Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?

Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.
The man started with a fortune and went broke at least twice. If I started out in life with tens of millions of dollars, I'd expect to do a little better than losing it all. But, Donald Trump knows who to bribe; politicians are cheaply bought and a mere hundred thousand dollars donated to the right people at the right time guarantees tax breaks and grants worth tens of millions. That's the one thing he's good at.

I despise Donald Trump, I really do, but if I were an American I would still vote for him because he's the only Presidential candidate who isn't too timid to say "Islam is dangerous".
There are lots of good people who happen to be Muslims, but holy hell yes, DO close that gate. Islamism has swept across Europe and is doing terrible damage.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.

I would rather have a trainwreck trying to do the right thing, than a smooth operator working to keep America as the World's Bitch.

And I think his style is part of his history of effective negotiations.
The man started with a fortune and went broke at least twice. If I started out in life with tens of millions of dollars, I'd expect to do a little better than losing it all. But, Donald Trump knows who to bribe; politicians are cheaply bought and a mere hundred thousand dollars donated to the right people at the right time guarantees tax breaks and grants worth tens of millions. That's the one thing he's good at.

I despise Donald Trump, I really do, but if I were an American I would still vote for him because he's the only Presidential candidate who isn't too timid to say "Islam is dangerous".
There are lots of good people who happen to be Muslims, but holy hell yes, DO close that gate. Islamism has swept across Europe and is doing terrible damage.

What I hear from certain rich folk, is that in high risk investments like real estate, you structure each project alone, so that those that do poorly just collapse, while those that do well produce profits and gains.

So that his bankruptcies are NOT a sign of failure as you might first think, but simply a sign of a wide ranging investment plan.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.

I would rather have a trainwreck trying to do the right thing, than a smooth operator working to keep America as the World's Bitch.

And I think his style is part of his history of effective negotiations.

Flaming strawman alert.

You're acting like Obama...proposing that the only alternative to Trump is an Obama-style president.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.

I would rather have a trainwreck trying to do the right thing, than a smooth operator working to keep America as the World's Bitch.

And I think his style is part of his history of effective negotiations.

Flaming strawman alert.

You're acting like Obama...proposing that the only alternative to Trump is an Obama-style president.

You misunderstood.

Trust me, i was not calling Obama a "smooth operator".

REally. You can trust me on that.

IMO, the most likely alternative, by a wide margin to Trump, is Hillary.

She is a very experienced insider, who I am sure would be quite effective at achieving her policies of fucking America.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.

I would rather have a trainwreck trying to do the right thing, than a smooth operator working to keep America as the World's Bitch.

And I think his style is part of his history of effective negotiations.

Flaming strawman alert.

You're acting like Obama...proposing that the only alternative to Trump is an Obama-style president.

You misunderstood.

Trust me, i was not calling Obama a "smooth operator".

REally. You can trust me on that.

IMO, the most likely alternative, by a wide margin to Trump, is Hillary.

She is a very experienced insider, who I am sure would be quite effective at achieving her policies of fucking America.

hiLIARy's only competency is LYING. She'd make a horrible President.
If not for the blue stained dress, Leftnutter and those like him would still believe bubba and his lying wife.

or they still wouldn't have thought it was nobody's business, which is what most of the country thought at the time.

Except that he lied about it during a Sexual Harassment Case.

Do you consider Sexual Harassment to be a private matter?
Except that he lied about it during a Sexual Harassment Case.

Do you consider Sexual Harassment to be a private matter?

So what? The other side had no business asking it and the question was ruled as irrelevant by the judge presiding over the case. Before she threw the whole thing out as being without merit.

You see, even if you take Paula Jones COMPLETELY at her word, what she claimed wasn't sexual harassment. Sexual Harassment is not just obnoxious behavior by a co-worker. We'd all be in trouble if that was the standard.

She had to prove that there was retaliation against her for not complying. She wasn't fired, demoted, transferred, denied a promotion or retaliated against in any way. I think the worst thing they came up with was that she claimed they moved her desk, but that was because she was so loud the other employees were complaining about her.

You see, here's the thing. You guys can't acheive your agenda at the ballot box. Even though there a lot of you dumb bubba rednecks who vote against your own economic interests as you cling to your guns and your bibles, most people are smart enough to know you are full of it.

So trying to prove someone lied about a blowjob or what e-mail server they had used to try to undo what the rest of us do at the ballot box is always going to piss people off. THAT'S why you lost in 1999, and that's why you'll lose now.
Except that he lied about it during a Sexual Harassment Case.

