Trump caught on tape

I do not watch television (as I have stated multiple times) I am leaving the Republican party. No more donations.
No votes from me. And I would never vote for a Democrat.
Got it. Just looked at your join date. When did you get banned? Nothing I detest more than socks pretending to be Republicans or conservative and even worse, former military.

Have a blessed life.
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The DOJ reportedly has a recording of the former president saying he knew he couldn’t simply declassify documents after leaving the White House.

DONALD TRUMP’S CLAIM that he had declassified the massive trove of government documents he took to Mar-a-Lago was dubious from the start. Well, CNN reported on Wednesday that federal prosecutors overseeing the probe into the documents have obtained a recording of the former president admitting that he kept a classified document containing information about a proposed attack plan against Iran.

The meeting in question reportedly took place in July 2021 at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president met with biographers for his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was not present, and members of his own staff. Several individuals participating in the conversation lacked security clearances.

Multiple sources who described the recording to CNN say the president indicated that while he wished he could describe the contents of a document to attendees, he was both aware he had retained classified materials and that he could not flat-out declassify documents following his departure from the presidency.

The DOJ has the tapes, which means Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has the tapes and/or has heard the tapes.

The Rapist and Traitor is actually dead dumb fucking stupid to admit on taped conversation he knowingly and willingly removed classified material from the WH and had it brought Shit-A-Lago. He also admits that he knew he could declassify said classified documents.

The sheer outright level of stupid that Orange Faced Asshole continues to demonstrate will never cease to amaze.

Biden was caught on video declaring he thought in his locked garage next to his Corvette was a perfectly acceptabe place to store his stolen TS/SCI Classified documents.

Got it. Just looked at your join date. When did you get banned? Nothing I detest more than socks pretending to be Republicans or conservative and even worse, former military.

Have a blessed life.
Mara Lago... Panty raid?
Do you deny Mara Lago raid? and what was found?
It was not love letters from N. Korea dictator "Fat Boy" nor cocktail napkins with signatures.

The FBI arranged Classified COVER SHEETS all over the floor to make it seem tjat Trump's documents were just strewn all over the place for a photo op ... it wasn't even clasdified documents - it was COVER SHEETS!

It would habe been illegal for the FBI to tale photos of tbe classified documents ... and you leftist rubes bought it hook, line, and sinker!

Of course the FBI knew what the would find :

- The FBI was in negotitation w/ Trump and his team on what documents he had and what was goIng to he returned.

- The FBI was the ones who authorized the SCIF at Trump's house to begin with.

--- Why would the FBI authorize Trump to have a SCIF at his home for containibg TS/SCI / classified documents if they did not know Trump would have those document?
** 'Sure you can have a SCIF at your house FOR NO F*ING REASON?!

As per the law, Trump had a list of docu.ents contained in his SCIF with a controlled visitor log providing the names of everyone who had access to them ...unlike Biden
The FBI arranged Classified COVER SHEETS all over the floor to make it seem tjat Trump's documents were just strewn all over the place for a photo op ... it wasn't even clasdified documents - it was COVER SHEETS!


Actually the evidence photo submitted to the court showed documents and cover sheets. (I added the red arrows to point to documents). Now the contents of the documents were redacted since they were classified and couldn't be presented in open court.

But it didn't just show the cover folders.

View attachment 790820
Actually the evidence photo submitted to the court showed documents and cover sheets. (I added the red arrows to point to documents). Now the contents of the documents were redacted since they were classified and couldn't be presented in open court.

But it didn't just show the cover folders.


Those photos show NO CLASSIFIED DATA - NONE. - not even redacted, blacked out sections. Again, it is illegal to.take photos of classified and relear them!

The big red and white page that says 'SECRET / SCI' is a coversheet. The othets are blank whote pages and blank folders.

Well, you are agreeing with a moron.

The FBI opened their criminal probe two weeks after Trump voluntarily turned over 15 boxes of documents requested by NARA. We're still holding our breath for them to open a similar probe of Biden

Sucks to be wrong but it happens; and when it does, I own it.

