Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?

How is Donald Trump 2016 different than Jess Ventura in 1998?

Both are "Politically Incorrect"
Both Call it like they see it
Both have "common sense"
Neither is qualified for political office

That's a very good point. Sadly, being a celebrity obessed culture, we do put Celebrities in charge of things when they aren't qualified, and when Arnold or Ventura turned out to be totally unsuited for public office, we end up paying for it.

But those guys didn't have nuclear weapons.
It is probably true that not many middle aged men could refuse the advances of a 22 year old woman. Of course, that is not the issue here. The issue many on the Left refuse to discuss, is Bubba chose to lie to the American people and under oath, and use the powers of his office to cover up his lies.

It is always the cover up that gets these a-holes.

MOst people lie about their personal lives and don't have a prude asshole spending 70 million dollars investigating their sex life.

The American people looked at what Clinton did and said, "Damn, give it a rest!"

You are clearly delusional...but then most everyone here knows that.

BO has done nothing of what you stated.

Oh, yeah, those things all happened without him.

Obama's only responsible for the BAD stuff.

A fair point.

But that the media and feminists just happened to realize this when the MAN in question was greatly advancing their agenda seems just a little self serving.

And by "little" a mean a HUGE FREAKING AMOUNT.

He had a relationship with a woman. While I am sure that this is something that's never happened in your life, most of the world just shrugged and said, "Meh, not our problem".

You see, it wasn't just the media and the feminists who were willing to give him a pass, it was MOST OF THE COUNTRY. Things were going well, we had peace, prosperity and frankly, they didn't want you guys fucking it up.

But then you stole the election and fucked it up anyway.

Actually ironically, about a year after the fact, I went out on a date with a much younger woman from another area of the department I worked in.

A couple of the older women I worked with were giving me grief about it.

SUddenly I recalled that a year earlier they had totally given Bill Clinton a pass for having sex with a woman the same age as the woman I was going on the date with, despite Him being older than me and married.

I called the one lady on this odd fact, and she got very evasive.

She had a moral problem with me going out on a date with a much younger woman, but she had been convinced by the media the year before that it was ok for the President, the married President, the much older than me married President, the much older than me married President who was the boss of his sexual victim, I mean partner.
It is probably true that not many middle aged men could refuse the advances of a 22 year old woman. Of course, that is not the issue here. The issue many on the Left refuse to discuss, is Bubba chose to lie to the American people and under oath, and use the powers of his office to cover up his lies.

It is always the cover up that gets these a-holes.

MOst people lie about their personal lives and don't have a prude asshole spending 70 million dollars investigating their sex life.

The American people looked at what Clinton did and said, "Damn, give it a rest!"

You are clearly delusional...but then most everyone here knows that.

BO has done nothing of what you stated.

Oh, yeah, those things all happened without him.

Obama's only responsible for the BAD stuff.

A fair point.

But that the media and feminists just happened to realize this when the MAN in question was greatly advancing their agenda seems just a little self serving.

And by "little" a mean a HUGE FREAKING AMOUNT.

He had a relationship with a woman. While I am sure that this is something that's never happened in your life, most of the world just shrugged and said, "Meh, not our problem".

You see, it wasn't just the media and the feminists who were willing to give him a pass, it was MOST OF THE COUNTRY. Things were going well, we had peace, prosperity and frankly, they didn't want you guys fucking it up.

But then you stole the election and fucked it up anyway.
If bubba were an R you would have no issue with it. In fact, you would demand the senate remove him from office.

How can a BILLIONAIRE be insecure?

Trump is one fucked up individual

NOw, that is not a serious question.

That is a smear designed as a question.

Classic liberalism.
Far from it

It is the Trump persona and needs to be considered in electing a Presdent.
Nixon was very insecure but nowhere near that magnitude of Trump

The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

How is questioning Trumps behavior a smear?

