Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.

Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.
Obama WAS on the ballet you moron. Hillary was running as Obama's incumbent and Obama campaigned for her like no president in history, harder than even Hillary ran for herself. But despite all that and the media pushing for Hillary, the American people totally rejected Obama's legacy.

Other than getting three million more votes than Trump, you mean.

You can't call 2016 a referendum and then ignore you lost by 3 million votes and only won on a technicality.
Poor, demented Roudy has thoroughly demonstrated he doesn’t grasp the distinction between the popular vote from the electoral vote.

It seems he is either demented or a damn liar (or both).
More of the Left wing ignorance and insanity that pollutes this message board.

Presidential Election Process | USAGov

Winning the Popular Vote but Losing the Election
Though uncommon, it is possible to win the Electoral College, but lose the popular vote. That means that a candidate can win a combination of states and reach the 270 electors mark without winning the majority of votes across the country. This has happened five times in American elections, most recently in 2016.

How to Change the Electoral College
Because the Electoral College process is part of the U.S. Constitution, it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system. For more information, contact your U.S. Senator or your U.S. Representative.

DUH ^^^

Who are you trying to school? Some knucklehead who never completed the 8th grade?
You sure sound like an ignorant ideologue suffering from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Ya okay and that's why Hillary isn't president. Cause the American people voted for her. Ha ha ha!
Sadly, you still don’t know the difference between the popular vote and electoral vote.

Sadly, you don't understsnd that in America the people vote for the president through the electoral system. The whole discussion about the popular vote is totally irrelevant because neither of candidates campaigned to win the popular vote. The way the founders designed the system was such that a few populous states could not dictate the direction of the country if the rest of the country disagreed.
Why do you insist on proving to the forum how fucking crazy you are? First of all, the American people do not elect the president. Technically, the states do. People vote in their respective states to decide which candidate their state should send their electors to vote for. Secondly you keep talking about the American people and why they voted, but you keep ignoring the fact that Hillary got more votes from those people than trump did.

Idiotically, you keep saying the American people rejected Hillary even though more voted for her; and when pointed out to you, you moronically switch your argument to how a the states elected Trump. :cuckoo:
There is no need to discuss "the popular vote" in a system that the people choose their leader through the electoral college. And when no presidential candidates runs to win the popular vote. The popular vote is just a foot note in the election stats like "number of winners or double faults in a tennis match", and usually, not necessarily coincide with the results of the vote or tennis match.

Admit it, you guys keep bringing up the popular vote to decrease the butthurt of the humiliating loss you suffered.

There is a need to discuss the popular vote when you’re idiotically claiming the popular vote rejected Hillary. Which is why I bring up the popular vote; because you are.
I didn't say "the popular vote rejected Hillary" moron. Why do you delusional Libtards like to change words? I said the people rejected Hillary by voting for Trump last November. Actually it wasn't a rejection, it was a humiliating defeat. The people voted for Trump and against Hillary in states that were for sure going to vote Blue, such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio etc. In those states Trump did win the POPULAR VOTE hence giving him a pretty substantial electoral victory.
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.
Most everyone knows but you.
No, I know. That’s why, unlike you, I need not ask others.

However, you continue to ask.
Now I see why some call you Lielah.
That’s a lie, I have not asked anyone who sitting in the White House.

You enjoy negativity and I must say, you wear it well.
Enjoy your day and hopefully, helpless little animals will stay out of your way.
Sure, Lielah.

You are a true follower.
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.
Crooked Media ???? OH that's how we got 2 terms of GWB
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.

Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.
Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.

I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.

Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
Trump didn't make a comment about crowd size until after the media attacked, and continued to hound and attack, him over it.

The media is just making up their own news now, they've completely given up on even trying to find news, they just have #nevertrump meetings and post everything they come up with - no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Even the less "comprehensionally"[made a new word for ya'll :)] brilliant can see how the media twists everything that comes out of the White House. They're despicable, and just like most of the left with stupidly supporting the asshole ANTIFA, now they're stupidly supporting the media's word salad games.

On the plus side, if you ever actually wanted to sort out the "smart" and the "stupid" voters, this cycle doing a bang up job.

