Trump caught on tape

Oh? What did I get wrong? That you didn't refer to a one month period as a "year?" Or that you didn't refer to a nine month response as "immediately?" Or that you're not the world's shittiest lawyer?

I haven't been watching but par for course everything
OK. That wasn't the question. You don't think CNN pushing the Russia Russia Russia hoax, 24/7 for two straight years didn't do damage to the country?

No more than did pushing Whitewater, filegate, travelgate, cattlegate, VinceFosterGate, etc., for 6 years.
You of course have absolute credible proof of this correct. Post your proof, which you do not have because it does not exist. All you have one more in line of empty vacuous sound bite lies.
Well idiot who put them in his private office that only he should have access to
Faun is correct, you have absolutely no concept of time.
Well, you are agreeing with a moron.

The FBI opened their criminal probe two weeks after Trump voluntarily turned over 15 boxes of documents requested by NARA. We're still holding our breath for them to open a similar probe of Biden
That is nothing in comparison to the damage that FOX news has done to this nation as a whole. Look at some of the people here that still believe the election was rigged and stolen. Manipulated voting machines, algorithms, etc.
And you still have people on your side believing the President of the United States was colluding with the Russians.
Well, you are agreeing with a moron.

The FBI opened their criminal probe two weeks after Trump voluntarily turned over 15 boxes of documents requested by NARA. We're still holding our breath for them to open a similar probe of Biden
If Trump turned over the documents, are you saying it was a Panty Raid at Mara Lago?
And you still have people on your side believing the President of the United States was colluding with the Russians.
Not my side. The Republican Party no longer represents me.
If Trump turned over the documents, are you saying it was a Panty Raid at Mara Lago?
He voluntarily turned over 15 boxes of documents as requested by NARA. Two weeks later the FBI opened their criminal investigation of him. Which part are you having trouble understanding?
He voluntarily turned over 15 boxes of documents as requested by NARA. Two weeks later the FBI opened their criminal investigation of him. Which part are you having trouble understanding?
Mara Lago? remember that? They certainly left with boxes.. Maybe panties and sex toys?
I will not vote for a Democrat, nor will I be represented by racist rednecks (the new Republican party)
LOL So Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are racist rednecks.

Let me guess, you don't watch TV but make an exception for The View.
LOL So Tim Scott and Nikki Haley are racist rednecks.

Let me guess, you don't watch TV but make an exception for The View.
I do not watch television (as I have stated multiple times) I am leaving the Republican party. No more donations.
No votes from me. And I would never vote for a Democrat.
That's a stupid question. Do you allow people to store things in your home without knowing what it is? FYI you're showing the incompetence of Biden if that shit is what you believe happened

As a matter of fact, I have shit in my house without knowing what it is. A section of my garage contains crap that I let friends and family store there. I had a trunk from a cousin and who knows what was inside of it? About a year later, they came back and took it, and some other stuff. Another part is from some friends from Georgia whose dad, who lived down here, died. They came down, collected most of his stuff, and asked if they could store the rest with us. They also had boxes of shit I never looked in. Same thing, they came back at some point and collected it all. I did get to keep the 70" TV for my cave to play XBox.

I also have no doubt neither Biden, nor any president or VP carries all their own shit out when leaving office. For his office at the Penn-Biden Center, he even said someone else moved that stuff for him. Not sure if he ever indicated who moved the shit into his garage though.
Now I see why you're loving on Faun. Ignorant left wing loons flock together.
Do you deny Mara Lago raid? and what was found?
It was not love letters from N. Korea dictator "Fat Boy" nor cocktail napkins with signatures.

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