trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

Bullshit, he clearly said it, it’s on his mind and you need to ask yourself - WHY?

There is no constituency in United States for feuding with NATO members at this time. What is he after by bringing up conflict with allies?
He could have criticized NATO in a civil way. Nothing wrong with that.

But he had to go off the rails, again, with an absolutely stupid and ignorant, again, comment. He had to. He's a child who is not in control of himself.

He is unwell. And his cult will defend him no matter what. Maybe they don't understand what words like that do on a macro scale. Maybe they really are that dense.
He could have criticized NATO in a civil way. Nothing wrong with that.

But he had to go off the rails, again, with an absolutely stupid and ignorant, again, comment. He had to. He's a child who is not in control of himself.

He is unwell. And his cult will defend him no matter what. Maybe they don't understand what words like that do on a macro scale. Maybe they really are that dense.
The actions Progs take are the real traitorous and unpatriotic ways. Progs are the real insurrectionists. Over a period of decades and moving faster after Obama took office. Fundamental change means destroying the constitution. And removing any safeguards. Democracy means people put into office that are socialists moving to communists at this point.
The actions Progs take are the real traitorous and unpatriotic ways. Progs are the real insurrectionists. Over a period of decades and moving faster after Obama took office. Fundamental change means destroying the constitution. And removing any safeguards. Democracy means people put into office that are socialists moving to communists at this point.

MAGAs are shitting all over America, blaming it for Russian invasion. MAGAs attacked and sacked Congress, MAGAs right here talking about rounding people up in concentration camps…and this is what you post?

The actions Progs take are the real traitorous and unpatriotic ways. Progs are the real insurrectionists. Over a period of decades and moving faster after Obama took office. Fundamental change means destroying the constitution. And removing any safeguards. Democracy means people put into office that are socialists moving to communists at this point.
I guess you figured I wouldn't notice that you didn't come within three miles of actually addressing my post.

Why quote me? Man up for a change.
MAGAs are shitting all over America, blaming it for Russian invasion. MAGAs attacked and sacked Congress, MAGAs right here talking about rounding people up in concentration camps…and this is what you post?

MAGA gonna getchya!!!!!!!!!!! 🤪
He could have criticized NATO in a civil way. Nothing wrong with that.

But he had to go off the rails, again, with an absolutely stupid and ignorant, again, comment. He had to. He's a child who is not in control of himself.

He is unwell. And his cult will defend him no matter what. Maybe they don't understand what words like that do on a macro scale. Maybe they really are that dense.

To me it’s pretty clear that his interest is in seeding division within NATO. Americans generally think of NATO as “us” and he wants to bend it into “them”.

Spending guideline feuding is just a fig leaf. Like “don’t give, loan” to Ukraine.
To me it’s pretty clear that his interest is in seeding division within NATO. Americans generally think of NATO as “us” and he wants to bend it into “them”.

Spending guideline feuding is just a fig leaf. Like “don’t give, loan” to Ukraine.
Yeah, to you. :cuckoo:
To me it’s pretty clear that his interest is in seeding division within NATO. Americans generally think of NATO as “us” and he wants to bend it into “them”.

Spending guideline feuding is just a fig leaf. Like “don’t give, loan” to Ukraine.
NATO represents the outside world to them.
Listen to Bolton latest interview warning about Trump.

Trump fundamentally doesn’t understand why NATO exists and clearly doesn’t give a shit if Russia invades someone. In his head it’s some sort of bussiness arrangement.
Bolton is lashing out. Trump is not to be taken seriously. What Trump is really going to do is probably trying again to steal Venezuelan oil. That is bad for the people there, he is willing to take it over their bodies. We all know that all the opposition to Trump was never about his foreign policy. So, no matter what country he is trying to destroy this time, they will all follow, the media will be full of that country´s malice and only if Trump pretends to be building a wall, they will give a yelp and go mad.
I guess you figured I wouldn't notice that you didn't come within three miles of actually addressing my post.

Why quote me? Man up for a change.
Trump is ground zero. At least understand what he is totally. You do not. He has a history of talking. Look at his agendas when they are formalized. He will attempt to follow them. I look at the headline's you guys put up in threads. I figure it would be in that direction. It is not difficult to understand Prog games. You guys are in charge. You rule much of the nation. Trump is not the polarized opposite of pure Progressive politics. You portray him as that. His politics may give us all a chance to catch our breaths and have some calming if your media/entertainment wing dials it back somewhat.
I see this statement by Trump will be a long-term obsession by the Deranged.


The more you mention it, the more you remind voters which candidate cares about the American taxpayer, and which candidate sees himself as a mere instrument of the international collective.
Trump is not to be taken seriously.

So he is just a clown talking about random stuff that happens to pop into his head, he doesn't really mean what he says and not really a danger to the free world.

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We all know that all the opposition to Trump was never about his foreign policy.


Trump was standing next to Putin in Helsiki telling the world how he belives him over American Intelligence.
Trump sold out our long time allies Kurds, because he has financial interests in Turkey.
Trump was impeached for extorting the president of Ukraine for American millitary aid.

Never about his foreign policy? What are you talking about?
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Trump was standing next to Putin in Helsiki telling the world how he belives him over American Intelligence.
Trump sold out our long time allies Kurds, because he has financial interests in Turkey.
Trump was impeached for extorting the president of Ukraine for American millitary aid.

Never about his foreign policy? What are you talking about?
"Tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election."
So you say Fuck NATO that they don't have to pay their bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be an ass. trump is sending poootin a strong signal. "EUROPE IS YOUR VLAD. JUST LET ME BUILD A HOTEL IN MOSCOW."

trump will destroy NATO if reelected.
"Tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election."

Obama was trying to normalize relations with Russia and push it towards democratic world.

All that went down the toilet when Putin invaded and annexed Ukraine, prompting Obama to lead international coalition that implemented sanctions that put Russia into a recession for two years. Trump opposed those very sanctions in 2016 while prasing Putin and publicly defending his murders of political opposition and journalists.
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trump is dying to give eastern Europe to Poootin. And it seems repubs are okay with it.
If not paying enough, Trump says he would encourge Russia to do as he pleases with them, and this is not limited to Eastern Europe. Trump is pro-Putin/Russia and anti- Europe/NATO and the free world. He is just a Putin dick sucking Grandson of a whore monger and draft dodger. He learned his family history well and carries it on.
Let's think about what it would look like if we did not follow Trump's announced plan to not protect NATO members who fail to contribute to their own defense.

If that is not our stance, then that means that in the event that a NATO country were attacked, the U.S. would rush in to sacrifice lives and treasure for a country that chose not to spend the money preparing to sacrifice its own lives and treasure to protect itself.

Is that what the Democrat really want to happen? You want American service men to die in the defense of a deadbeat nation?

Or is this just a case of "let's act like everything Trump says and does is an outrage?"

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