The man shows personal tendencies that would make him unfit for President. Most Americans already know that
The most disturbing part of Trump's character is his inability to communicate clearly, factually, and without gross exaggerations. He simply doesn't think before he speaks or maybe he makes up shit to support his position. In either case, Trump is not the person you want speaking for this nation. For example:

FALSE - 25 percent of U.S. Muslims "agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad."

FALSE - President Barack Obama "wants to take in 250,000 (people) from Syria."

FALSE - Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.

FALSE - "I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

FALSE - "The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats."

FALSE - The Trans-Pacific Partnership "was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."

FALSE - "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China."

FALSE - On the VA: "Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care."

FALSE - Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

FALSE - Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US
Let me take one of your quotes you used in which supposedly Trump was saying in which has been interpreted by the left as he would have meant it otherwise in accordance to them.

Ok it is said that he said he watched Muslims cheering after the trade towers fell right ? Now did he say he actually looked out a window and saw this, or was he watching it all on TV where he might have saw this or that ? Was there people in Iran or places like that being shown on TV cheering after the towers fell ? We're there bodies falling out of windows after the planes hit the towers being shown on TV ? Did Trump see this all on TV coverage, and it happening immediately as the situation was very fluid or taking place that day ? How literal were Trumps statements or have they been taken out of context maybe ?

Just curious is all.

Now you've listed these so called falsehoods, but you don't tell us why you think there falsehoods. If you list them, then at least you could give us the facts right after each one listed as to why they are false.
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NOw, that is not a serious question.

That is a smear designed as a question.

Classic liberalism.
Far from it

It is the Trump persona and needs to be considered in electing a Presdent.
Nixon was very insecure but nowhere near that magnitude of Trump

The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

How is questioning Trumps behavior a smear?

The man shows personal tendencies that would make him unfit for President. Most Americans already know that
The most disturbing part of Trump's character is his inability to communicate clearly, factually, and without gross exaggerations. He simply doesn't think before he speaks or maybe he makes up shit to support his position. In either case, Trump is not the person you want speaking for this nation. For example:

FALSE - 25 percent of U.S. Muslims "agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad."

FALSE - President Barack Obama "wants to take in 250,000 (people) from Syria."

FALSE - Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.

FALSE - "I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

FALSE - "The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats."

FALSE - The Trans-Pacific Partnership "was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."

FALSE - "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China."

FALSE - On the VA: "Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care."

FALSE - Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

FALSE - Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US
Let me take one of your quotes you used in which supposedly Trump was saying in which has been interpreted by the left as he would have meant it otherwise in accordance to them.

Ok it is said that he said he watched Muslims cheering after the trade towers fell right ? Now did he say he actually looked out a window and saw this, or was he watching it all on TV where he might have saw this or that ? Was there people in Iran or places like that being shown on TV cheering after the towers fell ? We're there bodies falling out of windows after the planes hit the towers being shown on TV ? Did Trump see this all on TV coverage, and it happening immediately as the situation was very fluid or taking place that day ? How literal were Trumps statements or have they been taken out of context maybe ?

Just curious is all.

Now you've listed these so called falsehoods, but you don't tell us why you think there falsehoods. If you list them, then at least you could give us the facts right after each one listed as to why they are false.
Trump said he saw thousands in New Jersey celebrating. If he saw it on TV, no local stations acknowledge having broadcast the footage. It doesn't exist
Trump is a master-level troll.

He wants to the US to stop being the world's bitch when it comes to Trade and Immigration.

In that he is sane while the Conventional Wisdom is insane.

I don't disagree that he is raising valid issues. But his style is basically trolling the MSM and the Progs. It's entertaining, but not indicative that he can actually effectively govern.
Do you realize that governing corporations and such is the same as what your saying he can't do ? Have you checked his record of success lately ?
I still say that the left fears anyone that might roll back any of the smut and filth that's been made normal by them in this nation now. I hope that they do get rolled back on some of the idiocy they have created in this nation now... If Trump will bring back some sort of normalcy in this nation, then I'm all in for that knd of thinking.
NOw, that is not a serious question.

That is a smear designed as a question.

