Trump caught on tape

Like just Imagine this Trump ON TV for like how many seasons
of - The Apprentice -.
I mean,there is no disputing the guy has The biggest name recognition
in the world.I suppose it was handed to him.Like a Degree in Business
from Wharton { one of the most prestigious Colleges in the U.S. }
Hitler had the biggest name recognition in the world at one time.
Yuz morons have to prove that.All you've managed it to prove
is viral hatred of a fellow Great American.The guy hasn't as much as a
misdemeanor.He's Doer.A Talker.A Salesman.A crowd pleaser.
What the Frick is this Biden.But a Career demonstrable unstable
You are nothing more than another Trump lemming trying desperateely to justify his crimes. Unfortunately the Trump minions are a dime a dozen.
Nobody can show/prove that documents were illegally in Trump's "possession". He could have never known they ever left the White House.

In American law, there is a such thing known as "criminal intent". An accuser bears the burden of proving criminal intent. In this case, that appears to be impossible.

Then Trump should have nothing to worry about being raided OR by Jack Smith's investigation.
Nobody can show/prove that documents were illegally in Trump's "possession". He could have never known they ever left the White House.

In American law, there is a such thing known as "criminal intent". An accuser bears the burden of proving criminal intent. In this case, that appears to be impossible.

Trump has exposed his criminal intent many times and its all on video.
The "law" Section 2205 (3) of the Presidential Records Act (USC 44 Ch 22) says >>> "(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President's designated representative."


Correct. The law requires that the NARA shall have custody and control of Presidential records. The FPOTUS or his designee can have access through the NARA to the records.

Section 2205 (3) does not mean that Presidential Records are the personal property of the FPOTUS and he gets to take them with him when he leaves office. The law specificially states that Presidential Records are the property of the United States Government.

Nobody can show/prove that documents were illegally in Trump's "possession". He could have never known they ever left the White House.

In American law, there is a such thing known as "criminal intent". An accuser bears the burden of proving criminal intent. In this case, that appears to be impossible.

You can't claim that the property in question was yours and you were allowed to take it, then stonewall the NARA for 16 months, then stonewall the NARA and FBI for two more months, then fail to comply with a court subpoena (which ended up resulting in a court ordered search warrant to recover the property)...

..... ..... ..... And then try to claim you didn't know the documents were illegally in your possession. No reasonable person would think that after 18 months the FPOTUS didn't know the documents existed at MAL. As a matter of fact he's on tape from June 2021 talking about the documents.

False, world's shittiest lawyer, that's not all it takes.
Is that what you hear in Rachel's Vagina?
That's where it starts. But there's more to the process than just thinking a document is unclassified. There is a process which follows to mark up such documents, or even just sections of such documents, as unclassified.
Of course you can support this bullshit. Just couldn't be bothered, eh?
None, you don't have a right to illegally retain property that is not your own.

If the FPOTUS felt that certain documents contained information of evidentiary value, then the PRA of 1978 provides that the FPOTUS or his designated representative has access to NARA storage facilities to review such documents and for non-classified Presidential Records the NARA can provide copies as needed.

Begs the question as to why NARA didn't provide Trump with a NARA storage facility.
funny how all of you trump hating libtardians never mention the boxes of classified documents in Biden's garage that he had no legal right to have since he got and kept them when he was VP. your hypocrisy is amazing.
Biden had a couple dozen classified documents that he turned over to the FBI as soon as he found them.

It’s nothing like Trump who took hundreds of classified documents and refused to return them, instead hiding them and lying to the FBI who had given him a grand jury subpoena requiring him to turn them over.

These two situations are very different. Funny how you never mention these facts.
Begs the question as to why NARA didn't provide Trump with a NARA storage facility.
Did Trump ask for one? I haven’t seen anything about Trump’s presidential library planning.

Libraries don’t seem like his kind of thing.
Biden had a couple dozen classified documents that he turned over to the FBI as soon as he found them.

It’s nothing like Trump who took hundreds of classified documents and refused to return them, instead hiding them and lying to the FBI who had given him a grand jury subpoena requiring him to turn them over.

These two situations are very different. Funny how you never mention these facts.
You hypocrites can twist into pretzels all day long, but if you're going to charge PRESIDENT Trump, you are going to have to charge SENATOR Biden for the SAME FUCKING THING!!!!!!!
The DOJ reportedly has a recording of the former president saying he knew he couldn’t simply declassify documents after leaving the White House.

DONALD TRUMP’S CLAIM that he had declassified the massive trove of government documents he took to Mar-a-Lago was dubious from the start. Well, CNN reported on Wednesday that federal prosecutors overseeing the probe into the documents have obtained a recording of the former president admitting that he kept a classified document containing information about a proposed attack plan against Iran.

The meeting in question reportedly took place in July 2021 at Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former president met with biographers for his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who was not present, and members of his own staff. Several individuals participating in the conversation lacked security clearances.

Multiple sources who described the recording to CNN say the president indicated that while he wished he could describe the contents of a document to attendees, he was both aware he had retained classified materials and that he could not flat-out declassify documents following his departure from the presidency.

The DOJ has the tapes, which means Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has the tapes and/or has heard the tapes.

The Rapist and Traitor is actually dead dumb fucking stupid to admit on taped conversation he knowingly and willingly removed classified material from the WH and had it brought Shit-A-Lago. He also admits that he knew he could declassify said classified documents.

The sheer outright level of stupid that Orange Faced Asshole continues to demonstrate will never cease to amaze.
/----/ OH YOU GOT HIM THIS TIME # 6,789
Begs the question as to why NARA didn't provide Trump with a NARA storage facility.

Not really, they did. Not all records were taken to MAL, so some were turned over to the NARA at the time he left office. Then there were the 15-20 boxes that were turned over a few months after he left office. All that stuff is already held at an NARA facility.

The issue isn't that the NARA didn't store some stuff, it's that the FPOTUS took other Presidential Records (and classified documents) to MAL and retained them there after the FPOTUS left office.

The Trumpsters keep desperately trying to change the subject. Understandable, when you're a sheep.

Go get Biden. If he's guilty, nail him. Throw him in jail. And his son, too, if he broke the law.

This is pretty easy. It's the orange cultists who don't their Dear Leader touched.

Break the law, pay the price. Party affiliation irrelevant. Good Americans don't care about the party affiliation.
Did Trump ask for one? I haven’t seen anything about Trump’s presidential library planning.

Libraries don’t seem like his kind of thing.

NARA storage is not tied to a Presidential Library. They are mandated by law to assume custody, storage, and control.

If a President wants a library, that is created by a non-governmental/non-profit organization that raises the money. The non-profit manages the facilities and the NARA loans materials to the library for display while keeping legal control of custody. So the organization and NARA act as partners.

NARA storage is not tied to a Presidential Library. They are mandated by law to assume custody, storage, and control.

If a President wants a library, that is created by a non-governmental/non-profit organization that raises the money. The non-profit manages the facilities and the NARA loans materials to the library for display while keeping legal control of custody. So the organization and NARA act as partners.

It’s my understanding that NARA works closely with presidential libraries for each president and the storage site of their records is often determined (at least initially) by the needs if the library.
It’s my understanding that NARA works closely with presidential libraries for each president and the storage site of their records is often determined (at least initially) by the needs if the library.

Correct. But since there has been no really talk of planning or raising money for a Trump Presidential Library then the records the NARA does have will have been stored by them in a facility they already have with storage capacity.

If there ever is a Trump Presidential Library that will physically be built, then it is likely the NARA will acquire storage in the area and move the materials.


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