Trump Concedes it Was the Russians... Now What?

Wrong as usual but hey you keep believing what you want, If you had been in charge when Nixon was President you would have had the two reporters tat outed him arrested right? I mean he had a right to privacy right?

Wrong, what they released was not a threat to national security... and they were protected by freedom of the press, and did not steal the information given to them. But then again you probably don't understand journalism laws and things like that do you?
You mean what was released about Hillary was a threat to national security? Really?

It was taken illegally... and WikiLeaks has proven themselves not a valid news source as they have released information that was a threat to American lives and National Security... and therefor are not afforded the same protection as Woodward and Bernstein.
Sure thing cup cake. So it is ok to diss on republicans but not ok to provide facts and reality about democrats got it.
Nothing in fact the release of email info and the damning release of the shenanigans of the dems was pretty much ignored by the electorate and only became earth shattering AFTER Hillary lost.

Wrong. There were some Bernie supporters that voted for Trump based on the emails, and even Trump pointed out in a press conference to his supporters what was in the email and ask them to support him.
And yet the polls never showed an advantage at all. In fact the polls showed what Hillary would get on election day and guess what? She got what the polls said she would get. The reason Trump won was because the undecideds that the polls ignored went to Trump.

You argued the polls were exactly correct and it was the undecided votes that made a difference... THAT IS WHO THE SANDERS SUPPORTERS WERE. There for it shows a direct correlations between the emails and the effect it had on the results.
Exactly....the affect of the deception by Hillary.not the hacking. Were it not for the deception there would have been nothing to hack. Don't blame the Rooskies...blame your girl Hillary.

Wrong... the hack was illegal. You can keep sticking your head in the sand and victim blaming the DNC... the RNC is just as corrupt but wasn't hacked.

If Trump would release his tax returns we could easily see for ourselves if he has Russian ties... and if he gave to charity as much as he said he did... and have a better understanding of his Trump foundation... and know exactly why he doesn't pay taxes... but he won't.
Never said the hack was legal...did say what the dnc was doing was deceptive and dishonest if not illegal. Hillary would have been illegitimate.
Oh look, Lewdogs barking at what I was talking about folks:

"RT isn't going to shut up, and the sanctions will then be touted as having failed so more "extreme" measures will be needed."

S/He's including Wikileaks as well.

Look it's the little commie girl from Alaska!

I said we can't trust RT because they are a state funded news source... you say you have an IQ over 200 so maybe you can understand what that means... Why do you trust WikiLeaks... a source that released information that compromised U.S. national security and put innocent American lives at stake? Why.. because you don't care.
Wrong as usual but hey you keep believing what you want, If you had been in charge when Nixon was President you would have had the two reporters tat outed him arrested right? I mean he had a right to privacy right?

Wrong, what they released was not a threat to national security... and they were protected by freedom of the press, and did not steal the information given to them. But then again you probably don't understand journalism laws and things like that do you?
You mean what was released about Hillary was a threat to national security? Really?

It was taken illegally... and WikiLeaks has proven themselves not a valid news source as they have released information that was a threat to American lives and National Security... and therefor are not afforded the same protection as Woodward and Bernstein.
Sure thing cup cake. So it is ok to diss on republicans but not ok to provide facts and reality about democrats got it.

Look at you. You can't argue the points so you think calling me cupcake will win you the argument. How intelligent!
Wrong as usual but hey you keep believing what you want, If you had been in charge when Nixon was President you would have had the two reporters tat outed him arrested right? I mean he had a right to privacy right?

Wrong, what they released was not a threat to national security... and they were protected by freedom of the press, and did not steal the information given to them. But then again you probably don't understand journalism laws and things like that do you?
You mean what was released about Hillary was a threat to national security? Really?

It was taken illegally... and WikiLeaks has proven themselves not a valid news source as they have released information that was a threat to American lives and National Security... and therefor are not afforded the same protection as Woodward and Bernstein.
Sure thing cup cake. So it is ok to diss on republicans but not ok to provide facts and reality about democrats got it.

Look at you. You can't argue the points so you think calling me cupcake will win you the argument. How intelligent!
Ahh is cupcake upset that his candidate was shown to be a criminal a liar and a thief?
Wrong, what they released was not a threat to national security... and they were protected by freedom of the press, and did not steal the information given to them. But then again you probably don't understand journalism laws and things like that do you?
You mean what was released about Hillary was a threat to national security? Really?

