trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Trump is trying to say, in a wrong and round about way, Europe needs to man up
That "way" is much too far over-the-top and is yet another in a long line of examples of why he is unfit for high office.

If FDR or Churchill were as stupid as that we would all be speaking German now and saluting a different kind of flag.

Wasn't four years of trying to 'cover' for his unthinking idiocy exhausting enough for you the first time around?
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That "way" is much too far over-the-top and is yet another in a long line of examples of why he is unfit for high office.

If FDR or Churchill were as stupid as that we would all be speaking German now and saluting a different kind of flag.

Wasn't four years of trying to 'cover' for his unthinking idiocy exhausting enough for you the first time around?
For insanity, he's way ahead
Yes.....let's let NATO and the UN keep screwing us in the ass.

If the shoe was on the other foot I guarantee that NATO nations would say worse about the USA.

Matter of fact, most of the allies that were in Somalia under UNISOM were spying on us when I was there in 93', tipping off Aideed to what our operational plans were.
Says the idiot who defends someone who actually is unfit to be president
I don't defend Sleep Old Uncle Joe.

I think he's been a train wreck.

But the Republic can survive four more years of Biden's leftist idiocy.

The Republic CANNOT survive another four years of your Orange Baboon-God and his unthinking arrogant verbal manure...

Pi$$ing off our Allies in the middle of a proxy war with Russia is the mark of someone entirely unfit for high office...
I don't defend Sleep Old Uncle Joe.

I think he's been a train wreck.

But the Republic can survive four more years of Biden's leftist idiocy.

The Republic CANNOT survive another four years of your Orange Baboon-God and his unthinking arrogant verbal manure...

Pi$$ing off our Allies in the middle of a proxy war with Russia is the mark of someone entirely unfit for high office...

Weak sauce
I don't defend Sleep Old Uncle Joe.

I think he's been a train wreck.

But the Republic can survive four more years of Biden's leftist idiocy.

The Republic CANNOT survive another four years of your Orange Baboon-God and his unthinking arrogant verbal manure...

Pi$$ing off our Allies in the middle of a proxy war with Russia is the mark of someone entirely unfit for high office...
That is some funny shit.
Why are you going to lie?
Why did Russia invade the Crimea under Obama’s watch and Ukraine under Biden’s watch but invaded nobody under Trump’s watch?

Because Pootin was too busy playing Horsey with Trump.

I don't defend Sleep Old Uncle Joe.

I think he's been a train wreck.

But the Republic can survive four more years of Biden's leftist idiocy.

The Republic CANNOT survive another four years of your Orange Baboon-God and his unthinking arrogant verbal manure...

Pi$$ing off our Allies in the middle of a proxy war with Russia is the mark of someone entirely unfit for high office...
Russia never made a move during the Trump Presidency. Biden drools weakness.
That is just more Trump nonsense. He knows the mood in America and tries to profit from it. And he is contradicting himself again. Just days ago he said again that Nato is obsolete. Now he wants the members to pay properly.
So he tells everyone what they want to hear, gets elected and gives a damn about his campaign promises, just like in 2016.

Trump’s foreign policy advisor Bolton was pretty sure Trump wants to leave NATO.
That is some funny shit.
Why are you going to lie?
Your boy is unhinged and dangerous... dangerous to our friends and allies, and ourselves, anyway.

Not to our adversaries, though... I mean, after all, he routinely kisses-up to dictators and autocrats.


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