trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

As long as the euros have adult supervision they should be able to handle some blunt criticism from trump without needing a safe room and a petting pony
Don't you ever get tired of endlessly defending that Orange piece-of-$hit from the fountain of manure he routinely belches forth?
Yet, it’s people like you that keep assaulting the public with your ‘believe like us, or be destroyed’ bullshit….
Your Orange piece-of-$hit is his own worst enemy, and you clowns continue to look the other way, because he promises you things.
Don't you ever get tired of endlessly defending that Orange piece-of-$hit from the fountain of manure he routinely belches forth?
No I never do since I agree with his criticism of the euros

And think it caused the other NATO members to spend more money on their military
Trump is stating that he would allow the Russian fascist state to attack a long-time ally and democracy because of his ignorant, wrongheaded perception of the NATO alliance.

Members of NATO don’t pay ‘dues’ – the agreement is that member states will spend no less than two percent of a given nations’ GDP on defense; some spend two percent, others more, and others aren’t at the two percent level, but all members are contributing to the alliance.

NATO protects not only Europe, but all democracies – and Trump is willing to allow democracies to be destroyed; Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.
Last I checked the US was still member of NATO.
Listen to Bolton latest interview warning about Trump.

Trump fundamentally doesn’t understand why NATO exists and clearly doesn’t give a shit if Russia invades someone. In his head it’s some sort of bussiness arrangement.
Listen to Bolton latest interview warning about Trump.

Trump fundamentally doesn’t understand why NATO exists and clearly doesn’t give a shit if Russia invades someone. In his head it’s some sort of bussiness arrangement.
Your projection of Trump as clueless is just that; projection of YOURSELF.
Your projection of Trump as clueless is just that; projection of YOURSELF.

Dummy, when Trump says he may encourage Russian invasion of NATO member you think that’s peace talk?
No according to the "commitment agreement" NATO members are indeed behind.

The far more interesting discussion would be - is there even a need for this 2% commitment? IMO, absolutely not.

No they are NOT, nor were they in 2017 when Trump made an ass of himself in Brussels.
Dummy, when Trump says he may encourage Russian invasion of NATO member you think that’s peace talk?
Your lack of self-awareness and understanding nuance or sarcasm is duly noted. You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES always twist what Trump says into your own spastic interpretation of NONSENSE!!!!
Hey Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find this idiot's brain, thanks.
Your lack of self-awareness and understanding nuance or sarcasm is duly noted. You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES always twist what Trump says into your own spastic interpretation of NONSENSE!!!!
Hey Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find this idiots brain, thanks.

Bullshit, he clearly said it, it’s on his mind and you need to ask yourself - WHY?

There is no constituency in United States for feuding with NATO members at this time. What is he after by bringing up conflict with allies?
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Joe said if you get the shot, you will not get infected with COVID nor spread COVID.

That is probably a worse thing to say rather than threatening NATO MEMBERS TO PAY WHAT THEY AGREED TO PAY.

Libertarian says what?
He also said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and no-one would care!!!
OH. MY. COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :aargh:

That’s right he did and now he talks about how he should get away with it too, because he was president.

Are you listening?
Joe said if you get the shot, you will not get infected with COVID nor spread COVID.

That is probably a worse thing to say rather than threatening NATO MEMBERS TO PAY WHAT THEY AGREED TO PAY.

Libertarian says what?

Oh oh, can’t explain Dear Leader’s conduct, cue the silly whatabouts! and deflect deflect deflect.

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