It was taken illegally... and WikiLeaks has proven themselves not a valid news source as they have released information that was a threat to American lives and National Security... and therefor are not afforded the same protection as Woodward and Bernstein.
Sure thing cup cake. So it is ok to diss on republicans but not ok to provide facts and reality about democrats got it.

Look at you. You can't argue the points so you think calling me cupcake will win you the argument. How intelligent!
Ahh is cupcake upset that his candidate was shown to be a criminal a liar and a thief?

After months of me repeating it, you still don't get it... Hillary wasn't my candidate, Bernie was. She cheated him, but I'm American, and honest enough to think the rights of American citizens to the right of privacy and not having their information publicly leaked is more important than my candidate being elected.

Sorry, I won't sacrifice my morals and ethics just so my candidate or political party wins an elected office. You seem to not have a problem with that... that is if you had ethics and morals in the first place. I don't know if you did or not.
Yeah us "damned commies" who are trying to protect the rest of the nation from being snowed by corrupt politicians. We're "Russian" traitors to you collaborators who /want/ the Constitution shredded.

I trust Wikileaks because they are doing a service by exposing corruption and they have never been proven to put out fake shit in their 10 years of publishing. If we could actually trust the politicians Assange would be out of a job.
Yeah us "damned commies" who are trying to protect the rest of the nation from being snowed by corrupt politicians. We're "Russian" traitors to you collaborators who /want/ the Constitution shredded.

I trust Wikileaks because they are doing a service by exposing corruption and they have never been proven to put out fake shit in their 10 years of publishing. If we could actually trust the politicians Assange would be out of a job.


You talk about protecting the Constitution while posting about how you are happy that people's rights to privacy were violated by a foreign country. Good lord are you a numbskull.

You trust Assange who put U.S. national security and innocent American lives at risk... why is that so hard for you to understand?

They have NEVER been proven to put out fake shit? Where is the video of Bill Clinton having sex with an underage girl? Where is the information from them that would bring CNN to their knees in 48 hours?
You mean what was released about Hillary was a threat to national security? Really?

It was taken illegally... and WikiLeaks has proven themselves not a valid news source as they have released information that was a threat to American lives and National Security... and therefor are not afforded the same protection as Woodward and Bernstein.
Sure thing cup cake. So it is ok to diss on republicans but not ok to provide facts and reality about democrats got it.

Look at you. You can't argue the points so you think calling me cupcake will win you the argument. How intelligent!
Ahh is cupcake upset that his candidate was shown to be a criminal a liar and a thief?

After months of me repeating it, you still don't get it... Hillary wasn't my candidate, Bernie was. She cheated him, but I'm American, and honest enough to think the rights of American citizens to the right of privacy and not having their information publicly leaked is more important than my candidate being elected.

Sorry, I won't sacrifice my morals and ethics just so my candidate or political party wins an elected office. You seem to not have a problem with that... that is if you had ethics and morals in the first place. I don't know if you did or not.
And yet you do not mind when the left leaks info at all. Go figure.
It was taken illegally... and WikiLeaks has proven themselves not a valid news source as they have released information that was a threat to American lives and National Security... and therefor are not afforded the same protection as Woodward and Bernstein.
Sure thing cup cake. So it is ok to diss on republicans but not ok to provide facts and reality about democrats got it.

Look at you. You can't argue the points so you think calling me cupcake will win you the argument. How intelligent!
Ahh is cupcake upset that his candidate was shown to be a criminal a liar and a thief?

After months of me repeating it, you still don't get it... Hillary wasn't my candidate, Bernie was. She cheated him, but I'm American, and honest enough to think the rights of American citizens to the right of privacy and not having their information publicly leaked is more important than my candidate being elected.

Sorry, I won't sacrifice my morals and ethics just so my candidate or political party wins an elected office. You seem to not have a problem with that... that is if you had ethics and morals in the first place. I don't know if you did or not.
And yet you do not mind when the left leaks info at all. Go figure.

