Trump caught on tape

There is no need to defend anything.
Obviously classified doc laws are just arbitrary presidential executive orders, and presidents can do whatever they want with them.
Does that apply to ex-presidents?
Yes of course, because otherwise then all the ambassadors, allies, generals, labs, etc., that a president gave classified docs to, would have to return them whenever the president who gave them to them had their term expire.
And that never happens.
No one ever returns classified docs.
And clearly it would make no sense to.
Once a person has read a classified doc, then know what is in it, and they might as well keep their copy.

It's patently obvious that you have zero knowledge about classified material or how it's handled.

If a document is classified, it is kept in a secure area. If someone needs to see it, then it is taken out of the secure area, put in a special classified folder and the document is recorded in a log book as being sent out and must be returned after the person is finished with it. Copying the document is forbidden, and if you are caught copying it, you WILL be prosecuted.

As far as knowing about classified material? While you are in a job that requires you to know about the classified material, you are given a security clearance. When you leave that job or no longer have a need to know, you are given a form to sign that states you will not disclose any classified information that you know for a period of (usually) 10 years.
He did have some WH documents, but so did Pence. So why isn't Pence being charged?

Because Pence turned them over without being asked.

FPOTUS#45 refused, failed to comply with a Federals subpoena, and falsely certified that there were no more classified documents in his possession which was false since a few weeks later a search warrant was executed and found more classified documents. Some of those in Trumps personal office desk drawer.

Because Pence turned them over without being asked.

FPOTUS#45 refused, failed to comply with a Federals subpoena, and falsely certified that there were no more classified documents in his possession which was false since a few weeks later a search warrant was executed and found more classified documents. Some of those in Trumps personal office desk drawer.

why did he have them and what did he use them for? In other words, why the fk, did he have them? It's against your law of classified documents. No matter your nonsense to cover his nnon trump ass. you truly are quite the hypocrite pal.
why did he have them and what did he use them for? In other words, why the fk, did he have them? It's against your law of classified documents. No matter your nonsense to cover his nnon trump ass. you truly are quite the hypocrite pal.

You know FPOTUS#45 isn't charged with having them right?

You know FPOTUS#45 isn't charged with having them right?

why would he be charged? it isn't illegal. Did the fbi raid his house? How do you know Pence doesn't have more? hahaahhahahahahahhaa can't make it up.
why would he be charged? it isn't illegal. Did the fbi raid his house? How do you know Pence doesn't have more? hahaahhahahahahahhaa can't make it up.

No need to execute a search warrant. Pence invited the FBI to search his house.

You know FPOTUS#45 isn't charged with having them right?

pence had classified documents for years, without authority. And yet you forgave him. Shit even forgave Xiden for having classified documents for decades. Never offering to turn them back. But print the word Trump and you're feeble brain goes unhinged. hahahahaahahahahahhahahaha.

BTW, I'd have the fbi raid every politicians home now that we know they take classified documents.
what if they are declassified? psst, Pence can't declassify.

The FPOTUS can't declassify also.

FPOTUS has refused to declare in court that he declassified them.

When he does it opens up the prosecution to impeach that claim.


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