Trump confidante says Marjorie Taylor-Green is a commie and a traitor

And we see conservatives continue their campaign to advance the lie that the election was ‘stolen’

It has been proven ten ways come Tuesday to anyone with half a brain. You keep calling it a big lie without ever offering a shred of evidence supporting that claim, proving that the only big lie right now is sitting in the WH taking his Geritol.
Translation of Thread:

Republicans are worthless and evil

until they attack another Republican we like even less


I am tending to agree that Lin wood may be... uh... hallucinating
You are neither worthless nor evil.

You are not my enemy. I don't hate you. I'm not at "war" with you.

Best of all, I'm not like you.
It has been proven ten ways come Tuesday to anyone with half a brain. You keep calling it a big lie without ever offering a shred of evidence supporting that claim, proving that the only big lie right now is sitting in the WH taking his Geritol.
The burden of proof is on the magaturd making the claim of a stolen election. Since magaturds can't provide any, they generally suck out loud.
The burden of proof is on the magaturd making the claim of a stolen election. Since magaturds can't provide any, they generally suck out loud.
They're told there's proof, and that's enough.

The opinions of Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General DON'T HOLD A CANDLE TO THOSE OF MR. PILLOW!

The burden of proof is on the magaturd making the claim of a stolen election.
Like I said, and I'll repeat myself for you morons who didn't get it the first 111 times, the steal has already been proven forwards, backwards, left and right.

But you idiots have made the claim since just a few days after the election that the steal is BASELESS and totally DEBUNKED. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but while we have been presenting evidence supporting the steal for the past fifteen months here in at least 50 threads, I've yet to see one of you magajerks present even a single WISP of evidence showing any of it has been debunked!
Like I said, and I'll repeat myself for you morons who didn't get it the first 111 times, the steal has already been proven forwards, backwards, left and right.
More showing proof, less flapping your magaturd pie hole, please and thank you.
But you idiots have made the claim since just a few days after the election that the steal is BASELESS and totally DEBUNKED.
And yet you idiots keep going with this horseshit conspiracy.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but while we have been presenting evidence supporting the steal for the past fifteen months here in at least 50 threads, I've yet to see one of you magajerks present even a single WISP of evidence showing any of it has been debunked
More horseshit. You haven't presented extraordinary evidence. Thus, the burden of proof still hangs heavy around the necks of the magaturd party. I suggest you keep at it.
More showing proof, less flapping your magaturd pie hole, please and thank you.

If you haven't seen enough proof in the HUNDREDS of things presented here, then you are an idiot with his head buried in the sand.

Less flapping of your lefturd pie hole please and just show us how, where, when and by who the election fraud claims have all been debunked as you claim, thank you.
If you haven't seen enough proof in the HUNDREDS of things presented here, then you are an idiot with his head buried in the sand
There's no proof. Just stop the games, man. Your party lost. Move on to trying to get your next magaturd sycophant candidate elected. Stop living in your past failures.
Less flapping of your lefturd pie hole please and just show us how, where, when and by who the election fraud claims have all been debunked as you claim, thank you.
Magaturds claim untrue batshit conspiracies all the time. That's not impressive at all. I don't need to debunk them - I just need to know one fact: Is Biden president? Why yes, yes he is.

/Mic drop
If you haven't seen enough proof in the HUNDREDS of things presented here, then you are an idiot with his head buried in the sand.

Less flapping of your lefturd pie hole please and just show us how, where, when and by who the election fraud claims have all been debunked as you claim, thank you.
All of what you have presented as evidence is exaggeration, mischaracterization, bullshit hearsay and outright lies… which is why so many court cases went against you
All of what you have presented as evidence is exaggeration, mischaracterization, bullshit hearsay and outright lies… which is why so many court cases went against you
Dripping Rudy even admitted -- in court only, of course -- that it wasn't about fraud.

I don't think they were told about that. Not that it would have mattered.
Dripping Rudy even admitted -- in court only, of course -- that it wasn't about fraud.

I don't think they were told about that. Not that it would have mattered.
Magaturds feed their constituents obscure bullshit purposefully to avoid accountability. Said constituents bleev that makes them special.
All of what you have presented as evidence is exaggeration, mischaracterization, bullshit hearsay and outright lies… which is why so many court cases went against you

WRONG. Vacuous, specious argument. In other words, you're just repeating what other people have told you to think.

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