Examples would be nice... Please show me illegally gained information that was acquired by the left that was released.
Yeah right to privacy so they can continue to lie and cheat, no thanks. Corruption among candidates should be exposed to the people that might vote for them, just the same as the police might uncover a secret drug house, the IRS might uncover a tax evader, or a journalist might uncover a story. It is /no/ different. Do you think it was wrong for CNN to post the tax records that were /stolen/ from Donald Trump? How about the recent fake news shit that was apparently /stolen/ from our intelligence division?

The DNC /paid/ people to start violence with American's during the election, does that bother you? That's a corrupt party that needs to be exposed.

Mis-informed and hating on people while know /nothing/ there LewDog, color me unsurprised. The story about the Bill Clinton video wasn't from Wikileaks, that was Anonymous.

Did you miss CNN apologizing to Assange and retracting their statement that he had been accused of pedophilia? That was why Assange made the threat; once they retracted their lie, he dropped the issue (which I suspect was to sue their asses - and that would have looked hella bad considering that they, shortly after, posted more fake news lol) Pick your source from the 8.6 million articles on it - Cnn apologizes to Assange - Bing

That said, it would not surprise me in the slightest if Anonymous went after CNN for the blatant lie despite the retraction and apology - hackers and hacktivists the world over consider Mendax on the same level as one might revere the father of their movement. (Though there wasn't really a "father" of the movement that is Anonymous, it just kind of... happened. They were "born" on 4chan by the way.)

I don't think you understand Anonymous so let me educate you. Anonymous is a loose "collective" of hackers across the world, there are no names, no organizations, and no countries that they hail from or work out of or work for. There is no set focus, no set direction, and no set agenda that defines or guides their actions - anyone can be Anonymous and any "idea" can be acted upon. Their "statement" is the only "covenant" or "rule" they have in common;

* They are "legion" - as in a legion of hackers/hacktivists, like one would say the legions of Rome, or the Spanish Legion, they are the "Legion of Anonymous."

* They are one - as in one individual.

* They are "Anonymous" - as in the unknown "fighters" of all causes and all beliefs, they are both a good /and/ bad force depending upon the individual calling them to action, and obliquely whomever decides to join that call for whatever reason.

You or I could, for example, call upon Anonymous to take out a site at a specific time next week for whatever reason we wanted to make up (from they did something wrong to it'd be funny) - the call goes out over the "channels" - they use everything on the web so there's no set site or anything, you just put "Anonymous" in the title and state your case, post it somewhere it will get seen by others and it will spread like a liquid through the web - then whoever in the world that wishes to help take the site down joins in on the attack at the scheduled time.

Just to point out how little you actually know about Anonymous, and perhaps the dark web/underworld in general - there were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of "calls to action" against Trump as well. There was a /huge/ April Fools Day attack: Hacking group Anonymous declares 'total war' on Donald Trump
Anonymous Just Made Good on Its Promise to Hack Donald Trump
Anonymous collective declares ‘total war’ on Donald Trump, again <-- Note it says "again"
(There's a ton more, just search "Anonymous vs Trump" - in fact, you can search "Anonymous vs" for almost any public figure with controversy and find a 'call to action' on it, humans are vengeful creatures...)

They also attack each other when their 'idea' clash, as you can see here (This Anon "agent" didn't like some 'call to actions' that another Anon "agent" was doing so they shut them down, but they did like that Anon's #OpTrump so they stole it from them and continued it under their name - shit like this happens every single day with Anon):

Anonymous had actually launched a strike on Trump in mid-December too - Anonymous takes aim at Trump Tower website -
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful to that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Look Commie numbnuts. The last person that wants to admit it was the Russians, just saw the evidence and conceded it WAS the Russians. End of story.

Attacking Putin publicly for something everyone knows we do to the Russians all the time is just more snowflake children's games. Look me in the eye and tell me you believe we don't hack the Russians all the time Go ahead and say it. Obama fricking hacked our European ALLIES' leaders.

What we do is retaliate in kind, not by crying OMG, you did what we do!


So instead he praises Putin for lying about not doing it, and publicly attacks his own intelligence agencies.

That's some serious kaz logic right there.

First of all, I'm not stuck in the hell you are that life comes down to your love of Democrats versus your hatred of Republicans and every microscopic victory for you is a microscopic loss for them and vice versa.

