Trump caught on tape

AS Biden did? LOL
Exactly, and if they didn't ask for the one's Biden took back, then we should be asking why ? Why the two tiered justice system, where politics is determining outcomes favorable to one party over another ? Why the weaponization of the justice system like we've so transparently seen ?

It's because when an entire party (Democrat), is standing on a lie, then everything has to be adjusted to meet their needs and agenda's.
Exactly, and if they didn't ask for the one's Biden had back, we should be asking why ? Why the two tiered justice system, where politics is determining outcomes favorable to one party over another ? Why the weaponization of the justice system like we've so transparently seen ?

It's because when an entire party (Democrat), is standing on a lie, then everything has to be adjusted to meet their needs and agenda's.

The apparent difference is that Biden and Pence apparently misplaced classified documents on accident. That could be criminal if there's a pattern of blatantly disregarding procedures for handling those documents, but if it's just an oopsie, then that's what it is. There's a world of difference between what Trump has been accused of and what Biden and Pence apparently admitted to, and they also cooperated with law enforcement, unlike Orange Julius.

Prepare to cry.
The Rapist and Traitor admitted on tape that it was NOT within the scope of his power to declassify the material found at Shit-A-Lago.

Assuming that the taped evidence exists, that's pretty much game, set, match for "Captain" Jack Smith. I'd be exploring a possible plea deal if I were Trump. I know he won't but that would be the smart move. Trump's candidacy can survive a small-time prosecution in New York; not sure if that's the case as the charges begin to mount in federal court and in Georgia.
AS Biden did? LOL
Exactly, and if they didn't ask for the one's Biden had back, we should be asking why ? Why the two tiered justice system, where politics is determining outcomes favorable to one party over another ? Why the weaponization of the justice system like we've so transparently seen ?

It's because when an entire party (Democrat), is standing on a lie, then everything has to be adjusted to meet their breeds and agenda's.
According to the allegation, in July, 2021, he admitted to being in possession of classified material.
Classified that was then deemed declassified upon his departure ? Hard for you to follow through eh ?
The apparent difference is that Biden and Pence apparently misplaced classified documents on accident. That could be criminal if there's a pattern of blatantly disregarding procedures for handling those documents, but if it's just an oopsie, then that's what it is. There's a world of difference between what Trump has been accused of and what Biden and Pence apparently admitted to, and they also cooperated with law enforcement, unlike Orange Julius.

Prepare to cry.
Accident my eye.... LOL... Yeah you run with that one. ROTFLMBO 🤣

In the mean time chew on this -
Exactly, and if they didn't ask for the one's Biden had back, we should be asking why ? Why the two tiered justice system, where politics is determining outcomes favorable to one party over another ? Why the weaponization of the justice system like we've so transparently seen ?

It's because when an entire party (Democrat), is standing on a lie, then everything has to be adjusted to meet their breeds and agenda's.

Classified that was then deemed declassified upon his departure ? Hard for you to follow through eh ?

Where's the evidence that he de-classified it before his departure? Trump claiming it was de-classified ex post facto doesn't make it de-classified.
Accident my eye.... LOL... Yeah you run with that one. ROTFLMBO 🤣

In the mean time chew on this -

Ah yes, the adventures of Hunter Biden's magic laptop, which has unlimited magical powers according to MAGAs. I bet it has all of Hillary Clinton's "lost" emails, secret CCTV video of Clinton working with ISIS in Libya and murdering Seth Rich and Vince Foster. Probably has all those "stolen" votes that cost Trump the 2020 election. Hell, I bet it even shoots out Jewish space lasers if you get too close to it and try to turn it on.
Much of the leadership is defused and in jail, but the movement had huge support by many millions, and there's still lots to choose from.

In any case it's the stupid ones who are in jail because they made the mistake of just 'playing' with revolution. The next to come will be much more committed to their cause.
So you are basically saying that you agree that the bull shite the Democrat's are engaging in won't stand for long, and therefore the blow back will be huge ? Yep, that's exactly what you are saying because you know what you are seeing and hearing isn't right.
Where's the evidence that he de-classified it before his departure? Trump claiming it was de-classified ex post facto doesn't make it de-classified.
Where is the law stating that Trump can't declassify low level documents (not pertaining to national security), upon being the president when leaving his office ?

This applies to anyone leaving their governmental position's, otherwise if the document's are low level classifications that are easily declassified for transport and archival purposes in regards to a former president or government employee (if allowed upon review and of knowledge there of), and this would be for transport purposes to a presidential library or other (proper storage facilities), otherwise allowed locations by discretion of the person once declassification is deemed by the president or in the case of lower level ranks is therefore deemed by the NSA through acknowledgement of, and is afterwards then allowed, well so be it then.

