Trump Christian Liaison: God 'Raised Up' Trump To Help Pave The Way For The Second Coming

Fun fact: Donald Rump's father's middle name was "Christ".

True story. He's literally the son of Christ. :eek:

Crossbreeded with an orangutan of course, but ya gotta wonder if that contributed to his insatiable Narcissism.
Fun fact: Barack Hussein middle name is Muslim from his Muslim father.

True story. He is literally the son of a Muslim.:itsok:

Crossbreeded with negroid and white of course, but you gotta wonder if that led to his hate for America.


As a young man, Barack Obama'sfather Onyango had traveled widely, enlisting in the British colonial forces and visiting Europe, India, and Zanzibar. There, Onyango converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam and took the name Hussein. He became a cook for missionaries and local herbalist in Nairobi.

Neither President Obama's grand father or half-aunt are running for office either. :uhoh3:
no, no mental illness issue here :uhoh3::uhoh3:

Frank Amedia, a pastor who says he is serving in a volunteer capacity as Donald Trump’s “Christian policy” liaison, said last month that God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming.

Trump Christian Liaison: God 'Raised Up' Trump To Help Pave The Way For The Second Coming

You still need to account for your own deficiencies before we can take anything you say seriously.

As to some "Christian liaison" saying "God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming" ---- well, that is not to be trusted in the least, sounds rather ungodly even, imo.

However, I do believe Barack Obama, Hillary "Hilldebeest" Clinton, and the 90 million+ Americans who mindlessly support these creeps are doing a far, far better job in "helping pave the way for the Second Coming." ----- [Think the days of Noah.]

Saying he got the message from god is "rather ungodly" but YOU invoke another imaginary bit of nonsense - Noah.

You people are amazing.
Fun fact: Donald Trump's middle name is John. A John is someone who pays whores to have sex with him.
True story. Trump literally has to pay women to have sex with him.

Bill Cosby Clinton just rapes them.


You would have no way of knowing this but neither Bill Cosby nor Bill Clinton are running for president.

Why don't you have the balls to address the subject of the thread?

I'm not the PUSSY voting Hillary, so I see she already has your balls. Why don't you address the establishment candidate sell out criminal Hitlery? You're deflecting and beating around the Bush hypocrite librat bitch man
Slightly inbred folks think they are from the tribe of Judah and that Yahweh promised them Palestine. They have assembled hundreds, maybe thousands of special interest groups to call folks who identify them scary names. Meanwhile they have absorbed tremendous amounts of the world's wealth and still have the chutzpah to whine about everything. :p

The story of the jews culminates with the failed messiah Jesus. He did not overturn the civilization that they wanted overturned. So obviously they await someone who will, meanwhile through their special interest groups and control of the MSM, academia and politicians they have.
You still need to account for your own deficiencies before we can take anything you say seriously.

As to some "Christian liaison" saying "God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming" ---- well, that is not to be trusted in the least, sounds rather ungodly even, imo.

However, I do believe Barack Obama, Hillary "Hilldebeest" Clinton, and the 90 million+ Americans who mindlessly support these creeps are doing a far, far better job in "helping pave the way for the Second Coming." ----- [Think the days of Noah.]

Saying he got the message from god is "rather ungodly" but YOU invoke another imaginary bit of nonsense - Noah.

You people are amazing.

And others are simply unteachable or unreachable.

The Lord did not say "cast not pearls before swine" because it had no relevance.

Sorry, but you must be willing to hear before words can ever bear fruit. Do not let whether Noah was real or not in your book cause you to stumble. Even the Catholic Church allows some leeway or interpretation in some OT stories. Yet, there are many other undeniable historical events and figures that would convict any man.
Fun fact: Donald Trump's middle name is John. A John is someone who pays whores to have sex with him.
True story. Trump literally has to pay women to have sex with him.

Bill Cosby Clinton just rapes them.


You would have no way of knowing this but neither Bill Cosby nor Bill Clinton are running for president.

Why don't you have the balls to address the subject of the thread?

I'm not the PUSSY voting Hillary, so I see she already has your balls. Why don't you address the establishment candidate sell out criminal Hitlery? You're deflecting and beating around the Bush hypocrite librat bitch man

It is YOU who is "deflecting". Neither Secty Clinton nor ex-prez bush are the subject of this thread.

