Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
Do you have a link to show what any of those witnesses have said to counter what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman have said? How does the claim of having witnesses change the story if the alleged witnesses on the Presidents end of the phone call are not denying what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman are saying? So let us see your link.

They are all denying what the congresscritter claims.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you?
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.

Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
Do you have a link to show what any of those witnesses have said to counter what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman have said? How does the claim of having witnesses change the story if the alleged witnesses on the Presidents end of the phone call are not denying what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman are saying? So let us see your link.

They are all denying what the congresscritter claims.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
U'm still waiting for proof that $83 billion was missing from Ukrainian coffers, a country with a $77 billion GDP.

You're such a git Camp.

They always ask for links and then proclaim the links invalid.
You don't have a link is what you are saying. You just don't want to admit it. You don't have the integrity to admit it.

No, there are lots of links, I just know you and your kind and I don't give a shit about what you think. This is a nothingburger and Trump and the people there will prove it and you butthurt losers will move onto some other made up scandal.
You don't have any links because there are none. No one at the White House has actually denied what the wife and witnesses said.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Trump got caught today almost immediately for lying about how President Obama and other Presidents responded to KIA soldiers families. The moron just can not help but to lie, lie, lie.
According to General John Kelly (Ret.) who is a "Gold Star" parent that lost his son in Afghanistan, Trump was decent and respective in talking with the families of those who fell in Niger. As a retired military member, I'll believe Kelly over your BS anytime.
Looks like you fail again. He told the truth and has witnesses.

All the democrats can do is lie lie lie.
Do you have a link to show what any of those witnesses have said to counter what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman have said? How does the claim of having witnesses change the story if the alleged witnesses on the Presidents end of the phone call are not denying what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman are saying? So let us see your link.

They are all denying what the congresscritter claims.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.
Maybe in your dreams. Remember, if anything Trump was elected because of the economy, his lies about the health care bill, and his disastrous handling of foreign affairs. He turned many blue states such as Pennsylvania that had not voted republican in decades, to red.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
So if things were so rosy then why was Hillary rejected..someone who basically ran on Obama's legacy, and had the media including Obama and his cronies, and the intelligence establishment pulling hard for her.
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
Do you have a link to show what any of those witnesses have said to counter what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman have said? How does the claim of having witnesses change the story if the alleged witnesses on the Presidents end of the phone call are not denying what the wife, mother, father, and congresswoman are saying? So let us see your link.

They are all denying what the congresscritter claims.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She could have received 50 million more vote and the outcome would remain the same. President Trump takes Oath of Office.
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.
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Trump disrespected McCain for being captured, one must infer from his comment in that matter that he prefers our troops who don't die in the course of their duties too.
They are all denying what the congresscritter claims.
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!
Trump disrespected McCain for being captured, one must infer from his comment in that matter that he prefers our troops who don't die in the course of their duties too.
And yet, vast majority of military voted for Trump and still support him. Amazing, huh? Ya think its something Hussein Obama and the Dems said or did?
Link. You are making a big claim with nothing to substantiate your claim. Who is "they" and what did they say?
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
Listen to Kelly's presser today. You didn't think he would come out and shit on that Democrat whore like this, did you? :D9:

He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.
He shit on her because she publicized it. He didn't shit on her calling her a liar.

There is a big difference between the two.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.

First I'm not a Liberal and highly doubt any of the people on this forum that throw that around so much have met a REAL liberal.

Secondly if she did what she did in Miami, well fuck her.

Fact is however she didn't lie about what Trump said, and Kelly confirmed it.
He saw NOTHING wrong with what Trump did, in fact he explained that he was the person that coached Trump with the calls, and he then proceeded to shit on the congresswoman whore and the media.

Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.

First I'm not a Liberal and highly doubt any of the people on this forum that throw that around so much have met a REAL liberal.

Secondly if she did what she did in Miami, well fuck her.

Fact is however she didn't lie about what Trump said, and Kelly confirmed it.
Fact is she lied, and then the crooked media and the Leftards took the ball and ran with it.
Yes, he said that he told Trump he shouldn't make the calls because he felt only people who have been in a military situation can convey the message in the right context... then said Trump "tried" to say the same message he told him to. Key word there is "tried."

As I said in another thread, having a sociopath with no empathy try to give condolences is never going to work.
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.

