Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?

1. Your fine legal distinctions do not explain the extremely hypocritical behavior of the feminists and the media. Bill Clinton's pattern of preying upon young women who worked for him was obviously relevant to Paula Jones case, regardless of what some judge ruled.

2.I agree Packwood and Thomas got bad deals. They hypocrisy here is the difference in the way the republicans were treated vs teh dems.

Again, let's look at that.

Lewinsky was hardly "preyed upon". she wanted that relationship. It's like saying Rock Stars prey on Groupies.

As for Jones, even she has admitted that she was used by the far right wing and the suit should have been settled early on. (She was left bankrupt, divorced and with a terrible reputation after her right wing friends were done with her.)

The whole "harassment" was that she saw Clinton's dick. She has two kids, she knows what a dick looks like. Unless Clinton's pecker is some kind of Lovecraftian Monstrosity, I'm just not seeing how this is a $750,000 action.

Now, for your second point. The thing was, Thomas was treated far more fairly than Bill Clinton was. He got confirmed. No one has really brought up the subject again.

As for Packwood, he did far worse stuff than Clinton did. I still think the feminists were kind of uncool, because he was one of the few pro-choice Republicans. But that's neither here nor there. It probably didn't help his case that he threatened to expose wrongdoing by his fellow senators.

1. It is not unfair to say Rock Stars prey on Groupies. Young adults can be just as stupid as children and older wiser people should be older and wiser.

2. Just taking out your dick and showing it to someone is not normal office behavior. It is not normal DATE behavior.

3. Jones' terrible reputation is the result of the Left demonizing her, not the Right. If Bill had not fought so hard and lied so much, he could have just settled the moment the case was brought up, and JOnes's legal bills would have been far less.
1. It is not unfair to say Rock Stars prey on Groupies. Young adults can be just as stupid as children and older wiser people should be older and wiser.

I agree, they can be. But the groupies are the ones who infiltrate a lot of security in order to get to a rock star and have sex with him. Kind of like Lewinsky made a concerted effort to get to Clinton, evading his staff, etc. Just not seeing there's any universe where she was a 'victim', something she doesn't even claim.

2. Just taking out your dick and showing it to someone is not normal office behavior. It is not normal DATE behavior.

I agree, it isn't. It also doesn't meet the legal definition of sexual harassment.

3. Jones' terrible reputation is the result of the Left demonizing her, not the Right. If Bill had not fought so hard and lied so much, he could have just settled the moment the case was brought up, and JOnes's legal bills would have been far less.

Not really. Every time Clinton's team proposed a settlement, Jones' team upped the ante. Her original claim was for $250,000. She eventually upped that to 2 million. Mostly because the whole goal was never to settle, it was to get Clinton under oath to ask him about his sex life.

What Clinton should have done was not shown up for the hearings at all. "Sorry, I'm too busy leading the Free World Right now". The most he would have gotten was a summary judgement of $10,000.
1. It is not unfair to say Rock Stars prey on Groupies. Young adults can be just as stupid as children and older wiser people should be older and wiser.

I agree, they can be. But the groupies are the ones who infiltrate a lot of security in order to get to a rock star and have sex with him. Kind of like Lewinsky made a concerted effort to get to Clinton, evading his staff, etc. Just not seeing there's any universe where she was a 'victim', something she doesn't even claim.

2. Just taking out your dick and showing it to someone is not normal office behavior. It is not normal DATE behavior.

I agree, it isn't. It also doesn't meet the legal definition of sexual harassment.

3. Jones' terrible reputation is the result of the Left demonizing her, not the Right. If Bill had not fought so hard and lied so much, he could have just settled the moment the case was brought up, and JOnes's legal bills would have been far less.

Not really. Every time Clinton's team proposed a settlement, Jones' team upped the ante. Her original claim was for $250,000. She eventually upped that to 2 million. Mostly because the whole goal was never to settle, it was to get Clinton under oath to ask him about his sex life.

What Clinton should have done was not shown up for the hearings at all. "Sorry, I'm too busy leading the Free World Right now". The most he would have gotten was a summary judgement of $10,000.

1. Is it morally wrong for a older powerful man to take advantage of a stupid young woman? In any universe where the answer is yes, then Monica was a victim even if she doesn't agree.

2. The Leader of the Free World is not above the law. Sexual Harassment is a serious crime. (or at least it was) You might believe he had a strong case, but he had to go.
Republicans launched an investigation into Bill Clinton's sexual activities.....when are we going to find out about Trump?

That was back when we had been led to believe that sexual harassment was a serious offense.

Now it has been explained to us in no uncertain terms that this is not the case.

YOu don't get to go back and pretend now that it matters.

AND, a divorce is the last place for credible reports as I repeatedly have pointed out.