How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.
Crooked Media ???? OH that's how we got 2 terms of GWB
Nope, we got 2 terms of GWB because Bill Clinton decided to continue sexually assaulting while he was in the Oval Office. That is, despite having and other pretty successful presidency by most standards. But it's interesting that you bring up GWB because he's now a leftie hero, considering he's supposedly said stuff that was anti Trump. Just like how Mc Cain and Romney were usual "RACIST! SEXIST! " and "ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS" according to the left when they ran, but now these same people are idolized. Strange how the wheel turns with you Libtards. Basically anything goes, no moral compass at all.
I agree that Trump probably tried his best but his choice of words was improper

Trump does not always have "The best words" that is why his staff has to constantly clarify what he meant
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.

Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
The moral of the story is that Leftie dirtbags will attack anybody who goes against their lies and narrative, even a Gold Star father with a record like general Kelly's.
How do you critique Trump's volume of Tweets?
  • Smart
  • Stupid
  • Vindictive
  • Harmful
  • Hateful
  • Loving
  • Caring
  • thoughtful
  • Thought provoking
  • foolish
Chose as many as you like, consider it an IQ test.
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.
Crooked Media ???? OH that's how we got 2 terms of GWB
Nope, we got 2 terms of GWB because Bill Clinton decided to continue sexually assaulting while he was in the Oval Office. That is, despite having and other pretty successful presidency by most standards. But it's interesting that you bring up GWB because he's now a leftie hero, considering he's supposedly said stuff that was anti Trump. Just like how Mc Cain and Romney were usual "RACIST! SEXIST! " and "ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS" according to the left when they ran, but now these same people are idolized. Strange how the wheel turns with you Libtards. Basically anything goes, no moral compass at all.
I don't think they're idolized just showing they do have an ounce of sense under their scalps Far more than most of repubs
Smart and thought provoking. He's going around the lying crooked media directly to the people. So you might want to include creative, innovative and genius to that list.

Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.
Crooked Media ???? OH that's how we got 2 terms of GWB
Nope, we got 2 terms of GWB because Bill Clinton decided to continue sexually assaulting while he was in the Oval Office. That is, despite having and other pretty successful presidency by most standards. But it's interesting that you bring up GWB because he's now a leftie hero, considering he's supposedly said stuff that was anti Trump. Just like how Mc Cain and Romney were usual "RACIST! SEXIST! " and "ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS" according to the left when they ran, but now these same people are idolized. Strange how the wheel turns with you Libtards. Basically anything goes, no moral compass at all.
I don't think they're idolized just showing they do have an ounce of sense under their scalps Far more than most of repubs
Have you seen the fake news companies like CNN? They keep quoting Mc Cain and Bush as if they're some kind of movie stars.

Remember, the reason why the US and the world suffered through Obama presidency was because of GW Bush's fuckups. Now I'm not saying that Bush was a total fuckup but he have a few critical fuckups which disqualified him as CEO of the country. The difference between Bush and Obama however was at least Bush was a patriot and good man who had his heart in the right place. Obama on the other hand is a piece of shit anti American dirtbag socialist ideologue that sees this country as a corrupt racist entity, therefore he has harbored very bad intentions and ill will for the US.
Says who? You? He made four calls that day and the only one where "choice of words" was put into question was the one where that Democratic congresswoman pulled her shit.

Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
The moral of the story is that Leftie dirtbags will attack anybody who goes against their lies and narrative, even a Gold Star father with a record like general Kelly's.

Kelly lied in a live press conference about what the congresswomen said years ago... and then got busted when a video of her speech came out. He's sunk to a Trump-type level. The only way for him to save face at this point is resign.
Are you saying Trump made the same speech to each family?

Congresswoman Wilson said the family was upset by what the President said and she was correct

It was Trump who lied about the conversation
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
The moral of the story is that Leftie dirtbags will attack anybody who goes against their lies and narrative, even a Gold Star father with a record like general Kelly's.

Kelly lied in a live press conference about what the congresswomen said years ago... and then got busted when a video of her speech came out. He's sunk to a Trump-type level. The only way for him to save face at this point is resign.
Oh so now the Democraps are after Kelly's head because he humilaited their beloved congresswoman hack. Funny shit, these people literally have no morals.
Possibly, it works on the biddable, like you.
Pretty ingenious and innovative of Trump to go around the crooked media and take his message directly to the people through social media and rallies, don't you think?

