trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

No, your response show that YOU have no idea what you're talking about, hence my earlier comment about the poor critical thinking skills of MAGA. Since I know you still won't be able to fire enough neurons to understand what I mean, I was referring to his alleged statement of telling a European leader he'd encourage Russia to do whatever they hell they wanted to his country. I highly doubt he ever said that. I am well aware that he got Europe to kick in their fair share towards NATO. I even gave him credit for it on this site back when it happened.

You can go back to watching the Teletubbies now.
/----/ Since you libtards only know how to raise a white flag and surrender, it's no wonder you don't understand Trump's strong stance.
When you look at his comments you have to wonder who they help. A keader would have a quiet word rather than this. All he does is encourage russia, china and whoever.
Who knows what the stupid fuck will spout next ?
Yeah, we sure don't want to embarrass the European political hacks getting a free ride at the expense of American taxpayers, huh.
Trump whining and lying about NATO ‘paying dues’ illustrates that he was – and is – unfit to be president.

Treating our long-time allies like tenants in an apartment building with threats of eviction for not paying rent demonstrates Trump’s comprehensive ignorance of foreign policy and a lack of understanding of international affairs.

Given Trump’s level of ignorance and incompetence, insanity is the only reasonable explanation as to why anyone would vote for the likes of Trump.
/----/ Libtards screech: pay your fair share until it comes to NATO.

If they had not paid their fee into NATO. The Russian asset is at it again. trump does not even try to hide is allegiance to Putin anymore. He doesn't have to. The repub party has become a Putin/Russia loving cult, who only greater allegiance in to the Russian asset, trump. You think trump ' won't leave NATO is re-elected. Think again....

Former President Donald J. Trump said on Saturday that, while president, he told the leaders of NATO countries that he would “encourage” Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to countries that had not paid the money they owed to the military alliance.
Well even if joking , it is a bad joke. Telling them that he would encourage Russia to do whatever.

That is not diplomacy, its making threats to allies. Threats rarely work and creates payback.

The best negotiator gets people to move by letting them believe that is their idea.

The US is part of an alliance. Part of is to keep Russian and its allies in check.

Paying their fair share has always been an issue. Negotiation is better than making threats,
Did Trump claim in the art of negotiation that he was good at making a deal.

Yet he cannot even deal with Congress unless they were all republicans.

"The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That's what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level, and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own." ~ Donald Trump

Indians say white man speaks with fork tongue still lives on

its my way or the highway
Well, don't abandon your allies and encourage your common enemy to attack. How hard is THAT?
Looks like they left us. Not paying fair share. You remain a stupid cuck.

BTW, aren’t you cucks the kings of fair share? Loser
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Yeah, we sure don't want to embarrass the European political hacks getting a free ride at the expense of American taxpayers, huh.
Prefer MAGA hacks getting the money, eh? Well, we’ve heard enough about the sex and drug parties Republicans hold in DC to know where that money would go. :cool-45:
Prefer MAGA hacks getting the money, eh? Well we heard enough about the sex and drug parties Republicans hold in DC to know where that money would go.
Explain the mental gymnastics how countries paying their fair share leads to republican sex and drug parties. You're mentally ill.
Why do you desperately try to exclude Bush and Trump from these issues? the factual main perpetrators of this present Ukraine mess.

Obama and his EU counterparts are the reason for the Ukraine mess.

Trump has nothing to do with it, other than your obvious TDS.
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

They must pay their share... isn't that what you libs say all of the time about the American business man....

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