Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics

Captain Obvious...
Trump is not a Libertarian!

No, he is an authoritarian.

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The two are not mutually exclusive

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Yet you push to the ones that show TDS......imagine that.

In your world everyone that does not worship Trump
has TDS. You lack the basic intelligence to grasp why some of us refuse to worship him no matter how hard you try and get is to.

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And according to you, if someone agrees with even one thing Trump does, they are a Trump worshipper.
In other words, you are disturbed.
Yeah..........I do that......on this subject he seems that he WANTS FAILURE..........because he doesn't like him......

That is a leftist outrage strategy......perhaps we should just say fuck it .........go to War and let a few million people die then.......

Would that satisfy the TDS syndrome for people...........

If this works its a good thing ..........and he's NEGATIVE about it because of TDS......

I agree with the Constitution and believe it would fix most of our problems........but I don't follow lock and key to the libertarian issues........based on issue.

I struggled to find a coherent point to respond to in your post. Then I gave up.
Yeah..........I do that......on this subject he seems that he WANTS FAILURE..........because he doesn't like him......

That is a leftist outrage strategy......perhaps we should just say fuck it .........go to War and let a few million people die then.......

Would that satisfy the TDS syndrome for people...........

If this works its a good thing ..........and he's NEGATIVE about it because of TDS......

I agree with the Constitution and believe it would fix most of our problems........but I don't follow lock and key to the libertarian issues........based on issue.

I struggled to find a coherent point to respond to in your post. Then I gave up.
I don't care.
Libertarians have a god called money ...

They do??? I never got the memo.

But hey, your stereotypes are kinda funny. Please go on.
Oh, please, you’re so full of shit.

Good answer. Good answer!
Mr., I’ve known you since that other site about 6 years ago; you hate rules.
I guess you shit in your pants.

Wow. Your rhetorical skillz are off the charts!
Yeah..........I do that......on this subject he seems that he WANTS FAILURE..........because he doesn't like him......

That is a leftist outrage strategy......perhaps we should just say fuck it .........go to War and let a few million people die then.......

Would that satisfy the TDS syndrome for people...........

If this works its a good thing ..........and he's NEGATIVE about it because of TDS......

I agree with the Constitution and believe it would fix most of our problems........but I don't follow lock and key to the libertarian issues........based on issue.

I struggled to find a coherent point to respond to in your post. Then I gave up.
I don't care.
It shows.
Libertarians have a god called money ...

They do??? I never got the memo.

But hey, your stereotypes are kinda funny. Please go on.
Oh, please, you’re so full of shit.

Good answer. Good answer!
Mr., I’ve known you since that other site about 6 years ago; you hate rules.
I guess you shit in your pants.

Wow. Your rhetorical skillz are off the charts!
No rulz, man!
The two are not mutually exclusive

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Yet you push to the ones that show TDS......imagine that.

In your world everyone that does not worship Trump
has TDS. You lack the basic intelligence to grasp why some of us refuse to worship him no matter how hard you try and get is to.

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It's not worship you dolt. It's that we are currently avoiding more War...........So I don't give a shit about a photo op.

You push this to the point of insanity. Then flip flop like a fish out of water saying you want peace but insult the peace process.

When you make up your mind get back to me.

It is worship as you give the man credit for shit that is not due to him.

We have not had war with NK since before most of us were born, but somehow the great and mighty Trump is responsible for all of that.

I did not insulted a damn thing, I am just not impressed with the photo-op.

But you cannot accept that, you have to continue to bash me over the head till I comply and admit Trump is fucking amazing.

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Who da fuck is it do to.........hmmm..........they were firing missiles and our stance got them to stop it. Which part of that don't you like.

I don't care if you worship a chicken........that is your business......I don't worship Trump.....but I like what he's doing.....and you don't

It's that simple....

They fired missiles in May, but you seem to have forgotten about that.

Plus their last long range test was a success, removing their need for more immediate testing.

But yes it is that simple, and because of it you spend your time calling me names.

