Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.
More regressive propaganda from the huffy puffy post. But who cares, at least he didn't compromise national secrets or lie to congress.
Please note that any requests that Mr. Trump releases his tax forms must be accompanied by a .pdf file of the requester's own IRS filings or are hypocritical and invalid.
Now, after seeing what the the leftist scumbags in Congress did to McRomney...LIED about his taxes on the floor of the Senate where those scumbags have IMMUNITY from prosecution for the vicious LIES that they spout all the time, and HEARING from Harry Reid, HIMSELF admitting he lied so McRomney WOULDN'T WIN....why the fuck would Trump put himself in a position where this could happen to him?...Fuck you scumbag leftist, ANTI-American DemocRATS!

Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.

Yeah for the 1st time in 40 years there's only one candidate that has refused to release his returns and that's Donald Trump. Regarding Mitt Romney--his wealth is peanuts compared to Donald Trump's--so I imagine there is something for him to worry about. Mitt Romney stated he is trying to hide something--probably so.

Reince Priebus--chair of the RNC- has his head on the chopping block over it too.

I imagine we will see some Colorado Delegates at the convention next week DEMAND that he release them--or else. At least that is the rumor.
Ten mistakes Reince Priebus made
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Please note that any requests that Mr. Trump releases his tax forms must be accompanied by a .pdf file of the requester's own IRS filings or are hypocritical and invalid.

Ah, but what if said requester is not himself running for President?

Aye, there's the rub.
"And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. "
You see what Trump is doing there?

"Very, very late".

Romney released his tax returns in January 2012, just after the New Hampshire primary.

It's late July now.
Before I school the leftard clown posse about the income tax YET again....please tell me how you are affected by those that pay no income tax. Please tell me how those that not only pay no income tax but due to the earned income tax credit (thus receiving back more than what they paid in negatively affects you.
More regressive propaganda from the huffy puffy post. But who cares, at least he didn't compromise national secrets or lie to congress.
"B-b-b-b-but Clinton!"

Trump is following advice from his attorneys, the BS propaganda post implying anything else is pure propaganda. They'll throw out their daily innuendo and fauxcahunches will dutifully post it. Same old shit, different day.
Trump doesn't want his Chumps to see in black and white all those donations he made to left wing causes, including the Clinton Foundation.
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.
"And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. "
You see what Trump is doing there?

"Very, very late".

Romney released his tax returns in January 2012, just after the New Hampshire primary.

It's late July now.

There's no requirement for anyone to release them, so why should anyone care?
Lamest excuse ever. What are you afraid of? Trump is clearly terrified of you seeing what is in them.

He can never claim he has nothing to hide, because he clearly does. Donations to the Clinton Foundation and other liberal causes.
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

I hope he was able to get away with out paying a solitary dime....ask me why that's a good thing.....

Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit, I'm a one issue voter this round, stop the hildabitch from making any supreme court nominations. That's more important to the future of this country than the next 3 presidents.

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