Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

"And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. "
You see what Trump is doing there?

"Very, very late".

Romney released his tax returns in January 2012, just after the New Hampshire primary.

It's late July now.

There's no requirement for anyone to release them, so why should anyone care?
Lamest excuse ever. What are you afraid of? Trump is clearly terrified of you seeing what is in them.

He can never claim he has nothing to hide, because he clearly does. Donations to the Clinton Foundation and other liberal causes.

Facts aren't excuses, see post #20.
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit,

Oh, I know. Trump could be seen sucking off Bernie Sanders and you'd still vote for him. This is the kind of blind allegiance Dear Leader depends upon from his Chumps.
"And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. "
You see what Trump is doing there?

"Very, very late".

Romney released his tax returns in January 2012, just after the New Hampshire primary.

It's late July now.

There's no requirement for anyone to release them, so why should anyone care?

I would think 40 years of every other candidate releasing their income tax returns demands that Trump release his too.
Before I school the leftard clown posse about the income tax YET again....please tell me how you are affected by those that pay no income tax. Please tell me how those that not only pay no income tax but due to the earned income tax credit (thus receiving back more than what they paid in negatively affects you.

Rich people consume more public resources and have much more to defend. Defense, infrastructure, etc...
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit,

Oh, I know. Trump could be seen sucking off Bernie Sanders and you'd still vote for him. This is the kind of blind allegiance Dear Leader depends upon from his Chumps.

Didn't vote for Trump, but I will vote for anyone who has the slightest chance of beating the bitch. Simple as ABC, as in anyone but clinton.
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit,

Oh, I know. Trump could be seen sucking off Bernie Sanders and you'd still vote for him. This is the kind of blind allegiance Dear Leader depends upon from his Chumps.

You could see a video of Hitlery Clinton getting all sexual excited about the genital mutilation of MKUltra victim Cathy O'Brien that put the incident in her book "Tranceformation Of America" and you would still vote for this luciferian worshiping witch...because afterall, she is a leftard.
"And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. "
You see what Trump is doing there?

"Very, very late".

Romney released his tax returns in January 2012, just after the New Hampshire primary.

It's late July now.

There's no requirement for anyone to release them, so why should anyone care?

I would think 40 years of every other candidate releasing their income tax returns demands that Trump release his too.

That just proves your line of work ain't thinking.
Before I school the leftard clown posse about the income tax YET again....please tell me how you are affected by those that pay no income tax. Please tell me how those that not only pay no income tax but due to the earned income tax credit (thus receiving back more than what they paid in negatively affects you.

Rich people consume more public resources and have much more to defend. Defense, infrastructure, etc...

Do they not pay for them? I am talking about the INCOME you even know where it goes? How it all came to be? Who and what was behind it and how it was allegedly passed in 1913 on the heels of the Federal Reserve Act of the same year? I will surmise that you don't know diddly squat....but I am willing to school you. Please ask questions....allow me to give you a hint.....Puerto Rican Trust #62.......
C'mon. Lakhota......are ya gonna run away yet again? I'm here to help the ignorant masses.


No thanks...
Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.
Although there is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns, it casts doubt on everything he says about his finances and a lot of other stuff.

This is just another stupid arrogant move by Trump. It may cost him votes but he doesn't care because this is about winning and winning means having his own way.
C'mon. Lakhota......are ya gonna run away yet again? I'm here to help the ignorant masses.


No thanks...

I am not here to argue with your lack of knowledge...I simply wish to bestow some upon you. I want to give you the benefit of the all the things I have researched and learned. Do you enjoy being clueless? I am not trying to persuade you on how to vote because it's all a joke anyway.... a total illusion. Bush should have never won in 2000 or 2004 but they rigged the election. They used the SCOTUS to put him as CEO in 2000 and then used the Diebold voting machines with no paper trail to insure that nothing would change in 2004. Kerry was a "skull and bones" brother of Bush and he was the sacrificial lamb. Had Kerry been allowed to win, people would have expected a drastic shift in policy and the global elites that really run things needed to keep up the facade. See? None partisan poster here when it comes to political parties. What are you afraid of? Having your preconceived notions of what you think things are compared to what they actually are??? I understand where people like you are coming from....ignorance is truly bliss.
Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.
Although there is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns, it casts doubt on everything he says about his finances and a lot of other stuff.