Who allowed Biden to take documents or Pence for that matter ?

If any documents are of concern to our nation's governmental offices pertaining to such matters, then those documents can be reviewed and hopefully retrieved under the nation's security codes pertaining to such document's.
Where is the law stating that Trump can't declassify low level documents (not pertaining to national security), upon being the president when leaving his office ?

The same law that says anyone else can't declassify low level documents by simply using their imagination applies to Trump, too. It's not that hard to understand.

This applies to anyone leaving their governmental position's, otherwise if the document's are low level classifications that are easily declassified for transport and archival purposes in regards to a former president or government employee (if allowed upon review and of knowledge there of), and this would be for transport purposes to a presidential library or other (proper storage facilities), otherwise allowed locations by discretion of the person once declassification is deemed by the president or in the case of lower level ranks is therefore deemed by the NSA through acknowledgement of, and is afterwards then allowed, well so be it then.

You're just making stuff up. Stop.

Who allowed Biden to take documents or Pence for that matter ?

Nobody. They realized it was a legal problem and proactively cooperated with law enforcement to correct their error. That's the big difference here.
Fuck Off asshole. I served in the U.S. Army in Viet Nam. I was an Infantry Rifleman. I later served at the Pentagon U.S. Army TeleCommuniations Center Room 5A910 The Pentagon Washington, D.C. I was discharged from the Army holding the rank of Sergeant.

Eat shit fuck head.
The way you talk so vile, you were probably considered one of the bad member's of the U.S. military, otherwise by your superior's. No wonder you only made Sargeant. It's probably a shame that you made that, otherwise with your disregard for decency and all, but it has been the government's character since the 60's or rather in these latter days, so there are no surprises really.
The same law that says anyone else can't declassify low level documents by simply using their imagination applies to Trump, too. It's not that hard to understand.

You're just making stuff up. Stop.

Nobody. They realized it was a legal problem and proactively cooperated with law enforcement to correct their error. That's the big difference here.
Trump was cooperative as well, but for political purposes people like you and the Biden's are using the issue in an unequal way. It's called Cherry picking.
I read news on-line. I read that FOX got sued for spreading lies. That is certainly not reliable.
Any giant can be sued, and a biased judge and jury can abuse the power of the judicial system in a dishonest way for political purposes also, and that has become a damned shame these days.

Just like the woman claiming Trump raped her in broad daylight in a department store, and then the biased Judge and jury somehow actually restrained itself from allowing the rape allegation to go through, otherwise because they knew it was going to be way to out there for them to justify it, so they backed off of that by not allowing it to be so blatant upon what was actually happening in the case. Even so Trump got hit with the bull shite for political purposes is what most Americans witnessed.
Any giant can be sued, and a biased judge and jury can abuse the power of the judicial system in a dishonest way for political purposes also, and that has become a damned shame these days.

Just like the woman claiming Trump raped her in broad daylight in a department store, and then the biased Judge and jury somehow actually restrained itself from allowing the rape allegation to go through, otherwise because they knew it was going to be way to out there for them to justify it, so they backed off of that by not allowing it to be so blatant upon what was actually happening in the case. Even so Trump got hit with the bull shite for political purposes is what most Americans witnessed.
Unfortunately FOX settled out of court, so all the judge and jury bullshit you are talking about does not apply. Comprende ?
It was stolen. Democrats have perfected the art of cheating. They were never going to allow Trump a second term. It won't work again because too many people are paying attention.
Might be time to swing to Desantis... Trump has way to much heat on him, even if it is wrongfully generated heat.

Not sure what the best option is, but we as voter's need to really assess the situation quickly that's for sure.

Trump's mouth might decide it quickly for us, because he thinks that attacking Desantis like age old politician's have done in the past (exposing party weaknesses), is a good thing (business as usual), but the very formable opposition will use any gift that they are given to divide and conquer.
The fuck he was.
It's all protocol and particular drawn out processes (not mob actions like the Democrat's use for political purposes, and therefore love anymore,). The end results are not disqualifiers regardless of how you liberals cry about it for political outcomes and results.
Unfortunately FOX settled out of court, so all the judge and jury bullshit you are talking about does not apply. Comprende ?
Was talking about Trump's case when it comes to what happens these days, but the any giant can be sued easily now comment, is unfortunately true, and the intimidation of our corporations by the mob has hit super high levels at this time. It's an attempt to cut the elephant's head off by laying a trap before it can trample it's Hunter's blind that desires it's tusk.

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