Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Kelly is DISGUSTED with his sons name being brought up Guess who brought it up?

the troll known as eds makes up shit again
As usual jon you've been FOS for many years You're like a sheep believing everything your owners tell you So do us both a favor and Fk off

As usual eds your head is so far up your leftist ass

you cant what party if any i associate with

what is really funny is that you accuse me of what you do
Just came up from the beach ,,Ocean delightful ,showered shaved and not in the mood to hear any republican BS or anything from Hillary and Obama haters either
yet you don't care if people are not in the mood to hear trump-hating. :)
Yes ice we should just leave the biggest liar ever to enter our WH alone Let his disgusting behavior towards all the enemies he's making,go uncalled on We should just turn the other cheek while he lies his ass off ? Is that what a good citizen must do?
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
You don't have any links because there are none. No one at the White House has actually denied what the wife and witnesses said.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
You don't have any links because there are none. No one at the White House has actually denied what the wife and witnesses said.

Searching for a fuck to give about your stupid lies, can't find one sorry.
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
the troll known as eds makes up shit again
As usual jon you've been FOS for many years You're like a sheep believing everything your owners tell you So do us both a favor and Fk off

As usual eds your head is so far up your leftist ass

you cant what party if any i associate with

what is really funny is that you accuse me of what you do
Just came up from the beach ,,Ocean delightful ,showered shaved and not in the mood to hear any republican BS or anything from Hillary and Obama haters either
yet you don't care if people are not in the mood to hear trump-hating. :)
Yes ice we should just leave the biggest liar ever to enter our WH alone Let his disgusting behavior towards all the enemies he's making,go uncalled on We should just turn the other cheek while he lies his ass off ? Is that what a good citizen must do?
you can't seem to understand how you see trump, many see obama in the same light.

you keep pushing for how you feel and how that should be how we all *should* feel but that is never going to happen.

there are a lot of ways to show you do not approve of the president. whining like a spurned school girl isn't the best way to do it.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
As usual jon you've been FOS for many years You're like a sheep believing everything your owners tell you So do us both a favor and Fk off

As usual eds your head is so far up your leftist ass

you cant what party if any i associate with

what is really funny is that you accuse me of what you do
Just came up from the beach ,,Ocean delightful ,showered shaved and not in the mood to hear any republican BS or anything from Hillary and Obama haters either
yet you don't care if people are not in the mood to hear trump-hating. :)
Yes ice we should just leave the biggest liar ever to enter our WH alone Let his disgusting behavior towards all the enemies he's making,go uncalled on We should just turn the other cheek while he lies his ass off ? Is that what a good citizen must do?
you can't seem to understand how you see trump, many see obama in the same light.

you keep pushing for how you feel and how that should be how we all *should* feel but that is never going to happen.

there are a lot of ways to show you do not approve of the president. whining like a spurned school girl isn't the best way to do it.
Don't approve??? It's worse than that The man is a calamity a disaster waiting to happen There is no polite way to call that ass anything but what he shows he is...Now if others here think what a great improvement he is over Obama then I believe they have their heads up trumps ass
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.
Meat When I feel the brain is really going I'll go back to being a republican I'll then feel at home
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
So if things were so rosy then why was Hillary rejected..someone who basically ran on Obama's legacy, and had the media including Obama and his cronies, and the intelligence establishment pulling hard for her.
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
Sanders is a f
Well according to General Kelly who was there during the call and was listening, he saw nothing improper or insensitive about ithe call and commented that Trump was in fact fact doing his best to consol the mother. Unlike that piece of shit Obama to didn't even bother calling General Kelly when he lost his son in combat. This is while general Kelly was serving in the Obama administration.

Do you actually have a quote where General Kelly claimed either of these things?

White House: Kelly Thought Trump's Call To Soldier's Widow Was 'Respectful'

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday said President Donald Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly thought Trump’s phone call to the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger was “respectful” and “completely appropriate.”

“He thought the call was respectful,” Sanders said during her daily briefing, “and he thought that the President did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on behalf of the country.”

She claimed Kelly thought Trump’s remarks to Myeshia Johnson, Sgt. La David T. Johnson’s widow, were “completely appropriate.”

***Let us that the piece of shit Obama never called general Kelly, when he lost his son in 2010.
Sanders is a fn liar Did she say how come that 25k check trump said he'd be sending to a vets family never was sent until his BS was revealed? And Kelly said bringing his son up was DISGUSTING Guess who did
So you can't show me when exactly did Obama call general Kelly when he lost his son in 2010.

I'll take Sander's claim about what Kelly said over a piece of shit congresswoman with a known history of being a rabid Trump hater.
Why should anyone have to prove Obama called or not. Trump claims he didn’t. The onus is on him to prove his claims.
Sanders is a f
Well according to General Kelly who was there during the call and was listening, he saw nothing improper or insensitive about ithe call and commented that Trump was in fact fact doing his best to consol the mother. Unlike that piece of shit Obama to didn't even bother calling General Kelly when he lost his son in combat. This is while general Kelly was serving in the Obama administration.

Do you actually have a quote where General Kelly claimed either of these things?

White House: Kelly Thought Trump's Call To Soldier's Widow Was 'Respectful'

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday said President Donald Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly thought Trump’s phone call to the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger was “respectful” and “completely appropriate.”

“He thought the call was respectful,” Sanders said during her daily briefing, “and he thought that the President did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on behalf of the country.”

She claimed Kelly thought Trump’s remarks to Myeshia Johnson, Sgt. La David T. Johnson’s widow, were “completely appropriate.”

***Let us that the piece of shit Obama never called general Kelly, when he lost his son in 2010.
Sanders is a fn liar Did she say how come that 25k check trump said he'd be sending to a vets family never was sent until his BS was revealed? And Kelly said bringing his son up was DISGUSTING Guess who did
So you can't show me when exactly did Obama call general Kelly when he lost his son in 2010.

I'll take Sander's claim about what Kelly said over a piece of shit congresswoman with a known history of being a rabid Trump hater.
Why should anyone have to prove Obama called or not. Trump claims he didn’t. The onus is on him to prove his claims.
You mean like he proved Obama wasn't a citizen ??? We are having to deal with a president that I can only call a scumbag
You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She could have received 50 million more vote and the outcome would remain the same. President Trump takes Oath of Office.
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

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