Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.
trump is the issue TO YOU.

lying corruption abuse of power and things like that are MY issues.

saying the constituation/due process gets in the way of what you want to do is MY issue.

i don't put all of my issues on 1 person and make them the posterchild for said issues. i want the hate to stop. your side can't afford to let that happen cause in the end, it's all you've got.

Guy, the one person IS the issue. The thing is, if we were talking about issues, your side had 16 guys, anyone one of which would have made a presentable president. Any one of whom would handle simple things like disaster relief in PR or calling a war widow with dignity and effectiveness.

Instead, you guys all got behind a guy who best articulated your anger at "Those people" - i.e. minorities, foreigners, Muslims, etc.

The thing is, I get the anger that caused Trump. I see the White Working Class- many of them people I grew up with or family - who see an America where they don't have the opportunities that their parents have, and they legitimately ask why.

Trump is very good at diverting that anger onto 'The other" instead of people like him where it belongs- the rich who have most of the wealth and it still isn't enough.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.
That still doesn't excuse trumps dereliction of duty for taking 12 days and embarrassing exposure of that dereliction before the phone call was even made.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.

The Electoral College actually favors smaller states. For example, there are more 3 elector vote Red states than blue.
Actaully wrong, dipstick, the electoral college favors Democrats because of the number of states with a large number of electoral votes that always vote Democrat which gives the Democratic nominee a big lead and an advantage right out of the gate.
Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.

Sorry, Trump will be impeached the minute his Approval Rating goes below 25%.

No one respects him.
Keep jerking off to that. Your Obama lost the house, the senate, state governorships, state legislators, and now the presidency. Wow.
Actaully wrong, dipstick, the electoral college favors Democrats because of the number of states with a large number of electoral votes that always vote Democrat which gives the Democratic nominee a big lead and an advantage right out of the gate.

Well, let's look at that.

Democrats won 6 out of the last seven popular votes.

They only won 4 of the last seven elections in the electoral college.

The GOP vote total ranges between 38% (1992) and 51% (2004)

The Democratic vote total ranges between 43% (1992) and 55% (2008)

Throwing out 1992 and 1996, the Democrat average was over 50% for the last five elections, and the Republican average is under 50%.
Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.
That still doesn't excuse trumps dereliction of duty for taking 12 days and embarrassing exposure of that dereliction before the phone call was even made.
They already explained they were waiting for the investigation.

Whereas the piece of shit Obama didn't even bother calling his own general Kelly when he lost his son in 2010. As a matter of fact Obama rarely called or visited.
Keep jerking off to that. Your Obama lost the house, the senate, state governorships, state legislators, and now the presidency. Wow.

I'm sorry, every time Obama was on the ballot, he won.

Trump couldn't even manage that sorry feat.
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.
Actaully wrong, dipstick, the electoral college favors Democrats because of the number of states with a large number of electoral votes that always vote Democrat which gives the Democratic nominee a big lead and an advantage right out of the gate.

Well, let's look at that.

Democrats won 6 out of the last seven popular votes.

They only won 4 of the last seven elections in the electoral college.

The GOP vote total ranges between 38% (1992) and 51% (2004)

The Democratic vote total ranges between 43% (1992) and 55% (2008)

Throwing out 1992 and 1996, the Democrat average was over 50% for the last five elections, and the Republican average is under 50%.
Yes, let's. Other than the 2016 election, the six elections since 1988, Republicans have only won twice. Those two victories by GW Bush barely hit the 270 electoral vote threshhold.
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..

The problem here is that TRUMP is the issue.

This isn't a discussion about supply siders vs. Keynesians or some such.

The problem here is that we have a guy in the White House who is very likely suffering from a mental illness. Possibly several of them.

and our system cant' do anything about it other than humor him.
trump is the issue TO YOU.

lying corruption abuse of power and things like that are MY issues.

saying the constituation/due process gets in the way of what you want to do is MY issue.

i don't put all of my issues on 1 person and make them the posterchild for said issues. i want the hate to stop. your side can't afford to let that happen cause in the end, it's all you've got.
Pardon me ice but I must say a lot of what you have to say I can agree with BUT hate is all we have ??? Poppycock! Seems you forget the 8 years of hating Obama and the lying garbage in our WH now on Hills case As of now the only thing he's got is his taking out every good thing Obama did
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.
That still doesn't excuse trumps dereliction of duty for taking 12 days and embarrassing exposure of that dereliction before the phone call was even made.
They already explained they were waiting for the investigation.

Whereas the piece of shit Obama didn't even bother calling his own general Kelly when he lost his son in 2010. As a matter of fact Obama rarely called or visited.
As a matter of fact, you are a liar. And KIA notifications do not need investigations before informing the loved one is deceased. You have been making stuff up to post in this thread in your lame defense for the dereliction of duty of this President. There is no excuse for him to have taken 12 days to send a letter or make a phone call.
Keep jerking off to that. Your Obama lost the house, the senate, state governorships, state legislators, and now the presidency. Wow.

I'm sorry, every time Obama was on the ballot, he won.

Trump couldn't even manage that sorry feat.
Obama can't even run any longer. The poor dinkey is now resigned to whining from the sidelines.

Here's to more "Obama victories". Ha ha ha.
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..

The problem here is that TRUMP is the issue.

This isn't a discussion about supply siders vs. Keynesians or some such.

