Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
So I guess the stained dress, his lies, Hillary's attacks on the women, and his impeachment proceedings for lying under oath wasn't proof enough for you.
He lied about a BJ ??? You wouldn't with your wife, kids the world listening to you ?
He lied about a BJ in the Oval office, lied about his assaults on many women, shoved a cigar up a 20 year old intern's pussy in the Oval Office. Then he and his wife proceeded to trash the women Bill abused. Your Leftie heroes and symbols of ethics, justice and morality are empty suits and corrupt perverts that aren't even wearing clothes. Ha ha ha.
what assaults?? You have pictures of that cigar in a ladies pussy? and trashing paid liars is a bad thing?
Your repubs bashed Gore bashed Kerry bashed Obama and now Hillary Your repubs are so FOS You'll bash demean spit on any Dem so please stop your BS ,,,,,Oh yeah Bill too Only he fooled you
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
Just out of his mouth OR doesn't that count??
usan Rice went on 5 Sunday shows blaming the video, your dear leader blamed the video 13 days later at the UN. Then you have these:

The guy who masterminded the attack said it was about the videos.

It was about the videos.

"Initially, the attack was thought to be perpetrated by an angry mob responding to a video made in the United States that mocked Islam and the Prophet Mohammed, but it is later determined to be a terrorist attack."

Benghazi Mission Attack Fast Facts - CNN
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
ll take the word of 12 women over the word of a thrice married pervert
so you'll change the criteria again when you don't like how it fits...

and - again you keep thinking i'm defending trump and i would suppose indirectly i am - but my point is you excuse the sexual misconduct for bill, say "what court found clinton guilty"? as a "get out of jail" free card, but you won't apply that same method of thinking to trump cause ...

well i think we both know why.

seems you don't care who clinton does or how inappropriately he can act, but trump? you hate him so nothing will ever get by you w/o you bagging on trump.

again, i understand it, but i don't think you see how shallow and superficial it makes you look.
What planet exactly do you live on again?
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
Just out of his mouth OR doesn't that count??
so an admission of the act is enough for you to hate them.

When Clinton admitted to the Lewinsky affair - CNN Video

out of his own mouth, right?

where will you dodge to now, eddie my friend?
usan Rice went on 5 Sunday shows blaming the video, your dear leader blamed the video 13 days later at the UN. Then you have these:

The guy who masterminded the attack said it was about the videos.

It was about the videos.
And the moon is made of Swiss Cheese, and Hillary never sent or received classified emails, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor...
I don't hate on the President because of what he is doing. My stock portfolio is going through the roof and illegals are self deporting to Canada or back across the southern border in droves. Make America Great Again, long live President Trump..

Don't worry, when your imaginary stock portfolio crashes, you'll stop talking about it, Barbie.
Stock market surpassed 23,000 today making it a record high, but the crooked media is mum about it.
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
So if things were so rosy then why was Hillary rejected..someone who basically ran on Obama's legacy, and had the media including Obama and his cronies, and the intelligence establishment pulling hard for her.
The planet where a pussy grabber whose "bad" heel kept him from serving his country and became president Could have written a book about it but nobody would believe it
Is that the same planet where a sitting president of the US sexually assaulted women, and he forces a 20 year old intern his own daughter's age to give him a blowjob under the Oval Office table while he shoves cigars up her pussy? Not to mention the president's wife who happens to be a "woman's rights" person (ya right) who then runs as the Democratic candidate attacks these assaulted women and calls them everything in the book from trailer trash to greedy whores?
let me know of what court found him guilty of that bs ,,,,and I guess you believe that shit but not the 12 ladies that spoke up about the pussy grabber
to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
ll take the word of 12 women over the word of a thrice married pervert
so you'll change the criteria again when you don't like how it fits...

and - again you keep thinking i'm defending trump and i would suppose indirectly i am - but my point is you excuse the sexual misconduct for bill, say "what court found clinton guilty"? as a "get out of jail" free card, but you won't apply that same method of thinking to trump cause ...

well i think we both know why.

seems you don't care who clinton does or how inappropriately he can act, but trump? you hate him so nothing will ever get by you w/o you bagging on trump.

