trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Obama weakened us big time. He purged the military. He is a traitor. But that is not the topic. Correct?
If Obama "weakened" the USA - is definitely not part of this thread's topic - so do feel free to open up such a topic/thread. Or participate in one of those numerous threads already in existence - bashing Obama, and or opposing his policies.

The only thing you persistently keep proving is: YOU refuse to stick to a topic, and every reply of yours, only serves to state MAGA arguments and forward MAGA propaganda. (the latter is ONLY of value to MAGA's - no one else buys into that known Bull).

So please do feel free to direct your MAGA bull replies, solely to MAGA supporters - they will then love you even more, trust me on that one.
If Obama "weakened" the USA - is definitely not part of this thread's topic - so do feel free to open up such a topic/thread. Or participate in one of those numerous threads already in existence - bashing Obama, and or opposing his policies.

The only thing you persistently keep proving is: YOU refuse to stick to a topic, and every reply of yours, only serves to state MAGA arguments and forward MAGA propaganda. (the latter is ONLY of value to MAGA's - no one else buys into that known Bull).

So please do feel free to direct your MAGA bull replies, solely to MAGA supporters - they will then love you even more, trust me on that one.
When did you become a moderator? GFY.
To be fair, I'm all for the East and Central European countries spending more on defense to deter Russian actions and just in case, but the roundabout way Trump is doing it just proves he is a Russian shill.

Even Greece, I am still quite surprised the Soviet Union didn't occupy them after WWII.

As far as the US, the policy in the Middle East was/is terrible, and the attempts to get all of NATO to join (they didn't all) in both Iraq wars and in Afghanistan did a lot to degrade the scope of NATO.

Trump does what Trump does because he wants the attention and adoration. I don't think he's a "Russian shrill", he merely picks up things he thinks will go down well with his base because that's what his base is saying. And part of his online base are Russian and Chinese government people.
Name the NATO nations that pay what they agreed to pay. WHO? Do you even know what you are talking about?

2% of GDP is what NATO guadance is for spending ON THEIR OWN ARMY.

Hey Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find the end of your contract with mac and shit-bird. Their BULLSHIT is getting OLD.
You might want to let all the NATO nations who came to our aid after 9-11 know about how we've been going alone for 25 years straight.
Came to our aide??
Are you actually serious right now?
They held a few training sessions for Iraqi resistance.

That is about as lame as one can get trying to maintain a point
Trump's latest diatribe against our European allies is truly unhinged. No lie. Just fact.

Your boy is unhinged.
With the exception of Turkey, the other NATO members are at worst reluctant and somewhat weak-kneed allies of the US.

Your guess is as good as mine about how much we can count on the euros in a serious military conflict such as china invading Taiwan

But if putin invaded Poland for instance or iran attacks the US I think they would fulfill their obligations
Trump does what Trump does because he wants the attention and adoration. I don't think he's a "Russian shrill", he merely picks up things he thinks will go down well with his base because that's what his base is saying. And part of his online base are Russian and Chinese government people.
This is one of the many mysteries of this person and his appeal to so many.

Usually by the time we hit, say, 28-30 years of age, we understand that words matter in geopolitics. We also understand by that time that there are many powerful and conflicting currents in global affairs, and that complexity requires intelligent, measured, thoughtful behaviors.

They don't seem to have any grasp whatsoever of this. How can people be that intellectually isolated, especially with so much information available to them?

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