Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra


Welcome to Sweden, Eldorado for Migrants!

KEEP CLAIMING RACIST COMMIES......... soon they will have you idiots laying on your backs brainless morons are an easy catch.
It is fucking amazing.....story after story from European news outlets......and you morons deny they is the strangest thing I have ever seen..............

The problem is that you left wingers suffer from Reality Dyslexia.......much like normal dyslexia for reading...but in this case, you are normal in all things in life...except your brains cannot process the truth, facts or reality, and they can't process the difference between right and wrong and good and flip those around....

Which is why you attribute horrible things to peaceful Christians...but defend the same things when they are actually activities engaged in by muslims around the world.....

And here you have actual problems with muslim enclaves in Europe....from news sources in Europe....No-Go zones, rapes, gang violence, gun murders, grenades tossed like confetti.....

And for you...none of it exists......

Simply amazing.....

And the exact reason none of you or your political leaders should have control over our government....

Can they seriously be this fkn stupid. what the fk does it take to wake these fkn morons up. OMFG I have never seen such a dumbed down, retarded bunch of dumb fks in my life. LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC TRENDY'S are fo mother fkn stupid .............. sorry for the F words I just can't believe how pathetic they are.
AWWW FOR ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT RAPE , LETS KEEP THOSE BORDER OPEN OH YES .. those of you who are COMMIE fkn idiots deserve everything you wish for....

View attachment 113207
— the claim is a creative illustration of its creator’s fear of refugees in Europe.
Swedish Girl Refugee Assault Meme
A meme claimed that a 14-year-old Swedish girl was raped by refugees, but the story didn't check out.



Image depicts a Swedish girl brutally abducted and raped by three refugees.

On 28 May 2016 the Facebook page “I’m white” shared the meme reproduced above. It featured a photograph of a young, blonde woman, and the text said:

‘ ..I was kidnapped, tortured, and gang-raped by three refugees for 17 hours before I escaped while they slept. The police said the assault was my fault and the judge sentenced them all to probation ..’

‘ ..This took place last year, when I was 14..’

The caption on the status updated claimed the purported incident occurred in Sweden:

FALSE: Swedish Girl Refugee Assault Meme
Now if you are a Swede, I would think that it would cause concern that Sweden is now the rape capitol of Europe.

And now second in the world statistically.
Can they seriously be this fkn stupid. what the fk does it take to wake these fkn morons up. OMFG I have never seen such a dumbed down, retarded bunch of dumb fks in my life. LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC TRENDY'S are fo mother fkn stupid .............. sorry for the F words I just can't believe how pathetic they are.
You Just finished posting a totally debunked Fake News Meme of a Teenager raped by Immigrant dude ...
AWWW FOR ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT RAPE , LETS KEEP THOSE BORDER OPEN OH YES .. those of you who are COMMIE fkn idiots deserve everything you wish for....

View attachment 113207
— the claim is a creative illustration of its creator’s fear of refugees in Europe.
Swedish Girl Refugee Assault Meme
A meme claimed that a 14-year-old Swedish girl was raped by refugees, but the story didn't check out.



Image depicts a Swedish girl brutally abducted and raped by three refugees.

On 28 May 2016 the Facebook page “I’m white” shared the meme reproduced above. It featured a photograph of a young, blonde woman, and the text said:

‘ ..I was kidnapped, tortured, and gang-raped by three refugees for 17 hours before I escaped while they slept. The police said the assault was my fault and the judge sentenced them all to probation ..’

‘ ..This took place last year, when I was 14..’

The caption on the status updated claimed the purported incident occurred in Sweden:

FALSE: Swedish Girl Refugee Assault Meme

Can they seriously be this fkn stupid. what the fk does it take to wake these fkn morons up. OMFG I have never seen such a dumbed down, retarded bunch of dumb fks in my life. LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC TRENDY'S are fo mother fkn stupid .............. sorry for the F words I just can't believe how pathetic they are.
You Just finished posting a totally debunked Fake News Meme of a Teenager raped by Immigrant dude ...

SNOPE LMFAO.... PAID OFF BY SOROS because he and they are communist morons right along with the rest of American idiots.
Can they seriously be this fkn stupid. what the fk does it take to wake these fkn morons up. OMFG I have never seen such a dumbed down, retarded bunch of dumb fks in my life. LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC TRENDY'S are fo mother fkn stupid .............. sorry for the F words I just can't believe how pathetic they are.
You Just finished posting a totally debunked Fake News Meme of a Teenager raped by Immigrant dude ...

In fairness, trump has been a scam artist and pathological serial liar his entire life and it is unreasonable to expect him to change his ways just because he is now the so-called President.
Keep denying it .................... bet when it happens to one of your daughters you Commies will wake up real fast.

View attachment 113202

Except that rape in Sweden has been a problem for more than 10 years and has nothing to do with Muslim immigration. The country with the highest number of rape crimes, is the United States. Worse than South Africa.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime

I guess you guys don't want Muslims coming in and cutting in on your action.

I guess YOU CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE OF MUSLIMS COMING IN " LEGALLY" AND THOSE WHO STORM INTO THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY........................ Then again Commie are pretty fkn stupid.

