Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.

Other than getting three million more votes than Trump, you mean.

You can't call 2016 a referendum and then ignore you lost by 3 million votes and only won on a technicality.
Poor, demented Roudy has thoroughly demonstrated he doesn’t grasp the distinction between the popular vote from the electoral vote.
Ya okay and that's why Hillary isn't president. Cause the American people voted for her. Ha ha ha!
Sadly, you still don’t know the difference between the popular vote and electoral vote.

Sadly, you don't understsnd that in America the people vote for the president through the electoral system. The whole discussion about the popular vote is totally irrelevant because neither of candidates campaigned to win the popular vote. The way the founders designed the system was such that a few populous states could not dictate the direction of the country if the rest of the country disagreed.
Why do you insist on proving to the forum how fucking crazy you are? First of all, the American people do not elect the president. Technically, the states do. People vote in their respective states to decide which candidate their state should send their electors to vote for. Secondly you keep talking about the American people and why they voted, but you keep ignoring the fact that Hillary got more votes from those people than trump did.

Idiotically, you keep saying the American people rejected Hillary even though more voted for her; and when pointed out to you, you moronically switch your argument to how a the states elected Trump. :cuckoo:
There is no need to discuss "the popular vote" in a system that the people choose their leader through the electoral college. And when no presidential candidates runs to win the popular vote. The popular vote is just a foot note in the election stats like "number of winners or double faults in a tennis match", and usually, not necessarily coincide with the results of the vote or tennis match.

Admit it, you guys keep bringing up the popular vote to decrease the butthurt of the humiliating loss you suffered.

There is a need to discuss the popular vote when you’re idiotically claiming the popular vote rejected Hillary. Which is why I bring up the popular vote; because you are.
Ah shadap, the people vote for the presidency through the electoral college. There is no consolation popular vote prize for butt hurt losers.
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.

Other than getting three million more votes than Trump, you mean.

You can't call 2016 a referendum and then ignore you lost by 3 million votes and only won on a technicality.
Poor, demented Roudy has thoroughly demonstrated he doesn’t grasp the distinction between the popular vote from the electoral vote.

It seems he is either demented or a damn liar (or both).
Fact is she lied, and then the crooked media and the Leftards took the ball and ran with it.

An opinion based on a biases possible framed by racism.

OMG OMG OMG. The Leftard racism card, never leave home with it!

This is another reason why Democraps lost, all this race baiting and divisiveness.

Using a cliché and childish nouns, i.e. pejoratives, is nothing more than the typical idiot-gram which pollutes this message board.
That perfectly describes the mindset of the Trump bashing Libtards.

More evidence that the idiot-gram is the safe harbor for the brainwashed set; Roudy once again resorts to, "Using a cliché and childish nouns, i.e. pejoratives, is nothing more than the typical" ignorance "which pollutes this message board".
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.

Other than getting three million more votes than Trump, you mean.

You can't call 2016 a referendum and then ignore you lost by 3 million votes and only won on a technicality.
Poor, demented Roudy has thoroughly demonstrated he doesn’t grasp the distinction between the popular vote from the electoral vote.

It seems he is either demented or a damn liar (or both).
More of the Left wing ignorance and insanity that pollutes this message board.

Presidential Election Process | USAGov

Winning the Popular Vote but Losing the Election
Though uncommon, it is possible to win the Electoral College, but lose the popular vote. That means that a candidate can win a combination of states and reach the 270 electors mark without winning the majority of votes across the country. This has happened five times in American elections, most recently in 2016.

How to Change the Electoral College
Because the Electoral College process is part of the U.S. Constitution, it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system. For more information, contact your U.S. Senator or your U.S. Representative.
Sadly, you still don’t know the difference between the popular vote and electoral vote.

Sadly, you don't understsnd that in America the people vote for the president through the electoral system. The whole discussion about the popular vote is totally irrelevant because neither of candidates campaigned to win the popular vote. The way the founders designed the system was such that a few populous states could not dictate the direction of the country if the rest of the country disagreed.
Why do you insist on proving to the forum how fucking crazy you are? First of all, the American people do not elect the president. Technically, the states do. People vote in their respective states to decide which candidate their state should send their electors to vote for. Secondly you keep talking about the American people and why they voted, but you keep ignoring the fact that Hillary got more votes from those people than trump did.

Idiotically, you keep saying the American people rejected Hillary even though more voted for her; and when pointed out to you, you moronically switch your argument to how a the states elected Trump. :cuckoo:
There is no need to discuss "the popular vote" in a system that the people choose their leader through the electoral college. And when no presidential candidates runs to win the popular vote. The popular vote is just a foot note in the election stats like "number of winners or double faults in a tennis match", and usually, not necessarily coincide with the results of the vote or tennis match.

Admit it, you guys keep bringing up the popular vote to decrease the butthurt of the humiliating loss you suffered.

There is a need to discuss the popular vote when you’re idiotically claiming the popular vote rejected Hillary. Which is why I bring up the popular vote; because you are.

Ah shadap, the people vote for the presidency through the electoral college. There is no consolation popular vote prize for butt hurt losers.

The Popular Vote is in fact, but not in law, a referendum. Trump needed to lie about the size of the crowd the day he took the oath of office, strongly suggesting he needed affirmation that he was the popular choice; even a narcissist like him knows on some level they are lying to themselves and to The People.

That people like Roudy don't get it is strange; it opens up the debate on Russian Agent Provocateurs AG): why do they defend Trump and his inner circle and attack those who criticize him for reasons apparent to all? Are these AP "commie" lovers, or lovers of despots and authoritarians?
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.