I got the November, 2022 date of the investigation being opened, but I see now that was the special counsel investigation opened his investigation into Trump. The 15 boxes were retrieved on January 18, 2022. On February 9, the NARA sent the DoJ a referral to investigate and at some point after that, after reviewing the referral, the DoJ open an investigation...

Uh, Trump voluntarily gave up fifteen boxes of documents at NARA's request and the FBI immediately opened a criminal investigation. Reasonable minds wonder why Biden wasn't treated similarly.
"Hundreds of pages of documents were either taped back together or arrived at the Archives "still in pieces,"

and the Feds knew Trump was lying and hiding stuff.
Those photos show NO CLASSIFIED DATA - NONE. - not even redacted, blacked out sections. Again, it is illegal to.take photos of classified and relear them!

The big red and white page that says 'SECRET / SCI' is a coversheet. The othets are blank whote pages and blank folders.

It was staged as an example. A filing by DOJ to the courts:
In its filing, the Justice Department orients the photo — the filing’s Attachment F — as follows:
“Certain of the documents had colored cover sheets indicating their classification status. See, e.g., Attachment F (redacted FBI photograph of certain documents and classified cover sheets recovered from a container in the ‘45 office’).”
The material shown, then, is from Trump’s personal office at Mar-a-Lago, but the photograph itself doesn’t appear to have been taken there.
Consider the detail in the lower left of the photo. We see three distinguishing elements: a busy carpet pattern, some sort of dark-blue, fringed fabric — perhaps a curtain — and white cupboards with a relief pattern. (Update: This appears to be a stylized filing cabinet.)
Uh, Trump voluntarily gave up fifteen boxes of documents at NARA's request and the FBI immediately opened a criminal investigation. Reasonable minds wonder why Biden wasn't treated similarly.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The search of former President Donald Trump' s Mar-a-Lago club for classified documents and other government records may have come as a surprise to the public. But new legal filings show the investigation that triggered the unprecedented action was months in the making. The documents make clear that Trump had ample opportunity to return the material the government requested —- and then subpoenaed — and reveal the sheer quantity of highly sensitive documents he was keeping at the club.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The search of former President Donald Trump' s Mar-a-Lago club for classified documents and other government records may have come as a surprise to the public. But new legal filings show the investigation that triggered the unprecedented action was months in the making. The documents make clear that Trump had ample opportunity to return the material the government requested —- and then subpoenaed — and reveal the sheer quantity of highly sensitive documents he was keeping at the club.
IIRC, on Jun 3, 2022, Trump lawyers handed over an envelope containing some papers to visiting FBI agents, said a diligent search had been conducted and they didn't have any more documents/copies, etc. The FBI agents were prevented from searching any more boxes. Yet, on Aug 8, more documents were found when the FBI served a search warrant.

In Dec 22, some more were found in a storage facility. Finally, in Feb '23, Trump's attorneys handed over a laptop and thumb drive belonging to an aide who worked for a Trump PAC, onto which classified docs were found to have been copied, and had been taken away from MAL.

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Uh, Trump voluntarily gave up fifteen boxes of documents at NARA's request and the FBI immediately opened a criminal investigation. Reasonable minds wonder why Biden wasn't treated similarly.
Mara Lago was a panty and sex toy raid?
Got it. Just looked at your join date. When did you get banned? Nothing I detest more than socks pretending to be Republicans or conservative and even worse, former military.

Have a blessed life.
Eat shit bitch boi. I am a GDI and can have my own opinions and beliefs. Trump was caught on tape. yes maybe this time.
Uh, Trump voluntarily gave up fifteen boxes of documents at NARA's request and the FBI immediately opened a criminal investigation. Reasonable minds wonder why Biden wasn't treated similarly.

He also knowingly and willingly did deliberately hid 26 boxes at Shit-A-Lago.

The Rapist and Traitor went to court to prevent the search of Shit-A-Lago from being carried out.

He admitted on tape that he did not have the power to declassify any of the material found at Shit-A-Lago.

Nice that you either willfully ignore that fact or deliberately decided to leave those truths out of what you wrote.

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