Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

to use your own criteria -

let me know which court found trump guilty of excessive, or any, pussy grabbing.

your rules, man. i just apply them evenly. you say i'm defending trump, i say you're blindly attacking.
ll take the word of 12 women over the word of a thrice married pervert
so you'll change the criteria again when you don't like how it fits...

and - again you keep thinking i'm defending trump and i would suppose indirectly i am - but my point is you excuse the sexual misconduct for bill, say "what court found clinton guilty"? as a "get out of jail" free card, but you won't apply that same method of thinking to trump cause ...

well i think we both know why.

seems you don't care who clinton does or how inappropriately he can act, but trump? you hate him so nothing will ever get by you w/o you bagging on trump.

again, i understand it, but i don't think you see how shallow and superficial it makes you look.
it just seems to me iceman that the way SOME people think that if it was ok for Bill and he got away with it why can't Trump?? and BTW I was a Republican in those days and only changed to become a DEM after voting for GWB in 2000,,,,,,Trump imo is a disgrace and I don't think much of his supporters either
and therein lies the problem. if hillary can setup a private e-mail server and delete 33k "personal mails" and there is no consequence, hell you can run for president with such questionable logic, what can the next guy do?

president over president we've slowly kept pushing what we allow for no other reason than the last guy got away with it. but again, we push further each time in some way. further way from ourselves, further away from being able to reel it back in, and further away from ever being a complete country again.

we can't talk about the crimes of 1 politician because someone will bring up what the last one got away with. now those who liked the last one will defend to the death and crank up their attacks on the other side and THIS IS WHERE OUR DIVIDE COMES FROM.

a refusal to see ourselves for who we are and what we are doing because of what the last guy got away with.

sooner or later the excuses must stop and accountability must kick in or it's over. while you run around going WAH TRUMP IS MEAN how is that going to stop a thing? yes, he is. a dick quite often. but the constant petty fights both sides engage in is the weak point here. i don't have a problem with many of trumps policies, i have a problem with him having to answer each and every criticism he gets in a warlike fashion. that sets off more of the left and suddenly we're worse off talking about bad phone conversations and this is not any better than where do people pee anymore?

are we really this petty a country to where we define our leadership by how they act on the phone and if they take up the great "pee where you want" cause while the rest of the world falls to shit?

so i get frustrated because people bicker over the most petty crap as if it is life changing and more important than our educational system that is falling apart. our infrastructure that is woefully inadequate for handle our growth. our culture has gotten so wrapped up into 140 characters or less they can't see the big picture or what really matters.

just hate trump. all good.

you're right in that "bill got away with it, why can't trump"? i see you defend bill despite his actions being on par with trumps.

I gave your post that winner ,,,but I don't defend Bill I guess I just didn't give a damn I thought he was a reasonably good president but after voting for GWB I just couldn't take him or the repub congress anymore and switched Market getting killed this morning going for nails and haircut cu later

and therein lies the problem. you give a damn when someone you don't like does it, but if someone you like does it, you don't care.

we don't hold people equally accountable for their actions and then sit around and wonder why we're in the toilet bowl we are in.

i don't defend trump either - i don't give a damn. so if we don't give a damn when our side screws up, how can we expect anything to change?
No he won because people were sick and tired of Obama and the Democratic party's policies.

Except he lost by 3 million votes.

I'd say someone who has run a multi billion dollar business employing tens of thousands, knows far more than a "community organizing" radical leftist who never ran a business, had a fucking job or employed a single person.

Again, Trump inherited a business his Daddy built, and managed to not fuck it up so badly, but about half his business ventures went bankrupt.

Trump inherited a business that he turned into a financial empire! Saying he managed not to fuck it up is laughable! Did his father make millions simply licensing the Trump name? Nope. Donald did.
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
So if things were so rosy then why was Hillary rejected..someone who basically ran on Obama's legacy, and had the media including Obama and his cronies, and the intelligence establishment pulling hard for her.
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
IMHO they th
I've always maintained that the liberal media is as responsible for Donald Trump being President as any conservative group. They pushed Trump hard during the GOP primaries because they thought he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to defeat!

