Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers

Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
Where she was the most qualified candidate in the history of America
Are you saying that it is BS that she is the most qualified candidate in the history?
Or are you saying that it is BS that she isn't the most qualified candidate in the history?

Hillary Clinton smartest woman in the world
Back in the 1990’s when she served as first lady (co-president, some say) Hillary Clinton was widely known as “The Smartest Woman in the World.” Her husband supposedly coined the term, but Rush Limbaugh ran with it, snarking and laughing. Soon it was household.
‘The Smartest Woman in the World’ Flunks Her Foreign ...

I believe it was you who asked "what BS fake news"? I was giving the example that calling her the most qualified candidate ever was the BS fake news...she is one of the least qualified ever and calling her the most qualified is proof of "fake news"
Bill Weld: Hillary Clinton might be most qualified candidate - CNNPolitics
Weld 'not sure anybody is more qualified than Hillary Clinton' to be president
Oh you mean this fake news, from CNN... No wonder the president is always calling CNN fake news.
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
Where she was the most qualified candidate in the history of America
Are you saying that it is BS that she is the most qualified candidate in the history?
Or are you saying that it is BS that she isn't the most qualified candidate in the history?

Hillary Clinton smartest woman in the world
Back in the 1990’s when she served as first lady (co-president, some say) Hillary Clinton was widely known as “The Smartest Woman in the World.” Her husband supposedly coined the term, but Rush Limbaugh ran with it, snarking and laughing. Soon it was household.
‘The Smartest Woman in the World’ Flunks Her Foreign ...

I believe it was you who asked "what BS fake news"? I was giving the example that calling her the most qualified candidate ever was the BS fake news...she is one of the least qualified ever and calling her the most qualified is proof of "fake news"
Trumpovitch finally acknowledged that there’s a fire in California.
Maybe the fires are a good news story or that it’s what they signed up for.?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary
fake BS news about Hillary
What fake BS news?
Where she was the most qualified candidate in the history of America
Are you saying that it is BS that she is the most qualified candidate in the history?
Or are you saying that it is BS that she isn't the most qualified candidate in the history?

Hillary Clinton smartest woman in the world
Back in the 1990’s when she served as first lady (co-president, some say) Hillary Clinton was widely known as “The Smartest Woman in the World.” Her husband supposedly coined the term, but Rush Limbaugh ran with it, snarking and laughing. Soon it was household.
‘The Smartest Woman in the World’ Flunks Her Foreign ...
I could never call her the most qualified BUT I believe the distance between her and trump as far as being presidential is great,,,,,, maybe greater than any 2 candidates before them ....IMHO
No matter how much the butthurt snowflake trump cult whines this incident is forever stamped on the trump legacy. His disgraceful behavior will be remembered forever.
What butthurt are you talking about? Stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows, real estate market booming, illegal aliens crossing down 70%?

The Left has nothing to offer but they are too fucking dumb to realize it.
Those were the economic conditions when Trump took over for Obama and continued into Trump’s presidency.
Every success that Trump experiences is a direct result of plans the Obama people set in motions years ago...the economy, the market, low interest rates, ACA which was paid for when passed, everything. The only thing Trump has done is rid the country of regulations that the banks are now predoritically abusing as we speak...the credit card industry is back in full blast....and the bubble will soon burst!!
the mother of the slain soldier
Mother of slain soldier backs congresswoman after Trump says she 'fabricated' his comments to widow
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

Oct 18th 2017 11:58AM
A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.
Trumpistas, the good people of America will always kick Trump's ass up between his ears so he can hear America kicking it.

He was wrong in the moment and then tried to cover it up.
Decisions decisions who to believe
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman "fabricated" her account of a call he made Tuesday to the widow of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa earlier this month.

But that deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman was correct in her characterization of what Trump said, telling The Washington Post that Trump disrespected her son and daughter-in-law.

Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida told Miami ABC affiliate WPLG on Tuesday that Trump told Myeshia Johnson — the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, one of the four troops killed during a mission in Niger earlier this month — that, "He knew what he signed up for ... but when it happens, it hurts anyway."

"It's so insensitive," Wilson later told CNN's Don Lemon. "He should have not have said that. He shouldn't have said it."

Wilson said she was riding in the car with Myeshia, who was on her way to the airport to receive her husband's body, when Trump called.

The Florida Democrat then told MSNBC Wednesday morning that the soldier's widow was "crying the whole time" and that when she hung up the phone, she looked at Wilson and said, "He didn't even remember his name."

