Trump confidante says Marjorie Taylor-Green is a commie and a traitor

Translation of Thread:

Republicans are worthless and evil

until they attack another Republican we like even less


I am tending to agree that Lin wood may be... uh... hallucinating
He has a long standing problem with drugs and alcohol.
No.., I think that she is willing to sleep with the top payer.


Betcha she's great in bed. :p

That photo of her holding weapon seem mighty suspicious. It look as if she is using that photo as bait to reel in voters.

Chicks with guns?

Yeah, that works...

Chicks in bikinis with guns works even better... just sayin...

View attachment 549965View attachment 549966

See? Told ya. :p
I am not making this up. Audio below.

Attorney Lin Wood, who has said some spectacularly insane things over the last couple of years, says MTG is a commie. But, if you take this within the context of MAGA world, it actually makes some sense. Um, if you take this within the context of MAGA world. Enjoy:

In my opinion, Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a communist. If Marjorie Taylor-Greene, running around saying "impeach Biden", that says that Biden won. He didn't. And you would never impeach him with a communist Congress. It's a waste of time. It's all show. A traitor will come at you as a patriot. Be careful.

This circus is open 24/7.

You really should stop using words you don't understand like, "commie" and "traitor".
Why would you accept and repeat as fact something said by someone you admit is off their nut mentally?
he is absolutely correct. why waste your time on something that you cannot do anything about it.

They are trying to drown out the Maricopa audit discoveries. That they are trying to divert everyone's attention from off of it.
And if Marjorie is true, then she should start bringing up the attention to congress that we have proof that this past election was rigged. But she isn't going to do that.

She could shout it from the podium in the house every day they are in session but it wouldn't do any good or change any minds so what exactly would be the point?

Betcha she's great in bed. :p

Chicks with guns?

Yeah, that works...

Chicks in bikinis with guns works even better... just sayin...

See? Told ya. :p
Personally I don't think that's really anyone's business except for her husband and her constituents.

I'm not in her district nor am I contributing to her reelection so I really don't care. It's not like we're ever going to know the truth anywhere unless she and her husband make a publish declaration to that effect.
You really should stop using words you don't understand like, "commie" and "traitor".
I assume you're talking about Lin Wood. I agree.

Trumpsters here spray them around like water, trivializing the terms.
I assume you're talking about Lin Wood. I agree.

Trumpsters here spray them around like water, trivializing the terms.
I'm pretty sure it's not, "Trumpsters" calling republicans and Jan 6 participants or even supporters "traitors".

You folks wore that one out on your own calling Trump a traitor for four straight years while he was in office.
I am not making this up. Audio below.

Attorney Lin Wood, who has said some spectacularly insane things over the last couple of years, says MTG is a commie. But, if you take this within the context of MAGA world, it actually makes some sense. Um, if you take this within the context of MAGA world. Enjoy:

In my opinion, Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a communist. If Marjorie Taylor-Greene, running around saying "impeach Biden", that says that Biden won. He didn't. And you would never impeach him with a communist Congress. It's a waste of time. It's all show. A traitor will come at you as a patriot. Be careful.

This circus is open 24/7.

Lin Wood is a grifter.

MTG is an elected Representative and had a stellar record. Not difficult who to side with here.
I'm pretty sure it's not, "Trumpsters" calling republicans and Jan 6 participants or even supporters "traitors".

You folks wore that one out on your own calling Trump a traitor for four straight years while he was in office.
But I didn't. You clearly don't know either my politics or my behaviors.

Believe what you'd like.
If you haven't seen enough proof in the HUNDREDS of things presented here, then you are an idiot with his head buried in the sand.

Less flapping of your lefturd pie hole please and just show us how, where, when and by who the election fraud claims have all been debunked as you claim, thank you.
Telling the same lies over and over again are not evidence.
Telling the same lies over and over again are not evidence.
It works for their leader. He even says so.

Sarasota, FL speech, July 3 2021: "If you say it enough and keep saying it, they'll start to believe you."

How in the world can you counter stuff like that?
I am not making this up. Audio below.

Attorney Lin Wood, who has said some spectacularly insane things over the last couple of years, says MTG is a commie. But, if you take this within the context of MAGA world, it actually makes some sense. Um, if you take this within the context of MAGA world. Enjoy:

In my opinion, Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a communist. If Marjorie Taylor-Greene, running around saying "impeach Biden", that says that Biden won. He didn't. And you would never impeach him with a communist Congress. It's a waste of time. It's all show. A traitor will come at you as a patriot. Be careful.

This circus is open 24/7.
I was wondering what happened to Lin Wood. He kind of disappeared after all that kraken business. :p
the wisconsin spike during the night of nov 3rd to 4th was due to milwaukee county reported its 170,000 absentee ballots, and the city of milwaukee is overwhelmingly democrat. There were also Trump votes in that 170,000.

In Michigan, similar thing occurred when Wayne county (which is detroit city) reported its 200,000 votes were registered. Just like above, most of the city is democrat, but there were also trump votes there.

A likely story. :p
a true story

Fact checkers again.

You people never learn.

All of the news in this country, fake or otherwise, comes from one of two places: AP, and Reuters.

Fact checkers get all their information from... guess where... AP and Reuters

This game is not hard to figure out. You just have to pay attention a little

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