Sworn testimony is still sworn testimony. Like to see what Trump said about his bimbos under oath
Like to see what Ivana has to say...Marla too
What do we know about the Hooters girl?

Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.
What is Trump hiding?

Sworn testimony in a divorce case is not worth shit, and you know it.

That's why you libs love to open divorce cases. Because it has the potential for good lies you can you to destroy people you can't defeat on the issues.

And you are deluded enough to think that Trump is the ugly one.

I don't know which is worse. YOur disgusting lack of ethics, or your immense, smug self deception.

Even if the sworn testimony comes from Donald Trump?
Lets see what Donald said in his divorce depositions. Lets fact check with the actual people.

What do we know about the Hooters girl? What is her background? How did she get to this country?
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.
Everything that Trump has done in the primaries indicates he can not government this country. A president can't just speak his mind, something Trump can't seem to resist. Media attention which Trump craves as a candidate is rarely desirable to a president. Many people think a president is free to run the country as a CEO might run a large business. Again, that is just not so. executive orders can be block by congress or the courts. Presidents must often play kiss ass with politicians and heads of states to get what they want. Statesmanship. protocol, and political correctness, something Trump abhors is the foundation that international diplomacy is based. Most of the goals of a president require legislation and that means dealing with congress whose agenda may be far different from that of the president's. There is no slave master relationship between congress and the president. Although congress needs the president, the president must have a degree of support from congress to do his job, something Trump certainly does not have now.

Trump is best suited to govern in a dictatorship, not in a democratic republic in which he needs the support of others, where statesmanship, political correctness, a deep understanding of the American political system, are vital to his success.

Your assumption that Trump is too stupid to realize that his experience is not directly applicable to his hoped for new job is not supported.

Considering that on the issues Trump wants to address, ie Trade and Immigration, current policy is so bad that nearly any change would be for the good, AND that Trump is a world class negotiator who will have tremendous leverage and I think you are seriously underestimating the good he can do.
A president does not have the luxury of only addressing the issues he chooses to address. When G.W. Bush became president he had a long agenda of domestic issues he wish to address then 911 happened and the entire direction of his presidency changed.

My concern over Trump is his ability to govern. He needs the strong support of his party which he doesn't have now and he's not likely to have. Secondly, he does not have a clue as to how to run the country. Being a business man and being the leader of the biggest economy, military and industrial power in the world is not something you give to someone who comes up with the stupidest ideas ever. Lastly, he doesn't have the temperament, honesty, and the ability to clearly articulate his position.

BTW Presidents do not negotiate trade agreement. Trade agreements are administered and negotiated by the USTR, United States Trade Representative to the WTO under the rules and regs. the US has agreed.
1. Is it morally wrong for a older powerful man to take advantage of a stupid young woman? In any universe where the answer is yes, then Monica was a victim even if she doesn't agree.

What do you mean by "taking advantage"? That's a pretty loose term.

Monica was a big girl. She was 22. We send 22 year olds off to war, we can't treat them like children.

She said when she left she was going to earn her 'Presidential Kneepads". She knew what she was doing.

2. The Leader of the Free World is not above the law. Sexual Harassment is a serious crime. (or at least it was) You might believe he had a strong case, but he had to go.

Well, again, the highest award ever levied for the theory Jones was suing under was $10,000. Clinton could have just refused to show up, and paid that amount.

The fact that we wasted so much time on that when we had serious problems to focus on should be a good reason to immunize presidents from civil actions until after they leave office.
1. Is it morally wrong for a older powerful man to take advantage of a stupid young woman? In any universe where the answer is yes, then Monica was a victim even if she doesn't agree.

What do you mean by "taking advantage"? That's a pretty loose term.

Monica was a big girl. She was 22. We send 22 year olds off to war, we can't treat them like children.

She said when she left she was going to earn her 'Presidential Kneepads". She knew what she was doing.

2. The Leader of the Free World is not above the law. Sexual Harassment is a serious crime. (or at least it was) You might believe he had a strong case, but he had to go.

Well, again, the highest award ever levied for the theory Jones was suing under was $10,000. Clinton could have just refused to show up, and paid that amount.

The fact that we wasted so much time on that when we had serious problems to focus on should be a good reason to immunize presidents from civil actions until after they leave office.

Monica might have known what she was doing to an extent, but don't tell me that most normal 22-year-olds would not be "starstruck" from all the attention the POTUS was giving her!!!! He completely took advantage of her stupidity. Lol.
1. Is it morally wrong for a older powerful man to take advantage of a stupid young woman? In any universe where the answer is yes, then Monica was a victim even if she doesn't agree.

What do you mean by "taking advantage"? That's a pretty loose term.

