Trump caught on tape

"Every crime under the sun" was committed by Joe Biden and deflected by his son whose mother died when Joe became a Senator in a very, very strange tractor trailer "accident" that looked to the cops like it wasn't an accident, it looked like a hit. Senator Biden laughed it off and that was the end of the story.

"every crime under the sun" video:

you do know this is Fox News... they are well-known liars ...
You mean your face is scary internet tough guy?

Was that a threat?

You’re off topic, what’s the law?
was yours a threat ??? I gave you the name of the law the fact that you can't comprehend what you read isn't my problem ...

18 U.S. Code § 1924​



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was yours a threat ??? I gave you the name of the law the fact that you can't comprehend what you read isn't my problem ...

18 U.S. Code § 1924​

Hahaha hahaha did you read it?

“Therefore, Title 18 U.S.C. 1924 makes it a federal crime to knowingly remove classified documents or materials from their designated locations without authorization or retain them in an unauthorized area“

Trump declassified the documents with his presidential authority!!

See, I’m still waiting for the law
"Every crime under the sun" was committed by Joe Biden and deflected by his son whose mother died when Joe became a Senator in a very, very strange tractor trailer "accident" that looked to the cops like it wasn't an accident, it looked like a hit. Senator Biden laughed it off and that was the end of the story.

"every crime under the sun" video:

Again, what does that have to do with Trump getting caught on tape? Your burning desire to derail this thread is very telling.
Hahaha hahaha did you read it?

“Therefore, Title 18 U.S.C. 1924 makes it a federal crime to knowingly remove classified documents or materials from their designated locations without authorization or retain them in an unauthorized area“

Trump declassified the documents with his presidential authority!!

See, I’m still waiting for the law

Nope, even Trump admitted not everything was declassified.
What does that have to do with Trump getting caught on tape?
What do you mean "getting caught on tape?" Free speech is in the Constitution, and so is privacy, both of which your party loves for itself and hates for its loyal opposition. Cry me a river, but President Trump is not the kobold that creepy Joe is and always has been since his first malevolent use of power the day his wife and baby daughter died and two of his sons were severely injured in that accident the local detectives thought was on the fakey side. He used his newly-won power as Senator to make the cops flake off with no questions asked. I'm with the cops that thought something was rotten in Denmark Delaware.
What do you mean "getting caught on tape?" Free speech is in the Constitution, and so is privacy, both of which your party loves for itself and hates for its loyal opposition. Cry me a river, but President Trump is not the kobold that creepy Joe is and always has been since his first malevolent use of power the day his wife and baby daughter died and two of his sons were severely injured in that accident the local detectives thought was on the fakey side. He used his newly-won power as Senator to make the cops flake off with no questions asked. I'm with the cops that thought something was rotten in Denmark Delaware.

No one said Trump's First Amendment right to tell others he was holding a classified document was violated.

Neither was his privacy. He knew that conversation was being recorded.
No one said Trump's First Amendment right to tell others he was holding a classified document was violated.

Neither was his privacy. He knew that conversation was being recorded.
Trump is not guilty of breaking the law. The classified document belongs to him. If it doesn't, clean up the history the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens have engaged in. go after them with as much gusto as you go after Trump. Get the picture o great projection artist.
Trump is not guilty of breaking the law. The classified document belongs to him. If it doesn't, clean up the history the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens have engaged in. go after them with as much gusto as you go after Trump. Get the picture o great projection artist.

Too fucking stupid. :cuckoo:

An ex-president is not legally allowed to knowingly maintain possession of classified documents. There's actually a law against doing that which you appear to be too ignorant to be aware of.
Trump is not guilty of breaking the law. The classified document belongs to him.
Nonsense. There’s no law that gives government property to him.

The PRA clearly states the classified documents are government property.
Too fucking stupid. :cuckoo:

An ex-president is not legally allowed to knowingly maintain possession of classified documents. There's actually a law against doing that which you appear to be too ignorant to be aware of.
Go after Biden. Almost a decade ago he took home all Obama's leftover documents. He was Vice President. That privilege only goes to the POTUS not the VPOTUS. Oh, wait. if a Democrat does it it's okay. If a Republican abides by the law and does it, throw the book at him. I'm not buying your footshoot strategy of pillorying innocent Republicans while you protect criminal abusers of power in the Democrat swamp. Wipe the egg off your face all you want.
Hahaha hahaha did you read it?

“Therefore, Title 18 U.S.C. 1924 makes it a federal crime to knowingly remove classified documents or materials from their designated locations without authorization or retain them in an unauthorized area“

Trump declassified the documents with his presidential authority!!

See, I’m still waiting for the law
seems you have a problem with comprehension... that is the law on mishandling classified documents ... it clearly talks about intent ... biden fits the intent portion of the law ... I can't make it any simpler then that ... if you choose to keep going down the road you keep going it tells me your too ignorant to understand the law or debate with
Go after Biden. Almost a decade ago he took home all Obama's leftover documents. He was Vice President. That privilege only goes to the POTUS not the VPOTUS. Oh, wait. if a Democrat does it it's okay. If a Republican abides by the law and does it, throw the book at him. I'm not buying your footshoot strategy of pillorying innocent Republicans while you protect criminal abusers of power in the Democrat swamp. Wipe the egg off your face all you want.the law he speaks of that you failed to look up is Title 18 U.S.C. 1924 in this law it speaks about intent ... according to the FBI who removed these documents the documents were found by Biden's lawyer ... Biden wasn't aware they were there in his files he had sent his lawyer to his home to retrieve some documents he needed ... when he started looking that's when he came across classified documents ... By law, they are supposed to go to the FBI which he did ... he the contacted Biden ... Biden contacted the FBI gave them permission to go to his home to retrieve any classified document that they didn't need a warrant... that they could inter at any time they want ... according to the FBI that this was a mistake made by the people who boxed up the documents that he was allowed to have ... this showed the FBI that Biden didn't intend to take thee classified documents ... right now all they require from Biden is to give them a sign affadavid stateing he was not aware of them being there just like Pence did ... there was no crim according to the FBI .. you can rant all you want it has already been determin ... all the conspiracy theorist isn't going to be able to change that ruling ... the only one who has egg on their face is you ...

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