trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Because Pootin was too busy playing Horsey with Trump.

So, you WANT a war with Russia?
Your boy is unhinged and dangerous... dangerous to our friends and allies, and ourselves, anyway.

Not to our adversaries, though... I mean, after all, he routinely kisses-up to dictators and autocrats.

Yes we know how the media has lied countless times about trump
Why do you continue to believe the lying media?
I don't defend Sleep Old Uncle Joe.

I think he's been a train wreck.

But the Republic can survive four more years of Biden's leftist idiocy.

The Republic CANNOT survive another four years of your Orange Baboon-God and his unthinking arrogant verbal manure...

Pi$$ing off our Allies in the middle of a proxy war with Russia is the mark of someone entirely unfit for high office...
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

You guys need to stop falling for the false narrative presented by the right. Trump has nothing to run on and the lies you guys push about Biden are not going to work.
You guys need to stop falling for the false narrative presented by the right. Trump has nothing to run on and the lies you guys push about Biden are not going to work.
What new war was there in his term? Americans safe
Trump's latest diatribe against our European allies is truly unhinged. No lie. Just fact.

Your boy is unhinged.
Countries in NATO should pay what they owe. How does that make Trump unhinged?
I believe the latest news about Biden and how the whole supreme court dealt with Colorado has made you a little unhinged.
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

Good for Trump!
So, you WANT a war with Russia?

Yes. Absolutely. We can fight them now in Ukraine or we can fight them in Alaska in a decade. Your choice. We are going to fight them sooner or later. We are going to give up our friends and allies until we are alone. So yes. War.
If Trump said that then there is nothing wrong with what he said!

Rand Paul put it in words perfectly: :thup:

‘When Did We Become the Sugar Daddy of the World?’​


If they had not paid their fee into NATO. The Russian asset is at it again. trump does not even try to hide is allegiance to Putin anymore. He doesn't have to. The repub party has become a Putin/Russia loving cult, who only greater allegiance in to the Russian asset, trump. You think trump ' won't leave NATO is re-elected. Think again....

Former President Donald J. Trump said on Saturday that, while president, he told the leaders of NATO countries that he would “encourage” Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to countries that had not paid the money they owed to the military alliance.
So you say Fuck NATO that they don't have to pay their bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well even if joking , it is a bad joke. Telling them that he would encourage Russia to do whatever.

That is not diplomacy, its making threats to allies. Threats rarely work and creates payback.

The best negotiator gets people to move by letting them believe that is their idea.

The US is part of an alliance. Part of is to keep Russian and its allies in check.

Paying their fair share has always been an issue. Negotiation is better than making threats,
Did Trump claim in the art of negotiation that he was good at making a deal.

Yet he cannot even deal with Congress unless they were all republicans.

"The worst things in history have happened when people stop thinking for themselves, especially when they allow themselves to be influenced by negative people. That's what gives rise to dictators. Avoid that at all costs. Stop it first on a personal level, and you will have contributed to world sanity as well as your own." ~ Donald Trump

Indians say white man speaks with fork tongue still lives on

its my way or the highway
Putin told Clinton he was wanting to be in NATO and Bill told him to fuck off.

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