Monica was a big girl. She was 22. We send 22 year olds off to war, we can't treat them like children.

She said when she left she was going to earn her 'Presidential Kneepads". She knew what she was doing.

2. The Leader of the Free World is not above the law. Sexual Harassment is a serious crime. (or at least it was) You might believe he had a strong case, but he had to go.

Well, again, the highest award ever levied for the theory Jones was suing under was $10,000. Clinton could have just refused to show up, and paid that amount.

The fact that we wasted so much time on that when we had serious problems to focus on should be a good reason to immunize presidents from civil actions until after they leave office.

Monica might have known what she was doing to an extent, but don't tell me that most normal 22-year-olds would not be "starstruck" from all the attention the POTUS was giving her!!!! He completely took advantage of her stupidity. Lol.

Seems it was her intent to become sexually involved with the President. Clinton should have known better but Lewinsky was far from a victim
1. Is it morally wrong for a older powerful man to take advantage of a stupid young woman? In any universe where the answer is yes, then Monica was a victim even if she doesn't agree.

What do you mean by "taking advantage"? That's a pretty loose term.

Monica was a big girl. She was 22. We send 22 year olds off to war, we can't treat them like children.

She said when she left she was going to earn her 'Presidential Kneepads". She knew what she was doing.

2. The Leader of the Free World is not above the law. Sexual Harassment is a serious crime. (or at least it was) You might believe he had a strong case, but he had to go.

Well, again, the highest award ever levied for the theory Jones was suing under was $10,000. Clinton could have just refused to show up, and paid that amount.

The fact that we wasted so much time on that when we had serious problems to focus on should be a good reason to immunize presidents from civil actions until after they leave office.

Monica might have known what she was doing to an extent, but don't tell me that most normal 22-year-olds would not be "starstruck" from all the attention the POTUS was giving her!!!! He completely took advantage of her stupidity. Lol.

Seems it was her intent to become sexually involved with the President. Clinton should have known better but Lewinsky was far from a victim

How was it HER intent? I think it was probably his intent. He showered her with attention and affection. He was the POTUS. She was a 22-year-old stupid girl.
Yeah, I'm sure Monica wasn't Bubba's first tryst. :D The man was an experienced "charmer" of the ladies. Lol. Oh, let's blame the 22-year-old kid though!
If not for the blue dress, leftists everywhere would call her a liar.
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.
Everything that Trump has done in the primaries indicates he can not government this country. A president can't just speak his mind, something Trump can't seem to resist. Media attention which Trump craves as a candidate is rarely desirable to a president. Many people think a president is free to run the country as a CEO might run a large business. Again, that is just not so. executive orders can be block by congress or the courts. Presidents must often play kiss ass with politicians and heads of states to get what they want. Statesmanship. protocol, and political correctness, something Trump abhors is the foundation that international diplomacy is based. Most of the goals of a president require legislation and that means dealing with congress whose agenda may be far different from that of the president's. There is no slave master relationship between congress and the president. Although congress needs the president, the president must have a degree of support from congress to do his job, something Trump certainly does not have now.

Trump is best suited to govern in a dictatorship, not in a democratic republic in which he needs the support of others, where statesmanship, political correctness, a deep understanding of the American political system, are vital to his success.

Your assumption that Trump is too stupid to realize that his experience is not directly applicable to his hoped for new job is not supported.

Considering that on the issues Trump wants to address, ie Trade and Immigration, current policy is so bad that nearly any change would be for the good, AND that Trump is a world class negotiator who will have tremendous leverage and I think you are seriously underestimating the good he can do.
A president does not have the luxury of only addressing the issues he chooses to address. When G.W. Bush became president he had a long agenda of domestic issues he wish to address then 911 happened and the entire direction of his presidency changed.

My concern over Trump is his ability to govern. He needs the strong support of his party which he doesn't have now and he's not likely to have. Secondly, he does not have a clue as to how to run the country. Being a business man and being the leader of the biggest economy, military and industrial power in the world is not something you give to someone who comes up with the stupidest ideas ever. Lastly, he doesn't have the temperament, honesty, and the ability to clearly articulate his position.

BTW Presidents do not negotiate trade agreement. Trade agreements are administered and negotiated by the USTR, United States Trade Representative to the WTO under the rules and regs. the US has agreed.
Obama certainly had no clue how to run the country, but that did not bother you. He did not have the temperament, honesty, or the ability to articulate his position....but that did not bother you.

You like BO because he is a D. You dislike Trump because he is an R, even though he is a big gov welfare/warfare progressive...just like you.
Monica might have known what she was doing to an extent, but don't tell me that most normal 22-year-olds would not be "starstruck" from all the attention the POTUS was giving her!!!! He completely took advantage of her stupidity. Lol.

