Trump Colluded With Russia Or Saddam Was Behind 9/11 -- Which Was The Bigger Lie?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
President Trump Says Opponents Did 'Treasonous Things' and Vows Investigation of His Own

All Americans, not just Trump voters should be happy with the fact that "No, a sitting US president didn't conspire with a foreign enemy to win an election" -- however, there was an investigation that came from it and that investigation greatly polarized an already divided country.

The president feels those responsible for that investigation are evil and possibly committed treason themselves. Hopefully Trump will make good on launching an investigation into the Dems for treason.

Unfortunately, due to this Mueller report, some innocent people have had to go to prison or have their reputations tarnished -- hopefully in the case of Flynn, Cohen and Manafort -- Trump will issue pardons since these men are only victims of a treasonous investigation.

My question is -- will this Mueller investigation go down as one of the biggest political lies/conspiracies that resulted in innocent people being hurt or is the lie about Saddam being part of the 9/11 attacks still the most damaging political lie in modern US history? At least in the beginning, the lie about 9/11 and Iraq brought the country together -- yea some libs disagreed with the whole Saddam being behind 9/11 thing; but they were quickly shouted down as traitors -- for the most part, the whole country was all behind going into Iraq behind that reason, and the whole Iraq had WMD's thing, blah blah...but at least for a moment, the country was united...republicans were united even more so......but maybe this Mueller report exonerating Trump can help bring the country together again
Both stories came from our so called intelligence agencies...time for a new investigation into the deep state....Clinton/Obama deep state....
Trump by far........

Who alleged Saddam was behind 911? Not even the Bush administration stated that.
I don't know that anybody ever claimed that Saddam was behind 9/11

Maybe some illiterate dimocrap scum. Which would be virtually all of them. But, no. Saddam allowed some training to go on but he didn't directly facilitate 9/11

Unless you consider that Osama bin Floatin' got pissed at the Sauds for not letting him take on Saddam when he invaded Kuwait.


Do you people practice being stupid or does it come natural?

Mods, can we issue an IQ test for all dimocrap scum in here? About 99% of them would be disqualified from posting if you did

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