This is just another stupid arrogant move by Trump. It may cost him votes but he doesn't care because this is about winning and winning means having his own way.

His personal income is none of your fucking business. If you want to know how his businesses are doing? Go to Dun and Bradstreet or look up the CAFR on-line......oh don't know what a "CAFR" is....Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. It's the same thing your beloved "gubermint" and their 185,000 subsidiaries have to file every year bneing that they are incorporated.
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit,

Oh, I know. Trump could be seen sucking off Bernie Sanders and you'd still vote for him. This is the kind of blind allegiance Dear Leader depends upon from his Chumps.
Like Bernie can still get it up at his age.
be more like Trump slurping down a piece of over cooked spaghetti
Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit,

Oh, I know. Trump could be seen sucking off Bernie Sanders and you'd still vote for him. This is the kind of blind allegiance Dear Leader depends upon from his Chumps.
Like Bernie can still get it up at his age.
be more like Trump slurping down a piece of over cooked spaghetti

Is that experience I'm hearing here? LMAO
Before I school the leftard clown posse about the income tax YET again....please tell me how you are affected by those that pay no income tax. Please tell me how those that not only pay no income tax but due to the earned income tax credit (thus receiving back more than what they paid in negatively affects you.

Rich people consume more public resources and have much more to defend. Defense, infrastructure, etc...

In the tax code, as we know investment income is taxed at a much lower rate than earned income. Under Bill Clinton investment income or capital gains was around 30%--which was a hit to middle class income investments. So he lowered this tax, and they found that Federal tax revenue actually increased. Americans were no longer holding out forever to sell and buy into other investments, because they knew they would get clobbered with the 30%.

So Bill Clinton lowered it to around 20% and they found that more tax revenue was coming into the Federal treasury because of it.

Then G.W. Bush lowered it to 15%--and this is around where you're getting Romney's tax returns at. I believe they've raised it back up to 20%.

So the question then becomes--does the Federal Government actually bring in more tax revenue with a lower investment (capital gains tax,) or with a higher capital gains tax rate?

FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Said She Wouldn’t Raise the Capital Gains Tax Above 20 Percent (Obama’s New Tax Plan Would Raise it to 28 Percent)
Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.
Although there is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns, it casts doubt on everything he says about his finances and a lot of other stuff.

This is just another stupid arrogant move by Trump. It may cost him votes but he doesn't care because this is about winning and winning means having his own way.

Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.
Although there is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns, it casts doubt on everything he says about his finances and a lot of other stuff.

This is just another stupid arrogant move by Trump. It may cost him votes but he doesn't care because this is about winning and winning means having his own way.

His personal income is none of your fucking business. If you want to know how his businesses are doing? Go to Dun and Bradstreet or look up the CAFR on-line......oh don't know what a "CAFR" is....Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. It's the same thing your beloved "gubermint" and their 185,000 subsidiaries have to file every year bneing that they are incorporated.
When Trump makes claims about paying taxes, charitable giving, etc, his claims are meaningless, without tax returns to back up what he says.

I hope he doesn't release them, then we can discount his claims just like other Trump bull shit.
Look at what they did to Mitt Romney, he exclaims.

For months, Donald Trump has insisted that he would not release his tax returns while under audit ― a position seconded by tax lawyers, though one that the IRS has said is not necessary.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, the presumptive Republican nominee continued to make the argument it was the IRS audit preventing him from disclosing the finite details of his personal finances ― from the tax breaks he took, to the charitable donations he’s made. But in a telling aside, Trump seemed to admit that he wasn’t disclosing his returns because of the political damage he feared they would inflict.

“Mitt Romney didn’t want to give his tax returns” in 2012, Trump said of the previous Republican presidential candidate. “He fought like crazy. Then [Sen.] Harry Reid lied, told a total lie in the Senate, a vicious lie that was untrue. And then Mitt Romney, very, very late, decided to give his tax returns. Now, remember this, I’m under audit. It’s a routine audit. Nobody would do that while they’re under audit and everybody understands that. But let me tell you, he gave those tax returns and they were absolutely fine. He was destroyed. They went through his returns, which were peanuts compared to what I have. You saw the stacks of paper. He gave his returns, and they found little items, little items in those returns that were nothing.”