Stop trying so desperately to hijack the thread. If you want to talk about a different subject, go start a thread.

I dare you to stay on topic and address the issue raised in the OP.
Fun fact: Donald Rump's father's middle name was "Christ".

True story. He's literally the son of Christ. :eek:

Crossbreeded with an orangutan of course, but ya gotta wonder if that contributed to his insatiable Narcissism.
Fun fact: Barack Hussein middle name is Muslim from his Muslim father.

True story. He is literally the son of a Muslim.:itsok:

Crossbreeded with negroid and white of course, but you gotta wonder if that led to his hate for America.


As a young man, Barack Obama'sfather Onyango had traveled widely, enlisting in the British colonial forces and visiting Europe, India, and Zanzibar. There, Onyango converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam and took the name Hussein. He became a cook for missionaries and local herbalist in Nairobi.

Neither President Obama's grand father or half-aunt are running for office either. :uhoh3:
Neither is Trump father running but I don't see you attacking Pogo reply hypocrite. You librats stick together.
You still need to account for your own deficiencies before we can take anything you say seriously.

As to some "Christian liaison" saying "God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming" ---- well, that is not to be trusted in the least, sounds rather ungodly even, imo.

However, I do believe Barack Obama, Hillary "Hilldebeest" Clinton, and the 90 million+ Americans who mindlessly support these creeps are doing a far, far better job in "helping pave the way for the Second Coming." ----- [Think the days of Noah.]

Saying he got the message from god is "rather ungodly" but YOU invoke another imaginary bit of nonsense - Noah.

You people are amazing.

And others are simply unteachable or unreachable.

The Lord did not say "cast not pearls before swine" because it had no relevance.

Sorry, but you must be willing to hear before words can ever bear fruit. Do not let whether Noah was real or not in your book cause you to stumble. Even the Catholic Church allows some leeway or interpretation in some OT stories. Yet, there are many other undeniable historical events and figures that would convict any man.

Every time the bible says something inconvenient (ridiculous), the various religions make excuses.

Even if I believed in a god, I have no use for the Convenient Cafeteria Christian.

Same with non-Christian Drumpf. Not one of you believe he's a "christian". He never was before he ran for prez and that hasn't changed. You know he lies about everything else but you SAY you believe him on this?

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You still need to account for your own deficiencies before we can take anything you say seriously.

As to some "Christian liaison" saying "God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming" ---- well, that is not to be trusted in the least, sounds rather ungodly even, imo.

However, I do believe Barack Obama, Hillary "Hilldebeest" Clinton, and the 90 million+ Americans who mindlessly support these creeps are doing a far, far better job in "helping pave the way for the Second Coming." ----- [Think the days of Noah.]

Saying he got the message from god is "rather ungodly" but YOU invoke another imaginary bit of nonsense - Noah.

You people are amazing.

And others are simply unteachable or unreachable.

The Lord did not say "cast not pearls before swine" because it had no relevance.

Sorry, but you must be willing to hear before words can ever bear fruit. Do not let whether Noah was real or not in your book cause you to stumble. Even the Catholic Church allows some leeway or interpretation in some OT stories. Yet, there are many other undeniable historical events and figures that would convict any man.

Every time the bible says something inconvenient (ridiculous), the various religions make excuses.

Even if I believed in a god, I have no use for the Convenient Cafeteria Christian.

Same with non-Christian Drumpf. Not one of you believe he's a "christian". he never was before he ran for prez and that hasn't changed. You know he lies about everything else but you SAY you believe him on this?

You are confusing me with unrelated accusations or ideas.

You do not really know enough about the Catholic Church and Catholic teachings to make such accusations of being "selective" as to what they want to believe is literal in the Bible and what is an allegory or teaching, not a historical fact.

First of all, it was the Catholic Church that gave us the Bible, not the other way around. The Church is God's authority on earth in the absence of Christ --- as Jesus so ordained it in Matthew 16 and elsewhere. "Whatsoever you hold bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven" --- Etc. So what is it you are accusing Catholicism of being "cafeteria" over?

