Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

So if things were so rosy then why was Hillary rejected..someone who basically ran on Obama's legacy, and had the media including Obama and his cronies, and the intelligence establishment pulling hard for her.
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.
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Wow you racist POS.

Racist people are ignorant, uninformed, uneducated asshole.

I did notice that you personally attacked me rather than touch the content of my message, and that would be because every bit of it is right.

How can you tell you're dealing with a liberal? They immediately stoop to personal attacks when they know the facts are not on their side.
You made a racist post. What did you expect?

You know you are dealing with a Trumpette when they make racist comments & think nothing of it.
Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.

First I'm not a Liberal and highly doubt any of the people on this forum that throw that around so much have met a REAL liberal.

Secondly if she did what she did in Miami, well fuck her.

Fact is however she didn't lie about what Trump said, and Kelly confirmed it.
Fact is she lied, and then the crooked media and the Leftards took the ball and ran with it.

No... he confirmed that the message she heard from Trump WAS TRUE. Trump just wasn't able to convey the message correctly. :rolleyes:
He made the same call to three other people, the only one that the leftist media turned into a controversy involved this piece of shit Democratic hack congresswoman.

What a surprise!

The Congresswoman reported what she heard. The call was on speaker phone.

The only POS was Trump for v=caller her a liar when she was telling the truth.
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.

The Electoral College actually favors smaller states. For example, there are more 3 elector vote Red states than blue.
Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.

Sorry, Trump will be impeached the minute his Approval Rating goes below 25%.

No one respects him.
Again, Obama hadn't owned a business, worked for someone, or employed anyone before he became president.

So what? Hey, have you actually met Business people. They are the most two-faced, back-stabbing, useless pieces of shit in the world.
Wow! Thanks for displaying how truly bigotted and stupid Libtards are.
Hey Roudy It's in the mail
The biggest revelation came from Chris Baldridge, whose son, Army Sgt. Dillon Baldridge, was killed in June in Afghanistan. Baldridge told The Post that Trump offered him a $25,000 check and offered to help establish an online fundraiser for the family in his phone call following the death, but the president apparently did not follow through.

"I could not believe he was saying that, and I wish I had it recorded because the man did say this," Baldridge said. "He said, 'No other president has ever done something like this,' but he said, 'I'm going to do it.'"

In a statement following The Post story, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters told the publication that the check had been sent.

RELATED: 10 most common words used to describe Trump
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.
You’re a fucking nut.:cuckoo:

I already explained how a candidate wins a presidential election and how you said she was rejected by the popular vote, not the electoral vote. You still can’t comprehend that because you’re a fucking nut.

Oh well, c’est la vie.
Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.

Sorry, Trump will be impeached the minute his Approval Rating goes below 25%.

No one respects him.
Maybe even sooner if any one of the emoluments lawsuits against him are allowed to proceed...

Federal Judge Hears Arguments In Emoluments Clause Lawsuit Against Trump
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Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?

You’re funny. And dumber than a box of rocks at the same time. Congrats.
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.
if anything they're making people like me who voted more against hillary than him feel much better about the choice.
He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant

It didn't help that he forgot his name either.
Again, Obama hadn't owned a business, worked for someone, or employed anyone before he became president.

So what? Hey, have you actually met Business people. They are the most two-faced, back-stabbing, useless pieces of shit in the world.
Wow! Thanks for displaying how truly bigotted and stupid Libtards are.
Hey Roudy It's in the mail
The biggest revelation came from Chris Baldridge, whose son, Army Sgt. Dillon Baldridge, was killed in June in Afghanistan. Baldridge told The Post that Trump offered him a $25,000 check and offered to help establish an online fundraiser for the family in his phone call following the death, but the president apparently did not follow through.

"I could not believe he was saying that, and I wish I had it recorded because the man did say this," Baldridge said. "He said, 'No other president has ever done something like this,' but he said, 'I'm going to do it.'"

In a statement following The Post story, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters told the publication that the check had been sent.

RELATED: 10 most common words used to describe Trump
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.
if anything they're making people like me who voted more against hillary than him feel much better about the choice.
^^^ a putz blaming others for his affliction.
Again, Obama hadn't owned a business, worked for someone, or employed anyone before he became president.

So what? Hey, have you actually met Business people. They are the most two-faced, back-stabbing, useless pieces of shit in the world.
Wow! Thanks for displaying how truly bigotted and stupid Libtards are.
Hey Roudy It's in the mail
The biggest revelation came from Chris Baldridge, whose son, Army Sgt. Dillon Baldridge, was killed in June in Afghanistan. Baldridge told The Post that Trump offered him a $25,000 check and offered to help establish an online fundraiser for the family in his phone call following the death, but the president apparently did not follow through.

