Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
and a Bengazi day to you Pred

Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.

eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
Even GWB knows
George W. Bush jabs at Trump’s America: "Bigotry or white-supremacy in any form" is un-American
Former President George W. Bush on Thursday took multiple jabs at Donald Trump’s America — without mentioning him by name — decrying the rise in nationalism and bigotry he says puts democracy at risk.

The speech was delivered at a forum in New York sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute, a policy institute that’s part of his presidential library.

Bush lamented the rise in nationalism and trade protectionism, condemned the bigotry and anti-immigrant rhetoric that’s risen to the fore and agreed withintelligence community conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. These are all policies Trump has either pushed or engaged in throughout his political rise and since he took office in January.

illegal immigration is not racist you fuck tard
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down
They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
Are there any functioning brain cells in that head of yours?
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.

eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath
Even GWB knows
George W. Bush jabs at Trump’s America: "Bigotry or white-supremacy in any form" is un-American
Former President George W. Bush on Thursday took multiple jabs at Donald Trump’s America — without mentioning him by name — decrying the rise in nationalism and bigotry he says puts democracy at risk.

The speech was delivered at a forum in New York sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute, a policy institute that’s part of his presidential library.

Bush lamented the rise in nationalism and trade protectionism, condemned the bigotry and anti-immigrant rhetoric that’s risen to the fore and agreed withintelligence community conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. These are all policies Trump has either pushed or engaged in throughout his political rise and since he took office in January.

illegal immigration is not racist you fuck tard
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down

fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.
Well I was a republican That could be an excuse Brain cells have been returning since I dumped that party of idiots
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.

eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath

because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
As usual eds your head is so far up your leftist ass

you cant what party if any i associate with

what is really funny is that you accuse me of what you do
Just came up from the beach ,,Ocean delightful ,showered shaved and not in the mood to hear any republican BS or anything from Hillary and Obama haters either
yet you don't care if people are not in the mood to hear trump-hating. :)
Yes ice we should just leave the biggest liar ever to enter our WH alone Let his disgusting behavior towards all the enemies he's making,go uncalled on We should just turn the other cheek while he lies his ass off ? Is that what a good citizen must do?
you can't seem to understand how you see trump, many see obama in the same light.

you keep pushing for how you feel and how that should be how we all *should* feel but that is never going to happen.

there are a lot of ways to show you do not approve of the president. whining like a spurned school girl isn't the best way to do it.
Don't approve??? It's worse than that The man is a calamity a disaster waiting to happen There is no polite way to call that ass anything but what he shows he is...Now if others here think what a great improvement he is over Obama then I believe they have their heads up trumps ass
And they feel your head is up THEIR ass.

Now what?
Even GWB knows
George W. Bush jabs at Trump’s America: "Bigotry or white-supremacy in any form" is un-American
Former President George W. Bush on Thursday took multiple jabs at Donald Trump’s America — without mentioning him by name — decrying the rise in nationalism and bigotry he says puts democracy at risk.

The speech was delivered at a forum in New York sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute, a policy institute that’s part of his presidential library.

Bush lamented the rise in nationalism and trade protectionism, condemned the bigotry and anti-immigrant rhetoric that’s risen to the fore and agreed withintelligence community conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. These are all policies Trump has either pushed or engaged in throughout his political rise and since he took office in January.

illegal immigration is not racist you fuck tard
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down

fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
You're an 80-year old hipster ffs! Whatever lick of sense you once had has long since departed. Don't worry, as a liberal you'll be voting well into 130s.
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.

eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath

because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass
Even GWB knows
George W. Bush jabs at Trump’s America: "Bigotry or white-supremacy in any form" is un-American
Former President George W. Bush on Thursday took multiple jabs at Donald Trump’s America — without mentioning him by name — decrying the rise in nationalism and bigotry he says puts democracy at risk.

The speech was delivered at a forum in New York sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute, a policy institute that’s part of his presidential library.

Bush lamented the rise in nationalism and trade protectionism, condemned the bigotry and anti-immigrant rhetoric that’s risen to the fore and agreed withintelligence community conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. These are all policies Trump has either pushed or engaged in throughout his political rise and since he took office in January.

illegal immigration is not racist you fuck tard
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down

fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
from your mouth to gods ear
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.

eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath

because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass

now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Even GWB knows
George W. Bush jabs at Trump’s America: "Bigotry or white-supremacy in any form" is un-American
Former President George W. Bush on Thursday took multiple jabs at Donald Trump’s America — without mentioning him by name — decrying the rise in nationalism and bigotry he says puts democracy at risk.