Classic liberalism.
Far from it

It is the Trump persona and needs to be considered in electing a Presdent.
Nixon was very insecure but nowhere near that magnitude of Trump

The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

How is questioning Trumps behavior a smear?

The man shows personal tendencies that would make him unfit for President. Most Americans already know that
The most disturbing part of Trump's character is his inability to communicate clearly, factually, and without gross exaggerations. He simply doesn't think before he speaks or maybe he makes up shit to support his position. In either case, Trump is not the person you want speaking for this nation. For example:

FALSE - 25 percent of U.S. Muslims "agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad."

FALSE - President Barack Obama "wants to take in 250,000 (people) from Syria."

FALSE - Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.

FALSE - "I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

FALSE - "The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats."

FALSE - The Trans-Pacific Partnership "was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."

FALSE - "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China."

FALSE - On the VA: "Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care."

FALSE - Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

FALSE - Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US
Let me take one of your quotes you used in which supposedly Trump was saying in which has been interpreted by the left as he would have meant it otherwise in accordance to them.

Ok it is said that he said he watched Muslims cheering after the trade towers fell right ? Now did he say he actually looked out a window and saw this, or was he watching it all on TV where he might have saw this or that ? Was there people in Iran or places like that being shown on TV cheering after the towers fell ? We're there bodies falling out of windows after the planes hit the towers being shown on TV ? Did Trump see this all on TV coverage, and it happening immediately as the situation was very fluid or taking place that day ? How literal were Trumps statements or have they been taken out of context maybe ?

Just curious is all.

Now you've listed these so called falsehoods, but you don't tell us why you think there falsehoods. If you list them, then at least you could give us the facts right after each one listed as to why they are false.
I think the link below explains why these statements are false. Trump's outrageous statements are not really proposals or plans. They are simply ideas and comments, similar to what you or I might say to neighbors while grilling steaks or downing a few beers on Friday night. I doubt he remembers exactly what he said from one day to next. However, when a presidential candidate or a president makes political statements on issues, it is taken as a position statement. If he says we should consider engaging Russia militarily, it is assume that this is what he would do as president. The truth is he has no plans for doing anything that he proposes, other than win the nomination because he doesn't know enough about the issues to have any plans. No one knows what he would actually do as president least of all Trump.

I think that most people that are supporting Trump would be very disappointed in Trump's performance as president. Trump, the candidate as president can not follow thru on his ideas because most of them are either unconstitutional or contrary to federal law but he does put on a good show.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
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I still say that the left fears anyone that might roll back any of the smut and filth that's been made normal by them in this nation now. I hope that they do get rolled back on some of the idiocy they have created in this nation now... If Trump will bring back some sort of normalcy in this nation, then I'm all in for that knd of thinking.
What do you mean by normality?
Far from it

It is the Trump persona and needs to be considered in electing a Presdent.
Nixon was very insecure but nowhere near that magnitude of Trump

The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

How is questioning Trumps behavior a smear?

The man shows personal tendencies that would make him unfit for President. Most Americans already know that
The most disturbing part of Trump's character is his inability to communicate clearly, factually, and without gross exaggerations. He simply doesn't think before he speaks or maybe he makes up shit to support his position. In either case, Trump is not the person you want speaking for this nation. For example:

FALSE - 25 percent of U.S. Muslims "agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad."

FALSE - President Barack Obama "wants to take in 250,000 (people) from Syria."

FALSE - Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.

FALSE - "I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

FALSE - "The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats."

FALSE - The Trans-Pacific Partnership "was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."

FALSE - "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China."

FALSE - On the VA: "Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care."

FALSE - Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

FALSE - Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US
Let me take one of your quotes you used in which supposedly Trump was saying in which has been interpreted by the left as he would have meant it otherwise in accordance to them.

Ok it is said that he said he watched Muslims cheering after the trade towers fell right ? Now did he say he actually looked out a window and saw this, or was he watching it all on TV where he might have saw this or that ? Was there people in Iran or places like that being shown on TV cheering after the towers fell ? We're there bodies falling out of windows after the planes hit the towers being shown on TV ? Did Trump see this all on TV coverage, and it happening immediately as the situation was very fluid or taking place that day ? How literal were Trumps statements or have they been taken out of context maybe ?

