Trump caught on tape

except I know more than you! funny, that means you really don't know shit about classified material. Too fking funny. Stay stupid.

Really? Anyone who has worked with classified material for any period of time (I did it for over 20 years in the Navy) would know that you have zero clue about how classified material is handled.
Really? Anyone who has worked with classified material for any period of time (I did it for over 20 years in the Navy) would know that you have zero clue about how classified material is handled.
ahh, the old internet Navy con. Naw. You don't know shit. If you actually did, you'd know the president is the highest authority for classified material and the only one who can declassify the material.
ahh, the old internet Navy con. Naw. You don't know shit. If you actually did, you'd know the president is the highest authority for classified material and the only one who can declassify the material.

Neither ABikerSailor nor I have said anything otherwise.

The question is did FPOTUS#45 declassify the information found at Mar-a-Lago prior to noon on January 20, 2021 at which time his power to declassify documents ended because he was no longer President.

If FPOTUS#45 did declassify those hundreds of documents, he needs to make that claim in a court of law providing the date, time, location, method that the declassification process was followed either verbally or in writing for each of the hundreds of documents. At which point the prosecution can then present, again in court, rebuttal evidence to show that the FPOTUS#45 didn't. Then it will be up to the Jury.

ahh, the old internet Navy con. Naw. You don't know shit. If you actually did, you'd know the president is the highest authority for classified material and the only one who can declassify the material.

Like I've said in posts before, you're half right. The president DOES have the authority to classify or declassify material. However, when the status is changed of any kind of material (i.e. classified to unclassified or vice versa), there are procedures that MUST be followed, since the material exists in more than one place and all places holding that information must be notified as to the change of status. Sorry, but getting your information from talking heads on the television isn't the way to understand something. Me? I actually had to read the manuals concerning classified material so I could handle it properly.
The question is did FPOTUS#45 declassify the information found at Mar-a-Lago prior to noon on January 20, 2021 at which time his power to declassify documents ended because he was no longer President.
how are you going to prove he didn't do what he said?
Like I've said in posts before, you're half right. The president DOES have the authority to classify or declassify material. However, when the status is changed of any kind of material (i.e. classified to unclassified or vice versa), there are procedures that MUST be followed, since the material exists in more than one place and all places holding that information must be notified as to the change of status. Sorry, but getting your information from talking heads on the television isn't the way to understand something. Me? I actually had to read the manuals concerning classified material so I could handle it properly.
again, all he has to do is say he declassified them and that's that. John Fitzpatrick confirms that legal action. Go call him!!!!

Since he served as an expert, I'll take his word over yours. Just saying. Let us know when you meet with Congress as he did about the documents.

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how are you going to prove he didn't do what he said?

Because once he makes the claim, it opens the door for the prosecution to bring in what is called "impeachment" witness to disprove the claim. That would include:
  • Experts in national security.
  • Aids and Staff on how FPOTUS#45 continued to treat and refer to the documents as "classified" even though after the fact he claims to have declassified them.
  • Court proceeding where FPOTUS#45 as agreed they are classified and NOT filed any challenge to the classification status.
  • Texts, emails, witness testimony where FPOTUS#45 continued to refer to and treat the documents as classified.
  • Audio records of the FPOTUS referring to documents as classified.
  • Interviews of the FPOTUS with the press.
So pleases, pretty please.

how are you going to prove he didn't do what he said?

It's been proven. He said in a memo he accepted the DoJ didn't want to declassify everything he asked for.

And... he's on audio telling other to look at the classified document he was showing them.
It's been proven. He said in a memo he accepted the DoJ didn't want to declassify everything he asked for.

And... he's on audio telling other to look at the classified document he was showing them.
The audio stated Jan 17 he was still president
Nope, the prosecutor will need to provide the law, and that doesn’t exist. This will be cool to watch!!!

Of course the prosecutor will provide the law that FPOTUS#45 violated it's right there in the indictment.

If FPOTUS#45 makes the claim in court he declassified them before he left, the prosecutor will provide evidence he's lying.

Then it will be up to the jury. Take FPOTUS#45 at his word, or believe the evidence presented in the case.

At that point it will be in the juries hands.

There isn’t one, so how’s he gonna do that?

It's listed in the indictment. You are confusing the law he's charged with and his making an affirmative defense.

But yes, the law he's charged under is in the indictment.

(What's really funny is documents don't even have to be classified to be NDI (National Defense Information). LOL)

It's listed in the indictment. You are confusing the law he's charged with and his making an affirmative defense.

But yes, the law he's charged under is in the indictment.

(What's really funny is documents don't even have to be classified to be NDI (National Defense Information). LOL)

It’s not a law, so he can’t win
It’s not though! You took the bait

No bait for me to take.

At the end of the day FPOTUS#45 is indicted with criminal felony charges related to his handling of documents after leaving office. I'm fine with the process working.

He can do what he did in the E. Jean Carroll case and present a defense, which the prosecution can then impeach. Or he can choose not to put on a defense and just tell the jury the prosecution didn't prove their case and then rest. Worked so well the last time.


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