She added that Trump "was almost like joking."

"He said, 'Well, I guess you knew' — something to the effect that 'he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.' You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die," Wilson said. "That's the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid."

Trump responded to Wilson's comments on Wednesday morning, claiming that she "totally fabricated" her account of Trump's remarks.
given that you can't hear a word from trump w/o it being hate filled, i would say this is common among people.

trump says something 2 things happens to most liberals.

declare him stupid and wrong
not shut up til you tell the world about this hours reason why you hate trump.

and given this senator also refused to be there when trump was sworn in, i'm not going to believe her w/o more evidence or proof.

and now we add in "he's joking" around about it.

care to pile on more you can't possibly verify?
Didn't the wife verify?? or is she lying cause she hates trump too?
and btw It's not I who started this subject and I believe there are many more like me who see the trees for the forest
Thanks to fake news you can see those trees and the forest in a desert
I believe what you say Too damn bad some of those voting for trump believed all the fake BS news about Hillary

What was fake news about Hillary? Did she not have two servers hidden at her house that she used to conduct official business on? Did she not have those servers "scrubbed" to destroy what was on them when they were discovered? Did she not deliberately mislead both the families of the men killed in Benghazi over what happened as well as the rest of the nation? Did Bill Clinton not clandestinely meet with Loretta Lynch just days before the Justice Department was to rule on Hillary's emails? Did the Clinton's not run a pay for play scheme through the Clinton Foundation? Did Hillary Clinton not use the Clinton Foundation charity money to help support her campaign staff?

Hillary's as sleazy as they come, Eddie! She and her husband have made themselves into multi millionaires by exchanging political favors for cash!
I could never call her the most qualified
fake news called her that
so they went a little overboard but could you agree that trump was among the top unqualified?
I have on more than one occasion on this forum called trump the second worst candidate to ever run...and there we are not just talking about the degree to which the media played up hillary, we are talking about the danger of accepting t media as an unbiased source of information, when it consciously and consistently picks a side it automatically converts from news to propaganda and whenever you quote it you become a willing propagandist or unwitting is dangerous
the mother of the slain soldier
Mother of slain soldier backs congresswoman after Trump says she 'fabricated' his comments to widow
  • A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.

Oct 18th 2017 11:58AM
A Florida congresswoman said President Donald Trump offended the widow of a deceased soldier when he called her on Tuesday to offer his condolences.
  • Trump disputed the congresswoman's characterization of the call, calling it a fabrication and adding that he had proof it was so.
  • The deceased soldier's mother said the congresswoman's account of the conversation was accurate.
on a previous post of yours:
Trump Caught Lying to Cover-up His Disrespect for Fallen Soldiers


and now we're get something of some sort of quote from the mom, not the widow, as proof.

you say a lot of shit eddie and every single time it seems i dig for you to back it up, you run elsewhere and pretend it's the same.
Been watching the WH briefing and Mrs. Sanders said that the reason it took Trump 12 days to write the letters was because of "extensive procedures" and that they didn't get the CACO package until last Thursday.

That is a bunch of unadulterated B.S. I served over 20 years in the U.S. Navy as a Personnelman, which means that I handled all the enlisted paperwork for the command. And, yeah, there was a time in my career that I had to prepare a CACO message for one of our sailors who had been sucked under the ship by a tugboat wake.

When a casualty occurs like this, the military has 24 hours or LESS to notify the family that someone died. That starts with a message detailing the circumstances, what happened, who their next of kin is, where they are located at. I mean there is a lot of information that is contained in that message.

That message also goes to a whole bunch of places. CACO office where the member listed as home of record, Washington DC, BUPERS, and everyone that is up the chain of command.'s not a message that is sent via normal priority. The highest priority for messages that we had was Flash Priority, which means transmit immediately and distribute as quickly as possible. didn't take 12 days for the WH to be notified that those troops had died.

Here's the checklist if you want to read it for yourself. I've listed the part of the checklist that says a condolence letter will be sent within 48 hours. FHS/CACO Notification Checklist _2013v2_.pdf

Notifying Other Active-Duty Relatives:
Inform the NOK that OPNAV N135C can assist with notifying
any other active-duty relatives.

Letter of Circumstances:
Inform NOK that a condolence letter is forthcoming from the commanding
officer and then follow up with parent command to ensu
re the letter is prepared and mailed to NOK within
48 hours.

