Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?

NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?

Who did Trump fuck and when did he fuck em?

America needs to know

NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?

Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.
Who did Trump fuck and when did he fuck em?

America needs to know

NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?

Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.
What is Trump hiding?
Everyone has an insecure child within them. It doesn't disqualify one from being President.
Another sign of insecurity

Trumps inability to take any criticism without attacking the person doing the criticizing
Do you realize that your wanting Trump to be a weak push over like so many liberal and establishment politicians have been in the past, and that you are trying to suggest to us that we just need to continue the trend ?

Weak pushover?

If someone criticizes your position you defend the don't scream about how much richer you are
You like taking Trump out of context don't you? Mixing things like you on the left love to do, uh is aa well known tactic in order to create a narrative even if it was a tied together fabrication of multiple subjects.
Last edited:
NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?

Who did Trump fuck and when did he fuck em?

America needs to know

NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?
Relying on heresay dirt to try and trash someone eh ? Wouldn't it always be a question of he said she said in those kinds of situations? You believe the women everytime or is it just out of convienence that you would want to believe the woman at this specific time?
Trump is an insecure child unable to take the criticism of his positions

Curious, can you give me an example where he flipped out on someone because of criticism of his positions?

Because the few examples I recall always seemed to be in response to a personal attack.

BTW, calling something Racist, is not a criticism of the position, it is a personal attack, just to save time.
Trump has been unable to take any criticism from John McCain to Jeb Bush

Like a child, he attacks the messenger and not the messagd


As a liberal, how can you type that without falling off your chair cramped up from gales of laughter?
The leading Republican candidate is a birther

Enough said

Political COrrectness was the reason that this nation ignored the Moynihan Report, and for 50 years has been refusing to address the real cause of social dysfunction and all the horrible human suffering it has caused in the black community.

This has caused tens of thousands of deaths that should not have happened if the issue had been addressed seriously and honestly over the last 50 years.

"Birther" has NOTHING on Political Correctness.

And PC is nothing BUT attacking the messenger not the message.

For one example.

Enough said.
Political correctness, like racism can mean different things to different people. I don't know what political correctness really means today. However, I do know that offensive language and personal attacks ends constructive discussions.
How can a BILLIONAIRE be insecure?

Trump is one fucked up individual

NOw, that is not a serious question.

That is a smear designed as a question.

Classic liberalism.
Far from it

It is the Trump persona and needs to be considered in electing a Presdent.
Nixon was very insecure but nowhere near that magnitude of Trump

The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

How is questioning Trumps behavior a smear?

The man shows personal tendencies that would make him unfit for President. Most Americans already know that
The most disturbing part of Trump's character is his inability to communicate clearly, factually, and without gross exaggerations. He simply doesn't think before he speaks or maybe he makes up shit to support his position. In either case, Trump is not the person you want speaking for this nation. For example:

FALSE - 25 percent of U.S. Muslims "agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad."

FALSE - President Barack Obama "wants to take in 250,000 (people) from Syria."

FALSE - Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.

FALSE - "I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

FALSE - "The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats."

FALSE - The Trans-Pacific Partnership "was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."

FALSE - "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China."

FALSE - On the VA: "Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care."

FALSE - Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

FALSE - Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US
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It is not a sensible question.

If you have missed all the questions about Baraks childhood that have been asked and never answered that is a testimony to your partisan blinders.

I'm not sure which ones Whitehall is thinking about, myself.

But your strawman of a "Vault" is not called for.

And fuck the Race Card.

I wasn't the guy who used the term "Vault". That was your boy Whitehall, who apparently really thinks there is a vault where the secret Childhood of Barack Obama is hidden like he's fucking Damien Thorne from the Omen movies.

Sorry, I just don't see what has been asked about Obama's childhood that hasn't been answered or that is SO FREAKING HORRIBLE that it had to be hidden.

Now, if you wanted to argue that at only 4 years in the Senate, he wasn't experienced enough to be president, that was probably a valid argument to make. Too bad McCain totally blew that argument out of the water by picking a running mate who was not only less experienced, but possibly clinically retarded.
The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

Hey, guy, why did you avoid the valid question. Given his Trollish behavior on the campaign trail, do you really think that Trump has the temperment to be president. What's he going to do when Putin calls him a bad name? Or the President of Mexico refuses to respect him?

Okay, you boys have had your little temper tantrum, it's really time to get serious about picking a credible candidate. Otherwise you are going to have to get used to saying "Madam President" for the next 4-8 years.
Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.

The reason why Divorce Records are such fodder for smearing your guys is because most of you are full of shit when you talk about "Family Values" when plotting new ways to screw working families. So when we find out you slapped your wives around or cheated with the Hooters Girl or the Secretary, it's just too much fun.