I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

If you look at the coverage that CNN provided to Trump up through his being chosen as the GOP candidate and then compare it to the coverage they gave him once he was nominated it's patently obvious that they were engaged in "cherry picking" the opposition they wanted to run Hillary against.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

I think what has them in full out "Trump Hysteria" at the moment is in part guilt because they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.

Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill
ll take the word of 12 women over the word of a thrice married pervert
so you'll change the criteria again when you don't like how it fits...

and - again you keep thinking i'm defending trump and i would suppose indirectly i am - but my point is you excuse the sexual misconduct for bill, say "what court found clinton guilty"? as a "get out of jail" free card, but you won't apply that same method of thinking to trump cause ...

well i think we both know why.

seems you don't care who clinton does or how inappropriately he can act, but trump? you hate him so nothing will ever get by you w/o you bagging on trump.

again, i understand it, but i don't think you see how shallow and superficial it makes you look.
it just seems to me iceman that the way SOME people think that if it was ok for Bill and he got away with it why can't Trump?? and BTW I was a Republican in those days and only changed to become a DEM after voting for GWB in 2000,,,,,,Trump imo is a disgrace and I don't think much of his supporters either
and therein lies the problem. if hillary can setup a private e-mail server and delete 33k "personal mails" and there is no consequence, hell you can run for president with such questionable logic, what can the next guy do?

president over president we've slowly kept pushing what we allow for no other reason than the last guy got away with it. but again, we push further each time in some way. further way from ourselves, further away from being able to reel it back in, and further away from ever being a complete country again.

we can't talk about the crimes of 1 politician because someone will bring up what the last one got away with. now those who liked the last one will defend to the death and crank up their attacks on the other side and THIS IS WHERE OUR DIVIDE COMES FROM.

a refusal to see ourselves for who we are and what we are doing because of what the last guy got away with.

sooner or later the excuses must stop and accountability must kick in or it's over. while you run around going WAH TRUMP IS MEAN how is that going to stop a thing? yes, he is. a dick quite often. but the constant petty fights both sides engage in is the weak point here. i don't have a problem with many of trumps policies, i have a problem with him having to answer each and every criticism he gets in a warlike fashion. that sets off more of the left and suddenly we're worse off talking about bad phone conversations and this is not any better than where do people pee anymore?

are we really this petty a country to where we define our leadership by how they act on the phone and if they take up the great "pee where you want" cause while the rest of the world falls to shit?

so i get frustrated because people bicker over the most petty crap as if it is life changing and more important than our educational system that is falling apart. our infrastructure that is woefully inadequate for handle our growth. our culture has gotten so wrapped up into 140 characters or less they can't see the big picture or what really matters.

just hate trump. all good.

you're right in that "bill got away with it, why can't trump"? i see you defend bill despite his actions being on par with trumps.

I gave your post that winner ,,,but I don't defend Bill I guess I just didn't give a damn I thought he was a reasonably good president but after voting for GWB I just couldn't take him or the repub congress anymore and switched Market getting killed this morning going for nails and haircut cu later

and therein lies the problem. you give a damn when someone you don't like does it, but if someone you like does it, you don't care.

we don't hold people equally accountable for their actions and then sit around and wonder why we're in the toilet bowl we are in.

i don't defend trump either - i don't give a damn. so if we don't give a damn when our side screws up, how can we expect anything to change?
when pigs fly or when there's bi partisanship in congress,,,,..same thing really
so you'll change the criteria again when you don't like how it fits...

and - again you keep thinking i'm defending trump and i would suppose indirectly i am - but my point is you excuse the sexual misconduct for bill, say "what court found clinton guilty"? as a "get out of jail" free card, but you won't apply that same method of thinking to trump cause ...