And second of all ... wait ... that was it. What was that again, Democrat?
Yeah right to privacy so they can continue to lie and cheat, no thanks. Corruption among candidates should be exposed to the people that might vote for them, just the same as the police might uncover a secret drug house, the IRS might uncover a tax evader, or a journalist might uncover a story. It is /no/ different. Do you think it was wrong for CNN to post the tax records that were /stolen/ from Donald Trump? How about the recent fake news shit that was apparently /stolen/ from our intelligence division?

The DNC /paid/ people to start violence with American's during the election, does that bother you? That's a corrupt party that needs to be exposed.

Mis-informed and hating on people while know /nothing/ there LewDog, color me unsurprised. The story about the Bill Clinton video wasn't from Wikileaks, that was Anonymous.

Did you miss CNN apologizing to Assange and retracting their statement that he had been accused of pedophilia? That was why Assange made the threat; once they retracted their lie, he dropped the issue (which I suspect was to sue their asses - and that would have looked hella bad considering that they, shortly after, posted more fake news lol) Pick your source from the 8.6 million articles on it - Cnn apologizes to Assange - Bing

That said, it would not surprise me in the slightest if Anonymous went after CNN for the blatant lie despite the retraction and apology - hackers and hacktivists the world over consider Mendax on the same level as one might revere the father of their movement. (Though there wasn't really a "father" of the movement that is Anonymous, it just kind of... happened. They were "born" on 4chan by the way.)

I don't think you understand Anonymous so let me educate you. Anonymous is a loose "collective" of hackers across the world, there are no names, no organizations, and no countries that they hail from or work out of or work for. There is no set focus, no set direction, and no set agenda that defines or guides their actions - anyone can be Anonymous and any "idea" can be acted upon. Their "statement" is the only "covenant" or "rule" they have in common;

* They are "legion" - as in a legion of hackers/hacktivists, like one would say the legions of Rome, or the Spanish Legion, they are the "Legion of Anonymous."

* They are one - as in one individual.

* They are "Anonymous" - as in the unknown "fighters" of all causes and all beliefs, they are both a good /and/ bad force depending upon the individual calling them to action, and obliquely whomever decides to join that call for whatever reason.

You or I could, for example, call upon Anonymous to take out a site at a specific time next week for whatever reason we wanted to make up (from they did something wrong to it'd be funny) - the call goes out over the "channels" - they use everything on the web so there's no set site or anything, you just put "Anonymous" in the title and state your case, post it somewhere it will get seen by others and it will spread like a liquid through the web - then whoever in the world that wishes to help take the site down joins in on the attack at the scheduled time.

Just to point out how little you actually know about Anonymous, and perhaps the dark web/underworld in general - there were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of "calls to action" against Trump as well. There was a /huge/ April Fools Day attack: Hacking group Anonymous declares 'total war' on Donald Trump
Anonymous Just Made Good on Its Promise to Hack Donald Trump
Anonymous collective declares ‘total war’ on Donald Trump, again <-- Note it says "again"
(There's a ton more, just search "Anonymous vs Trump" - in fact, you can search "Anonymous vs" for almost any public figure with controversy and find a 'call to action' on it, humans are vengeful creatures...)

They also attack each other when their 'idea' clash, as you can see here (This Anon "agent" didn't like some 'call to actions' that another Anon "agent" was doing so they shut them down, but they did like that Anon's #OpTrump so they stole it from them and continued it under their name - shit like this happens every single day with Anon):

Anonymous had actually launched a strike on Trump in mid-December too - Anonymous takes aim at Trump Tower website -

I didn't read a single thing after your first line. You don't believe in the constitution if you want to selectively apply it.

I don't care if someone kills someone I love, I am not going to call for a lynching without that person getting a fair trial. That's what this country is founded on... EVERYONE has the same rights.

So yes, given your comment, you are an unAmerican commie. You just proved that point.
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful to that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Look Commie numbnuts. The last person that wants to admit it was the Russians, just saw the evidence and conceded it WAS the Russians. End of story.

Attacking Putin publicly for something everyone knows we do to the Russians all the time is just more snowflake children's games. Look me in the eye and tell me you believe we don't hack the Russians all the time Go ahead and say it. Obama fricking hacked our European ALLIES' leaders.

What we do is retaliate in kind, not by crying OMG, you did what we do!


So instead he praises Putin for lying about not doing it, and publicly attacks his own intelligence agencies.