The problem here is that we have a guy in the White House who is very likely suffering from a mental illness. Possibly several of them.

and our system cant' do anything about it other than humor him.
trump is the issue TO YOU.

lying corruption abuse of power and things like that are MY issues.

saying the constituation/due process gets in the way of what you want to do is MY issue.

i don't put all of my issues on 1 person and make them the posterchild for said issues. i want the hate to stop. your side can't afford to let that happen cause in the end, it's all you've got.
Pardon me ice but I must say a lot of what you have to say I can agree with BUT hate is all we have ??? Poppycock! Seems you forget the 8 years of hating Obama and the lying garbage in our WH now on Hills case As of now the only thing he's got is his taking out every good thing Obama did
then a lot of people didn't see what obama was doing as "good" so they will take it out.

part of my issue with our HATE is when trump leaves we won't focus on moving forward, a dem will come in and focus on undoing things.

crap situation we're all in.
Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.
That still doesn't excuse trumps dereliction of duty for taking 12 days and embarrassing exposure of that dereliction before the phone call was even made.
They already explained they were waiting for the investigation.

Whereas the piece of shit Obama didn't even bother calling his own general Kelly when he lost his son in 2010. As a matter of fact Obama rarely called or visited.
As a matter of fact, you are a liar. And KIA notifications do not need investigations before informing the loved one is deceased. You have been making stuff up to post in this thread in your lame defense for the dereliction of duty of this President. There is no excuse for him to have taken 12 days to send a letter or make a phone call.

What is your point? The president has no obligation to call and many such as Hussein Obama haven't in the past. What was Obama's excuse for not calling his own general? Go ahead and tell us, ya Leftie whack job. You want dereliction of duty look no further than lying to the American people on national TV and the next of kin like Obama and Hillary did over Ben Ghazi. You Democrats are far more guilty of the things accuse the right of!
Keep jerking off to that. Your Obama lost the house, the senate, state governorships, state legislators, and now the presidency. Wow.

I'm sorry, every time Obama was on the ballot, he won.

Trump couldn't even manage that sorry feat.
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.
”the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.”


You’re still demented. :cuckoo:

More Americans voted for Hillary than for trump.
it would really help your cause if you could talk over the issues themselves w/o the hate dripping off every post. it makes everything you say mean less simply because it reeks AGENDA.

like many in this country, we're sick and tired of the hate. justified or not. trust me in that both sides have a lot of hate to share. but when is enough enough? when can you stop and let some other emotion have a chance at life? i likely hate hillary as much as you hate trump but i still don't follow her around like a lost puppy dog yappin my hate out every chance i can because it simply makes me look possessed and incapable of logical thought

much like you look these days..

The problem here is that TRUMP is the issue.

This isn't a discussion about supply siders vs. Keynesians or some such.

The problem here is that we have a guy in the White House who is very likely suffering from a mental illness. Possibly several of them.

and our system cant' do anything about it other than humor him.
trump is the issue TO YOU.

lying corruption abuse of power and things like that are MY issues.

saying the constituation/due process gets in the way of what you want to do is MY issue.

i don't put all of my issues on 1 person and make them the posterchild for said issues. i want the hate to stop. your side can't afford to let that happen cause in the end, it's all you've got.
Pardon me ice but I must say a lot of what you have to say I can agree with BUT hate is all we have ??? Poppycock! Seems you forget the 8 years of hating Obama and the lying garbage in our WH now on Hills case As of now the only thing he's got is his taking out every good thing Obama did
then a lot of people didn't see what obama was doing as "good" so they will take it out.

part of my issue with our HATE is when trump leaves we won't focus on moving forward, a dem will come in and focus on undoing things.

crap situation we're all in.
Yup. The political class has forgotten the interests of the American people and are playing their own version of Hunting Games.
Keep jerking off to that. Your Obama lost the house, the senate, state governorships, state legislators, and now the presidency. Wow.

I'm sorry, every time Obama was on the ballot, he won.

Trump couldn't even manage that sorry feat.
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.
”the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.”


You’re still demented. :cuckoo:

More Americans voted for Hillary than for trump.
Ya okay and that's why Hillary isn't president. Cause the American people voted for her. Ha ha ha!
So now its Obama's fault thast Trump is President.

Ever since Trump was elected I blamed Obama. Trump being in the white house is 100% on Obama's back.

Had he been a half decent president Hillary could have walked into the White House. But because he shoved racism and Obamacare down our throats and caused our country to be more racist than it's been in decades, people were tired of it. He also divided our country like never before.

Hillary not being elected was a HUGE rejection of the Obama legacy She ran saying she would continue Obama's agenda and she lost because of it.
Oh no you don't.

You elected that asswipe Truimp, Don't you are blame your stupid vote on Obama.

Who did you vote for on 2008? I guaran-fucking -tee you voted Republican. After George W Bush took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession ion 80 years.

And BTW, you are a racist fuck if you think it is Obama's fault for making your ilk crawl out from whatever hole you were hiding.
I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.
That still doesn't excuse trumps dereliction of duty for taking 12 days and embarrassing exposure of that dereliction before the phone call was even made.
They already explained they were waiting for the investigation.

Whereas the piece of shit Obama didn't even bother calling his own general Kelly when he lost his son in 2010. As a matter of fact Obama rarely called or visited.
As a matter of fact, you are a liar. And KIA notifications do not need investigations before informing the loved one is deceased. You have been making stuff up to post in this thread in your lame defense for the dereliction of duty of this President. There is no excuse for him to have taken 12 days to send a letter or make a phone call.

What is your point? The president has no obligation to call and many such as Hussein Obama haven't in the past. What was Obama's excuse for not calling his own general? Go ahead and tell us, ya Leftie whack job. You want dereliction of duty look no further than lying to the American people on national TV and the next of kin like Obama and Hillary did over Ben Ghazi. You Democrats are far more guilty of the things accuse the right of!
Your rant does nothing to address the question of trumps dereliction of duty in taking so long to notify the families of the slain soldiers. Your response is just a rant with "what about" excuses and deflections.

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