In case you haven't been keeping up, elections today are basically decided by the crooked media, which has proven itself to be totally biased and corrupt. Trump showed that there is another way and brought the media corporations to their knees, using very inexpensive ways to get his message across, while avoiding the billions that Hillary and her gang spent, and she STILL failed. That is why I would add genius to that list.
Crooked Media ???? OH that's how we got 2 terms of GWB
Nope, we got 2 terms of GWB because Bill Clinton decided to continue sexually assaulting while he was in the Oval Office. That is, despite having and other pretty successful presidency by most standards. But it's interesting that you bring up GWB because he's now a leftie hero, considering he's supposedly said stuff that was anti Trump. Just like how Mc Cain and Romney were usual "RACIST! SEXIST! " and "ANTI WOMEN'S RIGHTS" according to the left when they ran, but now these same people are idolized. Strange how the wheel turns with you Libtards. Basically anything goes, no moral compass at all.
I don't think they're idolized just showing they do have an ounce of sense under their scalps Far more than most of repubs
Have you seen the fake news companies like CNN? They keep quoting Mc Cain and Bush as if they're some kind of movie stars.

Remember, the reason why the US and the world suffered through Obama presidency was because of GW Bush's fuckups. Now I'm not saying that Bush was a total fuckup but he have a few critical fuckups which disqualified him as CEO of the country. The difference between Bush and Obama however was at least Bush was a patriot and good man who had his heart in the right place. Obama on the other hand is a piece of shit anti American dirtbag socialist ideologue that sees this country as a corrupt racist entity, therefore he has harbored very bad intentions and ill will for the US.
Well then I must disagree I believe Obama to be a well spoken fine gentleman who's first wish was to make America a better healthier place for all Republicans prevented him from complete success
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
The moral of the story is that Leftie dirtbags will attack anybody who goes against their lies and narrative, even a Gold Star father with a record like general Kelly's.

Kelly lied in a live press conference about what the congresswomen said years ago... and then got busted when a video of her speech came out. He's sunk to a Trump-type level. The only way for him to save face at this point is resign.
Oh so now the Democraps are after Kelly's head because he humilaited their beloved congresswoman hack. Funny shit, these people literally have no morals.
when kelly started kissing trump ass he lost a lot of face
Yes, that is what general Kelly who was watching Trump make the calls said. Are you claiming that Kelly is lying?
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
The moral of the story is that Leftie dirtbags will attack anybody who goes against their lies and narrative, even a Gold Star father with a record like general Kelly's.

Kelly lied in a live press conference about what the congresswomen said years ago... and then got busted when a video of her speech came out. He's sunk to a Trump-type level. The only way for him to save face at this point is resign.
Oh so now the Democraps are after Kelly's head because he humilaited their beloved congresswoman hack. Funny shit, these people literally have no morals.

You didn't get my post whatsoever. I'm not calling for Kelly's head just for being caught lying red-handed. I'm saying that Kelly needs to resign in order to try and save what little integrity he might have left after selling out his integrity for Trump's huge ego.
Actually, a top news story at the present time is that Kelly got caught lying about the Congresswoman. So, ya, Kelly has been contaminated by the trump dishonesty disease. It is a requirement for being on the trump staff and obviously contagious.

Yes, it is sad to see a guy that spent such a large portion of his life dedicated to fighting for his country, and even losing his son in war, to give up his integrity for a piece of shit like Trump.
The moral of the story is that Leftie dirtbags will attack anybody who goes against their lies and narrative, even a Gold Star father with a record like general Kelly's.

Kelly lied in a live press conference about what the congresswomen said years ago... and then got busted when a video of her speech came out. He's sunk to a Trump-type level. The only way for him to save face at this point is resign.
Oh so now the Democraps are after Kelly's head because he humilaited their beloved congresswoman hack. Funny shit, these people literally have no morals.

You didn't get my post whatsoever. I'm not calling for Kelly's head just for being caught lying red-handed. I'm saying that Kelly needs to resign in order to try and save what little integrity he might have left after selling out his integrity for Trump's huge ego.
Anyone getting involved with trump will come out looking dirty

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