Just curious is all.

Now you've listed these so called falsehoods, but you don't tell us why you think there falsehoods. If you list them, then at least you could give us the facts right after each one listed as to why they are false.
I think the link below explains why these statements are false. Trump's outrageous statements are not really proposals or plans. They are simply ideas and comments, similar to what you or I might say to neighbors while grilling steaks or downing a few beers on Friday night. I doubt he remembers exactly what he said from one day to next. However, when a presidential candidate or a president makes political statements on issues, it is taken as a position statement. If he says we should consider engaging Russia militarily, it is assume that this is what he would do as president. The truth is he has no plans for doing anything that he proposes, other than win the nomination because he doesn't know enough about the issues to have any plans. No one knows what he would actually do as president least of all Trump.

I think that most people that are supporting Trump would be very disappointed in Trump's performance as president. Trump, the candidate as president can not follow thru on his ideas because most of them are either unconstitutional or contrary to federal law but he does put on a good show.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
I'm thinking he is pure American in his thinking, and the way he would govern is by allowing those who he thinks has the best ideas around him, will help him get the job done. He would be a great job creator, because he has to allow people to help him and he would do that. I mean he has to be smart to recognize smart people, and this is what he is great at.... I mean isn't that what his role was in the apprentice ? Isn't this how he has become so successful by being inclusive to the best minds in the room ?

Isn't that what they all do when you get right down to it ? I mean look at Obama and his teleprompter... He has people writing his material, and when he ignores it is when he gets in trouble... Why all the self righteousness when all of these people are mere talking heads when all is said and done ?
I still say that the left fears anyone that might roll back any of the smut and filth that's been made normal by them in this nation now. I hope that they do get rolled back on some of the idiocy they have created in this nation now... If Trump will bring back some sort of normalcy in this nation, then I'm all in for that knd of thinking.
What do you mean by normality?
You don't know what normal is ? I guess you don't know what Bill Clinton's definition of ( IS ), is either.
The signs are there, Trump has difficulty functioning as an adult

The profound insecurity of Donald Trump

1. He regularly and repeatedly insists that he is the most brilliant person, has the best memory, the greatest ideas; people who are relatively secure do not need to tell others that they are great, but people who are not secure have to cover a 10-foot gap with a 100-foot bridge, so afraid are they that what they actually have to say is exposing some fundamental flaw. Trump's use of superlatives belies a rather profound sadness. He desperately NEEDS you to know that he is right.

I fully expect Trump will end up on suicide watch - because I don't think his ego can deal with his inevitable defeat. He looked like he was choking on it last night during the debate.
I still say that the left fears anyone that might roll back any of the smut and filth that's been made normal by them in this nation now. I hope that they do get rolled back on some of the idiocy they have created in this nation now... If Trump will bring back some sort of normalcy in this nation, then I'm all in for that knd of thinking.
What do you mean by normality?
You don't know what normal is ? I guess you don't know what Bill Clinton's definition of ( IS ), is either.
The question was,what do you mean by normal?
The idea that extremely rich people get removed from the positive feedback of taking care of actual real problems, such as food and rent and get caught up in petty comparisons such as who got more for their last movie role, "100 million vs 100 AND TEN million", has been widely discussed for decades. If not centuries.

That you have not heard of that is not credible.

Hence your question is not credible, as a question, but instead a smear and a form of propaganda.

Another example of how low you libs are.

How is questioning Trumps behavior a smear?

The man shows personal tendencies that would make him unfit for President. Most Americans already know that
The most disturbing part of Trump's character is his inability to communicate clearly, factually, and without gross exaggerations. He simply doesn't think before he speaks or maybe he makes up shit to support his position. In either case, Trump is not the person you want speaking for this nation. For example:

FALSE - 25 percent of U.S. Muslims "agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad."

