Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?

Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
No. California. No.

Now what does any of that have to do with an idiot claiming Americans rejected Hillary’s proposed policies by giving her more votes than any other candidate?

And if you’re as crazy as he is to believe giving a candidate the most votes is “rejecting them,” then how do you imaging voters demonstrate approval?

Hillary Clinton lost the election for the second time. The American people voted and she lost. You believe she won and I'm crazy?
What does that have to do with the President lying to cover up his disrespect for fallen soldiers?
IMHO they th
I've always maintained that the liberal media is as responsible for Donald Trump being President as any conservative group. They pushed Trump hard during the GOP primaries because they thought he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to defeat!

I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

If you look at the coverage that CNN provided to Trump up through his being chosen as the GOP candidate and then compare it to the coverage they gave him once he was nominated it's patently obvious that they were engaged in "cherry picking" the opposition they wanted to run Hillary against.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

I think what has them in full out "Trump Hysteria" at the moment is in part guilt because they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.

Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
IMHO they th
I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.

Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
Trump uses the power of his office to enrich himself; have you called him corrupt?
Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press.

The tape was from 2005, so how could it be 20 years old.

Furthermore, Billy Bush didn't tell Uncle Jeb that this tape was out there. You think that would be the guy who could have used it.

Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle!

Yeah, okay, except nobody really cared about those things outside the Hate Radio fever swamps.

In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.

Except-= again, Trump lost by 3 MILLION VOTES!!!!

The voters DID care. The voters said, "no way!"

And our corrupt, awful system put Trump in charge anyway. We see every day what a mistake that was.

What is with you people? We don't elect our Presidents by popular vote! It means nothing. We use an electoral college system to elect the President. Hillary Clinton understood that when the race did Donald Trump! Each of them ran a campaign with one goal win the Electoral College! They didn't run a race to win the most popular votes! If they HAD it would be quite obvious that they would have had to employ different strategies than they did!

Let me use an matches are usually decided by one of two methods of scoring...with match play (each player trying to win individual holes and their overall score not mattering at all) or by stroke play (with the number of strokes each takes to play a round being what is counted). Before players tee off...they understand which type of match it is they are playing and base their strategy accordingly. What they DON'T do is compete in a match play event and then claim that they should be the winner because they had the fewest strokes! If they DID then they'd be viewed as both an idiot and a poor sport! You play by the rules. You don't change the rules retroactively because you lost.
Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
No. California. No.

Now what does any of that have to do with an idiot claiming Americans rejected Hillary’s proposed policies by giving her more votes than any other candidate?

And if you’re as crazy as he is to believe giving a candidate the most votes is “rejecting them,” then how do you imaging voters demonstrate approval?

Hillary Clinton lost the election for the second time. The American people voted and she lost. You believe she won and I'm crazy?
What does that have to do with the President lying to cover up his disrespect for fallen soldiers?

I answered someone's question
Why don't you fill in the blanks according to your sour mood?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:

Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:

Most everyone knows but you.
No, I know. That’s why, unlike you, I need not ask others.

However, you continue to ask.
Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.

Do you live in Cali? From where did most of the votes originate?
Why isn't Hillary sitting in the White House? Do you need a civics class?
No. California. No.

Now what does any of that have to do with an idiot claiming Americans rejected Hillary’s proposed policies by giving her more votes than any other candidate?

And if you’re as crazy as he is to believe giving a candidate the most votes is “rejecting them,” then how do you imaging voters demonstrate approval?

Hillary Clinton lost the election for the second time. The American people voted and she lost. You believe she won and I'm crazy?
I think you’re crazy for thinking I believe she won the election. :cuckoo:

You think; you thought; you believe; you believed -- who knew?
IMHO they th
Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
Trump uses the power of his office to enrich himself; have you called him corrupt?

I beg to differ...I think Donald Trump may accomplish a rather bizarre feat, Faun...I think he may become the very first American President who's net worth was decreased because of the office! You certainly can't say that about either Barry or the Clintons.
IMHO they th
I don't think it was anything that sinister. I think the Media pushed Trump because he was good for ratings. That's the problem when you do news to sell corn flakes instead of informing the public.

They probably didn't think the GOP electorate would be dumb enough to nominate him, much less elect him.

Or Trump just knew how to use the media to promote himself, because he's been doing that for the last 30 years. Again, this is really on the GOP for nominating him, not on the Media for talking about him.

I think once he got the nomination, the Media had a "what the fuck did you do?" moment. But they also did a lot of 'Well, here's Trump talking about grabbing pussy, but Hillary still has that E-mail thing", because they felt a need to be "balanced".

No, what has them in Trump Hysteria at the moment is that our system failed and put a crazy person in the White House who is trying to instigate a nuclear war with someone. Someone who's own Secretary of State calls "A fucking Moron".

Yet no one will do what has to be done to get him out.

Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
you're just jealous she can write books and you can't ,,,,,even trump can't but had someone write for him and put his name on it....that's how he rolls

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:

Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:

Most everyone knows but you.
No, I know. That’s why, unlike you, I need not ask others.

However, you continue to ask.
Now I see why some call you Lielah.
That’s a lie, I have not asked anyone who sitting in the White House.
IMHO they th
Dude, the Clinton campaign had that 20 year old tape of Trump talking about "grabbing pussy" all cued up and ready to go long before it was leaked to the press. Why do you think her people were so happy to push Trump's nomination with the wholehearted cooperation of CNN and MSNBC? They thought they could use THAT to mitigate Hillary's email scandal and the Benghazi debacle! In the long run...the voters didn't CARE! They still saw Clinton as corrupt and still thought the Washington culture needed to be changed.
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
Trump uses the power of his office to enrich himself; have you called him corrupt?
there you go again ,,showing how hypocritical republicans are
IMHO they th
and they thought wrong IMHO ,and got the MUCH lessor of the 2 candidates He shames America everytime he opens his mouth so unlike Obama or Bill

Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
Trump uses the power of his office to enrich himself; have you called him corrupt?

I beg to differ...I think Donald Trump may accomplish a rather bizarre feat, Faun...I think he may become the very first American President who's net worth was decreased because of the office! You certainly can't say that about either Barry or the Clintons.
was that 25k check received yet ,the one the dead soldiers parents said trump was sending? and whose fault is it that the low IQ trump can't write a book?
Let's try something basic for you: Who is sitting in the White House?
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:

Most everyone knows but you.
No, I know. That’s why, unlike you, I need not ask others.

However, you continue to ask.
Now I see why some call you Lielah.
That’s a lie, I have not asked anyone who sitting in the White House.

You enjoy negativity and I must say, you wear it well.
Enjoy your day and hopefully, helpless little animals will stay out of your way.
Don’t you know?? :ack-1:

Most everyone knows but you.
No, I know. That’s why, unlike you, I need not ask others.

However, you continue to ask.
Now I see why some call you Lielah.
That’s a lie, I have not asked anyone who sitting in the White House.

You enjoy negativity and I must say, you wear it well.
Enjoy your day and hopefully, helpless little animals will stay out of your way.
Sure, Lielah.
Bill and Obama weren't running, Sparky! Hillary was...and she's a freaking disaster! You really wanted that level of corruption in the Oval Office?
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
Trump uses the power of his office to enrich himself; have you called him corrupt?

I beg to differ...I think Donald Trump may accomplish a rather bizarre feat, Faun...I think he may become the very first American President who's net worth was decreased because of the office! You certainly can't say that about either Barry or the Clintons.
was that 25k check received yet ,the one the dead soldiers parents said trump was sending? and whose fault is it that the low IQ trump can't write a book?

How did this discussion "swerve" from how corrupt Hillary Clinton how accomplished an author she is? Nice attempt at deflection, Eddie!

Anyone that thinks Clinton, Obama or Trump are authoring their own books is naive to a fault...they all have ghost writers doing the work for them. Those books deals are essentially "pay offs" for politicians once they've left office. They have someone else ghost write them...collect on a huge book deal from a publisher and ride off into the sunset. It's really no different than the "speaking fees" they collect.
What's the Diff Old??? Bill and Obama would still have brought out the darkest side of Republicans Always has always will And you greatly IMO overestimate all the evil you see in hillary plutonium bs and most everything else

I've never called Hillary Clinton "evil", Eddie. I've called her corrupt. She uses the power of her office to enrich herself. She seems to believe that the rule of law doesn't apply to her because she's "above" all that! She's a sleazy politician who's ALWAYS for sale! I don't want her anywhere near the Oval Office and enough Americans agreed with me that she was rejected for the second time in her bid to be President!
Trump uses the power of his office to enrich himself; have you called him corrupt?

I beg to differ...I think Donald Trump may accomplish a rather bizarre feat, Faun...I think he may become the very first American President who's net worth was decreased because of the office! You certainly can't say that about either Barry or the Clintons.
was that 25k check received yet ,the one the dead soldiers parents said trump was sending? and whose fault is it that the low IQ trump can't write a book?

How did this discussion "swerve" from how corrupt Hillary Clinton how accomplished an author she is? Nice attempt at deflection, Eddie!

Anyone that thinks Clinton, Obama or Trump are authoring their own books is naive to a fault...they all have ghost writers doing the work for them. Those books deals are essentially "pay offs" for politicians once they've left office. They have someone else ghost write them...collect on a huge book deal from a publisher and ride off into the sunset. It's really no different than the "speaking fees" they collect.
it swerved because that's how she made lots of money ,,,not with plutonium payoff crapolla only trump used a ghost No one said Hill or Bill Or Obamas did
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
Notice how it is just said and no links to prove it. Obama, didn't give a rats ass about the 4 dead Americans he left to die in Benghazi, at this point what differences does it make?

Who did Obama leave to die in Benghazi?

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