Other than getting three million more votes than Trump, you mean.

You can't call 2016 a referendum and then ignore you lost by 3 million votes and only won on a technicality.
Poor, demented Roudy has thoroughly demonstrated he doesn’t grasp the distinction between the popular vote from the electoral vote.

It seems he is either demented or a damn liar (or both).
More of the Left wing ignorance and insanity that pollutes this message board.

Presidential Election Process | USAGov

Winning the Popular Vote but Losing the Election
Though uncommon, it is possible to win the Electoral College, but lose the popular vote. That means that a candidate can win a combination of states and reach the 270 electors mark without winning the majority of votes across the country. This has happened five times in American elections, most recently in 2016.

How to Change the Electoral College
Because the Electoral College process is part of the U.S. Constitution, it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system. For more information, contact your U.S. Senator or your U.S. Representative.

DUH ^^^

Who are you trying to school? Some knucklehead who never completed the 8th grade?
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.

Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Sadly, you still don’t know the difference between the popular vote and electoral vote.

Sadly, you don't understsnd that in America the people vote for the president through the electoral system. The whole discussion about the popular vote is totally irrelevant because neither of candidates campaigned to win the popular vote. The way the founders designed the system was such that a few populous states could not dictate the direction of the country if the rest of the country disagreed.
Why do you insist on proving to the forum how fucking crazy you are? First of all, the American people do not elect the president. Technically, the states do. People vote in their respective states to decide which candidate their state should send their electors to vote for. Secondly you keep talking about the American people and why they voted, but you keep ignoring the fact that Hillary got more votes from those people than trump did.

Idiotically, you keep saying the American people rejected Hillary even though more voted for her; and when pointed out to you, you moronically switch your argument to how a the states elected Trump. :cuckoo:
There is no need to discuss "the popular vote" in a system that the people choose their leader through the electoral college. And when no presidential candidates runs to win the popular vote. The popular vote is just a foot note in the election stats like "number of winners or double faults in a tennis match", and usually, not necessarily coincide with the results of the vote or tennis match.

Admit it, you guys keep bringing up the popular vote to decrease the butthurt of the humiliating loss you suffered.

There is a need to discuss the popular vote when you’re idiotically claiming the popular vote rejected Hillary. Which is why I bring up the popular vote; because you are.
Ah shadap, the people vote for the presidency through the electoral college. There is no consolation popular vote prize for butt hurt losers.

And the people don’t reject the policies of a candidate by giving them the most votes.

She could have received 50 million more vote and the outcome would remain the same. President Trump takes Oath of Office.
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:

Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
She could have received 50 million more vote and the outcome would remain the same. President Trump takes Oath of Office.
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?

Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:

Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?

Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
No. California. No.

Now what does any of that have to do with an idiot claiming Americans rejected Hillary’s proposed policies by giving her more votes than any other candidate?

And if you’re as crazy as he is to believe giving a candidate the most votes is “rejecting them,” then how do you imaging voters demonstrate approval?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
What a dumbfuck. Let me explain how one candidate wins and another loses the electoral college: when each of the voters within a majority states, counties, and cities vote for one candidate and reject another. Elections aren't won by popular vote, Trump would have also won the popular vote, had he needed to. He played to win the electoral college, (which is actually more heavily skewed towards the Democratic candidate), and that's exactly what he did.

Stop whining and deal with the reality: Trump is your president and will most likely be reelected, based on the fact that you morons are repeating the same failed strategy that you did before Nov. 8, which helped Trump get elected in the first place.

The Electoral College actually favors smaller states. For example, there are more 3 elector vote Red states than blue.
Actaully wrong, dipstick, the electoral college favors Democrats because of the number of states with a large number of electoral votes that always vote Democrat which gives the Democratic nominee a big lead and an advantage right out of the gate.

Wow, your stupidity is like a river that keeps flowing along.

Listen very carefully.

The number of electoral votes is based on the number of Representatives & Senators.

The number of representatives is determined by POPULATION. So a electoral vote more or less represents the same number of people regardless of the State.

There are two electoral votes for Senator.

Now, I would expect that even a dumbass Trumpette could figure out that a single electoral vote for a Senate represents far far far more people than one say in like Wyoming.

Look at California and a single electoral vote represents far more people than a single electoral vote from a state like Wyoming.

In other works, A california resident represents a much small chuck of the electoral vote than a person from Wyoming whose vote has a lot more.
So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?

Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
No. California. No.

Now what does any of that have to do with an idiot claiming Americans rejected Hillary’s proposed policies by giving her more votes than any other candidate?

And if you’re as crazy as he is to believe giving a candidate the most votes is “rejecting them,” then how do you imaging voters demonstrate approval?

Hillary Clinton lost the election for the second time. The American people voted and she lost. You believe she won and I'm crazy?
So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:

Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:

Most everyone knows but you.
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?

Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
No. California. No.

Now what does any of that have to do with an idiot claiming Americans rejected Hillary’s proposed policies by giving her more votes than any other candidate?

And if you’re as crazy as he is to believe giving a candidate the most votes is “rejecting them,” then how do you imaging voters demonstrate approval?

Hillary Clinton lost the election for the second time. The American people voted and she lost. You believe she won and I'm crazy?
I think you’re crazy for thinking I believe she won the election. :cuckoo:
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:

Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:

Most everyone knows but you.
No, I know. That’s why, unlike you, I need not ask others.

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