Advise NOK that investigations will be conduc
ted as warranted, i.e., Line of Duty,
JAGMAN, Aircraft Mishap or police report. Tell them
that you can assist them in completing the requests
for this information on a later visit and will keep them a
pprised of the status of any relevant investigations.

Immediate Needs
: Inquire as to any immediate needs of NOK (for example emergency financial needs).
Assistance can be obtained from the local Navy-Marin
e Corps Relief Society and the American Red Cross
Last edited:
I could never call her the most qualified
fake news called her that
so they went a little overboard but could you agree that trump was among the top unqualified?
I have on more than one occasion on this forum called trump the second worst candidate to ever run...and there we are not just talking about the degree to which the media played up hillary, we are talking about the danger of accepting t media as an unbiased source of information, when it consciously and consistently picks a side it automatically converts from news to propaganda and whenever you quote it you become a willing propagandist or unwitting is dangerous

I've always maintained that the liberal media is as responsible for Donald Trump being President as any conservative group. They pushed Trump hard during the GOP primaries because they thought he would be the easiest candidate for Hillary Clinton to defeat! If you look at the coverage that CNN provided to Trump up through his being chosen as the GOP candidate and then compare it to the coverage they gave him once he was nominated it's patently obvious that they were engaged in "cherry picking" the opposition they wanted to run Hillary against. I think what has them in full out "Trump Hysteria" at the moment is in part guilt because they KNOW that they misjudged Hillary's appeal to the American voter so badly!
I give up,,,, first mods down my neck and now Hillary haters or blind people who can't see trump for what he is I'll just mend the wounds some of my stocks have inflicted on me Tomorrow
We seem to learn more every day on just what a disgusting poor excuse of a person Donald Trump is.

He said how he was writing letters to the families of fallen soldiers or calling them.

He said Obama didn't do this. This was a lie.

God damn it Trump supporters. How big an asshole did you people elect?
obama served with distinction.
Obama's not president.

But it's true. He did serve as president with distinction. He was admired all over the world except by racists in this country.
You know, ever since Trump started to run for office, he's kept amping up the crazy as he goes along.

Now, his comment about shooting someone on 5th Ave pretty much went unnoticed, and his attack on a Gold Star family went away, but it seems that he may have finally bit off more than he can chew with this widow and her mother.

It's gonna be interesting to see if Trump is able to weather this one.
So the wife of the fallen hero was hurt by Trump's choice of words. Does anyone truly believe the president would call up a widow and purposely upset her ?
Sounds to me like the woman and the Congresswoman were already Trump haters, and likely would have been unsatisfied regardless of how he worded his call to her.

Here's likely what happened:

The mother heard this: "But you know he must have known what he signed up for". (So too bad that he's now dead)

Trump meant it like this: "But you know he must have known what he signed up for" (And he answered the call of his country anyway)
I thought at the WH briefing this afternoon, was pretty lame trying to cover this up.

Sanders said that the reason it took 12 days for the letters and the calls is because CACO procedures need to be followed, and the process didn't allow for the WH to find out until last Thursday.

That is B.S. CACO messages go out as quickly as you can get them made, and they go to EVERYONE in the chain of command, as well as BUPERS and all the other places, and they know within hours of the death, because the military has to notify the NOK within 24 hours, with a condolence letter coming to the family within 48.
So the wife of the fallen hero was hurt by Trump's choice of words. Does anyone truly believe the president would call up a widow and purposely upset her ?
Sounds to me like the woman and the Congresswoman were already Trump haters, and likely would have been unsatisfied regardless of how he worded his call to her.

Here's likely what happened:

The mother heard this: "But you know he must have known what he signed up for". (So too bad that he's now dead)

Trump meant it like this: "But you know he must have known what he signed up for" (And he answered the call of his country anyway)

You ever serve in the military Drifter? I did, for over 20 years, and yeah, all military people know that the job we signed up for has a chance of killing us. Not only is there battle, but training, and in the Navy, ending up falling over the side of the ship, or getting snapped in half by a broken cable.

We all know that the job we signed up for is dangerous.

However..................that is not something we talk about when consoling family members of the fallen. We talk about how much of an asset they were to the command, how much they were respected and liked, as well as that they are going to be sorely missed. We don't say that they knew what they were signing up for when they die, because it's just insensitive.

Did Trump intend to piss off the widow and mother? Probably not, but that doesn't change the fact that when it comes to things like this, Trump is clueless and not very empathetic.

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