Trump: China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
So, Trump has spent the last year in a trade war and he finally got China back to doing what they were doing a year ago...and you call that winning?

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So, Trump has spent the last year in a trade war and he finally got China back to doing what they were doing a year ago...and you call that winning?

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Well, no agreement is in place yet. So all we have is Trump's word...which is worthless.

Looks like it's Xi's word...of course you didn't research and let your TDS make you look fcking stupid.....again

Liu, who led the Chinese delegation in the cabinet-level trade talks, used Thursday's meeting to deliver a letter from Xi, which promised that China would purchase an additional five million tons of American soybeans.

Trump says trade deal rests on potential Xi summit this month
So, Trump has spent the last year in a trade war and he finally got China back to doing what they were doing a year ago...and you call that winning?

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It is winning. Part of the deal was that China has also cut tariffs on American-manufactured cars, is offering to keep its hands off valuable corporate secrets, and the allowing of foreign investors into more industries.

In addition to that, Trump is still holding over their heads the possibility of additional tariffs on $200 billion a year of Chinese-made goods in March.

He's pretty much got them over a barrel. It's the art of the deal, mang.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Maybe, then again maybe not.

How much will China buy? That is still open to debate. "The Wall Street Journal" reports China said it would buy 5 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans a day based on comments made by Chinese leaders, but a U.S. administration official told Reuters the exact amount was misinterpreted, and it is not a per day amount, but rather one purchase of 5 million metric tons.

BREAKING NEWS: China to Increase Soybean Purchases
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Maybe, then again maybe not.

How much will China buy? That is still open to debate. "The Wall Street Journal" reports China said it would buy 5 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans a day based on comments made by Chinese leaders, but a U.S. administration official told Reuters the exact amount was misinterpreted, and it is not a per day amount, but rather one purchase of 5 million metric tons.

BREAKING NEWS: China to Increase Soybean Purchases

Most of China's soybean production goes into animal feed. They don't have the resources to produce as much as they need to feed all those people, which is why they have to purchase millions of metric tons from us.

Sorry. I know you want very much for this President to fail, but he didn't get where he is now by failing.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

yeah, that's why ALL the bean farmers are currently getting TrumpFarmWelfareForDumbassFarmers; right?
5 million tons a day.....are there that many soy beans in the world? What does a single soy bean weigh? Although I'm a major Trump supporter, this sounds impossible, although I hope it's true. :nocknockHT:
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

yeah, that's why ALL the bean farmers are currently getting TrumpFarmWelfareForDumbassFarmers; right?
Does welfare bother you?
Well, no agreement is in place yet. So all we have is Trump's word...which is worthless.

457,000 new manufacturing jobs too....must suck to be a faux-communist and root against the country that let you grow up protected from the real communists.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Maybe, then again maybe not.

How much will China buy? That is still open to debate. "The Wall Street Journal" reports China said it would buy 5 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans a day based on comments made by Chinese leaders, but a U.S. administration official told Reuters the exact amount was misinterpreted, and it is not a per day amount, but rather one purchase of 5 million metric tons.

BREAKING NEWS: China to Increase Soybean Purchases

Most of China's soybean production goes into animal feed. They don't have the resources to produce as much as they need to feed all those people, which is why they have to purchase millions of metric tons from us.

Sorry. I know you want very much for this President to fail, but he didn't get where he is now by failing.
He rode on his daddies coat takes and then used daddies money to bully people but that's got nothing to so with my post. There is no confirmation of this deal except for a one time purchase. All we really have is tRump's word for it. And you know how much that's worth.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington

yeah, that's why ALL the bean farmers are currently getting TrumpFarmWelfareForDumbassFarmers; right?
Does welfare bother you?

Maybe he shouldn't cuss farmers with his mouth full of SNAP benefit food.
Cool beans, man. Tell me again how President Trump's threat of a "trade war" is going to hurt us?

Just another day of WINNING from a MAGA President.

"China has agreed to resume purchases of U.S. soybeans following talks Thursday between President Trump and Beijing's top trade negotiator, Vice Premier Liu He. It will start purchasing 5 million metric tons a day, according to Trump.
"Five million tons of soybeans per day," Trump told reporters at a Oval Office meeting with Liu. "That's going to make our farmers very happy. That's a lot of soybeans."

China agrees to buy 5 million tons of US soybeans a day after talks in Washington
Maybe, then again maybe not.

How much will China buy? That is still open to debate. "The Wall Street Journal" reports China said it would buy 5 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans a day based on comments made by Chinese leaders, but a U.S. administration official told Reuters the exact amount was misinterpreted, and it is not a per day amount, but rather one purchase of 5 million metric tons.

BREAKING NEWS: China to Increase Soybean Purchases

Most of China's soybean production goes into animal feed. They don't have the resources to produce as much as they need to feed all those people, which is why they have to purchase millions of metric tons from us.

Sorry. I know you want very much for this President to fail, but he didn't get where he is now by failing.
He rode on his daddies coat takes and then used daddies money to bully people but that's got nothing to so with my post. There is no confirmation of this deal except for a one time purchase. All we really have is tRump's word for it. And you know how much that's worth.

Riiigghttt. :laughing0301:

Sure as hell beat what the last guy did: Sending Iran billions of dollars stacked up on pallets, waiting to be loaded into a flight on the tarmac.

I"m just sayin', mang.
Remember the leftists told us China would buy their soybeans from Brazil or Argentina and we'd lose the market permanently? They'll deny ever saying that but I recall it quite vividly. Nobody grows the quantity and quality of food products we do....nobody is even close. Thanks #45.....I thought we'd lost the country to the dirtbags until you came along. :thup:
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He rode on his daddies coat takes and then used daddies money to bully people but that's got nothing to so with my post. There is no confirmation of this deal except for a one time purchase. All we really have is tRump's word for it. And you know how much that's worth.

Is this like when Trump said that the Foxconn project would create 13,000 jobs in Wisconsin but is BS.

Or perhaps this is like when Trump said he bought 1000 hamberders for the Clemson team which was also BS.

Or is this like when Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall which was also BS.

Should I keep going?

Remind me why anyone still believes anything this man says?

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