well i think we both know why.

seems you don't care who clinton does or how inappropriately he can act, but trump? you hate him so nothing will ever get by you w/o you bagging on trump.

again, i understand it, but i don't think you see how shallow and superficial it makes you look.
it just seems to me iceman that the way SOME people think that if it was ok for Bill and he got away with it why can't Trump?? and BTW I was a Republican in those days and only changed to become a DEM after voting for GWB in 2000,,,,,,Trump imo is a disgrace and I don't think much of his supporters either
and therein lies the problem. if hillary can setup a private e-mail server and delete 33k "personal mails" and there is no consequence, hell you can run for president with such questionable logic, what can the next guy do?

president over president we've slowly kept pushing what we allow for no other reason than the last guy got away with it. but again, we push further each time in some way. further way from ourselves, further away from being able to reel it back in, and further away from ever being a complete country again.

we can't talk about the crimes of 1 politician because someone will bring up what the last one got away with. now those who liked the last one will defend to the death and crank up their attacks on the other side and THIS IS WHERE OUR DIVIDE COMES FROM.

a refusal to see ourselves for who we are and what we are doing because of what the last guy got away with.

sooner or later the excuses must stop and accountability must kick in or it's over. while you run around going WAH TRUMP IS MEAN how is that going to stop a thing? yes, he is. a dick quite often. but the constant petty fights both sides engage in is the weak point here. i don't have a problem with many of trumps policies, i have a problem with him having to answer each and every criticism he gets in a warlike fashion. that sets off more of the left and suddenly we're worse off talking about bad phone conversations and this is not any better than where do people pee anymore?

are we really this petty a country to where we define our leadership by how they act on the phone and if they take up the great "pee where you want" cause while the rest of the world falls to shit?

so i get frustrated because people bicker over the most petty crap as if it is life changing and more important than our educational system that is falling apart. our infrastructure that is woefully inadequate for handle our growth. our culture has gotten so wrapped up into 140 characters or less they can't see the big picture or what really matters.

just hate trump. all good.

you're right in that "bill got away with it, why can't trump"? i see you defend bill despite his actions being on par with trumps.

I gave your post that winner ,,,but I don't defend Bill I guess I just didn't give a damn I thought he was a reasonably good president but after voting for GWB I just couldn't take him or the repub congress anymore and switched Market getting killed this morning going for nails and haircut cu later

and therein lies the problem. you give a damn when someone you don't like does it, but if someone you like does it, you don't care.

we don't hold people equally accountable for their actions and then sit around and wonder why we're in the toilet bowl we are in.

i don't defend trump either - i don't give a damn. so if we don't give a damn when our side screws up, how can we expect anything to change?
when pigs fly or when there's bi partisanship in congress,,,,..same thing really

or when we start holding people accountable equally vs. only doing it when we take it personal. our government reflects us, not us, them.
IMHO they th
I've always maintained that the liberal media is as responsible for Donald Trump being President as any conservative group. They pushed Trump hard during the GOP primaries because they thought he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to defeat!

I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

If you look at the coverage that CNN provided to Trump up through his being chosen as the GOP candidate and then compare it to the coverage they gave him once he was nominated it's patently obvious that they were engaged in "cherry picking" the opposition they wanted to run Hillary against.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

I think what has them in full out "Trump Hysteria" at the moment is in part guilt because they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.

Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
Well according to General Kelly who was there during the call and was listening, he saw nothing improper or insensitive about ithe call and commented that Trump was in fact fact doing his best to consol the mother. Unlike that piece of shit Obama to didn't even bother calling General Kelly when he lost his son in combat. This is while general Kelly was serving in the Obama administration.

Just to give you an idea of how filthy and disgusting the Left actually is.
Quote Kelly saying he never got a call from Obama about losing his son...
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
based on a housing crisis linked to the dems
So now its Obama's fault thast Trump is President.

