trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

I saw that. He is such an anti-American, anti-free world, Putin Puffing Dick.
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You have to stop and think about all of the people since the end of WW1, and especially the Cold War, that made the sacrifices, and ask yourself as a veteran, or just a patriotic American.

When do we call out this traitor, and hold him accountable, and face the ultimate punishment for what he has done?

How much is enough?

Exactly what line is it, that has to be crossed?
I dislike and distrust liberturdians immensely. They're even worse than dimocraps. At least dims believe in something. They don't know what it is, but they believe.

The Libertarians have an interesting history. They were evolved by a groupof real estate people in Colorado Springs in 71'. They wanted to be able to operate with no rules, under the guise of freedom.

Just like every grifting piece of shit out there, that doesn't want to play by the rules. Mainly around paying taxes, or being regulated to be able to lie,cheat, and swindle.

Which now adays you can count on when dealing with anyone that shouts freedom real loud. I automatically know I'm dealing with some kind of schucster as soon as they open their mouth.
Who suggested otherwise?
(tæsɪt ) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] If you refer to someone's tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so.
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

He - and his big mouth - and unthinking tweets - are his own worst enemy. He lacks grace and control.
Isn't NATO supposed to defend Europe against Russia? Are you fucking dense? Taiwan is not in NATO.
The better question in my mind is, why don’t they tell Putin to stand down. Are demofks saying they’re Putin lovers?
Who suggested otherwise?

Why don't you ask them, Binar.
Well if they must pay they need to know the consequence for not paying... if its we will yell at you they won't pay... so you let them know openly in public what will happen if they don't... and that's all Trump did...
See everyone is brainwashed into the old way of doing global business where we the USA takes it on the chin first and always and our politicians get rich doing favors... no more...
He attacked Haley for her husband not being there, because he's deployed with the military.

I mean, how does he keep the support of military members when he so blatantly attacks them?

I think Trump has reached the point where he can say just about anything now and people will defend him no matter what. As if to admit they're wrong, they'd have to admit they're stupid or something, so double down and support him even more.

Because he's their cult leader. They have no choice but to support him.
Sometimes I swear this man is trying to lose. All he has to do is keep his mouth shut and let Biden drown in the media cycle and instead he just keeps trying to one up him on the insanity scale.

What more does Trump need to do to prove he's the traitor, that he is, for you to finally believe it?

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