trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

No US President - incl. a possible future Trump, has the power (aka legal means to "dissolve" NATO)
It pertains to the US Congress and Senate to pass a bill, that could support the decision of the USA "leaving" NATO.

If the remaining alliance would still upkeep it's designation NATO - can certainly be discussed.

And if you know who Trump is - then you should also know that he never keeps his "promises". Neither to his wives nor to his voters.
Then he was good with surprises like more money in your pocket and no new wars to kill your children. And a secure border.
No US President - incl. a possible future Trump, has the power (aka legal means to "dissolve" NATO)
It pertains to the US Congress and Senate to pass a bill, that could support the decision of the USA "leaving" NATO.

If the remaining alliance would still upkeep it's designation NATO - can certainly be discussed.

And if you know who Trump is - then you should also know that he never keeps his "promises". Neither to his wives nor to his voters.
Trump signaling to Putin that he would not come to the defense of a NATO ally is all Putin would need to attack.

Then what?
Anyone need any further evidence that Trump is in Putin’s pocket?

My God
Neither Trump nor Putin have each other in their pocket. However like ALL politicians, they both have their hands in other peoples pocket. Namely the population that did vote for them, as well as those who opposed them.

To discuss about Trump is IMO, absolutely meaningless, since he doesn't give a shit about the USA as such (unlike Putin in regards to Russia's hegemonic interests).
Trump has clearly betrayed US hegemonic interests throughout his 4 year stint - If Americans are in support of this - then they ultimately need to vote for him.
Then he was good with surprises like more money in your pocket and no new wars to kill your children. And a secure border.
Your reply is faulty and is absolutely not in reference to the threads topic.

As usual a MAGA, misusing ever single discussion to forward MAGA arguments and spread propaganda.
Yes.....let's let NATO and the UN keep screwing us in the ass.

If the shoe was on the other foot I guarantee that NATO nations would say worse about the USA.

Matter of fact, most of the allies that were in Somalia under UNISOM were spying on us when I was there in 93', tipping off Aideed to what our operational plans were.
You're Misinformed. Stupid bs all together
Yes we know how the media has lied countless times about trump
Why do you continue to believe the lying media?
Go with GOP admitted liars and propagandists, super dupe ignoramus hater seditionist lol. Fact check for chrissake....
Trump signaling to Putin that he would not come to the defense of a NATO ally is all Putin would need to attack.

Then what?
The fact, that the European NATO members are far more capable then that Russian led and ill equipped rabble, and therefore will never allow for Putin to attack an existing NATO member (and get away with it). And the Fact, that it is not solely up to Trump to decide about Article 5.

It seems very evident that Americans in general - totally underestimate the existing European NATO military capability. Furthermore to my understanding and belief, e.g. China would never support a Russian military aggression towards the EU. - which happens to be China's main trading partner since 2022, outside of Asia.

Just my 2 cents.
THERE ARE NO DUES. Trump made that up.

Nobody is behind in anything, which is why they all laughed at him.
No according to the "commitment agreement" NATO members are indeed behind.

The far more interesting discussion would be - is there even a need for this 2% commitment? IMO, absolutely not.
The fact, that the European NATO members are far more capable then that Russian led and ill equipped rabble, and therefore will never allow for Putin to attack an existing NATO member (and get away with it). And the Fact, that it is not solely up to Trump to decide about Article 5.

It seems very evident that Americans in general - totally underestimate the existing European NATO military capability. Furthermore to my understanding and belief, e.g. China would never support a Russian military aggression towards the EU. - which happens to be China's main trading partner since 2022, outside of Asia.

Just my 2 cents.
He’s already engaged in cyberattacks on Lithuania… physical attacks in the Donbas and Crimea and Georgia
Obama and his EU counterparts are the reason for the Ukraine mess.

Trump has nothing to do with it, other than your obvious TDS.
The Bush administration was the one who decided to "expanded" NATO eastward (thus causing the ENTIRE issue) - not anyone else. Trump did absolutely NOTHING to press Putin in regard to Crimea nor his military intervention in Donbas and Luhansk.

So spare me your MAGA bull and propaganda.
Your reply is faulty and is absolutely not in reference to the threads topic.

As usual a MAGA, misusing ever single discussion to forward MAGA arguments and spread propaganda.
You spread the propaganda. Can I help you with anything else?
He’s already engaged in cyberattacks on Lithuania…
And so is the USA and the EU and every other country on this planet that harbors that technology.

So far I am not aware that the UN has brought forward a resolution that would place a cyberattack (as mean as they can be) as being a deceleration of war - nor constituting a war. Even the Pentagon has NOT defined a cyberattack as an act of war - guess why?

That Russia is involved in a war with Ukraine is known - that they intervened on behalf of Russian separatists in Georgia is also known. And it was and is Georgia, that "disrespects" the peoples right towards self-determination, therefore making it possible for Russia to get involved even militarily.

Both countries Ukraine and Georgia are NOT NATO members - therefore your claim/statements are IMO irrelevant towards the topic.
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You spread the propaganda.
The Bush administration was the one who decided to "expanded" NATO eastward (thus causing the ENTIRE issue) - and that is NOT propaganda you dolt, but a fact.
The same goes for the "fact" that Trump did absolutely NOTHING to press Putin in regard to Crimea nor his military intervention in Donbas and Luhansk.
Can I help you with anything else?
Sure - keep your MAGA bull to yourself.
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The Bush administration was the one who decided to "expanded" NATO eastward (thus causing the ENTIRE issue) - and that is NOT propaganda you dolt, but a fact.

Sure - keep your MAGA bull to yourself.
And then Obama did not put the missiles in Poland. Correct?
And so is the USA and the EU and every other country on this planet that harbors that technology.

So far I am not aware that the UN has brought forward a resolution that would place a cyberattack (as mean as they can be) as being a deceleration of war - nor constituting a war. Even the Pentagon has NOT defined a cyberattack as an act of war - guess why?

That Russia is involved in a war with Ukraine is known - that they intervened on behalf of Russian separatists in Georgia is also known. And it was and is Georgia, that "disrespects" the peoples right towards self-determination, therefore making it possible for Russia to get involved even militarily.

Both countries Ukraine and Georgia are NOT NATO members - therefore your claim/statements are IMO irrelevant towards the topic.
They want to be. Think democracy
And then Obama did not put the missiles in Poland. Correct?
Obama did what every single other US president has been doing since 1898. Implementing any means in order to safeguard US global hegemonic interests.

The only exception having been Trump - no action of significance in that matter at all, and thus betraying and severely endangering US global hegemonic interests.
So much for Making America Great Again - he wasn't even able to keep it Great, as it had already been.
Obama did what every single other US president has been doing since 1898. Implementing any means in order to safeguard US global hegemonic interests.

The only exception having been Trump - no action of significance in that matter at all, and thus betraying and severely endangering US global hegemonic interests.
So much for Making America Great Again - he wasn't even able to keep it Great, as it had already been.
Obama weakened us big time. He purged the military. He is a traitor. But that is not the topic. Correct?

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