Ever since Trump was elected I blamed Obama. Trump being in the white house is 100% on Obama's back.

Had he been a half decent president Hillary could have walked into the White House. But because he shoved racism and Obamacare down our throats and caused our country to be more racist than it's been in decades, people were tired of it. He also divided our country like never before.

Hillary not being elected was a HUGE rejection of the Obama legacy She ran saying she would continue Obama's agenda and she lost because of it.
That's what I keep telling these leftist lunatics. The reason the country got an anti American anti capitalistic socialist radical like Obama was because of Bush's mishandling of after the Iraq war, the reason we now have Trump is because of the total disaster in every way that Obama was.
And by disaster, you mean getting unemployment down from 10% to 4.8% and the Dow from 6600 to almost 20000. Yeah, it’s even more disasterous now.

No, I mean doubling the amount of people on food stamps and having the lowest labor participation rate in decades. Doubling the national debt in 8 years.

NOW the stock market is hitting record highs on a weekly basis and unemployment is the lowest its been in years. In fact things are going so good people are wondering if it can keep going.

Obama was the first president in history to not have a single quarter with 3% GDP growth. That's phenomenally bad. Obama was the only candidate the dems could have put up that made GWB look like Eisenstein.

Obama competing with Jimmy Carter for ‘worst former president’
Obama was the first president in history to not have a single quarter with 3% GDP growth.

You’re insane. :cuckoo:

There were 8 quarters north of 3% real GDP while Obama was president...
Ok, so basically Obama is blameless? Obama was quoted as saying that being 10 trillion in debt is irresponsible.

He left us 20 trillion in debt.

Fuck that nigga.

Continue to make excuses for Obama, that's what put Trump in the white house. When will you people ever learn?
Obama didn’t add $10 trillion in debt. You rightards live in a bubble of alternate facts.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
What did the witnesses say?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
Do you have a link to show what any of those witnesses have said to counter what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman have said? How does the claim of having witnesses change the story if the alleged witnesses on the Presidents end of the phone call are not denying what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman are saying? So let us see your link.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
What did the witnesses say?

That he was sincere and sympathetic.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
Do you have a link to show what any of those witnesses have said to counter what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman have said? How does the claim of having witnesses change the story if the alleged witnesses on the Presidents end of the phone call are not denying what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman are saying? So let us see your link.

They are all denying what the congresscritter claims.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
What did the witnesses say?

That he was sincere and sympathetic.
Not true. No one knows if they said that. That is what Trump’s press secretary claims. Not one person in the room with Trump has spoken up.
IMHO they th
I've always maintained that the liberal media is as responsible for Donald Trump being President as any conservative group. They pushed Trump hard during the GOP primaries because they thought he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to defeat!

I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

If you look at the coverage that CNN provided to Trump up through his being chosen as the GOP candidate and then compare it to the coverage they gave him once he was nominated it's patently obvious that they were engaged in "cherry picking" the opposition they wanted to run Hillary against.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

I think what has them in full out "Trump Hysteria" at the moment is in part guilt because they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.

Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else
No he won because people were sick and tired of Obama and the Democratic party's policies.

Except he lost by 3 million votes.

I'd say someone who has run a multi billion dollar business employing tens of thousands, knows far more than a "community organizing" radical leftist who never ran a business, had a fucking job or employed a single person.

Again, Trump inherited a business his Daddy built, and managed to not fuck it up so badly, but about half his business ventures went bankrupt.
Again, Obama hadn't owned a business, worked for someone, or employed anyone before he became president. There was nothing special about him other than he was a radical anti American socialist with ties to the Democratic party. He got everything handed to him in life because of affirmative action and white guilt.
Last edited:
About t
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
What did the witnesses say?
the Niger thing
is beginning to have a Benghazi feel about it. I wonder if Tillerson is up to 11 hours of Democrat grilling.


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