Do you consider Sexual Harassment to be a private matter?

So what? The other side had no business asking it and the question was ruled as irrelevant by the judge presiding over the case. Before she threw the whole thing out as being without merit.



Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones.

In that context his sexual relationship with an intern was relevant.

Bill Clinton lied under oath about it.

If Bill had been a Republican, the feminists would have went ballistic, the media would have joined in, and the President would have been destroyed and impeached.

And you would still be using it as an example of how bad Republicans are.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.
Everything that Trump has done in the primaries indicates he can not government this country. A president can't just speak his mind, something Trump can't seem to resist. Media attention which Trump craves as a candidate is rarely desirable to a president. Many people think a president is free to run the country as a CEO might run a large business. Again, that is just not so. executive orders can be block by congress or the courts. Presidents must often play kiss ass with politicians and heads of states to get what they want. Statesmanship. protocol, and political correctness, something Trump abhors is the foundation that international diplomacy is based. Most of the goals of a president require legislation and that means dealing with congress whose agenda may be far different from that of the president's. There is no slave master relationship between congress and the president. Although congress needs the president, the president must have a degree of support from congress to do his job, something Trump certainly does not have now.

Trump is best suited to govern in a dictatorship, not in a democratic republic in which he needs the support of others, where statesmanship, political correctness, a deep understanding of the American political system, are vital to his success.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.
Everything that Trump has done in the primaries indicates he can not government this country. A president can't just speak his mind, something Trump can't seem to resist. Media attention which Trump craves as a candidate is rarely desirable to a president. Many people think a president is free to run the country as a CEO might run a large business. Again, that is just not so. executive orders can be block by congress or the courts. Presidents must often play kiss ass with politicians and heads of states to get what they want. Statesmanship. protocol, and political correctness, something Trump abhors is the foundation that international diplomacy is based. Most of the goals of a president require legislation and that means dealing with congress whose agenda may be far different from that of the president's. There is no slave master relationship between congress and the president. Although congress needs the president, the president must have a degree of support from congress to do his job, something Trump certainly does not have now.

Trump is best suited to govern in a dictatorship, not in a democratic republic in which he needs the support of others, where statesmanship, political correctness, a deep understanding of the American political system, are vital to his success.

Your assumption that Trump is too stupid to realize that his experience is not directly applicable to his hoped for new job is not supported.

Considering that on the issues Trump wants to address, ie Trade and Immigration, current policy is so bad that nearly any change would be for the good, AND that Trump is a world class negotiator who will have tremendous leverage and I think you are seriously underestimating the good he can do.
The man started with a fortune and went broke at least twice. If I started out in life with tens of millions of dollars, I'd expect to do a little better than losing it all. But, Donald Trump knows who to bribe; politicians are cheaply bought and a mere hundred thousand dollars donated to the right people at the right time guarantees tax breaks and grants worth tens of millions. That's the one thing he's good at.

I despise Donald Trump, I really do, but if I were an American I would still vote for him because he's the only Presidential candidate who isn't too timid to say "Islam is dangerous".
There are lots of good people who happen to be Muslims, but holy hell yes, DO close that gate. Islamism has swept across Europe and is doing terrible damage.

What I hear from certain rich folk, is that in high risk investments like real estate, you structure each project alone, so that those that do poorly just collapse, while those that do well produce profits and gains.

So that his bankruptcies are NOT a sign of failure as you might first think, but simply a sign of a wide ranging investment plan.

That's a good point, and I'll have to look a lot deeper to figure out what's going on, but at the moment I would still say Donald Trump is a sleaze and a thief; this is a man who makes money out of other people's gambling addiction; it may not be a necessary quality in a nation's leader, but I would prefer a President who was a moral person.
From the little bit I've read, Donald Trump never goes bankrupt himself, but everything he touches turns to sxxx and he comes out smelling of roses. What if he does the same to the American economy?

And yet.. I would still vote for him.
The signs are there, Trump has difficulty functioning as an adult

The profound insecurity of Donald Trump

1. He regularly and repeatedly insists that he is the most brilliant person, has the best memory, the greatest ideas; people who are relatively secure do not need to tell others that they are great, but people who are not secure have to cover a 10-foot gap with a 100-foot bridge, so afraid are they that what they actually have to say is exposing some fundamental flaw. Trump's use of superlatives belies a rather profound sadness. He desperately NEEDS you to know that he is right.