again, i understand it, but i don't think you see how shallow and superficial it makes you look.
Dedicated Lefties like this guy lost all self respect and intellectual honesty a long time ago.
Trump was derelict in his duty as CiC in his failure to pay proper honor and respect to fallen soldiers. Having failed to even mention them in so much as a tweet, let alone an official White House comment, he additionally failed to make personal contact with the families for twelve days after their deaths. In defending his incompetence and failure he has turned the situation into an ego inspired circus-like event, degrading the entire process of grieving for the families and the country.
Well according to General Kelly who was there during the call and was listening, he saw nothing improper or insensitive about ithe call and commented that Trump was in fact fact doing his best to consol the mother. Unlike that piece of shit Obama to didn't even bother calling General Kelly when he lost his son in combat. This is while general Kelly was serving in the Obama administration.

Just to give you an idea of how filthy and disgusting the Left actually is.
Trump was derelict in his duty as CiC in his failure to pay proper honor and respect to fallen soldiers. Having failed to even mention them in so much as a tweet, let alone an official White House comment, he additionally failed to make personal contact with the families for twelve days after their deaths. In defending his incompetence and failure he has turned the situation into an ego inspired circus-like event, degrading the entire process of grieving for the families and the country.

When the Vaughans lost their soldier they asked that the mtg on the tarmac be private. No press or pictures
Next day obama's fat face is all over the front page saluting the casket
They were pissed
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
based on a housing crisis linked to the dems
Trump was derelict in his duty as CiC in his failure to pay proper honor and respect to fallen soldiers. Having failed to even mention them in so much as a tweet, let alone an official White House comment, he additionally failed to make personal contact with the families for twelve days after their deaths. In defending his incompetence and failure he has turned the situation into an ego inspired circus-like event, degrading the entire process of grieving for the families and the country.

Nothing in that post is a lie. You can not articulate any part of it as a lie. If you could you would, but you can't.
What was fake news about Hillary? Did she not have two servers hidden at her house that she used to conduct official business on? Did she not have those servers "scrubbed" to destroy what was on them when they were discovered?

Oh, noes, she used private Email just like Colin Powell and Condi Rice did!

Did she not deliberately mislead both the families of the men killed in Benghazi over what happened as well as the rest of the nation?

Nope. She didn't. The intel agencies said it was about a video, and that's what she told people. Oh, yeah, and it really was about a video.

Did Bill Clinton not clandestinely meet with Loretta Lynch just days before the Justice Department was to rule on Hillary's emails?

Well, it's not "Clandestine" if everyone knew about it.

Did the Clinton's not run a pay for play scheme through the Clinton Foundation? Did Hillary Clinton not use the Clinton Foundation charity money to help support her campaign staff?

Again, where's the evidence of that?

Hillary's as sleazy as they come, Eddie! She and her husband have made themselves into multi millionaires by exchanging political favors for cash!

And yet you've spent 100 million trying to prove that and haven't come up with a thing. So Either Hillary is a master criminal, or you are completely full of shit.

I'm going with the latter.

But boy, you showed her. Now we have an asshole in there that says really insensitive things to war widows. It's like we elected Leslie Neilson to the Presidency.

I've always maintained that the liberal media is as responsible for Donald Trump being President as any conservative group. They pushed Trump hard during the GOP primaries because they thought he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to defeat!

I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

If you look at the coverage that CNN provided to Trump up through his being chosen as the GOP candidate and then compare it to the coverage they gave him once he was nominated it's patently obvious that they were engaged in "cherry picking" the opposition they wanted to run Hillary against.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

I think what has them in full out "Trump Hysteria" at the moment is in part guilt because they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.
No he won because people were sick and tired of Obama and the Democratic party's policies.

Except he lost by 3 million votes.

I'd say someone who has run a multi billion dollar business employing tens of thousands, knows far more than a "community organizing" radical leftist who never ran a business, had a fucking job or employed a single person.

Again, Trump inherited a business his Daddy built, and managed to not fuck it up so badly, but about half his business ventures went bankrupt.

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