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Yeah..........I do that......on this subject he seems that he WANTS FAILURE..........because he doesn't like him......

That is a leftist outrage strategy......perhaps we should just say fuck it .........go to War and let a few million people die then.......

Would that satisfy the TDS syndrome for people...........

If this works its a good thing ..........and he's NEGATIVE about it because of TDS......

I agree with the Constitution and believe it would fix most of our problems........but I don't follow lock and key to the libertarian issues........based on issue.

I struggled to find a coherent point to respond to in your post. Then I gave up.
I don't care.
It shows.
Yet you push to the ones that show TDS......imagine that.

In your world everyone that does not worship Trump
has TDS. You lack the basic intelligence to grasp why some of us refuse to worship him no matter how hard you try and get is to.

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It's not worship you dolt. It's that we are currently avoiding more War...........So I don't give a shit about a photo op.

You push this to the point of insanity. Then flip flop like a fish out of water saying you want peace but insult the peace process.

When you make up your mind get back to me.

It is worship as you give the man credit for shit that is not due to him.

We have not had war with NK since before most of us were born, but somehow the great and mighty Trump is responsible for all of that.

I did not insulted a damn thing, I am just not impressed with the photo-op.

But you cannot accept that, you have to continue to bash me over the head till I comply and admit Trump is fucking amazing.

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Who da fuck is it do to.........hmmm..........they were firing missiles and our stance got them to stop it. Which part of that don't you like.

I don't care if you worship a chicken........that is your business......I don't worship Trump.....but I like what he's doing.....and you don't

It's that simple....

They fired missiles in May, but you seem to have forgotten about that.

Plus their last long range test was a success, removing their need for more immediate testing.

But yes it is that simple, and because of it you spend your time calling me names.

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I think you are fraud and I'm hopeful that Rocket Man will choose still tend to the half empty glass of water side.

If he's playing Rope A Dope then at least the attempt to find a Peaceful Solution has been tried before we are FORCED to beat them into the ground like a Tent Stake.

So, if you guys are done venting, do you have any actual reasons to think Gator isn't a libertarian? Do you think Trump is a libertarian? What sort of definition of the term are you working with?
So, if you guys are done venting, do you have any actual reasons to think Gator isn't a libertarian? Do you think Trump is a libertarian? What sort of definition of the term are you working with?
Venting........LOL..........Trolling your butts more like it.

I said I support the talks........End of story ......and hope they succeed........and call out frauds who push the negative side of the equation not even giving them a chance to succeed..........always taking the we Hate Trump side...........

I like what he's doing.........doesn't mean I worship him or Trust the Rocket Man.............means I hope for Peace over War........and that is a Libertarian principle..

Perhaps some so called libertarians need to re read their charter.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

C'mon Mac... this is a big deal.
If this was Obama the media would portray this as the biggest deal since Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. You know it, I know it. But it was the dreaded, hated Trump. And they can't force themselves to show Trump in any positive light. It isn't allowed.
I know you are not one of the partisan hacks... but this is a big deal.
Kim wants global recognition. So let him have it. If that is what it takes for him to act like a normal human being and not a crazy lunatic...then so be it.
This is a positive sign for what America has wanted for the past 5 Presidents.
In your world everyone that does not worship Trump
has TDS. You lack the basic intelligence to grasp why some of us refuse to worship him no matter how hard you try and get is to.

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It's not worship you dolt. It's that we are currently avoiding more War...........So I don't give a shit about a photo op.

You push this to the point of insanity. Then flip flop like a fish out of water saying you want peace but insult the peace process.

When you make up your mind get back to me.

It is worship as you give the man credit for shit that is not due to him.

We have not had war with NK since before most of us were born, but somehow the great and mighty Trump is responsible for all of that.

I did not insulted a damn thing, I am just not impressed with the photo-op.

But you cannot accept that, you have to continue to bash me over the head till I comply and admit Trump is fucking amazing.

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Who da fuck is it do to.........hmmm..........they were firing missiles and our stance got them to stop it. Which part of that don't you like.