Well for someone you see as insecure he's done pretty damned well for himself.

The only insecure thing I've seen about the man is his hair.

He can't seem to keep it secure and in place.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

Believe it or not, On issues of trade i feel trump is 100% right! I also don't think he's a economic fool like cruz on economics either...So I will agree that trump is preferable.
Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones.

In that context his sexual relationship with an intern was relevant.

Bill Clinton lied under oath about it.

No, he didn't. she did not work directly for him, and there was no retaliation against her for refusing his demands. (Even though at the time, she told Clinton's bodyguards "the Governor wants me to be his girlfriend"). In short, her claims didn't meet the legal definition of sexual harassment under the theory she was filing under.

Also, since his relationship with Lewinsky was consensual, it wasn't relevant.

Both things Judge Susan Weber Wright considered when the threw it out as a nuscience lawsuit.

If Bill had been a Republican, the feminists would have went ballistic, the media would have joined in, and the President would have been destroyed and impeached.

And you would still be using it as an example of how bad Republicans are.

Quite the contrary, I've said here many times I think Anita Hill was lying and using her to try to keep Uncle Thomas off the court was debasing to the process. I also thought Bob Packwood got a bad deal.

I have no use for hypocrites like Gingrich (cheated on his wife while trying to impeach Clinton) Hyde (broke up someone's marriage) or Vitter (hired prostitutes) who insisted on impeaching Clinotn when they were engaging in far worse behavior.

It's the hypocrisy, stupid!
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

Believe it or not, On issues of trade i feel trump is 100% right! I also don't think he's a economic fool like cruz on economics either...So I will agree that trump is preferable.

If a significant number of other Blue Dog Democrats agree, then Trump wins.
Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones.

In that context his sexual relationship with an intern was relevant.

Bill Clinton lied under oath about it.

No, he didn't. she did not work directly for him, and there was no retaliation against her for refusing his demands. (Even though at the time, she told Clinton's bodyguards "the Governor wants me to be his girlfriend"). In short, her claims didn't meet the legal definition of sexual harassment under the theory she was filing under.

Also, since his relationship with Lewinsky was consensual, it wasn't relevant.

Both things Judge Susan Weber Wright considered when the threw it out as a nuscience lawsuit.

If Bill had been a Republican, the feminists would have went ballistic, the media would have joined in, and the President would have been destroyed and impeached.

And you would still be using it as an example of how bad Republicans are.

Quite the contrary, I've said here many times I think Anita Hill was lying and using her to try to keep Uncle Thomas off the court was debasing to the process. I also thought Bob Packwood got a bad deal.

I have no use for hypocrites like Gingrich (cheated on his wife while trying to impeach Clinton) Hyde (broke up someone's marriage) or Vitter (hired prostitutes) who insisted on impeaching Clinotn when they were engaging in far worse behavior.

It's the hypocrisy, stupid!

1. Your fine legal distinctions do not explain the extremely hypocritical behavior of the feminists and the media. Bill Clinton's pattern of preying upon young women who worked for him was obviously relevant to Paula Jones case, regardless of what some judge ruled.

2.I agree Packwood and Thomas got bad deals. They hypocrisy here is the difference in the way the republicans were treated vs teh dems.
1. Your fine legal distinctions do not explain the extremely hypocritical behavior of the feminists and the media. Bill Clinton's pattern of preying upon young women who worked for him was obviously relevant to Paula Jones case, regardless of what some judge ruled.

2.I agree Packwood and Thomas got bad deals. They hypocrisy here is the difference in the way the republicans were treated vs teh dems.

Again, let's look at that.

Lewinsky was hardly "preyed upon". she wanted that relationship. It's like saying Rock Stars prey on Groupies.

As for Jones, even she has admitted that she was used by the far right wing and the suit should have been settled early on. (She was left bankrupt, divorced and with a terrible reputation after her right wing friends were done with her.)

The whole "harassment" was that she saw Clinton's dick. She has two kids, she knows what a dick looks like. Unless Clinton's pecker is some kind of Lovecraftian Monstrosity, I'm just not seeing how this is a $750,000 action.

Now, for your second point. The thing was, Thomas was treated far more fairly than Bill Clinton was. He got confirmed. No one has really brought up the subject again.

As for Packwood, he did far worse stuff than Clinton did. I still think the feminists were kind of uncool, because he was one of the few pro-choice Republicans. But that's neither here nor there. It probably didn't help his case that he threatened to expose wrongdoing by his fellow senators.

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