Trump caught on tape

pence had classified documents for years, without authority. And yet you forgave him. Shit even forgave Xiden for having classified documents for decades. Never offering to turn them back. But print the word Trump and you're feeble brain goes unhinged. hahahahaahahahahahhahahaha.

BTW, I'd have the fbi raid every politicians home now that we know they take classified documents.

Good luck, you need a search warrant based on "probable cause", unless the politicians and military members voluntarily allowed the search.

And no "they had access to classified documents in the past, therefore a search needs to be done" won't hack it.

Good luck, you need a search warrant based on "probable cause", unless the politicians and military members voluntarily allowed the search.

And no "they had access to classified documents in the past, therefore a search needs to be done" won't hack it.

that's all they had on trump. why isn't allowed for others? Still floating in inconsistent land.
that's all they had on trump. why isn't allowed for others? Still floating in inconsistent land.

Now sure what you are saying.

Biden/Pence - Found their own documents, turned them over and invited the FBI to conduct their own search. Neither were charged with withholding documents.

FPOTUS#45 - Refused to return classified documents, failed to fully comply with a federal subpoena, falsely certified that all classified documents were returned (only to have more found later via a search warrant, refused to allow NARA/FBI representatives to search not just the premises but the storage room boxes. FPOTUS#45 was therefore charged with withholding documents.

Very different situations. Biden/Pence were not charge for refusing to return documents, FPOTUS#45 was.

Neither is trump

Unlike me, he's formally charged with committing crimes based on evidence he committed crimes. Your denials are empty and still, a jury, and not you or I, will decide if he's guilty or not.
Unlike me, he's formally charged with committing crimes based on evidence he committed crimes. Your denials are empty and still, a jury, and not you or I, will decide if he's guilty or not.
doesn't make anyone a criminal.
That happens for anyone, even trump. I know you think he’s a god or something.


You're the one declaring he's not guilty. Again, for your edification, that's for the courts to decide.
Pants on fire. Former President Trump was going to be indicted by the dictate of Joe Biden, so Trump would have "legal marks" against him in E2024. It's called dirty politics. It's called with the extortionist King Joe Biden in charge (He extorted a lot of money from the top cop in the Ukraine to put a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or else he said he would use his title of Vice President to take away the entire Foreign Aid Package that Congress voted on for the Ukraine to receive in order to take away the American people's tax-paid gift to a country suffering from takeover by the entire Russian military. The fighting has no end in sight, it seems like.

And what was President Trump's alleged crime? Exercising his right to free speech, that happens to be true, based on the viral video of at-the-time Vice President Biden's bragging on how he got millions of dollars of foreign aid taxes turned into cash money and placed on the Air Force Two that the American people also furnished Vice President Biden with giving up their own earnings to the IRS so Joe could steal money and launder it too through the threat he made to the top cop in the Ukraine back then. He will never have to account for that money because too much time has passed now, thanks to Nancy Pelosi not standing for the punishment of an extortionist con-man that Joe Biden would be if he didn't have a title to hide behind because of the dirty election he allegedly won because of votes that came in after 3 am the morning after the 2020 November votes. Millions and millions of votes that the Deep State decided must be foisted onto states that have pro-communist leaders in order to beat up on the guy who beat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

You must not mention that Joe Biden is a third-rate Dictator or else you will be arrested, abused, and sent to jail for supporting President Trump's scathing criticism of President Biden who, like a dictator, had him arrested (or was going to have him arrested before someone talked to Biden about standing down or lose 2024).

this is funny what conspiracy theorist did you get this cockamamie bull shit from ??? I started laughing and it got even funnier as I read on ... then to find out we got a religious Waco to boot for this comedy routine ...
Pants on fire. Former President Trump was going to be indicted by the dictate of Joe Biden, so Trump would have "legal marks" against him in E2024. It's called dirty politics. It's called with the extortionist King Joe Biden in charge (He extorted a lot of money from the top cop in the Ukraine to put a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or else he said he would use his title of Vice President to take away the entire Foreign Aid Package that Congress voted on for the Ukraine to receive in order to take away the American people's tax-paid gift to a country suffering from takeover by the entire Russian military. The fighting has no end in sight, it seems like.

And what was President Trump's alleged crime? Exercising his right to free speech, that happens to be true, based on the viral video of at-the-time Vice President Biden's bragging on how he got millions of dollars of foreign aid taxes turned into cash money and placed on the Air Force Two that the American people also furnished Vice President Biden with giving up their own earnings to the IRS so Joe could steal money and launder it too through the threat he made to the top cop in the Ukraine back then. He will never have to account for that money because too much time has passed now, thanks to Nancy Pelosi not standing for the punishment of an extortionist con-man that Joe Biden would be if he didn't have a title to hide behind because of the dirty election he allegedly won because of votes that came in after 3 am the morning after the 2020 November votes. Millions and millions of votes that the Deep State decided must be foisted onto states that have pro-communist leaders in order to beat up on the guy who beat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

You must not mention that Joe Biden is a third-rate Dictator or else you will be arrested, abused, and sent to jail for supporting President Trump's scathing criticism of President Biden who, like a dictator, had him arrested (or was going to have him arrested before someone talked to Biden about standing down or lose 2024).

you must tell us all where you got your source ... I bet they have even more funny stories ...its looking like your BS story came from Fox Noise the worlds ying media champions ... you pick a good one you thought ......
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Gibberish is all JC has left. He's repeatedly shown that he knows zip point squat about classified material.
except I know more than you! funny, that means you really don't know shit about classified material. Too fking funny. Stay stupid.
you must tell us all where you got your source ... I bet they have even more funny stories ...its looking like your BS story came from Fox Noise the worlds ying media champions ... you pick a good one you thought ......
this isn't fox news. When one just needs to ignore the facts huh?

Such an extortionist!!!


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