"I could not believe he was saying that, and I wish I had it recorded because the man did say this," Baldridge said. "He said, 'No other president has ever done something like this,' but he said, 'I'm going to do it.'"

In a statement following The Post story, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters told the publication that the check had been sent.

RELATED: 10 most common words used to describe Trump
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..
Yes BUT Hillary isn't our President so beat her up to your hearts content Perhaps you remember the beatings Republicans gave Obama for 8 years ? No hate there right??? Now we have a man in the WH who hasn't a clue about the office and deserves to be called out everytime he f's up
Again, Obama hadn't owned a business, worked for someone, or employed anyone before he became president.

So what? Hey, have you actually met Business people. They are the most two-faced, back-stabbing, useless pieces of shit in the world.
Wow! Thanks for displaying how truly bigotted and stupid Libtards are.
Hey Roudy It's in the mail
The biggest revelation came from Chris Baldridge, whose son, Army Sgt. Dillon Baldridge, was killed in June in Afghanistan. Baldridge told The Post that Trump offered him a $25,000 check and offered to help establish an online fundraiser for the family in his phone call following the death, but the president apparently did not follow through.

"I could not believe he was saying that, and I wish I had it recorded because the man did say this," Baldridge said. "He said, 'No other president has ever done something like this,' but he said, 'I'm going to do it.'"

In a statement following The Post story, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters told the publication that the check had been sent.

RELATED: 10 most common words used to describe Trump
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..
Yes BUT Hillary isn't our President so beat her up to your hearts content Perhaps you remember the beatings Republicans gave Obama for 8 years ? No hate there right??? Now we have a man in the WH who hasn't a clue about the office and deserves to be called out everytime he f's up
so now we compare hate as if comparing pain ever resolved anything in life.

was the press 95% against obama?
did you call obama's fuckups out or are you one of the mindset who thinks he never did?

tell me what trump has done that is counter to the constitution OR show me tape where he tells the russians he's have flexibility to work with them later OR flat out says the constitution gets in his way of doing what he wants.

then i'll be more concerned. for now trump is just an irritating egomaniac who has to respond to every troller who happens to come along. but until he attacks the constitution or is caught spying on other americans he's got a long way to go to be as bad as obama was.
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..

The problem here is that TRUMP is the issue.

This isn't a discussion about supply siders vs. Keynesians or some such.

The problem here is that we have a guy in the White House who is very likely suffering from a mental illness. Possibly several of them.

and our system cant' do anything about it other than humor him.
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..

The problem here is that TRUMP is the issue.

This isn't a discussion about supply siders vs. Keynesians or some such.

The problem here is that we have a guy in the White House who is very likely suffering from a mental illness. Possibly several of them.

and our system cant' do anything about it other than humor him.
Well said ,,,,Post of the day
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..

The problem here is that TRUMP is the issue.

This isn't a discussion about supply siders vs. Keynesians or some such.

The problem here is that we have a guy in the White House who is very likely suffering from a mental illness. Possibly several of them.

and our system cant' do anything about it other than humor him.
trump is the issue TO YOU.

lying corruption abuse of power and things like that are MY issues.

saying the constituation/due process gets in the way of what you want to do is MY issue.

i don't put all of my issues on 1 person and make them the posterchild for said issues. i want the hate to stop. your side can't afford to let that happen cause in the end, it's all you've got.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.

First I'm not a Liberal and highly doubt any of the people on this forum that throw that around so much have met a REAL liberal.

Secondly if she did what she did in Miami, well fuck her.

Fact is however she didn't lie about what Trump said, and Kelly confirmed it.
Fact is she lied, and then the crooked media and the Leftards took the ball and ran with it.

No... he confirmed that the message she heard from Trump WAS TRUE. Trump just wasn't able to convey the message correctly. :rolleyes:
He made the same call to three other people, the only one that the leftist media turned into a controversy involved this piece of shit Democratic hack congresswoman.

What a surprise!

The Congresswoman reported what she heard. The call was on speaker phone.

The only POS was Trump for v=caller her a liar when she was telling the truth.

Quote of the day, courtesy of general Kelly:

"The Congresswoman eroded a great deal of the sacredness of a president calling the widow of a fallen soldier" :clap2:

Just about sums up what a bunch of dirtbags today's Democratic Party and their supporters have become.

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