First I'm not a Liberal and highly doubt any of the people on this forum that throw that around so much have met a REAL liberal.

Secondly if she did what she did in Miami, well fuck her.

Fact is however she didn't lie about what Trump said, and Kelly confirmed it.
Fact is she lied, and then the crooked media and the Leftards took the ball and ran with it.

No... he confirmed that the message she heard from Trump WAS TRUE. Trump just wasn't able to convey the message correctly. :rolleyes:
You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She could have received 50 million more vote and the outcome would remain the same. President Trump takes Oath of Office.
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?

Did everyone who voted vote for Hillary? Did those who voted for Trump reject Hillary as President?

  1. the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.
Do you need a safe place?
If you think Hillary was rejected than you must think trump was rejected even worse since even fewer people voted for him.
Too rightarded. <smh>

The Dow Obama handed trump was triple above its recession low. Employment was in its unprecedented 75 consecutive month of growth.
So if things were so rosy then why was Hillary rejected..someone who basically ran on Obama's legacy, and had the media including Obama and his cronies, and the intelligence establishment pulling hard for her.
Why do you lie? She was rejected by the states, not by the people. More people voted for her than for trump. You know, what you call rejection. Trump won because we elect presidents based on states’ electoral votes and not the national popular vote.

So more people wanted Obama’s policies to continue than they wanted trump. And again, the points that demonstrate you’re astoundingly rightarded... the Dow tripled and employment growth was in its 75th consecutive month when Obama passed the baton to trump.
You idiots keep repeating this as if it means anything! Look, Hillary lost, deal with it! And Obama oversaw the greatest loss in congressional seats, governorships, and state legislators probably in US history. Trump turned states that had not voted blue for decades. This despite Hillary had the media, Obama, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for her. The fact that Libtards are in denial and cannot see the writing in the wall doesn't change jack shit!
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who said Hillary didn’t lose the election?

You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She was rejected, you delusional moron, by a majority of states, counties, and cities. Hence the electoral system.
You know you’re fucked in the head, right? You said she was rejected because her policies would have been a continuation of Obama’s.

I know you live in Crazy Town, but back here on planet Earth; states, counties and cities are not capable of rejecting policies. Only people can do that — and more people rejected trump than Hillary.
You said she was rejected and that’s absurd given more Americans voted for her than for trump.
She could have received 50 million more vote and the outcome would remain the same. President Trump takes Oath of Office.
So what? Had she received 50 million more votes, it would still be absurd to claim people rejected her.

So, those who voted against her did not reject her?
How is the person who got the most votes, rejected?
How does the team that scores the most three pointers lose a basketball game? How does the chess player with more pieces on the board end up getting check mated?

Here's how: Because you are a fucking moron.

Hillary didn’t get the most point in “3 quarters.” After all the votes were counted, she had more. Those weren’t the votes she needed to win the election, but nothing you say will ever give trump more votes from the people than Hillary got.

And according to imbeciles like you, getting more votes than any other candidate is the people rejecting her policies. :cuckoo:
Who cares what the fuck you said. Kelly took a royal dump on on the congress bitch and the entire Democrstic party and the media.

Now watch the delusional Libtards go into denial.

The Russians did it!

Are you drunk?

Kelly said that Trump couldn't convey the message correctly. He then said he "tried." Fact is Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his own actions, and instead throws others under the bus. He compliments himself ALL THE TIME. The guy is a fucking narcissist sociopath.
It's interesting that even after Kelly comes out and takes a ROYAL DUMP of epic proportions on the left, you Libtards can still claim victory and go right back to your fake news and Trump bashing.

Is there any life form with a lower learning curve than a delusional Leftie Libtard? Apparently not.

First I'm not a Liberal and highly doubt any of the people on this forum that throw that around so much have met a REAL liberal.

Secondly if she did what she did in Miami, well fuck her.

Fact is however she didn't lie about what Trump said, and Kelly confirmed it.
Fact is she lied, and then the crooked media and the Leftards took the ball and ran with it.

No... he confirmed that the message she heard from Trump WAS TRUE. Trump just wasn't able to convey the message correctly. :rolleyes:
He made the same call to three other people, the only one that the leftist media turned into a controversy involved this piece of shit Democratic hack congresswoman.

What a surprise!

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