What attention? Frankly, his staff was doing everything it could to keep her away from the President because she was a borderline stalker.

and here's the thing, whether your are a president, and athlete or a rock star, most NORMAL men are simply not going to have the wearwithall to resist women constantly throwing themselves at you. Not in the real world.

Most normal men don't have to deal with this problem, though.
Yeah, I'm sure Monica wasn't Bubba's first tryst. :D The man was an experienced "charmer" of the ladies. Lol. Oh, let's blame the 22-year-old kid though!

My wife was married at 22. It is considered an adult

Monica flirted and let it be known she was available. Clinton was stupid enough to take the bait
How was it HER intent? I think it was probably his intent. He showered her with attention and affection. He was the POTUS. She was a 22-year-old stupid girl.

22 is old enough to know better. We send 22 years olds off to war. We let them vote, enter contracts, etc. We send people to prison and even EXECUTE them for things they do when they are 22 or younger.

It's the 21st century. We let people control their own lives now, women get to make their own decisions.

She made some bad ones. She is still paying for those bad decisions 20 years later.
Obama certainly had no clue how to run the country, but that did not bother you. He did not have the temperament, honesty, or the ability to articulate his position....but that did not bother you.

You like BO because he is a D. You dislike Trump because he is an R, even though he is a big gov welfare/warfare progressive...just like you.

Guy, Obama got us out of BUsh's wars, he got unemployment down to 5%, he reformed health care and the banking system, the economy recovered and the Dow has gone from a low of 6,000 in 2009 to a high of 17,000 now. For someone who doesn't know how to run the country, he's doing a reasonably good job of running the country.

Maybe you are the one with the partisan blinders.

For Trump, it's clear from his temperment that he doesn't have what it takes to be president. But he is articulating impotent white rage pretty well, and that get's you 30% support in the GOP, I guess.
How was it HER intent? I think it was probably his intent. He showered her with attention and affection. He was the POTUS. She was a 22-year-old stupid girl.

22 is old enough to know better. We send 22 years olds off to war. We let them vote, enter contracts, etc. We send people to prison and even EXECUTE them for things they do when they are 22 or younger.

It's the 21st century. We let people control their own lives now, women get to make their own decisions.

She made some bad ones. She is still paying for those bad decisions 20 years later.
It is probably true that not many middle aged men could refuse the advances of a 22 year old woman. Of course, that is not the issue here. The issue many on the Left refuse to discuss, is Bubba chose to lie to the American people and under oath, and use the powers of his office to cover up his lies.

It is always the cover up that gets these a-holes.
Obama certainly had no clue how to run the country, but that did not bother you. He did not have the temperament, honesty, or the ability to articulate his position....but that did not bother you.

You like BO because he is a D. You dislike Trump because he is an R, even though he is a big gov welfare/warfare progressive...just like you.

Guy, Obama got us out of BUsh's wars, he got unemployment down to 5%, he reformed health care and the banking system, the economy recovered and the Dow has gone from a low of 6,000 in 2009 to a high of 17,000 now. For someone who doesn't know how to run the country, he's doing a reasonably good job of running the country.

Maybe you are the one with the partisan blinders.

For Trump, it's clear from his temperment that he doesn't have what it takes to be president. But he is articulating impotent white rage pretty well, and that get's you 30% support in the GOP, I guess.
You are clearly delusional...but then most everyone here knows that.

BO has done nothing of what you stated.
Monica might have known what she was doing to an extent, but don't tell me that most normal 22-year-olds would not be "starstruck" from all the attention the POTUS was giving her!!!! He completely took advantage of her stupidity. Lol.

What attention? Frankly, his staff was doing everything it could to keep her away from the President because she was a borderline stalker.

and here's the thing, whether your are a president, and athlete or a rock star, most NORMAL men are simply not going to have the wearwithall to resist women constantly throwing themselves at you. Not in the real world.

Most normal men don't have to deal with this problem, though.

A fair point.

But that the media and feminists just happened to realize this when the MAN in question was greatly advancing their agenda seems just a little self serving.

And by "little" a mean a HUGE FREAKING AMOUNT.
How was it HER intent? I think it was probably his intent. He showered her with attention and affection. He was the POTUS. She was a 22-year-old stupid girl.

22 is old enough to know better. We send 22 years olds off to war. We let them vote, enter contracts, etc. We send people to prison and even EXECUTE them for things they do when they are 22 or younger.

It's the 21st century. We let people control their own lives now, women get to make their own decisions.

She made some bad ones. She is still paying for those bad decisions 20 years later.

But Bill isn't.

He got rewarded for his bad choices with a Democratic Congress.

So, the girl pays, the powerful man gets a pass.

Got it.

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