I don't care if you worship a chicken........that is your business......I don't worship Trump.....but I like what he's doing.....and you don't

It's that simple....

They fired missiles in May, but you seem to have forgotten about that.

Plus their last long range test was a success, removing their need for more immediate testing.

But yes it is that simple, and because of it you spend your time calling me names.

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I think you are fraud and I'm hopeful that Rocket Man will choose still tend to the half empty glass of water side.

If he's playing Rope A Dope then at least the attempt to find a Peaceful Solution has been tried before we are FORCED to beat them into the ground like a Tent Stake.


Why would we ever need to beat them into the ground? This is my biggest disconnect with all of this.

What has Un done to us other than talk shit?

Who are we that somehow we get to decide what sort of weapons a country is allowed to have? What gives the US the right to choose such things?

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So, if you guys are done venting, do you have any actual reasons to think Gator isn't a libertarian? Do you think Trump is a libertarian? What sort of definition of the term are you working with?
Venting........LOL..........Trolling your butts more like it.


I like what he's doing.........doesn't mean I worship him or Trust the Rocket Man.............means I hope for Peace over War........and that is a Libertarian principle.

I agree. I don't like what he's doing, but I hope for peace as well. I haven't really read Gator contradicting that at all.

Perhaps some so called libertarians need to re read their charter.

Yes. We need to have some agreement on the terms we're using or clear communication is hopeless. Have you read it? Do you agree with it?
So, if you guys are done venting, do you have any actual reasons to think Gator isn't a libertarian? Do you think Trump is a libertarian? What sort of definition of the term are you working with?

It seems that because I did not bow down to Trump for his photo-op that means I hate peace and all Libertarians love peace.

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It's not worship you dolt. It's that we are currently avoiding more War...........So I don't give a shit about a photo op.

You push this to the point of insanity. Then flip flop like a fish out of water saying you want peace but insult the peace process.

When you make up your mind get back to me.

It is worship as you give the man credit for shit that is not due to him.

We have not had war with NK since before most of us were born, but somehow the great and mighty Trump is responsible for all of that.

I did not insulted a damn thing, I am just not impressed with the photo-op.

But you cannot accept that, you have to continue to bash me over the head till I comply and admit Trump is fucking amazing.

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Who da fuck is it do to.........hmmm..........they were firing missiles and our stance got them to stop it. Which part of that don't you like.

I don't care if you worship a chicken........that is your business......I don't worship Trump.....but I like what he's doing.....and you don't

It's that simple....

They fired missiles in May, but you seem to have forgotten about that.

Plus their last long range test was a success, removing their need for more immediate testing.

But yes it is that simple, and because of it you spend your time calling me names.

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I think you are fraud and I'm hopeful that Rocket Man will choose still tend to the half empty glass of water side.

If he's playing Rope A Dope then at least the attempt to find a Peaceful Solution has been tried before we are FORCED to beat them into the ground like a Tent Stake.


Why would we ever need to beat them into the ground? This is my biggest disconnect with all of this.

What has Un done to us other than talk shit?

Who are we that somehow we get to decide what sort of weapons a country is allowed to have? What gives the US the right to choose such things?

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Tell that to the American Prisoner who was tortured to the point dying then sent home to die........dying almost on front of his family.

Secondly..........firing missiles to nations is an ACT OF the point that Japan nearly called for it.........

Did you forget that or was it selective memory.
So, if you guys are done venting, do you have any actual reasons to think Gator isn't a libertarian? Do you think Trump is a libertarian? What sort of definition of the term are you working with?
Excellent question...
Let’s go back to our days on the other message board, USP{x}O{x}L{x} that was fraught with self-identified Libertarians.
Do you believe in taxes being used to build sidewalks?
Stop Signs?
Traffic Lights?
Taxes being used to support a Fire Department?
A Police Force?

Of course we know that the users there, especially OldManDan, was as anti-taxes as you can get.
Of course, he also chased away 95% of the users.

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