FALSE - President Barack Obama "wants to take in 250,000 (people) from Syria."

FALSE - Says crime statistics show blacks kill 81 percent of white homicide victims.

FALSE - "I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

FALSE - "The federal government is sending refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats."

FALSE - The Trans-Pacific Partnership "was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone."

FALSE - "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China."

FALSE - On the VA: "Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care."

FALSE - Says his plan would cut taxes without increasing the deficit.

FALSE - Says Ohio Gov. John Kasich "got lucky with a thing called fracking," which "is why Ohio is doing well."

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US
Let me take one of your quotes you used in which supposedly Trump was saying in which has been interpreted by the left as he would have meant it otherwise in accordance to them.

Ok it is said that he said he watched Muslims cheering after the trade towers fell right ? Now did he say he actually looked out a window and saw this, or was he watching it all on TV where he might have saw this or that ? Was there people in Iran or places like that being shown on TV cheering after the towers fell ? We're there bodies falling out of windows after the planes hit the towers being shown on TV ? Did Trump see this all on TV coverage, and it happening immediately as the situation was very fluid or taking place that day ? How literal were Trumps statements or have they been taken out of context maybe ?

Just curious is all.

Now you've listed these so called falsehoods, but you don't tell us why you think there falsehoods. If you list them, then at least you could give us the facts right after each one listed as to why they are false.
I think the link below explains why these statements are false. Trump's outrageous statements are not really proposals or plans. They are simply ideas and comments, similar to what you or I might say to neighbors while grilling steaks or downing a few beers on Friday night. I doubt he remembers exactly what he said from one day to next. However, when a presidential candidate or a president makes political statements on issues, it is taken as a position statement. If he says we should consider engaging Russia militarily, it is assume that this is what he would do as president. The truth is he has no plans for doing anything that he proposes, other than win the nomination because he doesn't know enough about the issues to have any plans. No one knows what he would actually do as president least of all Trump.

I think that most people that are supporting Trump would be very disappointed in Trump's performance as president. Trump, the candidate as president can not follow thru on his ideas because most of them are either unconstitutional or contrary to federal law but he does put on a good show.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
I'm thinking he is pure American in his thinking, and the way he would govern is by allowing those who he thinks has the best ideas around him, will help him get the job done. He would be a great job creator, because he has to allow people to help him and he would do that. I mean he has to be smart to recognize smart people, and this is what he is great at.... I mean isn't that what his role was in the apprentice ? Isn't this how he has become so successful by being inclusive to the best minds in the room ?

Isn't that what they all do when you get right down to it ? I mean look at Obama and his teleprompter... He has people writing his material, and when he ignores it is when he gets in trouble... Why all the self righteousness when all of these people are mere talking heads when all is said and done ?
No "pure America" would be openly advocating blatant violations of the 1st amendment. When asked about it, he just shrugs his shoulders. Does the man have any principals at all?
Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?


I still say that the left fears anyone that might roll back any of the smut and filth that's been made normal by them in this nation now. I hope that they do get rolled back on some of the idiocy they have created in this nation now... If Trump will bring back some sort of normalcy in this nation, then I'm all in for that knd of thinking.
What do you mean by normality?
You don't know what normal is ? I guess you don't know what Bill Clinton's definition of ( IS ), is either.
The question was,what do you mean by normal?

You see, this is a perfect leftist strategy... By you saying you, then you figure you are isolating me to being of one opinion only when or if I answer. Now this is and has always been a leftist radical fanatical strategy in for example wanting to stop prayer in schools or stop any kind of Christian activities in which the country was OK with, and were OK with all in a majority...Then somehow your (leftist) one opinion carried the weight of an illusive false made up say one hundred thousand strong that never existed, somehow said it was or should be so ?

So is that where you are trying to go with your you question back to me ? The people are on to your game, and they ain't buying it anymore.
Actually ironically, about a year after the fact, I went out on a date with a much younger woman from another area of the department I worked in.

A couple of the older women I worked with were giving me grief about it.

