Trump caught on tape

If they were declassified, then he should:
  • Have responded to the Federal subpoena, that he declassified them.
  • When asked by Judge Dearie after the search warrant was served that the documents were declassified.
FPOTUS#45 has repeatedly made the claim in public (rallies, social media, interviews, etc.) but has not had the testicular fortitude to actually claim it in a court of law.


Because once he makes the claim, it opens the door for the prosecution to bring in what is called "impeachment" witness to disprove the claim. That would include:
  • Experts in national security.
  • Aids and Staff on how FPOTUS#45 continued to treat and refer to the documents as "classified" even though after t he fact he claims to have declassified them.
  • Court proceeding where FPOTUS#45 as agreed they are classified and NOT filed any challenge to the classification status.
  • Texts, emails, witness testimony where FPOTUS#45 continued to refer to and treat the documents as classified.
So pleases, pretty please.

Write to FPOTUS#45 and encourage him to make the claim in a court of law.

Hahaha hahaha such TDSING
Take your blinders off and look at reality for a change. Slavish devotion to your cult leader is unbecoming.

Hahaha hahaha tdsing. Trump is your boogie man. Boo

Eight years and you still haven’t understood
Guess when you're candidate is a criminal idiot, all you've got left is trolling because you can't defend his actions with any kind of logic or reasoning.

There is no need to defend anything.
Obviously classified doc laws are just arbitrary presidential executive orders, and presidents can do whatever they want with them.
Does that apply to ex-presidents?
Yes of course, because otherwise then all the ambassadors, allies, generals, labs, etc., that a president gave classified docs to, would have to return them whenever the president who gave them to them had their term expire.
And that never happens.
No one ever returns classified docs.
And clearly it would make no sense to.
Once a person has read a classified doc, then know what is in it, and they might as well keep their copy.
But Pence gets away with having classified documents.

Because violating the law requires an intent to retain them. It's hard to prove an intent to retain them when he voluntarily returned them.

A pity Trump didn't do that.
Pants on fire. Former President Trump was going to be indicted by the dictate of Joe Biden, so Trump would have "legal marks" against him in E2024. It's called dirty politics. It's called with the extortionist King Joe Biden in charge (He extorted a lot of money from the top cop in the Ukraine to put a billion dollars in cash onto Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or else he said he would use his title of Vice President to take away the entire Foreign Aid Package that Congress voted on for the Ukraine to receive in order to take away the American people's tax-paid gift to a country suffering from takeover by the entire Russian military. The fighting has no end in sight, it seems like.

And what was President Trump's alleged crime? Exercising his right to free speech, that happens to be true, based on the viral video of at-the-time Vice President Biden's bragging on how he got millions of dollars of foreign aid taxes turned into cash money and placed on the Air Force Two that the American people also furnished Vice President Biden with giving up their own earnings to the IRS so Joe could steal money and launder it too through the threat he made to the top cop in the Ukraine back then. He will never have to account for that money because too much time has passed now, thanks to Nancy Pelosi not standing for the punishment of an extortionist con-man that Joe Biden would be if he didn't have a title to hide behind because of the dirty election he allegedly won because of votes that came in after 3 am the morning after the 2020 November votes. Millions and millions of votes that the Deep State decided must be foisted onto states that have pro-communist leaders in order to beat up on the guy who beat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

You must not mention that Joe Biden is a third-rate Dictator or else you will be arrested, abused, and sent to jail for supporting President Trump's scathing criticism of President Biden who, like a dictator, had him arrested (or was going to have him arrested before someone talked to Biden about standing down or lose 2024).

Idiot, falsifying business records is not protected by tbe First Amendment. Neither is stealing classified documents.
There is no need to defend anything.
Obviously classified doc laws are just arbitrary presidential executive orders, and presidents can do whatever they want with them.
Does that apply to ex-presidents?
Yes of course, because otherwise then all the ambassadors, allies, generals, labs, etc., that a president gave classified docs to, would have to return them whenever the president who gave them to them had their term expire.
And that never happens.
No one ever returns classified docs.
And clearly it would make no sense to.
Once a person has read a classified doc, then know what is in it, and they might as well keep their copy.


That is the dumbest shit evah.

So how does such a document ever become declassified if it's in the possession of a private citizen? And how does one then file a FOIA request on such a document?

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