem here is where was the media and women activists demanding his ouster?
Where???? I heard it loud and clear back then and it lasted for a long while I only hope the pressure is put on trump the same way it was on Bill and Obama
He bit off and chewed the presidency when he beat 17 establishment republican candidates plus a crooked handpicked criminal Democratic incumbent who also had the entire media, the presidency, and the intelligence agencies and deep state.

Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
So I guess the stained dress, his lies, Hillary's attacks on the women, and his impeachment proceedings for lying under oath wasn't proof enough for you.
He lied about a BJ ??? You wouldn't with your wife, kids the world listening to you ?
He lied about a BJ in the Oval office, lied about his assaults on many women, shoved a cigar up a 20 year old intern's pussy in the Oval Office. Then he and his wife proceeded to trash the women Bill abused. Your Leftie heroes and symbols of ethics, justice and morality are empty suits and corrupt perverts that aren't even wearing clothes. Ha ha ha.
usan Rice went on 5 Sunday shows blaming the video, your dear leader blamed the video 13 days later at the UN. Then you have these:

The guy who masterminded the attack said it was about the videos.

It was about the videos.
I don't hate on the President because of what he is doing. My stock portfolio is going through the roof and illegals are self deporting to Canada or back across the southern border in droves. Make America Great Again, long live President Trump..

Don't worry, when your imaginary stock portfolio crashes, you'll stop talking about it, Barbie.
Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
ll take the word of 12 women over the word of a thrice married pervert

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