Trump caught on tape

Suck for your Jihad, but his word. That's all it takes for a President to declassify something.

False, world's shittiest lawyer, that's not all it takes. That's where it starts. But there's more to the process than just thinking a document is unclassified. There is a process which follows to mark up such documents, or even just sections of such documents, as unclassified.
No Tump does NOT have to provide evidence of having declassified documents.

He does because the documents are marked classified, and he is in possession of those documents as a private citizen. There has to be some evidence that they were de-classified while he was president.

If somone is accsin him of semething the burder of proof is on THEM. Always on the accuser,

If Trump has an email or a memo saying "I'd like these documents de-classified" and people just didn't get around to it, you'd have a point.

But what appears to be the case is that he never intended to de-classify any of them. And if he's in possession of nuclear documents, the president can't declassify them unilaterally -- Congressional authority comes into play.
The way it doesn't work is what you said. No Tump does NOT have to provide evidence of having declassified documents. If somone is accsin him of semething the burder of proof is on THEM. Always on the accuser,


The "accuser" has retrieved classified documents from Trump's property even after Trump said there were no more there.
As someone that generated and handled classified information... (Many people will just skip over this because it goes against their bias, but such is life.)

See this is what people that don't understand "classified" shows. Documents are not "declassified" it is the information in the document that is declassified.

For example let’s say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (its information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS "declassified" a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, "declassified" the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:
  • One copy of the information located at the White House (or one of his Country Clubs) being "declassified", and
  • Five copies of the information located at the responsible agencies still being classified as the responsible agencies will not know the information was declassified because the FPOTUS (while POTUS) just mentally declassified the information in his head.
The result is someone could be prosecuted for improper handling of classified material for actions related to the 5 responsible agency documents, but not for improper handling of the exact same document if the source of the document was the White House. But they contain the same information! By this we are talking about the information in the document and subordinate information which sourced the document which can have even wider reaching impacts.

The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just be looking at the document.

IIRC, on Jun 3, 2022, Trump lawyers handed over an envelope containing some papers to visiting FBI agents, said a diligent search had been conducted and they didn't have any more documents/copies, etc. The FBI agents were prevented from searching any more boxes. Yet, on Aug 8, more documents were found when the FBI served a search warrant.

In Dec 22, some more were found in a storage facility. Finally, in Feb '23, Trump's attorneys handed over a laptop and thumb drive belonging to an aide who worked for a Trump PAC, onto which classified docs were found to have been copied, and had been taken away from MAL.

Now everyone is wondering what he lost, sold, what...
The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just be looking at the document.

He does because the documents are marked classified, and he is in possession of those documents as a private citizen. There has to be some evidence that they were de-classified while he was president.

If Trump has an email or a memo saying "I'd like these documents de-classified" and people just didn't get around to it, you'd have a point.

But what appears to be the case is that he never intended to de-classify any of them. And if he's in possession of nuclear documents, the president can't declassify them unilaterally -- Congressional authority comes into play.
1. Just if there were documents found (or planted) in Mar-a-Lago, that doesnt establish that Trump was "in possession" of them. NOBODY can ascertain that Trump had any knowledge that any document ever left the White House. So everything you're saying is moot.

2. You still don't seem to get it. The burden of proof still lies with the accuser (who has no way of showing/proving that Trump knew anythng of any documents moving about anywhere.

3. What you claim "appears" only appears in the most subjective of any analysis, not worthy of any courtroom prosecution. Even if anything at all were wrong about these documents, to prosecute Trump, criminal intent would have to be shown - when it can't even be shown that he knew any documents ever were in Mar-a-Lago, IF they even were (rather than planted) which also can't be shown.
1. Just if there were documents found (or planted) in Mar-a-Lago, that doesnt establish that Trump was "in possession" of them. NOBODY can ascertain that Trump had any knowledge that any document ever left the White House. So everything you're saying is moot
Trump confessed that he took them....and falsely claims he could do so if he wanted to....
1. Just if there were documents found (or planted) in Mar-a-Lago, that doesnt establish that Trump was "in possession" of them. NOBODY can ascertain that Trump had any knowledge that any document ever left the White House. So everything you're saying is moot.

2. You still don't seem to get it. The burden of proof still lies with the accuser (who has no way of showing/proving that Trump knew anythng of any documents moving about anywhere.

3. What you claim "appears" only appears in the most subjective of any analysis, not worthy of any courtroom prosecution. Even if anything at all were wrong about these documents, to prosecute Trump, criminal intent would have to be shown - when it can't even be shown that he knew any documents ever were in Mar-a-Lago, IF they even were (rather than planted) which also can't be shown.

You have lost huge chunks of time.
Nope. I want candidates who are calm, intelligent and decent. ... educated instead of vulgar.
Biden doesn't fit that profile, but you wanted him, so you are lying. So what is it that you truly want ? Is it the agenda's that matter most to you(?), and Biden was just stupid enough to be your gullible (possibly compromised), knucklehead that would work for you on that ??
Trump confessed that he took them....and falsely claims he could do so if he wanted to....
1). You aren't showing here any such "confession", as you claim.

2. There is no such thing as confessing to take documents, since, as Trump correctly claims he could do so if he wanted to. He's right. You're wrong.

Section 2205 (3) of the Presidential Records Act (USC 44 Ch 22) clearly says >>> "(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President's designated representative."

Not only is Trump entitled to possess the documents, but so are anyone who he designates (Mark Meadows, Rudy Guiliani, etc)
1). You aren't showing here any such "confession", as you claim.

2. There is no such thing as confessing to take documents, since, as Trump correctly claims he could do so if he wanted to. He's right. You're wrong.

Section 2205 (3) of the Presidential Records Act (USC 44 Ch 22) clearly says >>> "(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President's designated representative."

Not only is Trump entitled to possess the documents, but so are anyone who he designates (Mark Meadows, Rudy Guiliani, etc)


From your own link.

Presidential records are the property of the US Government and are to be retained by the NARA.

"Having access" and "being in possession of" are two very different things. Section 2205 (3) means that the former President (or his designee) can arrange with the NARA for access to their facilities to review materials. It doesn't mean the FPOTUS gets to keep the documents.

View attachment 791550

From your own link.

Presidential records are the property of the US Government and are to be retained by the NARA.

"Having access" and "being in possession of" are two very different things. Section 2205 (3) means that the former President (or his designee) can arrange with the NARA for access to their facilities to review materials. It doesn't mean the FPOTUS gets to keep the documents.


Great post. Protectionist is promoting ignorance.

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