Nobody who promotes the tin foil hat conspiracy theories on InfoWars and the rest of the alt-right press has any business calling another person "stupid". You people are certifiable.

I'm going outside to walk in the sunshine on a beautiful day. I won't be taking a gun, because I have no fear of being harmed as I go about my business in one of the safety countries in the world.

I'm not worried about the secret cabals of Jewish bankers lead by George Soros who are out to take over the world. Nor to I think I'll encouter any Muslim terrorists, or Mexican rapists or murderers.

I am a little worried about the mentally ill guy who hangs out in the town square, who accused me of following him and threatened to call the police if I don't stop, but I doubt he's armed.
Keep denying it .................... bet when it happens to one of your daughters you Commies will wake up real fast.

View attachment 113202

Except that rape in Sweden has been a problem for more than 10 years and has nothing to do with Muslim immigration. The country with the highest number of rape crimes, is the United States. Worse than South Africa.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime

I guess you guys don't want Muslims coming in and cutting in on your action.

I guess YOU CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE OF MUSLIMS COMING IN " LEGALLY" AND THOSE WHO STORM INTO THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY........................ Then again Commie are pretty fkn stupid.

Nobody who promotes the tin foil hat conspiracy theories on InfoWars and the rest of the alt-right press has any business calling another person "stupid". You people are certifiable.

I'm going outside to walk in the sunshine on a beautiful day. I won't be taking a gun, because I have no fear of being harmed as I go about my business in one of the safety countries in the world.

I'm not worried about the secret cabals of Jewish bankers lead by George Soros who are out to take over the world. Nor to I think I'll encouter any Muslim terrorists, or Mexican rapists or murderers.

I am a little worried about the mentally ill guy who hangs out in the town square, who accused me of following him and threatened to call the police if I don't stop, but I doubt he's armed.

NOBODY believes a communist idiot... u dumb fuckers don't even know what you don't know your too brain dead to understand what is going on and the GUBBERMINT LOVES Dumb mother fkrs like you.

These two are neither Immigrants nor Muslim

Pair accused of live-streaming sexual assault

Posted Apr 13, 2016 at 12:01 AM Updated Apr 13, 2016 at 11:09 PM


Stories From Chatter Network
A 29-year-old West Side man is accused of raping a 17-year-old girl while an 18-year-old woman broadcast the sexual assault live on the video-streaming app Periscope.
More on Malmo, Sweden...the battlefield.....

Battlefield Sweden: Police admit Malmo isn’t safe as thugs send fireworks into crowds

n the early hours of the morning, Malmo police were also forced to shoot a 28-year-old man in the leg twice after a short stand off.

Officers were called out at around 5.30am after someone was “feeling ill”, however at the scene they found an axe and knife-wielding male.

“When the patrol arrived they found the man intimidating, which led to one of the officers firing shots,” Fredrik Bratt, of the Malmo police, said.
Have you ever been?

I have.......I was there within the past 5 years......

So.....tell me these stories are untrue........
There is crime in Sweden, as there is pretty much everyplace else.......You could scan the police blotter of any US city with a population of 8 million and find the same list, every weekend....

Because there is a large audience in the US for Stupid Crap, numerous sites and blogs have appeared of late to promote this hysteria....they usually include a bio of someone who "spent 2 decades living and working in.....yada, yada" to provide a fig leaf of cred.

This is sure to come as a shock to you, but Sweden also grows its own reactionaries....and biker gangs.....
Before you blaming Trump just look the fail of Sweden socialist paradise which due to invasion of Muslim apes is getting to became a failed state. Sweden 'police' doing nothing to stop Muslim rapist gangs and to protect native Sweden.


Muslims in Sweden

Keep denying it .................... bet when it happens to one of your daughters you Commies will wake up real fast.

View attachment 113202

Except that rape in Sweden has been a problem for more than 10 years and has nothing to do with Muslim immigration. The country with the highest number of rape crimes, is the United States. Worse than South Africa.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime

I guess you guys don't want Muslims coming in and cutting in on your action.

I guess YOU CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE OF MUSLIMS COMING IN " LEGALLY" AND THOSE WHO STORM INTO THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY........................ Then again Commie are pretty fkn stupid.

Nobody who promotes the tin foil hat conspiracy theories on InfoWars and the rest of the alt-right press has any business calling another person "stupid". You people are certifiable.

I'm going outside to walk in the sunshine on a beautiful day. I won't be taking a gun, because I have no fear of being harmed as I go about my business in one of the safety countries in the world.

I'm not worried about the secret cabals of Jewish bankers lead by George Soros who are out to take over the world. Nor to I think I'll encouter any Muslim terrorists, or Mexican rapists or murderers.

I am a little worried about the mentally ill guy who hangs out in the town square, who accused me of following him and threatened to call the police if I don't stop, but I doubt he's armed.

NOBODY believes a communist idiot... u dumb fuckers don't even know what you don't know your too brain dead to understand what is going on and the GUBBERMINT LOVES Dumb mother fkrs like you.
You read infowars and off and have "IMBECILE" tattooed across your gently sloping forehead....

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