I do not know what Trump lies about? I, nor the Church, ever said he was a Christian or not a Christian. I am not sure what you are accusing me/us of believing him or not believing him over? If the question is should we vote or stay home I guess the answer is vote. If the question is Trump or Hillary --- well, as a believing Christian, I can never vote for someone who is in love with abortion and promoting every kind of sexual perversion imaginable. This nation is on the verge of some horrible judgment, yes, I do believe that but I am not dogmatic on it.
You still need to account for your own deficiencies before we can take anything you say seriously.

As to some "Christian liaison" saying "God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming" ---- well, that is not to be trusted in the least, sounds rather ungodly even, imo.

However, I do believe Barack Obama, Hillary "Hilldebeest" Clinton, and the 90 million+ Americans who mindlessly support these creeps are doing a far, far better job in "helping pave the way for the Second Coming." ----- [Think the days of Noah.]

Saying he got the message from god is "rather ungodly" but YOU invoke another imaginary bit of nonsense - Noah.

You people are amazing.

And others are simply unteachable or unreachable.

The Lord did not say "cast not pearls before swine" because it had no relevance.

Sorry, but you must be willing to hear before words can ever bear fruit. Do not let whether Noah was real or not in your book cause you to stumble. Even the Catholic Church allows some leeway or interpretation in some OT stories. Yet, there are many other undeniable historical events and figures that would convict any man.

Every time the bible says something inconvenient (ridiculous), the various religions make excuses.

Even if I believed in a god, I have no use for the Convenient Cafeteria Christian.

Same with non-Christian Drumpf. Not one of you believe he's a "christian". he never was before he ran for prez and that hasn't changed. You know he lies about everything else but you SAY you believe him on this?

You are confusing me with unrelated accusations or ideas.

You do not really know enough about the Catholic Church and Catholic teachings to make such accusations of being "selective" as to what they want to believe is literal in the Bible and what is an allegory or teaching, not a historical fact.

First of all, it was the Catholic Church that gave us the Bible, not the other way around. The Church is God's authority on earth in the absence of Christ --- as Jesus so ordained it in Matthew 16 and elsewhere. "Whatsoever you hold bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven" --- Etc. So what is it you are accusing Catholicism of being "cafeteria" over?

I do not know what Trump lies about? I, nor the Church, ever said he was a Christian or not a Christian. I am not sure what you are accusing me/us of believing him or not believing him over? If the question is should we vote or stay home I guess the answer is vote. If the question is Trump or Hillary --- well, as a believing Christian, I can never vote for someone who is in love with abortion and promoting every kind of sexual perversion imaginable. This nation is on the verge of some horrible judgment, yes, I do believe that but I am not dogmatic on it.

"it was the Catholic Church that gave us the Bible"
"promoting every kind of sexual perversion imaginable."

Where, in your bible, does it say priests get to rape children and the church will protect them. Why don't you consider that a "perversion"?

Blech. I really hate the hypocrisy of the various religions and gods.
You still need to account for your own deficiencies before we can take anything you say seriously.

As to some "Christian liaison" saying "God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming" ---- well, that is not to be trusted in the least, sounds rather ungodly even, imo.

However, I do believe Barack Obama, Hillary "Hilldebeest" Clinton, and the 90 million+ Americans who mindlessly support these creeps are doing a far, far better job in "helping pave the way for the Second Coming." ----- [Think the days of Noah.]

Saying he got the message from god is "rather ungodly" but YOU invoke another imaginary bit of nonsense - Noah.

You people are amazing.

And others are simply unteachable or unreachable.

The Lord did not say "cast not pearls before swine" because it had no relevance.

Sorry, but you must be willing to hear before words can ever bear fruit. Do not let whether Noah was real or not in your book cause you to stumble. Even the Catholic Church allows some leeway or interpretation in some OT stories. Yet, there are many other undeniable historical events and figures that would convict any man.

Every time the bible says something inconvenient (ridiculous), the various religions make excuses.

Even if I believed in a god, I have no use for the Convenient Cafeteria Christian.

Same with non-Christian Drumpf. Not one of you believe he's a "christian". he never was before he ran for prez and that hasn't changed. You know he lies about everything else but you SAY you believe him on this?

You are confusing me with unrelated accusations or ideas.