The speech was delivered at a forum in New York sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute, a policy institute that’s part of his presidential library.

Bush lamented the rise in nationalism and trade protectionism, condemned the bigotry and anti-immigrant rhetoric that’s risen to the fore and agreed withintelligence community conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. These are all policies Trump has either pushed or engaged in throughout his political rise and since he took office in January.

illegal immigration is not racist you fuck tard
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down

fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
Entropy's a bitch, but it explains why you've deteriorated. Even gets to your brain cells. That's life.

eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath

because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass

now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Turn me in you fuckn republican You and ice are in the same boat
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Did you se today where General Kelly confirmed what POTUS said in that Obama did not call him after his son was killed in Afghanistan?

Quit being a hack like McLame

illegal immigration is not racist you fuck tard
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down

fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
eds has always been a little troll

but he has really gone down hill fast this last year or so
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath

because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass

now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Turn me in you fuckn republican You and ice are in the same boat

fuck you lying asshole

that is all you are

unlikely anyone believes your bs anymore
Well you asshole you're talking to a guy who's fathers father snuck off a boat coming to america and became a shoe repairer....guess I'm not a citizen either Fu and all those who think like you Your kind will bring our country down

fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
where do you get troll ?? You want to get real smart ?? Look up the definition of socipath

because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass

now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Turn me in you fuckn republican You and ice are in the same boat

fuck you lying asshole

that is all you are

unlikely anyone believes you bs anymore
did you send that 25k check yet ?? lol lol
I'm giving you a 10 jon Just like dump gave himself a 10 lol
fuck eds i have had all but enough of your lying bs over the years

if that is true you are not a legal citizen unless you are "documented" --LOL

see it is fuckers like you casting those illegal democrat votes
because you are shit for brains

how many time have you recast yourself over the years


so go fuck yourself troll
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass

now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Turn me in you fuckn republican You and ice are in the same boat

fuck you lying asshole

that is all you are

unlikely anyone believes you bs anymore
did you send that 25k check yet ?? lol lol
I'm giving you a 10 jon Just like dump gave himself a 10 lol
^^^boring leftist troll^^^
what bs you spew What recast ??? I tell nothing but the truth here Why not?? and if fers like you don't believe me Kiss my white ass

now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Turn me in you fuckn republican You and ice are in the same boat

fuck you lying asshole

that is all you are

unlikely anyone believes you bs anymore
did you send that 25k check yet ?? lol lol
I'm giving you a 10 jon Just like dump gave himself a 10 lol
^^^boring leftist troll^^^
what do you want ?? me to dance for you?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Trump said what the Congresswoman said so why did you claim he didn't?
The Congresswoman quoted it out of context which in effect is the same as misquoting
Wow you racist POS.

Racist people are ignorant, uninformed, uneducated asshole.

I did notice that you personally attacked me rather than touch the content of my message, and that would be because every bit of it is right.

How can you tell you're dealing with a liberal? They immediately stoop to personal attacks when they know the facts are not on their side.
now you are the son of an illegal immigrant

what a dumb ass

your leftarded brain has gone completely mush
Turn me in you fuckn republican You and ice are in the same boat

fuck you lying asshole

that is all you are

unlikely anyone believes you bs anymore
did you send that 25k check yet ?? lol lol
I'm giving you a 10 jon Just like dump gave himself a 10 lol
^^^boring leftist troll^^^
what do you want ?? me to dance for you?

i dont want anything from you
Again, Obama hadn't owned a business, worked for someone, or employed anyone before he became president.

So what? Hey, have you actually met Business people. They are the most two-faced, back-stabbing, useless pieces of shit in the world.
Wow! Thanks for displaying how truly bigotted and stupid Libtards are.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday said President Donald Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly thought Trump’s phone call to the widow of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger was “respectful” and “completely appropriate.”

Okay, and when I hear General Kelley say that publicly, then I'll take it seriously. Not a POS like Huckabee Sanders, whose function in life is explaining away whatever crazy thing Trump said today.
I guess you missed Kelly's press conference today where he shat on the congress woman, the crooked media, and the Democratic Party.

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