SUddenly I recalled that a year earlier they had totally given Bill Clinton a pass for having sex with a woman the same age as the woman I was going on the date with, despite Him being older than me and married.

I called the one lady on this odd fact, and she got very evasive.

She had a moral problem with me going out on a date with a much younger woman, but she had been convinced by the media the year before that it was ok for the President, the married President, the much older than me married President, the much older than me married President who was the boss of his sexual victim, I mean partner.

did your co-workers insist that you be fired, prosecuted, publicly humiliated and the subject of a 70 million dollar witch-hunt where they tracked down every woman you ever dated and tried to get them to say bad stuff on you, then publish a 400+ page report about your sex life?

I think that there's a big difference between thinking jaywalkers are jerks and then being appalled when cops shoot them. (The ones who aren't black, anyway!)

PROPORTIONALITY! It's a concept you kind of need to get your brain around.

Was Clinton a jerk for cheating on his wife? Yup.

Was it worth triggering a constitutional crisis over and spending 70 million on a witch hunt?

If bubba were an R you would have no issue with it. In fact, you would demand the senate remove him from office.


NOt really. In fact, there are a whole shitload of Republicans who have done worse things. Henry Hyde used to be my congressman. He broke up a marriage back in the 1960's. No one insisted he be removed from office for it.

No one insisted that David Vitter be removed from office for frequenting prostitutes, even after their madam died under mysterious circumstances.

I thought Clarance Thomas got a raw deal, because Anita Hill's story had a whole lot of holes in it. He shouldn't be on the court because he is manifestly unqualified, but trying to get him that way was low pool.
Actually ironically, about a year after the fact, I went out on a date with a much younger woman from another area of the department I worked in.

A couple of the older women I worked with were giving me grief about it.

SUddenly I recalled that a year earlier they had totally given Bill Clinton a pass for having sex with a woman the same age as the woman I was going on the date with, despite Him being older than me and married.

I called the one lady on this odd fact, and she got very evasive.

She had a moral problem with me going out on a date with a much younger woman, but she had been convinced by the media the year before that it was ok for the President, the married President, the much older than me married President, the much older than me married President who was the boss of his sexual victim, I mean partner.

did your co-workers insist that you be fired, prosecuted, publicly humiliated and the subject of a 70 million dollar witch-hunt where they tracked down every woman you ever dated and tried to get them to say bad stuff on you, then publish a 400+ page report about your sex life?

I think that there's a big difference between thinking jaywalkers are jerks and then being appalled when cops shoot them. (The ones who aren't black, anyway!)

PROPORTIONALITY! It's a concept you kind of need to get your brain around.

Was Clinton a jerk for cheating on his wife? Yup.

Was it worth triggering a constitutional crisis over and spending 70 million on a witch hunt?


My actions did not tie into a sexual harassment lawsuit that was I being sued over.

My point stands.

They had a moral problem with what I was doing,

But the media managed to lie them into giving the President a pass for far worse behavior.

The idea that the Standards of Right and Wrong are different for different people?

That is something worth a constitutional crisis over and 70 million dollars to challenge.
My actions did not tie into a sexual harassment lawsuit that was I being sued over.

Neither did his. It's ridiculous to state that any other relationship had anything to do with whatever transpired between him and Jones, and this is what Judge Weber-Wright ruled when she threw the case out.

The idea that the Standards of Right and Wrong are different for different people?

That is something worth a constitutional crisis over and 70 million dollars to challenge.

No, the standards of right and wrong have to do with PROPORTIONALITY.

The coworker who refuses to refill the copy machine is a jerk, but it's not that big of a deal.

The coworker who comes in with an AR-15 and mows down the Accounting Department is kind of a big deal.

The fact Clinton cheated on his wife makes him, kind of a jerk. But he wasn't the first president to cheat on his wife or have a mistress and he won't be the last.

The point was, Clinton didn't want to talk about his relationship with Monica and neither did Monica. It wasn't something we needed to spend 70 million dollars to see if Clinton really thinks oral sex is sex or not.

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