You do not really know enough about the Catholic Church and Catholic teachings to make such accusations of being "selective" as to what they want to believe is literal in the Bible and what is an allegory or teaching, not a historical fact.

First of all, it was the Catholic Church that gave us the Bible, not the other way around. The Church is God's authority on earth in the absence of Christ --- as Jesus so ordained it in Matthew 16 and elsewhere. "Whatsoever you hold bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven" --- Etc. So what is it you are accusing Catholicism of being "cafeteria" over?

I do not know what Trump lies about? I, nor the Church, ever said he was a Christian or not a Christian. I am not sure what you are accusing me/us of believing him or not believing him over? If the question is should we vote or stay home I guess the answer is vote. If the question is Trump or Hillary --- well, as a believing Christian, I can never vote for someone who is in love with abortion and promoting every kind of sexual perversion imaginable. This nation is on the verge of some horrible judgment, yes, I do believe that but I am not dogmatic on it.

"it was the Catholic Church that gave us the Bible"
"promoting every kind of sexual perversion imaginable."

Where, in your bible, does it say priests get to rape children and the church will protect them. Why don't you consider that a "perversion"?

Blech. I really hate the hypocrisy of the various religions and gods.

Where does it say Christians or priests are not sinners? All men and women are sinners and capable of great sin. The devil attacks where the harvest is most bountiful. Taking out priests and bishops has caused an inestimably grave wound in the Catholic Church. We will never fully recover and the devil has won a great battle. Just observe how outsiders delight in this affair --- how they somehow now feel justified ignoring this God we speak of.

Don't be such a fool. The Catholic Church and its billions of faithful over the centuries has demonstrated immeasurable amounts of charity and sacrifice towards the whole world. They have done far, far, far more good than harm and more than anyone or anything else. They have proven who God is. So, yes, they have also turned horribly sinful and weak and found in some of its shepherds. So? Your conclusions go way too far over that. Even Jesus had a traitor amongst his most beloved 12.
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Fun fact: Barack Hussein middle name is Muslim from his Muslim father.
True story. He is literally the son of a Muslim.
Fun fact: Donald Trump's middle name is John. A John is someone who pays whores to have sex with him.
True story. Trump literally has to pay women to have sex with him.

It's also the porcelain device one shits on. Just sayin'.

--- which means our task in the role of We the People is simple:

At least now it will no longer be a joke to walk into the voting booth, pull the curtain and yell in a loud voice,
Trump Christian Liaison: God 'Raised Up' Trump To Help Pave The Way For The Second Coming's been awhile since I read the Bible but I don't remember anywhere God Commanding "Thou shalt worship thyself above all others, including Me." or "Do as thou whilst shall be the whole of the Law". Or "Constantly bear false witness". Or "pluck the splinter from your neighbor's eye before you attend to the log in your own"...
Slightly inbred folks think they are from the tribe of Judah and that Yahweh promised them Palestine. They have assembled hundreds, maybe thousands of special interest groups to call folks who identify them scary names. Meanwhile they have absorbed tremendous amounts of the world's wealth and still have the chutzpah to whine about everything. :p

The story of the jews culminates with the failed messiah Jesus. He did not overturn the civilization that they wanted overturned. So obviously they await someone who will, meanwhile through their special interest groups and control of the MSM, academia and politicians they have.

That's right Rome won out. Obviously Jesus is stronger a God than Yahweh.
Fun fact: Donald Rump's father's middle name was "Christ".

True story. He's literally the son of Christ. :eek:

Crossbreeded with an orangutan of course, but ya gotta wonder if that contributed to his insatiable Narcissism.

True except the correct spelling is Krist.

As to the OP - what is it with these nutters saying god talks to them?

No, it's actually "Christ", literally.

no, no mental illness issue here :uhoh3::uhoh3:

Frank Amedia, a pastor who says he is serving in a volunteer capacity as Donald Trump’s “Christian policy” liaison, said last month that God told him last year that Trump would win the GOP nomination and that he believes Trump has been “raised up” to help pave the way for the Second Coming.

Trump Christian Liaison: God 'Raised Up' Trump To Help Pave The Way For The Second Coming

Certainly no crazier than the Messiah-worship afforded Obama by the Democrats.
Only the loser wingnuts called him the Messiah. Holy shit you`re still doing it!

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