Trump’s reference is to an episode in which Reid said he had heard from an investor at Bain Capital, Romney’s old private equity firm, that Romney had paid no taxes for 10 years. Romney denied the accusation and denounced Reid. He ended up producing 1.5 years of filings showing that he had paid a tax rate of roughly 14 percent ― in other words, extremely low. For that, Romney endured difficult headlines.

Presidential candidates don’t normally acknowledge that they are taking a position in order to avoid tough headlines. But that’s precisely what Trump seemed to be suggesting on Wednesday. Trump did give himself cover by continuing to insist that IRS audits are to blame for his failure to reveal his tax returns. But that seems even less legitimate now.

Ironically, Trump was among the choir of those urging Romney in 2012 to release his tax returns more quickly to get those headlines out of the way. Now, it’s Romney who is arguing that Trump is hiding some sort of shocking revelation in his own returns.

Trump Cites Possible Political Damage In Explaining Why He Won’t Release Taxes

Would Trump pick a VP running mate who refused to release his/her tax returns? Hillary released hers.
Although there is no legal requirement for him to release his tax returns, it casts doubt on everything he says about his finances and a lot of other stuff.

This is just another stupid arrogant move by Trump. It may cost him votes but he doesn't care because this is about winning and winning means having his own way.

His personal income is none of your fucking business. If you want to know how his businesses are doing? Go to Dun and Bradstreet or look up the CAFR on-line......oh don't know what a "CAFR" is....Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. It's the same thing your beloved "gubermint" and their 185,000 subsidiaries have to file every year bneing that they are incorporated.
When Trump makes claims about paying taxes, charitable giving, etc, his claims are meaningless, without tax returns to back up what he says.

I hope he doesn't release them, then we can discount his claims just like other Trump bull shit.

His corporations pay can look them up if you have any ability to use "Google". As far as charitable donations go, do you only give to charity as long as you get a receipt in order to "deduct it"? If so, you are not giving from the heart. I set aside a certain percentage per pay period to find people to randomly do things for...and I don't ask them to fill out a 1099 form. I guarantee you that the milk of human kindness flows from Trump's veins...Hitlery? Not so much. Trump's generosity to the common Johnny Lunchpail is well documented...again use "Google". He has gone into the kitchens of restaurants and passed out 100 dollar bills to the staff. Hitlery Clinton treats her underlings like total why do you think she gives a flying fuck about your welfare? If she treats those that are there to wait on her "hand and foot" like pure garbage, why do you think she would ever stand up for you unless there was something in it for her?

Donald Trump has been on my radar since he bought the New Jersey Generals in the USFL in 1984. I have always looked at him as a "stand-up" guy......a no nonsense guy and even when I disagreed with him about Bush...turns out that he was right. He tells it like it is and makes no apologies for it. If I were to choose to be a U.S citizen again? I'd vote for Trump. I'd gladly sit down and have a beer and do some cooking on the grill with Trump. The Clinton's? I wouldn't even bother to walk across the street to see those pieces of globalist shit that sold us out during their first "fuck over" of America unless I got the chance to debate either one of them. I would have them stuttering and stammering in a few minutes and looking for an exit.
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Trump is following advice from his attorneys
Bullshit. He's afraid of how the Chumps will react to what's in them. They would see what a lying huckster and friend of the Left he is.

Personally I could give a shit,

Oh, I know. Trump could be seen sucking off Bernie Sanders and you'd still vote for him. This is the kind of blind allegiance Dear Leader depends upon from his Chumps.
Like Bernie can still get it up at his age.
be more like Trump slurping down a piece of over cooked spaghetti

They're all the same age actually. Onliest reason Bernie looks different is he's the only one who doesn't dye his hair blonde or his skin orange.

What the fuck is UP with that anyway.... I don't care who thinks it's "racist", orange people are inferior. They just are. They have tiny fingers too.

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