That's some serious kaz logic right there.

First of all, I'm not stuck in the hell you are that life comes down to your love of Democrats versus your hatred of Republicans and every microscopic victory for you is a microscopic loss for them and vice versa.

And second of all ... wait ... that was it. What was that again, Democrat?

Yes, yes you are. You hate Democrats so much that you supported Trump. You admitted that. :)

I'm an Independent and proud to be one. I will NEVER compromise my ethics, morals, or values just to fit into a political party.
Oh look another dumbass that doesn't want to read and learn anything, just blindly follow their masters - go figure!

Enjoy those chains democrat slave. I'm an American - FREE.
Oh look another dumbass that doesn't want to read and learn anything, just blindly follow their masters - go figure!

Enjoy those chains democrat slave. I'm an American - FREE.

Why would I read your long drawn out post when the first line shows it is based on a flawed premise? You can't get out of your own way.
Shut it hack. Your partisan propaganda isn't working on me. You prefer to live in the bubble of your corrupt lying masters and have no interest in the truth.

I will not accept corruption and lies. I am a true American.
Nobody hacked the election. There was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about the corrupt candidate of the corrupt party. You should be thankful to that, otherwise that corrupt candidate would be your next president. What is so difficult to understand, dummies?

Murray in an interview with said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

He suggested that Podesta's emails might be 'of legitimate interest to the security services' in the U.S., due to his communications with Saudi Arabia lobbyists and foreign officials.
“I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true,' he said. 'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that.'

WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Hillary Clinton emails | Daily Mail Online

Look Commie numbnuts. The last person that wants to admit it was the Russians, just saw the evidence and conceded it WAS the Russians. End of story.

Attacking Putin publicly for something everyone knows we do to the Russians all the time is just more snowflake children's games. Look me in the eye and tell me you believe we don't hack the Russians all the time Go ahead and say it. Obama fricking hacked our European ALLIES' leaders.

What we do is retaliate in kind, not by crying OMG, you did what we do!


So instead he praises Putin for lying about not doing it, and publicly attacks his own intelligence agencies.

That's some serious kaz logic right there.

First of all, I'm not stuck in the hell you are that life comes down to your love of Democrats versus your hatred of Republicans and every microscopic victory for you is a microscopic loss for them and vice versa.

And second of all ... wait ... that was it. What was that again, Democrat?

Yes, yes you are. You hate Democrats so much that you supported Trump. You admitted that. :)

I'm an Independent and proud to be one. I will NEVER compromise my ethics, morals, or values just to fit into a political party.

Liar, I never said I supported Trump. Buy some tampons, I think you're out
Shut it hack. Your partisan propaganda isn't working on me. You prefer to live in the bubble of your corrupt lying masters and have no interest in the truth.

I will not accept corruption and lies. I am a true American.

Hack? A hack is someone that says they believe in the Constitution and then in the next line says they only want to apply it when they want to... Good lord you are dumb.
Look Commie numbnuts. The last person that wants to admit it was the Russians, just saw the evidence and conceded it WAS the Russians. End of story.

Attacking Putin publicly for something everyone knows we do to the Russians all the time is just more snowflake children's games. Look me in the eye and tell me you believe we don't hack the Russians all the time Go ahead and say it. Obama fricking hacked our European ALLIES' leaders.

What we do is retaliate in kind, not by crying OMG, you did what we do!


So instead he praises Putin for lying about not doing it, and publicly attacks his own intelligence agencies.

That's some serious kaz logic right there.

First of all, I'm not stuck in the hell you are that life comes down to your love of Democrats versus your hatred of Republicans and every microscopic victory for you is a microscopic loss for them and vice versa.

And second of all ... wait ... that was it. What was that again, Democrat?

Yes, yes you are. You hate Democrats so much that you supported Trump. You admitted that. :)

I'm an Independent and proud to be one. I will NEVER compromise my ethics, morals, or values just to fit into a political party.

Liar, I never said I supported Trump. Buy some tampons, I think you're out

You said you never supported Trump... and then as soon as he is elected you come to his defense every chance you get. I don't support Clinton, never have, never will. BUT I will still defend her right to privacy... See how that works? That's what being an American is all about. You don't get it, and I'm not sure you ever will. Just like that other dumbass in this thread that says she has a 200+ IQ. :lmao:

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