You can't claim the moral high ground and then carp when someone calls you on it.
NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?

Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.
What is Trump hiding?

Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.
Who did Trump fuck and when did he fuck em?

America needs to know

NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?
Relying on heresay dirt to try and trash someone eh ? Wouldn't it always be a question of he said she said in those kinds of situations? You believe the women everytime or is it just out of convienence that you would want to believe the woman at this specific time?

When it serves the lib agenda of course.

We have seen this time and time again.
It is not a sensible question.

If you have missed all the questions about Baraks childhood that have been asked and never answered that is a testimony to your partisan blinders.

I'm not sure which ones Whitehall is thinking about, myself.

But your strawman of a "Vault" is not called for.

And fuck the Race Card.

I wasn't the guy who used the term "Vault". That was your boy Whitehall, who apparently really thinks there is a vault where the secret Childhood of Barack Obama is hidden like he's fucking Damien Thorne from the Omen movies.

Sorry, I just don't see what has been asked about Obama's childhood that hasn't been answered or that is SO FREAKING HORRIBLE that it had to be hidden.

Now, if you wanted to argue that at only 4 years in the Senate, he wasn't experienced enough to be president, that was probably a valid argument to make. Too bad McCain totally blew that argument out of the water by picking a running mate who was not only less experienced, but possibly clinically retarded.

1. Good analogy, though a shade overly dramatic. And you can ask Whitehall what questions he was thinking of. I would like to know how he was selected for a scholarship to his private school as a youngster. Hardly a second class citizen type of thing.

2. Claiming that a President's lack of experience is not a valid issue because his opponents VICE PRESIDENT choice has less experience makes no sense, especially as Palin still had more experience than the idiot Obama.
The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

Hey, guy, why did you avoid the valid question. Given his Trollish behavior on the campaign trail, do you really think that Trump has the temperment to be president. What's he going to do when Putin calls him a bad name? Or the President of Mexico refuses to respect him?

Okay, you boys have had your little temper tantrum, it's really time to get serious about picking a credible candidate. Otherwise you are going to have to get used to saying "Madam President" for the next 4-8 years.

I don't know that Putin will ever call him a bad name. Cold War's over and Trump seems to get that.

And Fuck Mexico. Their President doesn't show respect to the American President, maybe they should have thought that though before they did it.
  • The Ugly Truth Donald Trump Has Exposed
    The Market-Ticker ^ | Dec. 13, 2015 | Karl Denninger
    The fear in both the GOP and Democratic party is visible at the surface when it comes to Trump, and it's not that he's any of what they've accused him of. No, it's really much simpler than that, and both Republican and Democrat parties, along with the mainstream media, are utterly terrified that you, the average American, is going to figure out what underlies all of these institutions in America. No, it's not that they're evil. It's worse, for evil frequently is recognized and fought back yet for decades America has not awakened to what has been going on in...
Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.

The reason why Divorce Records are such fodder for smearing your guys is because most of you are full of shit when you talk about "Family Values" when plotting new ways to screw working families. So when we find out you slapped your wives around or cheated with the Hooters Girl or the Secretary, it's just too much fun.

You can't claim the moral high ground and then carp when someone calls you on it.

I already covered why you guys like to open Divorce Cases.

Because you can find good LIES to use to destroy people that you can't touch on the issues.

NOthing in your "reply" addressed my point on that.

Ignoring a point you know is true is not debunking it.
Who did Trump fuck and when did he fuck em?

America needs to know

NOthing in your post addressed the points I made that you hit the reply button for.

You consider testimony in Divorce cases, from people in an heightened emotional state with huge emotional and financial motives and coached by professional liars to be FACTS?!


Liberals: all the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

So, do you consciously realize that you are launching personal attacks on Trump because your attempts to demonize him on the issues are constantly and easily being crushed by US cons?
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?
Relying on heresay dirt to try and trash someone eh ? Wouldn't it always be a question of he said she said in those kinds of situations? You believe the women everytime or is it just out of convienence that you would want to believe the woman at this specific time?
If not for the blue stained dress, Leftnutter and those like him would still believe bubba and his lying wife.
2. Forget about the financial braggadocio; Trump insists he's smart because he went to Wharton. He says this whenever someone questions his judgment. "I went to the Wharton School of Business. I'm, like, a really smart person," is one common formulation.

It's an axiom: When you have to cite your credentials, you're afraid that people are discounting them. Wharton is an Ivy; Trump earned his way into the school, at least partly; if he was truly stupid, even his father's reputation wouldn't have gotten him in all the way. So getting into Wharton represents something real that Trump accomplished (more or less) by himself. That's his first line of defense, mind you, when someone questions his ideas.

in his defense, PoliticalChic does the same thing when her zany posts are challenged
Trump is a master-level troll.

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